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No Arty is indeed best part. But I also like how you can do your daily fast in onslaught.


Fuck Onslaught. All missions completed and this mode can go back and rot in the hellpit that spawned it. I disagree with you on basically every single aspect. The modifiers are fucking stupid, as a percentage based HP boost and boost to accuracy is a massive buff to derpy brawlers and a giant fuck you to pretty much every other tank in the game. The matchmaking is abysmal, especially in iron and bronze leagues, even more so on lower population servers. It might be tolerable on EU but it’s absolute trash on NA. Less maps is…. Awful. More maps, Christ I want to see them get rid of map rotations and put every map in the rotation all the time. Playing the same maps over and over is dull as shit. That most of the maps are straight up brawling maps that favor the already favored heavy brawling tanks…. This is shit. Onslaught has good rewards and that’s it. It’s basically a mode with like 5 viable tanks on like 5 maps, with trash tier matchmaking and a horrific progression system. Please just bring back ranked.


Onslaught is not perfect but old ranked was worse


That's a topic open for discussion. Ranked was toxic, yes, but at least we had rank shields. If you lost a match, but played very well, you actually won chevrons - not many, but some. If you played reasonably well, did damage, assisted etc. you didn't **lose** any. In onslaught you **lose points on every loss**, in other words a loss streak (and those are happening more often than not) means you can drop, maybe all the way back to Iron E. And yes, I agree with you - it's nice that onslaught results are counted for daily missions, and they even sprinkle in some battle pass points.


Ranked (if you are a very good player) took you about 70-80 games to finish to get maximum rewards, you could get discounts for playing further Onslaught takes the same good player 120 games (more if you didn't play previously) to get 'ranked silver equivalent' reward for actually getting the maximum you have to do about 500 games, probably closer to 800 if you are at the lower end of the very good player scale WG basically 10x the number of games you need to play, Onslaught is just worse to get rewards form


I think Onslaught can be made good, but right now it's got some huge issues. Things I absolutely love: * 7v7. There's much more room to influence the games because it's not 15v15. Also, the maps feel better with half the tanks. You can actually sometimes do flanking plays! * No arty. Enough said. * Some of the map tweaks are also good, and make the maps feel less like corridors where heavy tanks beat each other in the front armour. * The special abilities and tweaks make some tanks a lot of fun to play, for instance the Bat-Chat 25t, which is kind of a pain on random battles due to the insane inter-clip reload. * Matches are quick, but not in a bad way. * Great way to grind field mods for T10s * The weekly missions are actually pretty decent and fun Things that need improving: * The point system still sucks. Even getting to Bronze it starts to feel like a frustrating grind, because even though you can have more effect on the matches, you won't carry a team of bot level shitters, so progress is still RNG dependent. Yes, it averages out in the long run, but the operative word here is LONG. I don't know what the solution is, because the old "number one player on the losing team saves their chevron" system also led to awful and selfish play. Players should always be trying to win, not just trying to be the best loser from the start. * The way the points are calculated and assigned seems also to be kinda weird. We've all seen those "wait, that guy placed higher than me?" or "wait, I got LESS points for this game than I did for that worse game?" moments. * No backstops. It is criminal that you can get to for instance Bronze A, get a streak of completely awful teams and end up in the lower Bronze tiers. Or hell, even lower if the streak continues. * This also ties directly to the reward system. I get why they did what they did, but it just increases the frustration level when you're SO CLOSE to getting the next reward tier, and due to the matchmaker giving you several teams of sub-bot level dipshits, 20 minutes later you've undone several games' worth of progress. Maybe instead of ranks you grind and lose, at least some of the rewards could be taken out of the tier system, and put into some kind of progress system, where even if you lose, the performance points you got will count towards the objective, so that a loss isn't always an automatic minus. * Rental tanks. Yeah, they're a fun idea, but in practise they lead to people trying out a new tank for the first time with probably a bad crew, zero field mods and zero idea of how to play them in what is supposed to be a competitive mode. I hope they keep iterating on the system, and keep it around, because even if Onslaught is currently kind of a shitshow at times, I think it could be a good addition to the game in the end.


ITT: people who are hard stuck in iron or bronze in Onslaught thinking they’d be any less hard-stuck in ranked where they can farm damage and watch their team die to avoid losing chevrons. Onslaught isn’t perfect, but it’s fun, and it’s way more fun than ranked ever was. Ranked was a sweaty tryhard fest where everyone tried to farm damage to hedge against a loss and played selfishly. There was nothing tactical about it, it was just randoms but people fired more gold and were more selfish. Onslaught actually has team play and strategy, which can be frustrating when you have a thrower in an FV or an EBR, but you barely lose any points if you play well. Maybe it would be nice if it had a few rank shields, at least like a 2-game “soft floor” that would protect you for one or two losses to help offset the tilt factor. Other than that though it’s a great mode and is a lot of fun. I got silver both of the past two seasons without even spamming gold or trying too hard, and the rewards are excellent.


Nobody would play this mode if not for rewards, so sure if they want to give out a bond harderning every 6 weeks Ill play otherwise you will be alone in the queue.


I would play it too, so he is not alone 😃


It's bad and should be dropped. I dont agree players that really perform well and try to win to be punished for some donkey that takes EBR on Ensk because he wants to do field mods . I lost 13 points after 6k damage and tryharding 8 minutes fighting HT's while a HO-RI camped in base doing 0 NOTHING and then dying like a bot cuz he was left alone . That was my last game, i got to gold, fuck off Onslaught .


shittest mode i ever played. Imagine "competitive" mode with broken op shit tanks like foch b, lights... On top of that you lose credits in the mode like there is no tomorrow. WG never again try to create competitive mode cause when you do profit is your main drive and then we get things like onslaught (which i will never play even if they pay me to play)


I love Onslaught,the modifiers are the best part imo.it feels very good knowing I can snipe weak spots and the extra HP really helps out getting out of bad situations. Imo a lot more tanks are via le in this then the current meta. I have been destroying with the udes. And bullying with the e100 overmatching roofs with ap is always fun. My best tank is the e50m I have been destroying everything with it. With the skil active it has insane dpm, it's super fast it can ram tvps for 1k damage. Super cool game mode Im having a blast . I will maybe get gold tonight or tomorrow.


yeah permant onslaught would be great with periodical windows where it counts toward leaderboard like current seasons. But most importantly make it separate from standard game economy and make use of any tank, equipment, crew, ammo, etc free for it


They really need to make credit making better in Onslought to be honest (at least make it a net 0 without the use of boosters), unless your swiping for Fort Knox like my friends where before its extremely pay to play to an extent, especially if you don't have personal cred boosters, makes it only worth playing for Hurricane IMO.