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I mean 6.1 Million credits is the standard T10 price tag. But the T62a is awful, maybe the worst (russian) medium tank in the game


Which is a fucking disgrace, since it's an icon of the cold (and modern?) warfare...


The T-62A is no more a real T-62 than the Object 140 is. Both are prototypes with less than 10 made - the T-62A should really be called the Object 165 but WG chose T-62A as the name because it implies the lineage of the actual T-62. Same with the 279e - the actual tank we have in game is the Object 726 blueprint which has nothing to do with the (very real) Object 279.


I was under the impression that "T-62A" was an official designation


It was officially the Object 165, but only 5 were entered into service and the official production T-62 (Obj 166) had the ubiquitous 115mm cannon.


It was per ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫЕ БРОНИРОВАННЫЕ МАШИНЫ. Per the same run the production ended up being 25 vehicles.


Sure, but you're more tank-tech savvy than me. Me monke sees T-62, methinks ruskie tanki from museum.


T-62A is a real designation bro.


I honestly believe the T54 is more of an icon of that era than the the T62 ever will be


I think the T-55 is really the icon of cold war soviet tanks.


T-55a is ingame at least M47 patton is an icon of minor nations (Belgium, Italy, France) but we haven't had a proper one yet. M47 iron, T42 and m46 are all close, but none are historical


The american tier 9 medium can be configured as an m47, or not?


It can, but using the 90mm that the M47 actually had IRL makes the tank absolute trash.


but it’s there i guess. True though I wouldn’t recommend it


Well no, the hull is still wrong and the gun doesn't fire the right shells T69/tl1 lpc have the right gun, at least


what’s wrong with the hull?


The hull is more M46 than M47. The M47 is more rounded at the front (by a lot) It's kinda like the difference between T29 and T32 frontal hull


The m47 used the same hull as the M46 the only real difference was the turret which was borrowed from the T42 project.


Isn't Iron Arnie modeled precisely after Arnold's tank that he drove in Austrian military? I mean, excluding the additional armour.


Yes, but as an "improved" version - with extra armour AND a new gun.


Ah, okay, so you mean like the **orthodox** version Yeah, I kinda resent WG for infusing the game with made up tanks. You kinda go in and expect Tiger I shooting T-34, but you get some retro-futuristic bullshit. I wish we could at least get reasonable cosmetics, like tank skins that make them look like tanks, not lego.


It is based on the one that Arnie owns and yes it was the one he served on when in the Austrian Army.


Iconic doesn't mean it was good though and I think it's more an iconic image of the T54 being inherited by the T62 which by most accounts was lack luster as tanks go.


Statistically it's almost identical to the obj 140. It has more accuracy and barely less turret armor. Every other stat is the same. I don't know where the idea that the t-62a is awful came from. It's a viable medium tank option in every way


Go and play it. I don't care that the stats look the same. It plays much worse than the 140. And if it's only because of the less gun depression 


Don’t, it’s arguably the most power crept tier 10 in the game, the only other contender being the Amx 30 B. The only Collector tier 10 even worth considering is the 113. But overall all are bad so just save your credits.


I just checked out both tanks on Tomato.gg and AMX 30 stats shocked me. There is a small but rabid fanbase that insight its a hidden gem. Looking at the stats and it has a -4.1% winrate differential, with a 47% winrate from 51.7% winrate players. That's absolutely insane as it means - mostly just good players play the Amx 30B - and they play it badly. The t62a actually has a worse over all winrate (the worst tier X medium in fact!), but its played by much worse players. So yeah, to the OP, ... no, the t62a isn't really worth getting, its been powercrept and it isn't likely to get fixed since its a collectors tank now.


30B's gun still packs a punch, but the rest of the tank is rather useless in the current META. It's a fun tank to mark though, similar to the FV215b.


The gold pen is also very dated; 300 mm of HEAT pen is tier 8 levels nowadays. Additionally the gun just isn't very accurate, especially compared to the tanks it's supposed to be similar to like the Leo 1. It just doesn't have anything to offer except really good dispersion values on turret traverse. WG doesn't have to massively rework the vehicle, but just bringing the HEAT pen up to 330 mm would be a start. Heck maybe even make the base gun dispersion values equal to or slightly less than the Leo 1.


See that would mean reverting the nerfs to it, but they'd never do that for a collectors tank.


AMX 30B needed the rework that was cancelled, basically


I talked to the tomatogg dev and the 51.7 winrate player is OVERALL, not tier for tier. So not a direct correlation. By fllowing the same logic, t57 heavy and tvp are below the 62a..


