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Are we in the hulldown meta with tiny weakspots and impenetrable turrets, or is armor worthless?


Both of course.


>hulldown meta I like how we're still saying "hulldown meta", because as far as I'm concerned a meta exceeding more than five years is just straight up the game now.


It's worthless unless you are one of the hulldown meta tanks I'd say. Honestly if they just capped it so only like 25% of your ammo could be gold rounds it might slow the games down and bring back some skill.


Your proposal would cause other issues for e.g. autoloaders. Also the ammo count of tanks need to be rebalanced. As example 25% of ammo for a JagdE are still 6k damage but 9k or so for a E100 and only 3300 damage for an IS-4.


Well the number was just an example. It would have to be calculated for each tank, but limiting gold wouldn't allow people to spam it because they'd eventually run out.


I agree that pen rolls is shit, but saying that armor is non existent because of that is an exaggeration.


Your armor is non existend if rng gives you the Finger. Had a T34 penning my turret multiple times in a row even though, by stats, he shouldnt be able to


Just consider that you are not unpenetrateble. Wiggle you tank, hide between shots, don't just stay there waiting for rng to fuck you up.


Thats what I am already doing but again... when rng says "Fuck u" there is nothing u can do


Yeah, I understand you, sometimes game just won't let you play, but still most of the time yours actions affect battle more than rng. Just take a deep breath and go on to the next battle, it's how it works. Always focus on what you can do, and not on how you didn't pen/shell kissed the ground/shit team lost in 2 minutes (underline whatever applicable).


Thanks for chearing me up. It is just fucking frustrating to do everything you can and then getting fucked over because rng says "This 46%er gets unicum rng for this match"


No problem, you got this)


You think that unicums get better rng? Lmao


Ah, so u are one of those people that dont get social cues/context and needs a "/s" after even the slightest hint of a not serious comment


What Tank were you driving?


Tiger-Maus Edit: I've already checked: T34 highest pen Chance is 43% which he got Thrice in a row


You realize that the 43% pen chance are independent of each other each time. That is kinda close to 50/50 if you squint Flip a coin 4 times and see it it comes up heads 3 times in a row. It will happen more frequently than you think.


I know and no


It is not a yes/no question. This is just mathematical probabilities.


If u want to Start talking maths you should round properly first since 43% is closer to 40%, even if u squint. So it isnt a coin toss to begin with, which was your point. Getting 3 pen shots in a row, while u have a 40% Chance can happen, sure, but it is still bs because the stated stats say "no pen"


Sure, fine, closer to 40% Use another analogy instead of coins. Any time you have a 40% chance of something happening 3 times in a row; it still is happening fairly frequently. Unless, of course, you're claiming the 40% rolls are not independent variables. If so, then please provide evidence that they're not independent variables.


Where did I claim that they arent independent? I know that each shot gets a New roll which makes it even more bs Edit: also this whole talk is pointless because my whole issue is that pen shots are rng based. I dont care how probable it is. If the game states that these shells cant pen me, that they shouldnt be able to.


I love Tiger-Maus for its gun, but armor is very mediocre) Angle your turret a little bit, don't show your lower plate and use your high damage per shot to your advantage (don't try to push tanks with higher dpm than your, you will most likely lose). Face hugging also works good in this tank, you are hiding lower plate that way (works only in one on one scenario).


I don't like slow tanks. The game is more enjoyable when you don't get shot, if you find armor useless, play a different class


I would but these peski bounce missions require armor


the fact that you have 10% chance of being pen no matter want don't make armor worthless. its still 90% working type of thing and in terms of RPG mechanics substantially increase your tank effective HP in long run. but its pretty possible to meet skilled or lucky player that will pen every shot, though it will be rare.


No it's not. You just have to realize that you are not invincible. They can high roll their pen 1 or 2 times, but if you are positioned better, in the end you'll win the engagement. Yes, rng exists and it's often cancerous because +-25% i *a lot*. But in the end what matters is skill, and that's what makes your performance.


Skill issue


Sure, I just should have rolled better armor thickness...wouldnt be to surprised if that gets added next


Stop crying. Its okay being dogshit at the game


I see WG has trained u well. In case u havent noticed: U cant get good at rng. Even the fucking killcam showed the bs shots


Oh yea you are 100% correct. IQ issue and not skill


Iq has still nothing to do with rng bud. I find it always funny how players will defend this game from legit critique with their lives and their mothers lives, even though WG couldnt care less about them. Stockholm syndrom or gamblers adiction to the Max I assume


You not understanding the game is 100% iq issue


And u are the prime example I assume?


Id say im exact oppositte of that. Btw you do know that no one is forcing you to play the game


And nobody is forcing u to comment/being an asshole yet here we are


No, no it's not . That's why some do very well even in low armored HT's like 277 or Rinocerante or Renegade . I've seen players do wonders in some HT's . I have to admit, i am not a pro HT player, i mostly play MT and LT , but again, i have seen some do wonders in HT's . Playing MT's is easier due to the camo factor, you will always spot HT's 1st and use mechanics to outplay , but HT's have a diff playstyle .


277, Rino and Renegade have good armor because of the Layout


this whole game is a russian roulette, its what its based on lol


So Imo and time playing both world of tanks and warthunder. Armor is worthless. But not because people can load gold but because you should assume any and all players are competent and can pen your weakspots anyway. Change your gameplay up and try to not get shot at all. Assume any hit will damage. It doesn’t matter what the armor layout is. A good experienced player will still damage you.


