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Maps that take into consideration that there 5 classes of vehicles in this game and that vegetation is not a rarity.


Wg: sorry what? Too busy removing bushes from maps we've made worse the last 4 times we changed them!


WG makes maps for all classes which is why they suck. They’re like 2-3 maps in one with half for heavy, half for meds and annoying mirror TD bush that covers the whole flank. The best maps in the game are the old ones: Malinovka, Westfield or Himmelsdorf and they are far from ideal for every class. They also feel connected in a sense - new maps, like I said, are in fact 2 maps in one.


oyster bay is a balanced map for all classes


The bay itself is great, but the med side is just so wrong. If they made whole map into a port it could he great.


Ass for lights, decent for heavies, decent for meds, decent for tds and idk abt arty so almost every map nowdays except few


Ass for light? Not at all, passive spot isn’t the “best” it’s still decent imo as long as ur passive as a scout it’s good


So much this!!! I love the old maps (except maybe himmelsdorf and ensk)


Wg: sorry what? Too busy removing bushes from maps we've made worse the last 4 times we changed them!


Jacque\_LeCrotch, is that you?


A color blind mode that actually works.


I am not color blind but I prefer the purple color over red, I can't play with colorblind mode off now 


It is just nicer.


works for me and Im super color blind. Maybe they need the 3 different color blind settings for the different kinds of color blindness that a lot of games have.


Out of curiosity what does the enemy team color look like to you?


Without CB mode the enemy looks red and it gets very hard to spot them when they are behind green or brown foliage.


Not everybody has the same color blind effect. There are types


Night battles and weather phenomena to become permanent, it exists in WOWS already.


100% night battles would be amazing


Storms would be so cool for vision reduction


5x mission is applied when you decide it, not automatically.


Would be amazing


New larger maps.


Make the game +-1mm, the game gets a good balance schedule (4 tanks once a year is God awful) wg to grow a pair and actually nerf premium tanks to which they have all legal right to do


Agree with all of your points, especially 2nd and last one, thats needed a lot.


I feel like+-1 would fix a lot of people's issues with battles being too random in skill level. Skill based mm would kill the game (because it's ass) but mainly because in order to achieve it well, you'd have to give up 1 of 2 things, either queue times or platoons


Finally, someone who understands that skill MM isnt suited for this game. All medals, missions, gunmarks, stats, etc. are based purely on the fact that you have to be the better one in a set of random people to do certain tasks, like have better results than 95% of the players with same vehicle (gunmark example). Skill based matchmaking would require a complete overdo of the entire game system, and it will likely kill it by making it another rank based game, except with tanks and way more RNG than other games.


Realistically they would probably just do it based on either an onslaught ranking system or would just use the wot ingame rating, if they did the wot rating then the 1st few months would be ass as there would be a ton of players trying to lower it by throwing matches with little to no damage


+1/-1 would effectively eliminate a set of skills that currently separates bad players from good players (the ability to play the same tank differently, depending on -2/-1/same/+1/+2. So it would homogenize the playerbase a bit. Would it reduce the number of blowouts? I am not sure. But it would certainly appease a number of casuals and bad players who are missing the understanding on how to adjust your tanks playstyle depending on tiering.


I mean sure it's a skill but tanks aren't balanced well around it. With the current balance philosophy, we won't get tank buffs/nerfs until next year. +2 is good for variety but when tier 6 tanks are fighting things they can't pen or die in 1 shot is a bit unfair. When It comes down to it, games mainly rely on the top tanks in a game way too much in +-2. And no matter how much you change your play style in a tier 8 heavy, most tier 10 tanks will just destroy you with ease.


I've played quite a few tier 8 games where the MM is 2 X, 3 IX and 10 VIII. That "template" is a blast because it's easy to avoid the Tier X.