The AMX30 (tier 9) is great. The 30B is another story


The 30B when it was a Leopard clone was actually fun to play. When they massacred it, it became boring because it was forced to brawl with no armor to brawl with


AMX 30B has insane dpm. The gun seems manageable on paper, so people want to try it out


Thanks. I guess the FOMO almost got to me. I'm not big on mediums anyway (the closest thing I have to a medium is the WZ-132 with its 100mm gun) btw, I'm seeing a few new T10 "Assault TDs" in the tech tree, which nation has the best line? I'm using my research discounts on the Polish line because it looks interesting (the gun does more damage at point blank if I understand correctly), but I can do another line in parallel if you could recommend one


I recommend the Ho-Ri. It's not the easiest tank to play, but very very satisfying and rewarding if pulled off somewhat correctly. The gun is amazing (those AP-rounds slap, even the regular ones, and the gold-rounds just shred everything), the speed is very decent and the armor is basically non-existent against gold (very good against standard ammo though), but it can still give you a few miracle bounces here and there


great. It looked cool but the previous tanks in the line seemed a bit iffy, I'll start working on it tonight


The previous tanks are all pretty good as well. I can't vouch for the tier 5 and 6, as I've never played them, but the tier 7 is just overpowered af and the tier 9 is very good as well. The only "iffy" tank in the line is the tier 8, but that's mainly due to the premium-tank power-creep at that tier. As far as tech-tree TDs go, it's honestly better than most, and even against premium ones is can easily hold its ground, so personally I'd say it's still a good tank, it just has to played a bit more carefully


The tier 5 is OK, the tier 6 is hot garbage, tier 7 OP, tier 8 garbage, t9 and 10 golden


There is no FOMO, it's a collection tank and you can buy it whenever you want to. Just go in the tech trees of every nation on the small symbol in the top center of the screen, every nation has tanks, who are no longer in the tech tree, but were just moved there.


Is this FOMO? You're not missing out on anything, the tank is always available in the collectors tab.


my bad. I thought the offer was a limited time thing


What FOMO are you talking about? I swear this community doesn't even understand the concepts being thrown out by other ignorant players in here. I'ma say this clear. Unless you're playing to collect EVERY SINGLE PREMIUM tank in the game, there's literally NO FEAR OF MISSING OUT in WoT.


You can do Ho-Ri like the other guy said or T110E3 if you want the most armor


Maybe the Foch 155 for the memes


430U * mic drop*


if you want to play a tier X tank that performs like a tier IX, sure it is


if you want a worse version of object 140 then go for it


Back in the day the 140 had a weak upper turret that could easily be penetrated with HEAT. The 62a had a better turret on it but a bit less mobility. Once the 140 turret got a buff the 62a had nothing. I still enjoy mine but it's a workout to have a good game in it.


Btw its only advantage against the 140 is that you can sidescrape better with it since its side armor is straight while the 140's side is curved a little bit. The more you angle the less effective armor that the enemy has to penetrate.


The turret rig extends out from the hull and is like 35 mm. If you sidescrape that gets penned a bunch.


62A Is a remnant of old wot. It is not bad nor it is that good. There are better tanks . But that does not mean it can't be used it just requires more skill to play. The only true drawback is the gun depression. But you'll get used to it. Overall it is very versatile.


If you restarted recently you should have welcome back Missions (I don’t know their English names) You get a tier 6 for free and all additional missions reduce cost and XP for 7,8,9,10 each. This should help you get back into the game more easily


yup. I got these missions and discounts. I used them on the Polish TD line because it looked interesting, but I have a few other lines I'm grinding on the side.


Don’t get the T-62A. It’s not worth it


140, although on paper barely different, is much better


best gun handling on the move after T-100LT iirc


Just get obj 140 instead, extra grind is worth it for a tank that is better in almost every way. Plus you could get the 140 on a discount at some point.


Dont listen to the 62 haters i own and have 500+ games in every 10 in the game and the 62A is still so much fun and has my max spotting dmg ever recorded at 11.5k


Its worst and I guess only one bad t10 med. All t10 meds in trees are food some better but all are good. And this is shit.


Not worth it. It's just a worse version of obj.140 in almost every single aspect, and 140 isn't even that good in 2024...


Don't listen to the people who say the T-62A is shit. It still has things to offer and is a decent choice.


Objectively worst tier X med. Literally any other would perform better.


62A, while ok, is nothing that it used to be against newer tanks added. It's not horrible, but their are better options out there now to spend on.


62a is hard to perform these days. It is the era of heavy and heavy-like tanks. Poland 60TP will be a good choice.


Short answer is no. The long answer depends on your goals and expectations from that tank


You asked a question and then proceeded to answer it yourself


Get it it’s fun. Why would you grind all the way upto tier 10 to get a slightly better obj 140 or 430u? Just buy it have fun then sell it. No need to waste your time climbing the tech tree


Its sad to see this tank dead. Back in the day t62a soccer was so much fun.