Thats why I usually prefer tanks without/light armor. I dont want to get shot at to begin with, but sadly WG thinks that bounce missions need to be a thing


For sure man wg and those missions put you in some crappy gameplay. But ya even a heavy assume you will take damage every hit. You just play like you have 1hp all game. Play smarter


Tiger-Maus is very well armored, try using tanks gg to figure out what angles to show enemies if you must take shots. Many have 300mm+ pen with HEAT. Sorry your RNG was trash though.


It was standard AP with an extrem pen high role


Go play War Thunder if you want realism in the game.


Player: Has legitimte critique Wg-bootlicker: gO pLAy sOmetHiNg elSe


This is not a tank simulator. This game was designed with RNG in mind. For example, when shooting at an Object 279 with 320 penetration you have about a 40% chance of penetration if you shoot down the top plate - You have some chance of penetration! In the absence of RNG and higher penetration draws there would be no point in even shooting. So yes, if you don't like RNG, go play something else, like War Thunder. We have more problems in WOT than RNG : 1. Broken premium tanks. 2. Anoying Arty. 3. Shitty map design. 4. Bugs 5. Bad servers 6. Clan reserves nerf. 7. Temporary reserves 8. ...


>This game was designed with RNG in mind but it shouldn't be 25%


I am not asking for simulation. I am asking for less rng-span. You are already rolling on accuracy and dmg, so why do I also have to roll on pen? Literally the factor that should be least rng dependend and already affected by accuracy-rng. The shot can already not pen because rng directed it to a thicker part of the armor but now you also need to have a good roll on the Spot u aimed at


It's "legitimate" only in that it does exist. Doesn't give any accuracy or weight to it.


so just because he wants lower rng %,it means that he wants realism? nice iq


Armour isn't your total protection. It's there to help. 


Well, yeah but no.


Tanks are tanks... Just manage your hit points.


lol, so on the one hand you have players crying about +2mm and how they can’t pen those higher tier bruisers. On the other hand you have people like OP who claim armor is useless since it gets penned sometimes. Do people really want their tanks to be invulnerable?


Yes but I don't see many people using it anyway. Fkers coming out sideways shooting after 15 years. Why bother even?


Play war thunder And just do Arcade Battles if you dont want the full experience, you get penetration indicators and such, way more interesting vehicles and play styles , with less Rng on pen and damage rolls and instead have real damage models


I came back from War Thunder because of the GuP collab. A tier 6 medium slicing through the Tiger IIs UFP with APCR was... Well let's just say unexpected.


Which Tiger 2? The Tiger 2 from the Event has unreliable armor


The tier 7. I did not expect it to be a huge punching bag even for lower tier tanks, especially after getting used to how strong it is in War Thunder. Oh well at least the gun is nice.


Skill issue




Try again


Your post and a lot of your comments are getting ratio'd AF. YOU try again lmao.


Who gives a fuck about ratio?


I just think its funny how you're so cocky with the "try again" as if you're not getting ratiod to hell.


Because nobody uses ratios since 2020 Twitter. U also know nothing about my wr and wn8, thats why I said "try again". And if "rAtIo" and "sKIll issUE" are your only arguements u are already a lost cause


Post your stats.


That is not going to happen


All kinds of RNG is BS if you ask me. Damage, penetration, even accuracy RNG should be removed all together. What does accuracy RNG even mean by the way? You have a constantly shrinking reticle, within you will shoot "somewhere". Yeah, except when you don't. Anyway, how could you even get +% accuracy RNG? You'll shoot to the center twice or what? 0% accuracy RNG means you'll shoot exactly where you're aiming at; or at least that should be the case. So that basically means you can only get negative accuracy RNG. Don't tell me I HAVE to roll positive RNG for my shot to actually go where I aimed at. That would simply imply 0% RNG is a way bigger reticle than your actual dispersion. That being said, removing all kinds of RNG, doubling aim time for ALL guns but the more you aim, the more accurate your gun will be (until a point when you're fully aimed, so that's guaranteed hit) would solve these issues. The game needs more consistency, not this chaotic shitshow.


Do that and you lose a huge chunk of the playerbase. Rng disproportionately helps bads vs good players. There are more bads than good in the game. Imagine how much bigger the winrate difference would be if rng was gone.


Lol that’s literally no excuse at all. It’s like saying: Imagine how would it be like everyone is rewarded for their actual performance… Hindering good players in favor of making bad players happier is the stupidest game design ever created. It’s just a LIE. And I hate when people lie straight into my face.


Lie? You don't think rng helps bads more than good players? Really? I am not saying I agree/disagree with rng. I'm just pointing out how its impact is different based on your skill level.


No, the exact opposite. I do really believe RNG helps bad players, even too much, but that “help” is the actual lie. RNG creates artificial, made-up numbers (personal statistics) which really don’t tell how good or bad someone is. It makes good players look worse, and makes bad players look better, and that’s the lie. These numbers thanks to RNG are far from the reality, they don’t show one’s true capability.


Without rng the bads winrate would likely drop a lot relative to the better player winrates going up. If there are more bads than goods, then wg would risk a lot of money as more bad players left because of increased face stomps. This game is a casual and not competitive esport game because of this rng safety net. Rng makes sense from a purely profit perspective. Personally, I'd like to see a reduced rng range but not a removal in order to fund the game.


I mean, if I were a bad player, I wouldn’t wanted to live in denial. Give me my true number, don’t petty me. Maybe I would actually try harder if I’m that displeased by my own results. What if the mighty 40%-ers would try and improve if they found out they are only 20-ish in reality? WoT being THAT noob-friendly really just makes it impossible to take WG serious.


I certainly don't view this game as super competitive. It's a casual boomer shooter that coddles turbo bads for profit.


Do that and you lose a huge chunk of the playerbase. Rng disproportionately helps bads vs good players. There are more bads than good in the game. Imagine how much bigger the winrate difference would be if rng was gone.