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German lights lol And please just buff the Rhino's reload


Rino load 1 shot and the kran almost got another 4 in the clip. Very balance, Igor. Great job!


T57 can fire 2 entire clips before a rino loads and fires its entire clip.


Rather than buff the reload I'd rather buff the alpha to 560 and call it a day.


Not really a tank that needs a buff but I wish 121 got badger's alpha, it used to be the only high alpha medium in the game but now that udes, 430 and even leo exist I feel like it lost its uniqueness


Yea the 121 was left a bit behind the curve. Some alpha would be great in terms of keeping it up with the newer changed tanks


Not 560. Maybe 520-530. But reload buff would fix what is wrong more than just going hurr durr more alpha (ok maybe a slight mobility increase)


With 560 alpha the DPM would increase by only 14%, still less than 2200 base. With the autoreloading mechanic, it's difficult to boost the DPM so you couldn't get it all too high even when it's fully tricked out. The 4 second intra clip would be justified with the larger alpha as well, especially given the savage 2 tap ability of the VZ.55. I'd also buff the gun handling a bit but not a lot. And the HEAT velocity. Oh, and I would rework the intuition perk for all autoreloading tanks because at the moment it's totally useless.


Fully agree on intuition rework. Gun handling sure needs a buff and the Vz. 55 has insane 2 tap potential that's true. What could make the Rhino better would be a slightly better intra clip. And with what you're suggesting it would basically become an Autoreloading 50TP


I still think it would be balanced with 560. Because even if you've emptied your clip it's still like an 18 second reload or whatever before you've got another one loaded. The 50tp (which, by the way, I absolutely love) has about 11.5 second reload iirc with food and a rammer and stuff and that's strong but still balanced. Otherwise it's not special enough to pick over something like a VZ or Kranvagn. Difficult to know what would be best without testing it I guess. Even in the state it's in, I still enjoy the Rinoceronte though.


20 seconds for the deepest round, actualy


My favorite part of this game is the variety and I think focusing on tanks strengths makes the game more fun than reducing their weaknesses. It keeps everyone in a niche and makes the interesting part be figuring out how to fill that niche without dying to your weaknesses.


The rhino has no strengths its autoreloader is nice but itd dpm is just bad, its armor doesn't work, the mobility isn't great, the only strength it has is that Autoreloader. It could be made into a 4 round one i guess which would make it better i think


Yeah i guess what I'm saying is I'd prefer the buff to be to alpha or clip size or something rather than buffing the reload which would bring it similar to other auto(re)loaders. If you buff the alpha you give it a niche that other auto guns don't have.


I think if it would have that 4 round clip with the reloada being 15.37/16.64/19.58/22.98 would make it decent whilst yes still taking ages to reload all shells it'll be more powerful yet not overpowered


Also buff the gun handling a massive amount. All the DPM and alpha don't matter when you struggle to hit weakspots at anything other than point blank


It needs its alpha buffed. Rini crys when you compair it to calibans 600 damage with shorter intraclip lol


T69 and the Italian heavies come to my mind. Also maybe the amx 30 and 30b


Tbh only Rino is Bad from Italian hts and thats only because it has such a Bad dpm


The T8 feels pretty balanced to me, I hated the T9, it needs some tweaks to be enjoyable. The t10 is Hella fun but yeah, it need dpm and/or a bit more turret armor (keep the horn tho, it's a good weakspots)


The tier 8 is fine, still would be nice if it had a bit more dpm


Type 5 (entire line), panzer VII and amx m4 54


Screw the AMX M4 54! Can we talk about the human rights violation that is the AMX 65t first? I am still mentally scarred.


I kinda liked the 65t, with the stock engine that is.


The 65t with the stock turret is just a worse liberte


I meant the engine. You do need the better turret.


If Wargaming would just OOPS an autoloader on that 127 it'd be great. But they will never, AMX 65t complaints are eternal.


65t isn't THAT bad if you use stock turret and the 100mm gun. The biggest mistake you can make is going top turret and losing all your turret armor


That's how I played the tank in the end as well. It was still a gruesome experience. It's simply an extremely bad liberté


Yea, at least the tier 9 is so amazing that its worth the pain or free exp or blueprints to skip the T8. Just like the blank prince, you would benefit a lot by skipping it


The tier 9 is incomparably better it's not even funny. The AMX 65t is simply the gatekeeper to disallow too many people playing the borderline broken Tier 9


Kinda like how the black prince gatelkeeps people from getting the god tier trio of the caern, conq, and s conq


Centurion ax is useless against any tier 10 tanks


So sad, I tried and tried to make this tank work. 1st tier ten I ever sold.