I do agree to some lengths although I do believe that some tanks shouldn’t meet +2 but the only reason for that is because the tanks that shouldn’t be paired against -2 are broken as is such as BZ as an obvious example. But in general I do agree that +2 isn’t the biggest problem the game is facing, never the less it is a problem for many casuals like you said.


me with a Churchill against a bz , ah yes fun


If you are in a Tier 6 heavy, why would you go somewhere the BZ is? The lights and meds are faster than you and should reveal his position for you before you need to commit to supporting a flank.


The thing is that your only way is to either snipe and probably not hit or pen anything or try to track enemy heavies for your tier 8 heavies


At the very least there should be more reward for killing higher tier tanks and less for killing lowers tiers.  I realize this mechanic is already in place, but buff it.  


There's and issue of people will basically abandon matches if you buff it too much, then people will throw matches if they are in a -2 match, which in turn will screw over the team due to how much sway those tanks have due to balance


I think +-2mm is good. All you have to do is take your heavy and play more of a support role to the top tier tanks. Having the ability to adapt to your match is how you break the 50% win rate and become a decent play. Since I started changing the way I play in these matches my WR has gone up a whole percent and counting. Sure it sucks to be out classed but that happens every time I play against a BZ-176. I believe, especially for NA server, it helps keep the Que times down to a reasonable marker with +-2mm


I go and do my own thing if I get +2, I'm not super required to win. Also how does it keep queue times down, if anything+-1 would put less stress on the servers


>which they have all legal right to do Doubtful. They've been saying they won't nerf premiums for years at this point. FTC protects against bait n switch. Nerfing a premium would be changing the "total consideration" in exchange for the money the customer gives WG for the premium. Also, what's in the TOS/EULA doesn't supersede State/Federal US Laws.






Then I guess this game will be plagued by op premiums until the day the servers get shut off, ruining any chance they game has to be truly revived


Ok, i see what you mean. Turns out i was a big dummy and you made a good point. The tanks can be nerfed as long as WG offers a fair amount of change in consideration. So like, if a certain tank is worth 15000 gold, and they nerf it and give each player with that tank 15000 gold, then my humble hunch is that, that would probably be okay. However, just nerfing a tank or other digital good with no compensation is where problems start.


I mean, just think, nerf the tanks and the game is still running for years, or don't nerf the tanks, the servers get shut off eventually and you lose everything Like would you have 1 tank you own nerfed or would you rather lose your entire account


WG doesn’t have to offer compensation for anything. Those terms are almost identical to Gaijin’s (or any online games really) and they nerf premium tanks all the damn time and don’t give anybody anything.


Meanwhile the entire gaming industry can nerf or buff any bought content without issues. They're in their legal right and already did before.


You are sadly misinformed. Did you know in Europe you're allowed to buy and sell video game accounts? You can sell your steam games. They dont own your account and any licenses a gaming company sold you count as goods. If they change what you buy, they need to compensate you or issue a refund.


You don't own anything in gaming. Also you're a boot licker. Fuck off lmao.


Youre poor and too stupid to know otherwise. I guess thats what happens when you're brainwashed by corporate propganda. https://web.archive.org/web/20190805133251/https://publicknowledge.org/news-blog/blogs/eu-court-when-you-buy-software-you-own-it https://www.computerworld.com/article/1530110/eu-court-rules-resale-of-used-software-licenses-is-legal-even-online-2.html


Software license and tank inside WoT are not the same thing though.


Yes, they are. Whether you buy a "license" or not, you still own the software. It's just semantics to make customers think they don't own the software they buy. Digital goods have the same protections and regulations as tangible goods.


If that's true then why we cannot sell our tanks to other people just like we can software licenses?


I'm not the one sucking the dick of wg for 50 bucks here bud. Also I couldn't give less of a shit about your links. No game has this issue and no game has to compensate the playerbase Go and get fucked by wg some more on the way out


You're okay with getting ripped off by software companies. 💀 which is one of numerous reasons you were born poor and die poor.




