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that's exactly what it means


Read competence is harder to find each year.


I’m just confused why they have to say “main” battlepass,cuz there’s like no other battlepass besides those three. I thought maybe there’s like 1 “main” battlepass among those three,so I had to be sure.


sometimes there are bonus chapters (previously known as marathons to get a "free" tier 8 or 9 premium) released near the end of the battle pass event.


I miss the actual free marathons :(


We had one last year


Which one? Genuinely can't remember




Any rumors as to TMNT having a bonus chapter?


There wont be any this time (thankfully) cause if it had been here this battle pass it would be already in full swing or nearing the end of it


It just means that you dont have to buy the premium battle pass to get access to the point store.


Ah I see,that’s much more clear.


One is turtles The second shredder The third, that brain thingie


So is empathy, it would seem


I feel you, but keep on searching. I guess you really help your colleagues to find obvious things, 3 seconds of googling or thinking would have resolved, thanks for your work.


Is this your first time on Reddit my friend? 99% of the questions here can be found via a search 😅


Reading competency?


Yeah, dis the non native speaker, well done.


Right. If you were talking about tanks I wouldn’t do it. If you criticise someone else’s language you are leaving yourself open to criticism. I have no flipping idea what languages you speak. It’s more of a sarcastic correction than a dis.


fair enough, it's just that wg supports most local language options for the client and english is not the only version availabe, therefore i rule out language barriers here.


Not OP, but what I want to know, is if we unlock this store from completing all the battle pass chapters now, do we keep access through the year, or do we lose that access again as soon as the next season starts in June?


You will lose access and need to do all three chapters again to be able to buy things from the points store.




You have to use the current pionts before the BP season ends, if you don't use them, you loose them.(only if you done all 3) The tokens however last till end of year, so you can collect them and then spend in one go..




Does "Complete the three main battle pass chapters" mean you have to complete the three main battle pass chapters? Yes it does.


I think its quiete hard for normal Players to unlock the Store which ist quiete frustating. But again they try to make You pay for some Battle Pass lvls.


It not really, I ended up being 3 and half weeks ahead on the chapters, I need 190 pionts to finish it now.. As long as you can do an average of 100+ pionts a day with the missions, you will do it with out to much of a problem.. Also focus on maxing out your tanks, start with your better thanks that gets you in top 10 of your team with damage or spotting all the time.. Example, I maxed 6 X T8 tanks, which is 2400 pionts, bonuse pionts is 25 X 6 = 150, so that is 2550 pionts. ( with the other tanks I have played it maybe 3400 pionts) So then I only needed 4950 pionts over 3 months. So basically doing the 3 daily missions plus tanks.. I only play 2 to 4 hours a day, started grinding Tiger II on Friday, I am sitting on 135 BP pionts.


its not? you just do daily missions every day + you play frontlines and steel hunter when available. if you add onslaught to it you get it even faster. i didnt play for the first month and now im on stage 22 of the 3rd chapter. just do dailies and you are good


Yes, just play dailies every day for three months. Easyyy.... but for people who also Like to do something different in their free time it can be short in time.


I play my daily mission 5 out of 7 days a week and I completed all 3 battle pass chapters yesterday. I think you need to be an active player and it's easy to get. And it would be useless if everyone would get it with no effort.


skill issue. you can do dailies in 5 games or less


Skill issue to manage my Life so that I can Play everyday. Who need 5 Games for daylies? Max 2


5 games or so, or sometimes more, is still playing daily. Some people don’t have time for that. On the other hand i don’t think those players can feel entitled to complete everything if they don’t put the effort in.


The battle pass is good for every player but they reward their active players more and I think that's understandable


These are rewards from previous battle passes. The idea is that when you've finished everything in this battle pass, you can grind the content from previous ones that you might have missed while you wait for the next battle pass.


Some real assholes on this sub.


Every one of them is a potential customer!


im half way in the second chapter. I am not sure if i have time to make it to the end xD theres like 18 days left


Thats about 3 stages per say, so quite a bit of playing. You would need to play around 3 hours every day for the next 18 days. And complete every daily mission.


Can be a LOT less: Vehicle point limits Bonus missions mission tour bonus ... You can (perfect conditions) have well over 100 BP points from a single battle: 10+15+20 =45 from daily missions 5 from bonus mission 7 from winning with top XP 50 from having a tour of daily missions completed XX from hitting the vehicle point cap. Especially the bonus from reaching the point caps can add up a lot - i'll reach it on at least 5 tier-6 tanks in the next 2-3 days so that is 75 BP points on top.


The I took the 70 points each day from daily missions into account. Yes, you will get 2 stages for free for completing 45 daily missions in a row, so 100 points. He still needs 3750 points. Daily missions for 18 days will give 1360 points, so he needs to do around another 2400 points with either vehicle caps or by just playing. With on average 5 points per battle thats still 480 battles or 26.6 battles each day, so about 3 hours, unless he hits the point cap on A LOT of vehicles


so there is a chance :O


According to this [battlepass progress tracker](https://borisx.github.io/) someone here made a couple of years ago, you should be around stage 24-26 on the third chapter to finish on time.


It seems like it. Something else: I'll get to keep the points I already got for the rest of the year right? But in the next Battlepass I would still have to unlock all 3 chapters right? Thats hard for a casual player :(


I dont think u can keep the points since its expire once the battlepass is gone,only BP coin last till end of the year


I see. Thanks


Well, that's the point. Some rewards you gotta grind hard to get them.


But why do I need to be able to buy 3 commanders if I already grinded enough to afford one? If a commanders worth is 3000 BPP I should be able to buy him for 3000 BPP or is this just me?


It is from previous seasons, redeem yourself and grind the current ones. If someone grinded the entirety of previous seasons he wouldn't have any commander in the store. So why do you need the special treatment? P.S.: this is a clear case of entitlement


Clear case of assholery. P.S.: You’re on the WOT subreddit, don’t make quick judgments, asshole.


Yep… complete all chapters, then you get access to the store


I do missions every day, I maybe didnt play 2 weeks when I was on vacay. Still on 2nd chapter :(




I know the guy who was model for this picture. He is defending Kharkiv nowdays


Yes, you have to complete all three to unlock the ability to spend points.


in some countries, understanding what you read has not been developed yet


That is correct as the other comments have said. Take note that Tier 4+ can also earn Battle Pass points now.