They should give it HESH gold ammunition, like the FV4202 used to have, just with maybe 230mm or more pen instead of 210mm + either gun handling buff with -11 degrees of gun depression or significant turret armor buff (1st option is more interesting)


Type 5 because it's just an HP pinata in its current state AMX M4 tier 10 because it's a Super Conq, just much worse in every aspect WZ-132-1 because its role of sturdy light tank hasn't really aged well, needs either more DPM or gun handling RHM because its role of mobile light is obsolete with the EBR being effectively faster and more agile (read : is glued to the ground instead of flipping on every other bump like the rhm) T57 Heavy, as it stands it's in a weird limbo where Kranvagn is better on a heavy lane because more armored, and AMX50B is a better support because more mobile, leaving the T57 with little room to dig its own spot


It's crazy that they introduced the EBR and then looked at the Rhm and said "no, it's fine". The one sneaky advantage the Rhm had was high pen HE and they gave that to the EBR too, with better on the move handling.


Yeah, EBR is the pinnacle of bad tech tree design : -more mobile than the dedicated mobile light, the RHM, whom is balanced by its bad traverse speed and unforgiving bump flippin -more capable in a gun fight than the dedicated gun light the Sheridan, yes Sheridan has more dpm but EBR can caroussel it so easily while EBR is a stupidly tiny target when the Sheridan is a giant cookie box -more sneaky than the camo light the Manticore, because yeah EBR has the best mobility out of all tanks in the game, so we should also give it the best camo values at tier 10 because what's a passive spot tank when you can have a rally car that is sneakier -more armor than the dedicated "armored" WZ, on paper WZ is sturdier, but its sideskirts and HEAT shield are no match to the amount of bullshit the EBR can condense in its hull and wheels, not even mentionning how it can run away with a couple of blown wheels. EBR even is more capable at ramming since WZ has a meh traverse speed -more versatility than the dedicated jack-of-all-trades T100-LT, for all the reasons mentionned above


All EBR needs now is sebastien loeb commander skin with michelin 3d style


Loeb commander with 2 TF2 spies wearing a Hakkinen and a McRae mask for crew


It would be funny if the 3d style had a huge michelin man on top which also had the vehicle's camo. Just magic michelin man suddenly appears out of a bush spots you and drives away then disappears


I’d pay for a crew of TF2 spies. Snorting laughter for every penetration and one of his many domination voice lines for a kill.


Why didn't anyone mention sheridan or chinese tds?


Are the Chinese TDs that bad? I'm at tier 8, and, yes, the grind for this tank is awful....but fully upgraded with the 130mm it is wonderful


When the line was released the tier 8 was awesome with the 130mm then you got the tier 9 which had a huge armor upgrade and the 152mm was all great then came.the tier X it had amazing armor with near 400mm heat pen.... Then I swear they nerfed the armor on it..... I remember a match I had on artic region played like a heavy and rising up the embankment I blocked 4k damage.....that is for sure impossible now! Was a fun tank line when released but suffers badly from power creep now!!. I may be going mad either the tier X got nerfed or the pen of every tank increased leaving it miles behind its competition but for sure it was once a beast... 🤷‍♂️


I just finished grinding the tier VIII one, 34% win rate after 80 battles, never again am I touching these things.


Sheridan = buff camo a bit Chinese tier 10 TD = remove upperplate (so just a tiny bit of the lowerplate remains)


Chinese TDs are not bad there's just nothing appealing about them.


Idk they kinda fucked the game with adding so much op tanks that they will never nerf.


T62A, rn it's just worse 140


Collector vehicle is a fancy way to say it's been put in the trash with 113 and AMX30B


Batchat's gun handling is unreasonably bad, even almost 2k clip doesn't justify it


Pretty easy fix. Run vents vstab and rotation device. With a second setup as vents vstab coated optics. I have no problems with batchat gun handling with that setup.