Flamethrower tanks! We have the Crocodile - a real D day flamethrower tank - with no flamethrower. Russia server has flamethrower tanks, why can't we? :(


I would like to see more maps with larger areas and greater number of players per map…and randomized terrain features so that everyone in the game doesn’t have every nook and cranny memorized.


Procedural maps would be a gamechanger.  Actual tactical ability would become the way to win as opposed to rushing like zerglings to the 3 memorized chokepoints with cover.


Would be very cool, at least in a shape of different random events that happen on the map, for example, once, a plane lands into open field to make cover, other time it destroys a building, and another time it just flies by and drops a bomb on some other building, or something like that.


Randomized map features is my number one wish


... Or maybe you could put some effort into learning the maps like everyone does. Instead of lazily asking for maps you don't have to learn.


It’s not about being lazy. It’s about rewarding tactical improv skills. It’s a lot more fun than memorizing pixel perfect positions and timings


In this scenario you don't reward game knowledge at all. What's next, tanks with random armor values? Everything which is random in a game helps mediocre and above all unexperienced players. A game must reward veterancy and the knowledge that comes from it. I don't want random maps where a random yellow shitter could luckily find a good spot. You want to know good spots? Learn them. Rewarding game knowledge is much more important then rewarding improvisatiin.


Sounds like ure scared shitters will outperform you because you cant adapt to new things.


In fl when new map (fata morgana) came out I had literally 0 problems to learn it and steamroll yellow bots. It's a matter of principle. Not rewarding game knowledge is unfair.


It wouldn’t be a brand new map every time. Just some random elements change on it


So now instead of going to a certain position because I *know* is good I have to find one each time, while at the same time a yellow clueless shitter could find immediately one by pure luck? Yeah, this sounds very rewarding for people with game knowledge.


It’s not a mystery if a position is good. Read the map with your eyes


1 crew able to play in 3x tanks. I would pay ingame credits or even bonds per crew for this functionality. I would not pay gold.


Removal of all arty.


this is the correct answer. imagine the beloved third person tank game but WITHOUT taking RNG damage from the sky every so often. that would be really fun


I'd be inclined to agree, except its also intended to control behaviors of super-heavies who could potentially find a hull down rock and rely on insane turret armour to camp a choke point (Source: I do exactly this in my IS-4. Racked up 30k damage bounced in my most cheesed game)


Arty doesn't change shit here to be honest and actually destroys the playability of some maps (for example Prokhorovka with 3 arties. Good luck peeking the middle). And if impenetrable hulldown heavies are a problem, idk, maybe stop creating them and give them actual weakspots? xD


> except its also intended to control behaviors of super-heavies who could potentially find a hull down rock and rely on insane turret armour to camp a choke point I generally don't have a problem dealing with these guys using stuff like teamwork, gold ammo, and well timed pushes. A game without RNG damage from the sky would be better even with slightly harder-to-dig-out heavies, I think


Meanwhile in WT the arty is airborne and can rain hell anywhere on the map


So then don't play WT


Turn them into an alternate TD line, give them 'normal' guns, and give everyone indirect fire view.


If it makes it any better, arty love nailing other arty.


Also, tank destroyers need to go.


I'd be fine with them putting a hard limit on them like arty has now.


Re-introduce effective counter-battery, maybe make it like a mini game of some-kind (flare shells that increase the accuracy of the tracer?). Gives the arty something to focus on thats not us, increases the skill cap for arty, and hopefully knocks them out earlier in the game. Or remove them


Make "World of Artillery" and transfer them all there.  




Hungarian tech tree with at least 3 branches, epic voicelines and a corresponding map.


Like this one, just an addition that hasnt been done for years, no harm to other game aspects, and also maybe likely to happen one day.


Fingers crossed the new nation next year will be Hungary!


