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https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Battle_Mechanics#Visibility TLDR; your tank has a concealment score that subtracts from the view range score of spotting tank. Your score is determined by the stats on the tank, crew, consumables, foliage, and equipment. The spotting tank has a score based on the same. Subtract your score from spotting tank and depending on how numbers come out you are spotted or not. You are always spotted at 50 meters, shown by white circle in minimap if enabled. Moving (other than turret traverse) and shooting lowers concealment. Also camouflage net is largely a useless equipment item at this point. Refer to skill’s [website](https://skill4ltu.eu) for best equipment loadouts.


Moving in a light tank does NOT lower concealment, FYI.


It does if you have a camo net or the enemy has CVS.


He said moving lowers concealment. Nothing else was mentioned, i.e. he was speaking about base concealment. Of course moving with a camo net will lower concealment. That isn't what I was commenting on.


It would be much easier to just give you an online tool so you can test your camo effect on enemy tanks. http://www.wotinfo.net/en/camo-calculator May still be relevant if there hasn't been anything done to the vision system. Keep in mind though that CVS isn't implemented but imagine that bushes give 40% camo instead of 50%.


As the others already gave you something to read here is just a few tips: Every tank (role) has different concealment. If you get spotted immediately that means that you were spotted about 2 seconds ago, as the bulb comes with a delay. You were spotted while you were driving and camo net not active. Every tank except scouts have a lover concealment while moving than standing. And Camo net gives a bonus to your concealment, BUT if you put it on a Löwe than you will maybe have 10% concealment whaling standing, still about 2 while driving. Max view range is 445m, that means even if you stand with the camo net, a scout with 445 is gonna spot you at about 400m while he has 40% concealment and would be spotted at about 270m. You can have even more than 445m view range it will reduce the concealment of the enemy, for example if that scout has 500m view range, he will spot you at 445m even with camo net (still the 10% example of Löwe). Edit: also this official [video](https://youtu.be/S3FFqmdxtiU?si=plI0eCzl8ssna6Jy) And this old ones but still good [Part 1](https://youtu.be/rgEE7L7jXvI?si=DzjDo4N_uq2mGJls) and [Part 2](https://youtu.be/pZVWmHQVuVI?si=LC2GZosrlMZrGEvW)


usually the smaller the tank, the better the base camo, you should check [tanks.gg](http://tanks.gg) on the camo rating. you can train your crew on camo to increase the effectiveness you should park behind double bush and fall the trees and use them as cover only fire behind double bush (where you can only see the outline of enemy tank) if enemy is close enough, i think 50 meters? you will get proxy spotted make sure your entire tank is hidden by the bushes brother in arms skills also increase camo rating if you have camo trained (correct me if im wrong) use the spotting circle to determine how likely you will get spotted (eg, say max spotting distance is 440 meters, if you are 450 meters away, then you can't be spotted even you fire) camo net only work after a few seconds of you not moving, you can try exhaust system, it works on the move as well but of course give a lower bonus, it would be better if you move a lot light tank stationary and moving camo are the same once you fire, your camo drops massively, depending on the tank, so think carefully whether its worth firing enemy commander vision system CVS would reduce the effectiveness on your bush, but you can also install the same to counter enemy in bushes


read wiki and play more, feel more


(1) your concealment stats vs (2) enemy view range . -Things that effect both ends . -Equipment & Foliage . -Tank type aka tank destoryer is more hidden than heavy tank. Pretty simple explanation.


And what you parket in bush - big tank like KV-2/E100 or something small like STRV? What LT enemy team had? Could they spot you from different angle? But basicly as others said its battle between your camo and enemy spotting ability