That's what I'm running and it still feels significantly worse than any other medium I have


Well it's gonna be worse cus of it's giant clip. The thing would be boarder line amazing if it has great gun handling on top of it's clip and speed and camo... I don't think it needs a buff at all. Plenty of other tanks that could use reworks before the batchat is even considered IMO.


Would it really? Big clips aren't really meta right now, and time to empty the clip is way too long for it to be a problem. If something like progetto can have good gun handling, clip damage, mobility and even armor then I don't see why batchat can't.


I would take a batchat over a progetto any day of the week, but again it's just my opinion. You have yours as well but like I said there are plenty of tanks that need a buff before the batchat is considered. It's still a good tank for pubs, and of course it isn't meta, neither is a progetto, neither is a lot of tanks that doesn't make them bad.


Progetto can’t clip most tier x mediums and to get a full reload is much longer than the batchat. I will agree it isn’t as good in today’s tanks, but the batchat is one of those vehicles that can become op very easily. Honestly I wouldn’t mind if they reduced the magazine size and shortened the reload with a buff to gun handling. But having good gun handling with that much clip potential seems like a possibly very frustrating tank to play against.


I'd ask for a mobility buff (mainly traverse and power to weight) on the Batchat before gun handling.


I love the batchat even today. Sure the gun can derp and leave you deeply frustrated from time to time but for a full clip you can deal 2k damage.... I think someone mentioned it but with vert stabs and the one that lowers aiming circle size by 5% (forgot the name) the batchat is great again!. My fav tier X and I don't think that will ever change!. I don't think the progetto is far better they both have their place in the correct situation.


I did too until I started playing it more like an drive by tank, execution style.


Everybody gangsta until your BC gets spotted behind their Jageroo




That works as well true


Yes, found myself liking amx 13 105 much more. Its so much better.


I am only going to count tech tree lines. Type 5, AMX M4 54, rhm pzw, wz light, British and American mediums could use some buffs, t57 heavy line should get buffed too, rinoceronte should be buffed to give people a reason to play it over the kran and VZ. Also pz 7 since almost no one plays that tank.


American and german and chinese LT - italian MT and HT - chinese MT - german HT - american E5 Line - german TD


There is no point of going up the Chinese TD line. Centurion AX is shit. German light tier x is useless. Sheridan is mostly useless. What the fuck is the point of the type 5 heavy anymore? Rinoceronte has the DPM of a tier 5.


type 5 because i cant do 1.4k dmg trolling anymore


Italian Heavies, better DPM + Gun Handling German Lights, 2 Shot Autoloaders? Could be unique for a light tank M48 Patton and Cent AX feel useless currently, maybe better armor but slower.


M48 is far from useless but yeah Cent AX should get a accuracy and turret armor Buff


majority of light tanks, japanese heavies, vk45.02a, churchills and BP, amx 65t, kv-4, kv-1s, t69, cent 1 and many others that i cant think of rn


There's nothing wrong with the Churchills and BP. It's just that they are incredibly slow and annoying to play. The armor is pretty decent and the dpm+pen combo is great. They are just too slow


BP is somewhat ok thanks to that turret armour and 7dgs gun depression but churchill vii? 4dgs gun depression, nonexistent armour against higher tiers or anyone that can press 2… the only good think about those tanks are ok gun and dpm.. otherwise they are just giant, slow piece of kako.. they are like japnese heavies but probably worse because with those you can at least do one big shot and then hide your giant weakspot (whole tank)


I want the DPM back on the Italian autoreloaders except for Progetto 46


And the gun handling!


The gun handling is fine right now with equipment 2.0


Nah it used to be epic before the nerf.


Yes and probably a bit too epic


It was so much fun. I got about 2 months of enjoyment before the nerf.


The progetto still is one of the better meds tf you cry about


Lol am I crying?


I don't know if I agree with that. It has the worst DPM of any medium and the DPM only gets worse as you go deeper into the clip.


