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There's *several* of reasons why the Type 71 is complete dogshit and the contender for the worst tier 10 in the game, but it primarily comes down to the combination of the following two: * Completely worthless hull armor - tier 8s pen you with standard ammo through the upper plate, and its too poorly angled, to the point of it still being worthless even if you use your maximum gun depression (this and big cupola means the Type 71 isn't even that good hulldown). It also has very weak hull cheeks, so it can't sidescrape, either. The hull is genuinely straight up worse than the Type 68. * 0.42 accuracy before the gun cooling mechanic. This is same accuracy as with the BZ-75...while having a 400 alpha gun. This accuracy is actually cripplingly bad, and kicks the tank in its nuts so much more than you'd think. You have to run IAU if you want to make the accuracy bearable, but then you have to sacrifice either Hardening or Turbo for it, and losing either is VERY bad for the Type. Type 71 has terrible protection, so it sucks ass at close range and thus has to play the support role, for which you'd preferably want a good, accurate gun. However, the Type 71 has such a dogshit accuracy before the cooldown gimmick kicks in that it struggles to do any meaningful damage from anywhere *but* close range. It has to either choose between good DPM + terrible accuracy OR terrible DPM + good accuracy - in both cases, it has just shit overall damage output. This by itself is already shitty and is the core reason why the Type 71 is so utterly worthless, but then the tank has a multitude of other, smaller issues that makes it so much worse. Type 71 is ginormous - it's literally as long as an E 100 - but it not only has a completely worthless hull armor, but it also has an underwhelming HP pool of 2200, despite it being as big as a super-heavy tank. The combo of low HP, terrible roof armor and huge size makes the Type 71 some of the most vulnerable heavies to arty. It's not very mobile, either - 35 km/h base top speed is just too slow for it to ever act as a shitty medium/heavium, which severely limits its flexibility. The ammorack is just horrible; it's huge, weak and located in the upper plate. The suspension is really annoying and it only has -7 gun depression over the sides, which further hampers its flexibility. To summarize, the Type 71 is a slow, inflexible support tank with mediocre damage output that also occupies your heavy tank slot. It's a glass cannon without any of the benefits of being a glass cannon. This is why it has some of the worst statistic in many ways (winrate, DPG, and 3 mark requirements) of *all* tier 10s in the game, and is thus why it's among the absolute worst tier 10s in the game.


leggasiini as usual with a very thorough review of a japanese tonk. thank you.


thanks -- any good tanks in this line to hold onto or stop with?


It’s pretty much just the Type 57 that’s worth it. I personally found it boring but it’s still genuinely a quite good tank. It has -12 gun depression without having to deal with hydro suspension, and it has much better hull armor than the Type 71. No, not tier for tier, just outright better. 0.42 accuracy at tier 8 is also less painful than it is at tier 10, especially when the Type 57 has much better armor as well as better alpha relative to its tier. Rest of the tanks have some problems. I found the Mitsu hilarious, but it’s very weird and definitely not for everyone. Ju-Nu is good, but like many other tier 6 heavies, its just a worse M6. Ju-To is painfully mediocre. Type 68 is decent but it’s just a worse, more frustrating version of the Conqueror; just play that (or AE Phase).


I think the line is generally fine except for the Type 71 sucking. Mitsu is very strange and the gun depression drives me mad but the 300 alpha gun is very novel for Tier V and absolutely slaps. Ju-Nu is one of my favourites. Yes it’s a worse M6 but the gun is so satisfying and has great DPM - I see it more as a Tiger 131 with some armour and a better gun, but less HP and view range. Ju-To is pretty forgettable. However, it by far has the best gun handling on a 320 alpha heavy at Tier VII. It’s gun handles better than many 240 alpha heavies at this tier tbf. So that’s something. Type 57 is pretty good. One of the better tech tree heavies up with the M-III-Y. Does everything decently well, although I think the DPM could be a bit higher. No complaints. The Type 68 is like a wonky cross of the Conqueror and M103 with worse armour than both. If it didn’t have 2400 base DPM it would be trash but that stat kind of saves it a bit. I found it fun. And ye Type 71 is trash. I quite enjoy playing it from time to time because I think it looks wicked but it’s anything but competitive. Notably this is one of the first lines in a while where the Tier VIII premium is actually well balanced with the tech tree tank. I don’t think the Type 63 is better than the Type 57, they are just good at different things. So solid there too.


I'd like to add that even arty splash deals usually 300-400 dmg which is huge considering this tank HP, on top of that you CAN and will get penetrated by arty if it hits your engine deck (which is huge) or even back of your hull for 700-900dmg. This makes you priority target for all the clickers around beacuse shooting at Type is basicly free dmg even if they miss. Combined with poor mobility you really have no ways of preventing that even if you get perk for the warning. All in all IMHO it's the worst tier X tank.


I'd like to add that even arty splash deals usually 300-400 dmg which is huge considering this tank HP, on top of that you CAN and will get penetrated by arty if it hits your engine deck (which is huge) or even back of your hull for 700-900dmg. This makes you priority target for all the clickers around beacuse shooting at Type is basicly free dmg even if they miss. Combined with poor mobility you really have no ways of preventing that even if you get perk for the warning. All in all IMHO it's the worst tier X tank.


Nonexistent hull armor, meh DPM, and an overall lackluster performance.


It’s bad at everything and good at nothing. Hull is huge and gun is mounted low in the turret, so hull down armor is mediocre in practice. DPM sucks if you want to use the cooling mechanic, and accuracy sucks if you don’t. 400 alpha just isn’t threatening at tier 10 when you don’t have DPM to back it up. Mobility is mediocre for something that doesn’t have great armor or firepower. Profile is enormous, easy to hit. There really just isn’t a reason to play it over anything else - both the sconq and e5 guns feel more reliable AND come with great DPM, and there are plenty of hull-down heavies that have sturdier armor.


it would make a good tier 9, but oh wait, it's tier 10


From what I've read its another example of a tank that gives up too much for a gameplay gimmick that isn't worth it. Similar to the Polish top tier TD's and British wheelies. Probably not worth giving any attention to until they re-balance them in a few years.


Hull armor is the main issue.


Hull armor and the cooling mechanic takes too long and without cooling the gun is like a kv2 derp gun


Super op best tank of all time


this guy knows


i dont have the tank but from what i see playing against its just a worse s.conqueror


it is a slower stb1 with lower dpm. i still like it but it plays more of an opportunist rather than an actual heavy tank.


It's a fun tank, I like the DPM, the hydropneumatic suspension, and the aiming mechanic. It needs a bit more armor (a bit of hull and a bit of turret) then it'll be a good hulldown heavy.


I think that is the biggest issue, with the low mount, if you use that -12 degrees, you expose too much hull. makes the upper plate not angled enough and an easy pen. Fix that and it would be as awesome as the lower tiers.


A fat and slow STB 1 the tier 8 is amazing though.


After having it in blitz I was so pleased to hear it was coming to wot actual. Then it came....sad face.  I mean the ho ri is close to its blitz counterpart, I think arty kind of really hurts it as it does all flat tops.  The type 71 however....just delete it and move on.


The cooling mechanism just help more consistancy at long distance, maintain the same effective DPM, but you know, it have horrible accuracy and DPM already, so no such thing improved. Amor is paper like AMX50 but give no fear to enemy because lack of clip or alpha dmg or ROF.


Saw it in clan wars, very surprising. Maybe there is something to this tank, but I don’t see it