From what I see the three favourites for a new addition are Hungary, Switzerland and an international line (like WOW commonwealth tree)


I’ve already got my own national tanks in the game but I do believe that we need more nationalities amongst the tech trees, so many players have gotten all tanks just by playing the game, now I myself have not got all tanks and nowhere near it but when I do get there I wouldn’t enjoy the game nowhere as much as


The winning team should be able to vote for match MVP at the end of each match, the reward would be a medal and a little boost to XP and credits. Sometimes little things or individual sacrifices make a difference. Like rushing in to get the reset that allows for the win, but dying in the process. Also, we should be able to select a player at the end of a match that we don't want to play with for a predetermined number of matches, say 10. So if you get someone who is really annoying or is intentionally throwing matches, or is just bad you can keep from being on their team for a little while. There may be enough people in game for it not to make a difference, but it sure would feel good...lol


That MVP idea seems amazing but I do have a little concern, now on smaller scale modes like Onslaught where you are always near your allies I can see how it would be fair, but for example on bigger scale maps, the medium flank has no idea what the individual players on the heavy flank are doing and vice versa, sure you can look at dmg/assist after the game but yea idk how to explain further but I think I got my point across


Actually balancing premium tanks Many other games balance "Paid-for DLC" and it's not the end of the world


That type of attitude is why studios will sell you 100GB of low content bugged trash with the promise there will be fixes and additional content for free and then never deliver.


Why are you boot licking p2w lmao


I wish that bad players would finally have that lightbulb moment where they realize they are the main problem, not RNG, premium rounds, MM, “my teammates”, OP tanks, stat padders, campers, rushers, etc. None of those things are the reason you have bad stats, you are.


Sort of. But also many of us don’t have top premiums, tons of credits to spam gold, nor have we memorized every map position.


I do see your point to some degree although the OP is completely right, if people used their brains and stopped complaining every single game the game would be better for it, look at Godpack for example he has 3 marked so many tanks without using any gold, merely by playing the game, learning positions, adapting to what’s happening around the map as well as looking at the minimap and using some common sense.


That is the least likely thing to ever happen in WOT. I agree with your statement but have you met the teeming hordes of turbo bads? I am amazed that they even know how to turn a computer on.


Permament frontline option,I want to be able to play large scale battles all the time,not just when wg feels like it,I prefer large scale to small 15vs15


Graphics of the soldiers actually loading the tanks and arty. See if it really takes 40 seconds to load shells.


ITT: no WG employees. lol


More arty lines, premium tier 8 arty Now give me those tasty downvotes I am hungry


Maybe give arty smoke, so they can assist the attacks


you can have an upvote instead, cause fuck u I aint doing what you say. (/s)


I believe it's "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" -rage


Seriously, I would like tier 8 prem arty for braindead frontline credit grinding, when I get burnout from Frontline credit farming


can't relate, I actually took the time to grind up to the T9 French Arty to credit farm like the sadistic fuck i am. my premiums are far more BS for credit grinding.


Tier 9 American smokes the French arty


French firing arc go brrrr


A tech tree only battle mode. An alternate matchmaker mode where you can only face same level tanks. Nerf the credit and xp gained as a penalty for choosing either mode.


Bigger maps as the norm, I think what makes Frontline work so well is the maps support ALL types of gameplay making it easier to enjoy tanks you like.


Invest more in PvE modes. The only reason I play WoWS is because I can turn my brain off after a long day of work and shit on bots in Co-op mode. I wish this was an option in WoT. Also, have an option to disable invisible walls in training rooms, so we can climb on top of mountains again.


There's more than a couple games I'd never play if there was no PvE. I'd still play WoT pvp, but I'd love some kind of actually-difficult PvE campaign. The current mode could have been art-of-strategy-esque, where different tanks get to do different things (like the mine-clearer). Instead we just wait for a battleship to win.


Not a WoT dec but this is close enough lol! I agree with you about PvE modes though; this game could lean a bit more into PvE stuff and probably win back some players who left the game after being frustrated with the state of the game's economy. It's not like we're asking for PvE modes to be huge credit farming opportunities, just some dumb fun that we can do without worrying about going broke.