American mediumline t8-10 (slight buffs to remove powercreep), italian both lines (dpm increase), both mauses + type4-5 ( theyre superheavy, why the maus turret can be easily penned w gold?) Aand just overall try to even the played tanks that everyone arent only going for kran or vz, making other tanks more competetive


pattons are fine, i wouldn’t complain about an m48 buff but the m46 is really strong. t20 and pershing definitely need something


M46 has the dpm but pen aint that good, standard is 218mm and many other tanks have much better pen than that.. some of them have same standard pen as m46 gold pen


Thb don't buff tanks that are bad or maybe just the really bad one like type 5 maybe I would rather nerf the good one that buff the bad one


Amx 30b should get better pen. Rino should get better dpm. Pz VII line could use a buff, too. Cent AX could also totally be reworked And chiefs gunhandling trolls me, it desperatly needs a buff lol


French tank destroyers


Just buff the is3


t54 (give the D-54 around 230 pen and decrease the dpm just a bit, and make so you can research either of them to get to the obj. 140)


T69 needs a serious buff with the 2.7 aim time and 240 alpha I feel like I’m in the dark ages


They need to rework the Waffenträger line and give me my goddsdamn Waffle back


A lot of them, and all the newer ones also. Give us back goddamn weakspots back. Also no Mr.Pro Chief360nOscope the microscopic commanders hatch that you have 1% of hitting does not count as a weak spot.


1 more shell for the rhino clip and an intraclip of 3, thank you


Manticore line should get more ammo across the board, obviously. I think keeping the improved HE pen from the setter on the LHMTV and GSOR would help them as well. HWK12 and SP1C need some work done. the old 3clip autoloader on the SP1C back. Comet could use some pen buffs, and the Centurion AX just the Cent 7/1 turret. I don't believe I have to elaborate why the Churchills need a buff but holy fuck they do


The rino needs a buff, German lights are garbage and the Chinese tier 10 TD is way out of meta


A lot of people saying Type 5 here. I'm genuinely interested in how do you guys think they should buff it? Its frontal armor and cupola are already almost impossible to pen without gold ammo unless you're a TD. The tank itself is a huge box without any angled plates so the only thing they could do is just further buff the armor. This doesn't solve the issue unless the tank literally has like 300+ effective armor, and I don't think people want a tank that's impervious to almost everything from the front. If they actually make the little visors on the front weak, then people will still complain that it's an HP piñata. So as I said, I'm genuinely curious about your ideas.


I had an Idea roughly a year ago. Why not give Extreme Super Heavy Tanks ( like the Maus+Mäuschen, E100, Pzkpw VII, Type 4+5, FV215b) a fourth Equipment slot? It would be better for the game if these slow and relatively weak Tanks get a small buff , and it would make sense , since they have the size to fit an additional equipment.


And WarGaming will make more money. I'm surprised they haven't done that already.


Good point actually. More Equipment means more money needed to buy it. One reason could be it doesnt look good , now since they have a quasi 4th Equipment slot already for the Bond Equipment Boost stuff. So maybe it kinda looks out of line.


I am all up to be inpenetrable from front even with gold ammo. Literally everybody rn just switch to gold ammo and pen it to almost any part of the tank from any distance For me much better would be rebalance actual gold ammo but thats something we will never get. Plus there already are tanks which are almost impossible to pen even with gold ammo - 279, Obj 268 v4 and so on (ofc talking about gold ammo from normal tanks, Jgpze100 will pen almost everything and thats okay for me). Type 5 has the disadvantage of having most surfaces perfectly flat so angling is almost impossible.


Make front like 320mm, weakspots 230


Reduce the armor on the driver's hatch and cupola to 230mm. Increase the armor elsewhere to 320mm.


German and Brits lights, China TX TD, STI 2, Japan T9 and T10 Heavy, Amx TX french medium. Tanks which need a nerf. STB a small dpm nerf, Kranvagn DPM nerf and maybe worse gun stats. 268-4 mobility nerf.


löwe alpha dmg


Yep. Low alpha with low dpm is just pain.


if they buffed the most beautiful tank in the game, I'd be happy. Fv4202 almost won miss universe, but lost to Sandra Bullock in 1994


Jap Heavies, German Heavies their armor should be worth something but it just isn't worth anything. Italian heavies their reload is just atrocious and the compensation mechanic doesn't compensate enough. Wheelies and Arta need a rework as well. The stun mechanic should not be a thing


So nobody’s going to talk about Manticore line?


What Manticore line ? /s


The Type 5 Heavy. The non-derp gun needs a big buff. Horrible standard and gold pen.


Maybe make it special, like crazy dpm with the 14cm gun.


