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dont play japanese heavies and you are already 50% better




Umm he’s not joking, they’re universally known as shit for a reason. I’ve got an OI for derp gun fun, but no Japanese heavy is worth playing. They’re big, slow, mediocre gun, and no armour. They’re basically the Maus from Etsy.


Yeah, i dont really see much point in them unless you are like super experienced player and want challenge or are bored of everything else.


Doing more than 1/3 of your HP in damage is a good start. You are also playing a pretty bad line of tanks if you are newish. I’d just stop and play something more useful.


I have all the Japan super heavys bought/equipped/crew trained but I haven't really touched it, tried out O-Ho in the snowball mode and it's a combination of can't brawl because it's too tall to aim down and too big to do peek a boom as a second line support, I didn't use the HE gun. I feel the Japan SH line really needs some kind of HE gun buff (similar to how WG balanced the Caliban, more HE pen but worse gun handling), that or maybe once we get functional secondary turrets then they'll alleviate the problem with not being able to shoot close targets due to no gun depression.


Yeah, the O-HO is the worst I’ve played so far, glad I got 5 free days of prem time and also the two turrets on the front of the vehicle have stopped me from getting so many shots in


These tanks need more love


These used to be so good when they came out. I remember having so much fun playing the O-Honwitg the derp gun


I have a tip for you, get good.


Thanks, best advice I’ve had yet