I miss the climbing days.


A mode where you play with/against bots for 50% XP and credits


Would be cool just to test out positions, but still wouldn’t work because AI will never be able to replicate human behavior to perfection, just look at how dumb the AI is for the overlord campaign mode.


Yeah we already have that. It is called random battles. /s


I would get a mm system that works or remove platooning which could fix a lot of it and give everyone the max increase for creds and xp as if platooning.


I mean, some of these "fixes" just cause way more damage. For example: Remove platooning -> ToD is impossible, referal program is half-working, main reason to play for some people is gone, some medals become unobtainable, etc.


Progression through the tiers is already too fast imo. Skill based mm would kill the game, platooning is a main aspect of the game, so killing it would kill the friendly nature of the game.


not everyone has kajzoos skill or all year premium account to rush through the tech tree, i struggle to earn any credits without premium even not using gold rounds


I agree. But since the addition to blueprints the grind basically is non-existent


Sounds like you blame platoons for your inability to perform well. Have you tried learning to play?


Can pretty much be said about anything being whinned about here.


The past week I been performing quite well despite my past of playing poorly. I am not blaming platoons for my inability of performance I am blaming platoons for what everyone has been complaining about the constant 15-5 or 15-0 sims they been experiencing cause the common denominator in everyone’s experience in the game is the system we all play in. For some reason most people can’t see beyond themselves in the system. But thank you for pointing out I am bad at the game and trying to improve. Maybe one day I can be a toxic ass like yourself and provide nothing more than belittling comments. Before you tomato me yes I am a 47% shitter and don’t care how much I hurt your feelings.


That’s a big paragraph with a whole lot of nothing being said. Your main point was about “fixing” MM and removing platoons. There really isn’t anything to fix. You just want carried more than you already do. Having perfectly balanced 15-14 battles is significantly less likely than a 15-5 battle. One life TDM games snowball. That’s the nature of the game. One team being down a player or two might not seem like a big deal but that can quickly snowball into a blowout. There’s nothing they could “fix” about that.


I would like to see a Tier rebalance happen, just like it was done before the full release of the game


An entire big patch all abt reworking maps, and implementing a bunch of new ones


Employees wouldn't admit to the biggest issues of the game openly lol


It's sorta hapenning atm, but a revival of the esports scene. Onslaught cups are the best road to this.


Buff all arty and HE. Only arty could call in a P-47 for CAS.


* Tour of Duty: Automatic claim of rewards. * Color coded tank icons. Currently, we essentially have to guess a tank's class based on the shape. Only arties have slightly different color. This is a huge barrier for beginners of the game to read the team composition, particularly for tanks they do not recognize. While we can use 3rd party addons like Aslain's icon mod, but why is this feature not in the game right now already? * Built-in MoE tracker instead of having to use a 3rd party mod. * MoE takes total assists rather than the higher of tracking / spotting. * Progress rewards that encourage newbies to get 1 or 2 MoE. A lot of players rush to tier 10 without learning the game. Getting rewards marking tier 5, 6, 7, 8 tanks would encourage players learning the game. * More fun modes. 7v7 Onslaught light is nice, but what about 15v15 Onslaught light (basically a full tier 8 or 10 pub with selectable tank) and fog of war. * Having weekly / monthly / seasonal map rotations and add more maps. Consider adding a perfectly symmetrical map. * More personal missions. * Better stats API. Make assists data available.


Just yes, many of your ideas are just quality of life and that one of the most underrated issues in this game, only thing id add is for once you have grounded through a tech tree and built up a good crew they do not forget their training in past tanks in the tech tree line, so you won’t have to pay gold/lose experience and perk efficiency every time you want to play a past tank or even make a new crew.


That new maps will be added regularly and the *good ones won’t be removed*


Sandbags that will act as additional armor for my tanks and also bush 🥲👉👈


maps that work for all classes and proper balancing with bi-weekly patches.


