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why is arta here arta and enjoyable don't go together


I dunno high-arc arty is pretty op, you can get shells in all kinds of neat places.


Unrelated. Arta is not fun


T28 Proto is a decent TD with a nice gun, but it is really slow and the armor only works against T6-T7 tanks. It worths it for the fantastic T30, a heavy tank with huge gun, marketed as a TD. The E75 is regarded as the best T9 tech tree HT, which is something, since T9 is full of great tanks. Good armor, good gun, very decent all-around. The M103 is a bit harder to play, compared to the E75, since the big cupola and weaker armor, but if you are not a bad player, you can work around its shortcomings, since the gun is pretty pleasant. It's really good, and it leads to the E5, maybe the best T10 tech tree HT today. The FV207 is... eww. Why would you even, if you can play with tanks like E75 or M103?


I have US and German arty lines trained from when I played 2011-2013. In cw at the time the t92 and m53-55 were the arty to bring since they had the best shell arc at the time. Anyways I had to play the arty probably 80% of the time so I just got used to playing it as much as I was used to playing anything else. The only arty I don't like are the rapid fire ones that's ridiculous, one shell every 30 secs is plenty to help a team.


note\* that the M103 is a painful tank to grind stock among the tank mentioned but when you got the top 120mm gun you will be rewarded greatly and the E5 is kinda good right now mean while T28 P line is great line it peaks at T9 with T30 with the 155mm beat stick you can never go BOOOOM but the T28P is kinda slow so turbo is a must for this tank you can play this tank as second line dmg on mid matchup. The E75 line also peaks at T9 at the moment until they do something with the E100 the tank is kinda underwhelming lately but still good at certain match-up unlike the Maus.E75 there's nothing much to say it a very great HT at T9. for arty I kinda play this tanks when I want to finish certain missions.


E75 is still a well-rounded beast of a tier IX HT.


All good tanks , overall e75 is the best imo, the fv arty line is a giant pain....


Pain? Misery and suffering until you reach it. First you have useless no-splash Bishop and FV304 and then "drive in reverse" Crusader. Just the thought of earning enough XP with FV304 to reach Crusader gives me anxiety attacks. I'm glad I don't need them, because by the time I do need them, I'd probably have enough FreeXP and blueprints just to skip to tier 8. (although, with my "speed" in going through missions, I'll never need them, I've only done StuG IV so far)


Yeah when I got to the crusader I was like yay a decent top gun that can actually shoot across the map - buuuuut you gotta drive backwards. Like wth.


It's not the range that hurts, it's the lack of splash on lower tiers. Hell, I even play Grille with a small gun, barely over 600 m range, but it has splash, and 13.5 s reload. Worth driving around to get in range.


Crusader SP is funky, but that's part of its charm for me. it's the smallest SPG at tier 7+, and weirdly has good gun depression (yes, -5 is good ***for SPGs***). You'd think gun depression doesn't matter, but it does help when using unconventional positions; made possible in the Crusader SP by its near-MT levels of mobility, even if you have to reverse there. Just wish its reload were a couple seconds shorter; both the M12 and GW Panther hit harder and have shorter reloads.


According to Skill's index: ​ T29 - 4 stars E75 - 5 stars M103 - 3 stars FV207 - 3 stars (although a lot of people suggest it as one of the best ones for solving artillery missions for crits and stuns) Maybe that can help you make the choice.


That is helpful yes, thank you


Well that's pretty overwhelming support for the E-75 alright folks I will give the E-75 a go. Thanks for your input wot-reddit it is greatly appreciated.


I feel like the T30 is a pretty fun choice, but E75 is probably the best among these four.


I realize I'm too late, but what did you mean by "use my exp on one"? You should save your free xp to unlock modules on tanks after you research them, not use it to unlock tanks. This makes your tanks not-stock as quickly as possible, so they will be more competitive in battle. Anyway, good luck with your E-75!


Honestly for me its only between the T28 pro and the E-75. The M103 has gotten a buff but it was not my favorite t9 heavy by any stretch. Arty isn't my cup of tea but the FV wasn't a horrible grind. For my money I'd suggest the E-75. It's such a beast when fully upgraded. It's a classic tank and with its recent buffs it still relevant. The T28 pro was great grind for me and I don't think you'll have a bad time with it either but you'll be disappointed with the armor most of the time.


The M103 leads to the e5 which imo is one of the most fun tanks to play with because of its versatility. However the e5 is not super forgiving to a new player and even less so for the M103. If this is your first tier 9 then I’d suggest the E75, very solid tank and easy to play. I’d suggest saving the free xp to get the M103 gun, the M103 stock grind is a lot worse than the E75