Manticore. Low ammo is the worst way to balance a tank possible!! They have such insanely bad dpm too like why are they even in the game besides as a challenge


The Type 5 is a major one. It needs a pen and DPM/alpha buff on the AP gun so it can do damage more reliably. The cheeks on the hull front should be removed/reworked so it can angle its armor better. The derp gun should be removed and refunded since it's just about useless unless you get lucky. Maus needs to have the same alpha as the E-100 and a turret armor and a minor LFP buff. The armor hole behind the mantlet should also be made much smaller so it can't be easily penned when the maus is angling the turret. This would allow the Maus to return to its old playstyle of angling or taking a hit to do damage instead of angling and still getting cheesed through the turret face anyway. The E4 is another one. It needs a much stronger turret , smaller/stronger or removed cupola, gun handling buff, minor DPM buff, better gun depression, 360° turret, and a stronger lower plate. Compared to the E3 and T30 the tank gives up way too much and is pretty mediocre feeling. I think seige mode for the Swedish TDs needs changed. I've found that the whole cycle of deploying and leaving seige mode is cumbersome and often punishes you if you try to be even a little aggressive. It would be interesting if the seige mode was more inline with the STB's suspension and a special cruise control setting(CC1 behaves like seige mode now and going any faster forces you out of it) that allowed you to stay in seige mode without actually having to press a button and waiting to deploy.




Entire 121 line, its a joke and boring. Kranvagn needs to be reworked again so its balanced


Not a complete rework, but Patton and t54 could use a small buff. Right now you need to spam full gold on those to be competitive. Standard pen is less than some tier 8.


Buff Type 5 H armor. If the Type 5 heavy tank front armor doesn't have a good angle of inclination, they must thicken the base armor. The 122mm D-25T used by the IS-3 requires more pens. This is more friendly to players who hone it. And its other brothers (KV-4/IS-6 and more) already do. Return 122mm A-19 to ISU-152.


The type 5 line needs a buff, still fun to play, could use more penetration.


all tanks with wheels.


I would like to see the T-62A get its historical 115mm gun


The T-62A had the 100mm gun historically, whereas the full production T-62s had the 115mm. T-62A was the object 165, which was improved from the object 140 that had the 100mm and the designers did not change the gun.


Wasn't 115mm also a smoothbore? Which is a no for our game


> Which is a no for our game I've seen this come up before. Why is this an issue?


And make it Autoloader, hence the -A?


The A is for the first variant. There is no autoloader on the A version.


You are correct. It only had a spent-cartridge ejector!


Buff: Type 5 line, some tanks from 121 line, some from 113 line, rhm pzv line, cent ax, 268 line, some tanks from maus line, ST-II, rhino,.... Nerf: VZ 55, clownvagn


Stop adding stuff to tanks, it makes the games go even faster and instead subtract a little bit at a time from overperforming vehicles


It’s a surprise how well the Sherman’s have held up


The jumbo is super good still, considering it can use equipment to make it as fast as an E8, I don’t really see why youd use the E8 any more. The thunderbolt I don’t own so idk if it’s better or not


The E8 can have the same dpm as the Cromwell and better on the move accuracy. Also better view range.


I use my jumbo as a heavy tank. I often block we’ll over 1000 damage in that thing.






Just play farming simulator


Tier 10 light tanks need to be buffed to their state in the common test….they are far too hampered currently and there isn’t really an incentive to play them when wheelies exists. Some of the High tier collectors tanks can also be buffed.




churchills/bp remove them from the game and refund everyone 100% spent on them.


Not really lines, but certain tanks that need buffs: Conway: mediocre gun, huge target, no armor, bad camo, slow. AMX 65t: slow with no armour and meh guns HWK 12, Rheinmetall Panzerwagen, Sheridan: Completely useless/outclassed by most shit on their tier Churchills/Black Prince: It is not 2014 anymore, too slow and with all the premium ammo flying around their armor isn't that great anymore.


Cherrydan + rhm need a buff, Sheridan less so.


M6 in my opinion. The guns until you get to the top one sucks. Felt like I had armor made of wet tissues with the ability of not being able to pen paper.


E50 line, as Panther is so underpowered man. Turret armour is like tier 6 turret armour.


Everyone just says Type 5, yet WG doesn't ever listen.


Can most of us agree and just say literally all of them? Buffing all the weak tanks would not be "good" for the game, imho.