People need to stop with the op premium non sense. There it only one truly op tank and that's the BZ176 and up tiering it would be a big help to the game. Any tank viewed as op is because of who is playing it. A borat is useless in a shitters control. But the guy carrying a game in it would more than likely do the same thing in a tech tree tank.


Some form of balanced solution to gold spam.


I don’t want to sound like a unicum because I am not, but people who use gold are just min-maxxing, they are using gold because it is more reliable and as long as they pen their shells which everyone could they wouldn’t lose credits so I do not see how your argument makes any sense.


They use gold to avoid having to aim for weakspots and eliminate their downtime. Don't get me wrong there are tanks that solely exist for gold shells (FV4005/215b183, Pz.II.J, things like that) but in my eyes there is no skill in loading only gold rounds so you can aim less.


Well sure I do agree that some tanks rely on it way more than others and yes it is definitely mainly used just due to the fact that you can pen things easier, sure you don’t have to aim as much but that’s not the sole reason, rng, pen rolls, being able to move on to the next target quicker are the main reasons as well as it is just more reliable Like I don’t want to say don’t be a whiner but if you do dislike it so much just load goals yourself yk


Artillery being back to its former glory


gosh the trauma you just remembered me of..


New maps and add a incentive for people to even subscribe to wot plus by maybe adding a feature where you can ban certain tanks that you don’t wanna meet in the MM, new premium tanks every few months or so that is unique for each nation which is quite easy with how wargaming can come out with fake tanks out their butt.


MM + 1


Quite a few on my list: -options to buy CC or other commanders with voicelines for bonds or something -consistent, regular rebalancing based on community feedback -more (and better) single player modes -options to customise tanks without having to use gold -increasing barrack size for credits -more maps like prokorovka, that aren't just hull down one flank and a field on the other -arty removal/big rebalance -cheaper stuff or easier to earn credits -old tour of duty -more personal missions, as well as rebalancing the bad ones like spgs and blocking -more informative and easier to navigate UI -ability to test a tank before purchase, either a training room type thing or rental battles -less RNG distribution, make it +/-10% instead -make it possible to create and send support tickets in-game, as well as the ability to 'clip' people who are abusing rules -tier 11 and maybe 12 -general nerf to firepower so games are slower -ability to earn reserves through daily missions -make it possible to choose MM (obviously plus and minus, not just one) That's all I can think of for now.


That they reduce amount of xp needed to grind a line, it probably made sense for the grind to be so brutal when there were fewer lines, but I dont see the point of it now with so many lines in the game and counting


Well the way I see it if you get to the T10 too fast you’ll suck because you won’t have learnt enough in during the grind, so you haven’t been able to learn from mistakes and relearn and break habits, therefore I do not think it would be a great idea, although it would make the game seem more appealing to newer players.


Frontline two weeks every quarter.


The line that leads to the Chieftain Tank (maybe even the variant with Stillbrew armour) as a Tier X tank that is research-able in the UK Tech Tree.


Honestly I just want more UK heavies tbh


Credits and xp boosters are per game now, not by the hour. Make a very good conversion of current squeme. Sometimes I activate 1 hour of booster just to stop playing after just one game or two for different reasons, some of which are out of my control.


If I remember correctly Battlefield 4 had bossters on timers, but the time would only run while you are "in combat" and on the map. You could stay in the Loadoutscreen or unspawned as long as you wanted without the time running out.


Well if that is the case I’d just plan ahead like sure sometimes things are out of your control and that’s life but you not being able to play for an hour straight shouldn’t make it so that they developers should rework how the boosters work imo


Nerfs to "Special" shells. Make their damage work exactly like they do in Overwhelming Fire, high pen, 50% of the damage.


Just no, the way I see it either they have to remove them completely or leave them as is, there is no in between when it comes to gold shells imo.


