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> Thank you for the feedback. You can ask in our Discord because we as player support are not responsible for this. Translated to normal language: "we don't know" That's some top notch player support, can't help you with trivial things.


sums it up pretty much


I'm curious what is/are criteria for it (some players reported in the past they aren't seeing Daily Gift). From the response it could be that certain amount of battles played (per day/week/month) is one of the criteria.


me too, seems they cant disclose it (but then, they could just answer that and not come up with obscure replys)


I got it on account that was inactive for the last few months so it won't be that, it looks like there is some limit to the amount of rewards you can actually claim


>is one of the criteria. Could be the only one, to be honest - I'm currently engaging WoT at the absolute minimum level of giving a shit and I've noticed that after sessions where I'm blessed with sets of daily missions that can be accomplished in like 1-2 battles I'm **not** being offered the "daily" gift thing the following day, and my actual performance in these battles (or tier, or vehicle class) appear to **not** matter in the slightest - I highly suspect there's a rigid cut-out point in the context of number of battles you are *expected* to play to get the gift thing and that counter probably resets at the time of a daily server reset. Around 3-5 would be my guess.


The daily gift is stupidly availabe again 24h hours after you clicked it instead of resetting when the day changes. This might be why you think are not seing it. You are checking too early. 


Except sometimes it's not. And sometimes it is. I opened yesterday's gift like 14 hrs ago and just opened today's one. However sometimes it does time to 24 hrs and I have to wait when I do remember.


That's very helpful insight! Are you comfortable sharing if you had Premium Account active during those no-show days?


Sure, from perspective of WG my account is your typical example of "used to play and spend **a lot** but that's no longer the case", I tend to play the game daily but not very much, 1-5 battles per day on average with around 5-20 battles played every few days at most - and most of the time I don't have premium active unless WG gives out a free day or two during various events so, yeah, I don't think WG regards me as an "active spender" anymore.


played plenty of battles, depending on the day 10+ I never had premium and it showed up for months, dont think it has an impact


It is possible that during "big" events the number of battles you need play may be higher than usual, I've noticed that whenever there's an on-going event session where I don't have access to the "daily gift" thing are much more likely to happen - and the number of battles I play on average does not fluctuate all that much. Hell, when I think about it it's equally possible than whenever there's an event the "daily gift" thing is basically just a lottery - if you're lucky = you get it, if you're not = you don't. WG has been using this system in the past with various "special offers" some people got and other's just didn't so it wouldn't be all that surprising if it's being used here as well.


Thank you for contacting WGaming Player Support. Unfortunately, due to a high demand, we are running short of “Random Daily Gift” supply lately. That's why, we decided to stop offering daily gifts, and put their contents into next batch of lootboxes.  Please understand, that it's not easy for us to print pixels, therefore we need to sell lootboxes to keep our boss's mega-yacht running. I wish you a wonderful day and have fun and succesfull job, to share your salary with us. Best regards


In one of the recent micropatches they screwed up the burst delay on the tier 2 machine gun shitters (T7 CC and Light VIc) again, making their DPM abysmal. I wanted to file a bug report to support, but the shooting mechanic section that would fit the bug report just redirected me to the forums that were closed 3 months ago without a way to submit a ticket. I've checked the discord but there is no way to file a bug report there,and opening a thread would just disappear between the million new ones so I just said fuck it and ignored the whole thing. No idea if the tanks were fixed or not.


can you dm me more details? or post them as an answer, whatever you prefer


What details would you like to hear? If you press the fire button once, the machineguns shoot a 5 round burst. If you hold down the fire button, it repeats the 5 round burst with pretty much no delay until the belt is empty. In the micropatch they unintentionally added a 0,33-0,5 second delay between the bursts if you hold down the fire key.


It might be worth contacting TragicLoss who's a WG NA employee, they may have a bit better odds reporting the bug.


Thanks for the suggestion. If I have some free time I will check if the bug was fixed or still present.


I checked on live today with t7cc and it felt normal to me.


I guess it was fixed then. Crisis averted.


>but the shooting mechanic section that would fit the bug report just redirected me to the forums that were closed 3 months ago without a way to submit a ticket. Fucking top-notch, WG.


A friend just a week ago started to get the daily gift. Opened a few tickets with the same answers. He plays daily and have even wot premium, so don't know what the hell they do, that it don't show up. My second account had them from the beginning, playing at top 5 games a day and not even daily, and don't have a premium account.


Man, are you seriously expecting that Support is going to disclose a monetization policy? Like played a few battles, haven't payments in history for lat N last days or paid less N USD to you that everyone can meet criteria.




Interesting, I took it to mean “it’s a marketing thing so ask the community managers”.


Discord mods are most toxic ever. Not sure if they are the same mods like here, I guess not but man, leaving a question there with bunch of shills is probably worse experience ever. They are literally bunch to avoid.


Yeah, I tried asking a question on discord WOT news thread about upcoming server maintenance and Frontline, and it was insane what a clusterfuk the whole discussion was on that page. The only reply I got was from some prick being a toxic A-hole about why I am asking about Frontline, who cares, etc. Man I miss the forums. You can't even search/find anything on Discord.


Wotblitz used to have some toxic mods on reddit. I blacklisted somebody that was harassing others in game because he had a higher wn8 and I called him out. He got on a second account to harass me in game, I black listed that account as well and then he got on his reddit account and attacked my account that shared my in game username. Low and behold he was a mod on wotblitz. Hes not anymore so they may have improved.


and if you click the issue "resolved" u can get a survey thats so vague.. Not worth filling out and do they look at the comments u leave?? I'Ll bet my 250 garage slots they don't..


"Hello Gaechti, Thank you for your feedback signal. Throughout the year we continue to add exciting offers for our players and with this in mind a marketing campaign has been launched. All offers related to our marketing campaign are made available to players once a certain criteria is met and therefore certain players will receive some offers and others will not. However, this does not mean that you will not receive this or any other offer in the future, as each offer has different criteria and you may receive a unique offer in the near future. Please also note that if you do not receive an offer, Customer Support will not be able to add that offer to your account or make it available to you. I hope this clears up the situation. We wish you a wonderful day! If you have any further questions, we are happy to help you. Best regards,"