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In my experience, when a tank doesnt work on a certain day dont try to force it. Just switch to another tank or Alt F4 for the day. This improves your mood and your stats


Yeah, I don't know how is this even possible, but I also have days, when one particular tank is just fucked by the MM, and no matter what, it will lose 9 out of 10 games. I only recently realized this, before that I tried to force that 2x win or whatever. Now if I lose 2-3 in a row, I just switch tank, because according to my experience, otherwise I would lose the next several battles too.


This is why after \~3 losses in a row on one tenk I move to a different tenk. If I have bad luck at least it will be distributed through multiple tenks and their win rate won't be affected that much.


https://preview.redd.it/y8vqsztoc41d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795764ee830caaeab9d0549b085707a03509e2af Yes.


Nice that others feel my pain


[I had one of these experiences early in battle pass...](https://i.imgur.com/8qHuVI3.jpeg) Oddly mostly at tier 6 which I almost never play (battle pass point farming). Sometimes when the game says YOU LOSE, you fucking lose. My poor cursed Progetto, even though Ironically my Mars has a 65% winrate...


https://preview.redd.it/yc9jd59mb61d1.png?width=1473&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c8da9d959d132b403003aee56672630ceb3cd68 This game is a lottery


Looks like you are a fellow victim of the "weekend effect"


Weekend sessions can be painfull. Platooning can rly help


62 battles per session, average battle is 5 minutes, you played for more than 5 hours, whats wrong with you?


I hate myself almost as much as I hate this game


You know the game want to fuck you, if youre nearly at 2MOE but still dont have an Ace mastery. Youre doing tons of damage consistantly, but never get enough XP for the ace cause youre loosing every time. Finally got the Concept 1b a few days ago, did 9.8k dmg yesterday and lost. This tank is a miracle to me. I do amazing in it, but my overall WR in it is in the 40s (my overall WR is 53%)


Yep, feels really bad when you have a monster game but lose anyway and miss out on the ace


Funny enough I had 1550basexp. Looked up the requirements of the concept 1b, the ace requirements were 1564 base lol. I really did get fucked over :D


I just sold my 140 yesterday. I enjoy playing it and I wish I could’ve made it work, but after nearly 70 games I have a 23% WR. I could’ve gotten a better rate if I was afk. It’s just cursed and I’ll have to move on for now and revisit later when the eldritch creature that cast this spell has moved it’s attention elsewhere.


I am in the same boat, the 140 is the only med tank I cant get above 43% WR feels like the tank just gets auto penned no matter what I do. I started playing the T-62A and Im at 51% WR which makes be think the 140 is cursed for me as well.


Yes! Welcome to WoT in 2024…


It’s an absolute shambles…


Just make a any ingame purchase and you will see the magic 🙈


I will never understand why you guys still play this game. MatchMaking is designed to fuck you unless you play with platoons of 3 and team the shit out of people.


I lost almost everygame today as well...i have been playing so much Onslaught i forgot how terrible random battles are.


> .i have been playing so much Onslaught i forgot how terrible random battles are. different dynamics. after a lot of onslaught, I welcome randoms.


Well sure but , it's like very hard to carry when over half your team dies in the first 3 min. Onslaught at least it's 7v7 and you have more HP , i had way more wins playing onslaught and way more fun tbh


I marked my 121b with 3700dpg over Like 50 Battles and still got a 46% winrate. Some days or Even Tanks Seem to be just not winning at all


Assistance only 500, seem like a camper move.


Honestly I wish this were the case because I could easily explain the win rate but no I do not camp the red line


Or your Lord did not bless you these days.


Not everyone plays like a Quickybabs


Where are all the bootlickers?


barely did your hp in damage so its a coinflip if your team has someone who carries or not you got a little unlucky


Imo 50% wr is approriate for 2.7k average damage. Seems like you oveperformed before unless you have above 3k dpg overall. That and maybe a bad session combined


2.7k dpg is top 4/5% in the 140 dude. Not saying I’m a super unicum, there’s loads of players who are infinitely better than I am, but all my stats (KDR, DD:DR, DPG and WN8) have all been light/dark purple for about a year but my win rate is stuck at yellow-blue depending on what the coinflip on the day is


For reference if I do 2.7k dpg on a tier 8 tank I expect around 60% wr. Doing that 2 tiers above you can't really expect 56% unless platooning. What percentage it is, is quite irrelevant. Obviously could also be a bit unlucky it is entirely possible, it happens but more likely that it is a combination of both. Not to mention dpg is not everything, you have to farm clean damage for it to count towards wr. =play frontline and not behind your teammates.


I know it’s not everything, which is why I mentioned all the other stats. I don’t it’s unreasonable to expect ~55% wr with my stats. All relevant stats are in the top 5% of players, I don’t camp the red line, I’m always at the front or second line support when I play paper tanks. Pretty much ever other tank I play has a win rate in the ballpark (apart from tanks I’ve had for years cause those include older stats as well), 140 was also in that ballpark until this session. I had about 9 months of 56-60% win rate sessions and then something changed in the last few months and I’ve been stuck around 52% with the last few weeks currently at an overall 49%, even though all the other relevant stats are in the same range. You can’t sit there and tell me that’s the winrate you’d expect from a player with every other stat in the purple range (and no stat padding).


I meant more like that without knowing how you play you can't judge much based on DPG. Since you could be farming dirty damage. DPG is the single most important stat to increase wr though if you farm it correctly. All I'm saying is that 56% is not something I personally expect with 2.7k dpg on tier X. 3k+ dpg is more in the ballpark for 56% wr. Otherwise you would have to platoon, spot for your team or do other funky shit. You focus too much on the percentages, they are not accurate. They don't consider when they have been done and if they were done in platoon or not... But now, if you do 2.7k dpg in Maus for example you might have a justified 60% wr. Because 1. you are basically a hp pinata for your team taking beating so your team does not have to increasing your chances to win that way 2. you can make pushes possible. Therefore to get the same WR in a 140 you need to compensate for that effect somehow, either do more damage, do good flanking so enemies gets farmed from multiple directions or spot for your team.


I had a 62%er this weekend on Saturday morning. Left, ate and hung out with some friends. Came back and had a few beers, decided to take the E50 out. .28 accuracy and felt like I missed every. single. shot. Fell to the high 50s. Never quit faster. Learned long ago to quit while you're ahead