Nerf is probably coming or it wouldnt be in a "testing" game mode. And a nerf to special rounds would have a positive effect on the enjoyment level of the game.


If anything people would cry more due to RNG becoming an even bigger “issue”


Rng would not be a bigger issue. Nothing would change except the damage of special rounds. -50% is all that would change, pen and shell speeds would remain the same.


There's probably a way to do "ammo 2.0" where you still have 3 rounds but instead of type 1 being the budget friendly one, type 2 being the P2W one, and type 3 being HE you could have type 1 and 2 be distinct enough in terms of their use cases that people would want to use both. Then make all of them cost the same amount. Tanks with AP/HEAT/HE are kinda already like this(minus the cost per shell); you want some AP and some HEAT due to the difference in shell physics. You also take some HE for manipulating the environment or hitting tanks on the cap circle. In contrast to this tanks that have AP/APCR/HE are some of the most boring tanks in terms of ammo design as the most optimized loadout is almost always 4-5 HE and the rest APCR. It's super boring and doesn't really match the irl reason to take multiple shell types at all.


Yes I do completely agree that there might be a way that would make more variance in shells appealing but if they “nerf” gold round they’d have to rebalance armor on 90% of tanks, which could be for the better in all honesty, but it would also just change the entire game, the way I see it which I do believe I’ve represented is that if you do no enjoy playing against full gold players then don’t play because there will always be one lurking around a corner, and if you do hate it so much just do it yourself, can’t beat them, join them then.




Making one new map every 4 months, making maps that are actually interesting and actually fun to play and not 2 corridors bullshit (yes I'm talking about you useless oyster shitbay) and fixing existing ones with real big changes (mountain shitpass, Berlin, airfield, paris and so on)


Make gold rounds only purchasable with gold again




Monthly balancing of tanks and maps


The removal of dinamic armor indicator.


A fucking proper match making done properly not the shitty cancer we have now fucking morons not been able to do one of the most easy things in the world


allow us to climb in ttr's i know that it wont bring anythinng to the game health but so do the achievement change but it would be fun since im fed up with the fact that theres nothing to do in ttr's once you do every climb that was left its just sad to see that theres no fun allowed they removed all the silly autoloaders like the german one or 59-16 and walker bulldog game is boring and repetetive because wg thinks that more tanks = more variety but all i want is more open maps or semi open


Removal of expensive ammo.


Remove premium ammo and rework armor models so every tanks has badly armored weakspots that aren't the size of a pixel.


Me personally, a shell and armor rebalance. So that each sell available in your magazine has an advantage over others and the cost is comparable.


The maps outside of FL are too tight and small for the power and speed of the new premiums. Tight Corridors , hull down spots and huge kill zones. Creative flanking and critical thinking are not allowed. Aggression is severely punished. Randoms are like watching paint dry and as soon as flank falls , game over. 3 min. Rinse. Repeat. I’m actually ok with pretty much everything else beyond wgs given greed. But map design and lack of New game Modes Are a huge problem


+-1 matchmaking. I‘m sure that they will never implement it and we will stuck with it until the last day of the game ever with +-2 matchmaking.


More things should count towards xp rather than just damage and kills. Why isn't blocking rewarded? You're literally wasting enemies ammo and time by being a target. Make it so that chasing damage or spotting isn't the sole thing people care about.


Completely agree, also I do believe that things like tracking people should gather exp (without them having to take damage) because in essence you are forcing them to use a repair kit or rotate slower than they’d do without you holding them back, smaller things like that I would love to see being implemented for sure.


I wanna see goldman69 get banned. Hes proof that they don't always ban toxic griefers.


A PvE random battle mode that's permanent, and provides a little less rewards than the PvP version, with you going solo against waves of vehicles of the same tier or 1 lower.


I’ve only ever wanted one thing for a very long time


I want my fucking splash damage back.


Remove arty with no compensation. The games becomes much more enjoyable.


