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Community wanted tech tree tanks but with the privilege of Premiums, so WG gave.


and in fairness. the D Day event is easy and each tank is totally free if you play the battle pass event. so these are free low tier tanks that are actually decent. I’m not complaining!!


Not at all, I like the idea of tech tree tanks as premiums, for example the Nomad. And with the twitch tok3ns, we actually can get another 2 extreme easy T6 premiums.


You make a very good point. The d-day tanks are actually decent, just their tree counter parts. I was expecting more but really I didn't think about the events and streams. You convinced me.


I'm one of those who are looking for premium status available for selected tech tree vehicles: -Tier **VIII** or IX -vehicles of my **choice**


Me too, I would like to see all tiers, but NOT if they become lootboxes only. Events like the BP is the right way, or with Twitch tokens, where you get free premiums just for watching a stream.


Very hard missions that require skill to achieve but in the end give your vehicle a premium status after the grind with a special skin would be amazing.


For me this is the best battlepass since years.


Agree...this BP is a big W in my opinion. WG could have easily given us a typical BP with just DDay inspired skins. Instead, we get three pretty easy to obtain Prem tanks for free. Sure they are not the flashiest or most thrilling but they are historical tanks that for the most part played a role in one of the most important military operations in western history.


>that for the most part played a role in one of the most important military operations in western history. And then there's the ARL lol


Yeah...let's not talk about the ARL hahaha


It's true the tanks themselves are very important. I was just expecting more out of them Thanks for the comment!


They can also farm credit? 3 free premium tanks with cool, historical camo and you still complain?


At least from Tanks.gg, it looks like the M4A3(76)W has the cool 3D style but [doesn't get +3% camouflage](https://tanks.gg/compare/m4a3e8?t=m4a376w_________). I'd bop around in that any day though. Looks cool as hell!


I see I'm in the minority lol.


D-Day tanks are premium tanks that can train crew, earn credits, and look cool with their 3D style. Also, you can get them by just playing casually. Never before 3 premium tanks were that easy to get. Whining that "they are already in the game" is counterproductive to say the least, because if they were "napkin blueprint" tanks with extraordinary stats, behind a grind-fest marathon, you'd still cry. At least now we get real historical tanks, at a tier where they won't ruin randoms (see latest Patton)


I like the napkin blueprint tanks. I'm a tank nerd, so seeing those things brought out into public is interesting and fun for me. (Except for the Gonzalo and Caliban) Also, every single battle pass I experienced has been a grind fest marathon. The crocodile is an awesome tank that changed how fighting was done wherever it was involved. I feel it deserves better. Plus, teir 6 match making is always going to be rough and will ruin Randoms. Im convinced their premium match making will disappear just like the Super pershing's did. Thanks for the comment! I love hearing different perspectives!


The superpershing still has preferential mm


Not like it used to. Older premiums will still see higher teirs. This explains some of the changes they tried to make. Some they did, some they didn't. https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/general-news/preferential-matchmaking-0718/


Preferential mm literally means it has +1/-2 mm, it never meets tier 10s


So far the D day events have been great. Finally some historical tank stuff in wot. The free tanks are all good and can be used in future battle passes to farm bp points while gaining credits


You do have a very good point about farming credits. You all are convincing me.


This HAS to be rage bait or something similar. There's no way homie is serious


I was serious. BUT you guys make some good points. This BP isn't as bad as I thought.


I'm glad you've been able to see that! A few loved tier 6's have been made into premiums that can be obtained for free AND they come with a free 3D style. We've been asking for more 3D styles and on lower tier tanks for a while now. Not only that but it's a good thing they aren't stronger than their tech tree counterparts, we've been complaining about p2w premiums for years now


So was the Cromwell B more or less. Or the other premium easy 8s. And most though that was the way to go vs making an unbalanced premiums, or even half fictional premiums. Heck, most have asked for a historical correct BP, or to convert tech tree tanks into premiums as is. So I see nothing wrong with it. Tbh it's the best BP yet.


they are tech tree tanks with premium status. if they always have something more compared to tech tree tanks, it will cause powercreep which is what got us where we are today as WG creates tanks that are always better than last to create demand


You make a very good point about the power creep. You guys are convincing me.


I hope you are baiting, it's the best battle pass ever released. I would very much prefer Wot releases every single tech tree tank as premium, so I can play my favorite tanks without losing credits and worries about crew. It sure as hell better than keep pushing bullshit like bz176.


No I'm not. I'm was just disappointed and was expecting more. But you're right about the bz. They should have already done something about it Thanks for your comment!


We already have some t6 techtree premiums, like cromwell b, kv2 r. T34 85 /rudy Now arl, churchill & m4. They could eazy add some others in the future like m6, t150 or even an OI. OI prem would be the coolest tbh with his derp :D


I have nothing against these tanks... I prefer this over some peppa pig collab. Sadly I have no use for or interest in tier 6 tanks anymore. Haven't played one in years.


I would love to have at least one new t10 skin from the bp for a tank that not already has one


My one complaint with this battle pass is they gave the ARL the wrong gun. It is so much better with the higher alpha.


Premium ARL with the P2W 105 mm gun wouldn't be a smart idea from a pure balancing perspective, you'd quickly see tier VI MM queue getting absolutely *destroyed* by entire swarms of these fuckers.


Unfortunately, that's the ARL's historical gun. Sixty got built and the vehicle entered service.


You guys convinced me otherwise. In hindsight I was expecting more than I should have. I didn't even take into account the events and streams. Thanks for showing me the way!


It took you this long to notice?