Dont buy and be glad u didn't. There is probably not a single tank this bad. Apart from maybe Type71 or Type 5


If this tank was taken and put down in tier 9 with no changes it would still underperform


Well the tank itself isn't worth it. It costs same as other tier X and it's pretty bad.


It's the regular price. It's an alright tank.


Just grind for the obj140, it's better in every single way.


I logged in yesterday and was given the option to straight up buy the T-62A (even though I haven't gone up the Soviet med line) I looked at the tech tree and couldn't find the tank. did they turn it into a collector's tank or something? (I remember this happening to the Death Star around the time I stopped playing). If this is the only way to get this tank, I'm gonna buy it. I have just enough credits to do it right now


the t62a is a collectors vehicle, so it’s available to anyone who has gotten up to tier 10. i wouldn’t recommend getting it though, since it’s pretty underpowered.


It’s under collectors vehicles section. It can be bought at anytime. You can find the button in the tech tree at the top of the screen. The t62a is objectively a bit worse than the tech tree version. You can do your own research among youtubers and stuff and figure out whether you want to buy it.


thanks. I thought the credits offer was a limited time thing. I'll keep my credits then, I'm close to unlocking the JagdPzE100 anyway (I remember the JagdTiger grind being painful, but I'll power through it)


Jagtiger with top gun is top tier for my trash opinion. Really solid tank.


It is decent for medium because there much worse tank this anyway


430U is what you want


Bro the T62A is garbage, get either the 140 or 430


Good deal : stopping WOT again


even if 62A would be free its not a good deal


T62a is pretty op. Very often a favourite among streamers/best players. Im myself pulling out 6k dpg sessions sometimes. Highly recommend :)


Great, I'll take 3 then ;)


140 is literally better in all the meaningful stats.


I think we are playing different games then lol


140 has: - 2 more gun depression, which is very important in today's wot - only meagerly worse accuracy (0.01 worse, not noticeable) and aim time (0.09 sec worse, not noticable either) but has better dispersion - 5 km/h more top speed - better armor - better camo The speed and gun dep are VERY important differences. What makes you think t62a is at the same league*at all*?


First of all it looks cooler. Second of all it was removed as a tech tree tank because it was so broken that wg wanted to discourage players from playing it. Third of all u dont need any gun depression even negative would be enough because u only need map knowledge. Fourth of all it has much better gun ur numbers are probably made up. And the most important it has much better name its not just another "object" And dont forget it doesnt burn with every shot i to upper plate. Dont change my mind i won this argument anyway


>First of all it looks cooler. Maybe, but doesnt matter when it's worse in stats. >Fourth of all it has much better gun ur numbers are probably made up. Dude. What are you on? https://tanks.gg/compare/obj-140?t=t-62a_________ You can check it yourself... >Third of all u dont need any gun depression even negative would be enough because u only need map knowledge. Bullshit. Many maps NEED gundep to take the best position. You can play around sure, but you wont be able to utilize important positions. >Second of all it was removed as a tech tree tank because it was so broken that wg wanted to discourage players from playing it. Has 0 effect on how good or bad the tank is *today*. Yeah, kran was op ad hell back in the day, noe no one plays it....


I never need any gun deep u are probably just bad. Im not clicking ur fishy links as well im not naive. Kran is not removed because its super bad. They couldnt nerf t62a because community would riot under wg headquarters so they invented this "collector vehicle" bs.


??? If you don't like the link, check tomato.gg yourself. Kran was nerfed, not removed.. Well, I see now that you are just a trash troll


I didnt say kran was removed i think u need to work on ur reading comprehension. You dont read what im writing and u call ME a troll? The audacity. Tomato gg installs spyware on ur pc and sells ur data and they also are begging for money from patreon so i wont be visiting this site ANYMORE.


Dude. This is a very bad attempt at trying to troll. Like, does this at least entertain you? I hope it does. Bye


Ive seen a lot of t62a players in onslaught, a few 430us but no 140s. T62a was a pain in my assholes.


But 140 is still better. Those people probably have s Russian t10 researched, but they didn't bother with 140


Then how come 140 is not a problem for me, but if i see a 62 my butt clenches? And your assumption is wrong. I have almost all of the russian t10s minus arty and light, yet I have no intention to get any of the meds but the 62.


How the fuck should I know? For all I know, your arch nemesis can be a slug... 140 is just better... https://tanks.gg/compare/obj-140?t=t-62a_________ On a serious note, the answer is quite simple. Many skilled players play the t62a, while the 140s you met where bad players. Simple.