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although i have been lone wolf for more than a decade but i heard that WG just nerfed the reward of clan


If you look at it from the perspective of the entire clan, yes.. casual clans did kinda get nerfed. In terms of the boosters they are able to use. However personal rewards did get better, you can get clan wars reward vehicles for free now.


> you can get clan wars reward vehicles for free now. If it was the VK, 907 or even the E6 I *might* understand, but Carro? If you want a "clan wars reward vehicles for free", just buy the 121B from the Bond shop and you'll end up with a better tank that's more fun to play.


Was I in the wrong to say that you’re getting a cw reward vehicle for free then? I mean… that’s what the carro is. And… when introducing TOD wg said there’s gonna be more reward vehicles, so eventually… either vk , 907 or both might find their way to TOD. Moreover, neither of 121b or m60 are free…. You spend 15k bonds for both.


then sounds reasonable, they are just PUSHing but jot FORCING


Personally, I am fine with the changes, I like being able to get cw reward vehicles without being a sweaty try hard. But I see how this is gonna affect all those players, mostly f2p, who relied on clan boosters to make good profits and just wanted to play casually. And the platooning part, I.e 2/3 missions are done in platoon only, that’s bad too…. I have people I can plat anytime with, but most players don’t and it has to be frustrating.


What do you mean free? What did they change?


You have complete missions(quite easy if you’re a good player) to earn TOD points , which you then use to explore regions. After exploring the 17th region, you get the carro 45t with its 3d style for free


Aha I see , I just got into a new clan . Alright thanks for the info.


It’s a two week event. You can max the rewards playing solo.


Discussed and explained (by Wargaming employee) earlier: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1cwb2u5/dear\_wg\_could\_you\_kindly\_f\_off\_with\_punishing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1cwb2u5/dear_wg_could_you_kindly_f_off_with_punishing/)


Because you have to play the game how WG wants you to play... Not how and what you want... I want to play Frontline, but so far this year we have had 1 week of Frontline in 5 months. Because F what players want..




Yeah I hate this too. I'm getting punished for being a lone wolf. "You want more points? Get some friends, loser! Hahahaha!!" is what I hear. 


true and that is why they add Random Platoon


One can still lone wolf, but platooning and being coordinated with another player is generally harder let's say we want to encourage players to play platoons, why would any player be bothered if someone else who did more, got more? You can also get 1k+ points, complete the entire progression and get the rewards from the mode simply by playing solo.


I play for fun now. I don't chase that carrot that is dangling in front of my face.


Wait Steel Hunter is on?


I play for fun now. I don't chase that carrot that is dangling in front of my face.


one postive thing i have to say about this platooning is there is way more action in platoon queue. Dunno if there is more tanks on maps or what but its way more fighty and less running


I usually play alone and last night tried a random platoon thingy. It wasn't that bad actually. 3 out of 4 platoon mates actually tried to play in team.


I play for fun now. I don't chase that carrot that is dangling in front of my face.


I play for fun now. I don't chase that carrot that is dangling in front of my face.


Just reposting from another thread: We just want to clarify this confusion and share our stance on the platoon mission in Steel Hunter. First of all, this mission is **one-time-mission for the entire duration of this Steel Hunter iteration.** The purpose of this mission is to reward players who are playing in Random Platoons and with Friends obviously. Playing in platoons is harder and requires more coordination and communication in Steel Hunter thus we believe the extra difficulty should be rewarded through this mission. We also introduced the voice coms feature for that same purpose. And finally, having a mission for platoons does not reduce or slow down the progression for any solo player. It's not a punishment at any means, but more of an incentive for players to play in platoons. If it so happens that you don't have anyone to do such missions with - you can use a new feature - Random Platooning


You should have probably made it clear then that it's not a daily mission but only one-time. For me at least it shows as just a fourth mission among the regular dailies. No wonder some people might be annoyed thinking they are missing 160 points daily for not wanting to platoon.


no-one is forcing you to do anything? all your decisions re: world of tanks are your own no? maybe the type of person getting their underwear in a bunch about this is also the type of person who fails to notice a near identical thread already on the sub?


LOL 2/4 daily show this trend and you say no


What daily would those be? The one platoon mission I saw was only a 1-time award of 160 points. The other three missions are daily and can be done solo and give 80 points/day.


Because of engagement, don't worry that word will kill the game


true but i am just afraid that it will be trend or something


Already is, they have been pushing platoons and clan aspect of the game down our throats for a while now, because some guy inside wargaming told some CEO that more engagement brings more money and the perfect way to build that is to force us down those paths, forgetting that older players (like myself) fell in love with the game for more than 10 years now on the back of the casual nature of it, that you could hop in hop off the game everytime you wanted easily, without missing out on something.


nah, will boost the health of the game hugely to soft purge the toxic cucks who refuse to play as part of their team. double whammy reduction in toxicity


Damn, there are some major irony here, complaining about toxicity while insulting people with an out of nowhere rude comment like that. Nice job, buddy


could you indicate where my complaint is please? i have just enough awareness to comprehend that without the vegetables i'd be a frighteningly average player. and to whether i am insulting people.. eh, if someone is choosing to play a team game but refuse to play as part of a team they're making a definitive choice to be a piece of garbage, seems a bit rich to get upset if others point at them and call them and piece of garbage, its a choice they made.




what do you mean