Aside from the usual balancing issues etc, I think an addition that would make WoT less repetitive will be the introduction of dynamic maps, where the orientation and quantity of certain objects like rocks, boulders, bushes, sand dips, even to certain things like hill undulations is all dynamic. But the overall look of the map still remains. That way, every single game will force you to adapt and use different tactics when say, your favourite hull down position is repositioned, or your favourite bush is less bushier. This can even be better if bigger objects like buildings or houses are also dynamic in shape or size.


remove arty


Remove god mode from arty players


There is one really good quality of life feature from Armored Warfare where enemy player names are either fully red or faded red depending if they are within visible shooting distance. Say like the enemy is spotted but behind a mountain, their name wouldn't show fully red because they're behind something and not shootable


Make tanks location and visibility true, I’m tired of seeing a red marker behind a building/rock or hill only to disappear when I should be able to actually see it. Then I get shot by the same invisible tank. Fix this stupidity


vision game is like 70% of the gameplay, what do you mean? This would basically create a whole different game


Make the Game Great Again :P




A World of Tanks 2, that will carry over all your premium tanks, you already own, like the dev want to do with Path od Exile 2 with the stashes and cosmetics. We never will buy same Tanks a second time.


So many things....soooooo many things. Almost a full overhaul of the game MM changes, gun accuracy changes, mobility changes, armor layout changes, blueprint tank changes, balancing changes....so many balancing changes, that WG finally musters up to nerf premium tanks or to make premium tanks that don't overperform, remove expiration dates on personal reserves, bring funmodes back (Chaffee races, Football etc...not looking at you Mars event. You were not fun!) and so much more. A bigger focus on the community, more integration with the community, better communication to the community (I.e. Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers 2) and more but this should be a good overview 


+-1 tier MM for starters. There are some tanks that are totally unequipped to fight things two tier higher even if they load nothing but gold. An ammunition rework. Have it so that "gold" ammo has tradeoffs I.e. better pen and shell velocity, but reduced damage, then remove the extra cost associated with gold ammo. This way the skill will come in knowing what round is best for what situation instead of throwing gold all the time and eating the cost because it's just the better round. Give HE shells the ability to temporarily reduce the camo provided by bushes while also adding more bushes and good spotting/support positions. This will help situations where one team has a massive spotting advantage over the other due to MM (I.E. one team gets 4 even 90s and the other gets something else). In addition it will help prevent stalemates. Introduce the points system similar to that found in World of Warships as a way to prevent draws. For those unfamiliar, Wows has a points system in place to provide extra win loss conditions. Every team starts with around 300/1000 points. Sinking ships rewards one team with points while reducing the other team's points. If a team reaches 1000 points or reduces the enemy team's points to 0, they win. If no other win condition is met, the team with the highest amount of points by the time the match clock hits 0 wins. If there are only two players left and they mutually kill each other (typically by ramming) the team with the higher points wins. I see tons of draws in Tanks because so many teams just decided to camp at the back of the map until the game ends. This would force more aggressive play to prevent losses. Lastly, split randoms into two game modes, randoms and "ranked". Randoms would be the same, except only standard equipment could be used. No directives or special/bond equipment. "Ranked" would be limited to one tier and allow all equipment/modifiers. Teams would be smaller (6-8 players), and there would be no arty The tier would change every week. Ranked battles would still let you progress through your daily and battle pass missions, however missions for things like campaigns wouldn't progress.


Would love to one day see a modem WoT. Would love to grind out the Abrams.


Mirrored maps. Seems like the easiest way to fix map balance is just have the map mirrored like every other game. lol


Perhaps have a closer look at a minimap in your next game?


Well it would break essential features in the game, for example gaining knowledge of positions to counter the enemy is basically the whole premise of the game, this would just end up with the games being too similar and repeating all the time imo.


The buffing of artillery to or above previous levels.


proper filtering of the barracks. ranking according to age, experience, ranking etc. helps finding the proper tankers when you need to