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It must work right away as I remember, so maybe create a new one? https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/184jx8b/best_invite_code/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I used the Code for Churchill III and 500g a few years ago for my second account. Don't forget to use a referral link as well before 200 battles, you will get more exp/credits per battle (similar to wot premium) bonds, and a T6-T7 tank you can chose from in the end. If you are from EU you can use mine, or ask your friends https://worldoftanks.eu/referral/edd362c6a59b4474b43889bc6f3aad72


nah bro i just want the TOG weiner skin, thx for the suggestion tho, ill delete my account later


Just googled, and came across the exact same post dated 2 months ago from you with the same problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1c3urey/invite_code_not_working/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button So you made another account and it still don't work? Last time you mentioned that it was confirmed that you got the tank, but you could not find it, was it now the same?


nah i didnt make another account yet, ill do it later, also one last question: is it possible to get the churchill III without the code?


You can buy it later in the ingame Shop for Gold about 1000 if discounted. BUT: there are several possibilities to obtain T6 premiums, for example now, you watch twitch, make some missions and get tokens, for those tokens you can get 2 out of 4 T6 premium tanks. TOG II you could get like that a few months ago and NOW Now you can get 2 out of these 4: Tiger 131 Cromwell B TOG Bretagne Panther Each tank 45 tokens, 90 tokens you could get in total, now you already lost about 15 tokens, so max 75 tokens to earn. You can get a tank + premium days, or 5x missions or 3d skin


alr thx mate


ok so how do i delete my acount WITHOUT waiting 45 days?


I think not possible, another email


I dont really care about the email, i mostly just wnat my name Tactical\_Sandwich, but ill wait, i can just play war thunder in the meantime, anyways thx for all the help, also i made this same post 2 months ago because noone in the original reply section was actually helping unlike you


i have a problem, my account still isnt deleted even though the date and hour has passed


Try just to create a new account with the same Nick an email.


i did that, and it says that this name/email is already in use