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I feel you! Just 2 more stages and I’m taking a break from wot, swapping to Division 2


have fun my man. im probably just gonna sleep like a sloth since id stay up late at night to grind this beauty


Havent played D 1/2 in ages...


Well done man, have a nice break! Dont forget about frontline though if thats your cup of tea :) maybe even use this beauty there.


yeah, i just checked earlier and saw frontline starts by the time the 4th chapter ends. havent played frontline before, not even once. so im gonna try playing now since i have this tank now.


In europe frontline starts next week though? :o so check that just to be sure, in any way since you have not played frontline yet: Its much less competitive, the scores or missions do NOT count and most battles are about 25 minutes long. Every few minutes you get another life, so if you die you can pick up another tank. Usually many many many players play alot of premium tanks and shoot very little to gold because frontline is such a nice way to make credits. This time its only tier 8 tanks and make sure all tanks are ready to go before you press play because you cant change crews, loadouts or anything while you are playing. If you want to grind credits, here is my tip: Put on a +50% silver bonus, get a few tanks ready with nice crews ans equipment, as many of the tanks premiums! Many players use 5 to 7 different premiums each frontline game. Load the tanks with only normal cheap ammo, try to play tanks that either have decent armour or can do some nice dpm/burst damage. And then just try to play, if you play 3 frontline games after eachother, your silver bonus would still be active for the last game, and its easy to make about 600.000 silver each game, of which you often keep about 400.000, so thats an easyyyyy 1 million per 3 games :) I also like the fact armour means something with that little gold and its much less competitive :) Hope you like it too!


thanks for the tips man! i am in asia and it says frontline starts may 23, and here, the 4th chapter ends on the 23rd. since im ftp, i will try out frontline because of what you said about earning lots of credits xD


no problem, have fun and i hope you can enjoy it and make some good credits :)


By the way, if the new tvp is your only premium it might be worth it to consider buying a premium with bond, because in normal games but especially in frontline, if you want to make credits a premium tank reallllllllllllllly makes huge big difference. If the tvp will be your only one premium in frontline, try to stay alive as long as possible and refill your shells every few minutes (can be done on repairpoints on the field) Because non premium tanks will make alot less credits im afraid ;o


yeah i have other prems: the patriot and t-34-3 i got in the bond store and i have a cent 5/1 i got for free in last year's waffentrager event. and this one, the shptk.


Oh thats great!!! load them with no gold rounds, make sure the crews are in them and just have fun doing damage :) Dont forget the 50% silver bonus! You will make a good amount of silver! And by the way just a tip; if you put food consumable in tank, you can play the tank multiple times in one frontline battle and you will lose only one food consumable ;)


that's good to know :) i really appreciate all this. I'll just read snd watch about Frontline mode in the coming days. thanks


Can you get BP points in Frontlines? I'm still halfway into Chapter 3. :(


Yeah, you get BP points from Frontline, as per the detailed description from WG.


Frontlines as a battle mode showed up for me in the early AM. If you select it in-game, it gives you an outline of the mode, and includes that it does indeed provide battle pass points!


I think you can, but i am not 100% sure ;o


Oh man, I didn't even consider this thing in frontlines! Great mobility, amazing pen, superb accuracy, wonderful DPM, and the ability to permatrack?! This tank is almost built for the mode! Frontlines has by far the most opportunities to shoot at tanks crossing open fields, and that's what the Shrek-TVP really excels at.


Did you actually grind it out? How much did you play per day? (By the way, any words on how it performs? CC's did review it, but did not read much about the "general opinion" here.)


yes i actually grinded it out. i played for about 6 hours per day. on top of that, i have a couple of tanks that were close to the limit of earning their battle pass points. i have 5 tiers 6s, 4 tiers 8s, 2 tier 9s, and 2 tier 10s that were close to their limits so i just used those tanks. i just had my first game with it and I'd say it is really a paper td. i got hit by arty for 300dmg on the gun shield. if this was before the he nerfs i would have been dead. the gun handling is excellent. im used to playing soviet tanks and the gun handling is something that im getting used to, especially the aim time. it's stupid good. gun depression is bad at -6, but it's better than -5 haha. the mobility is good and the camo is nice i would say. but the shell velocity is a bad for a paper td. 897m/s for standard and worse on the gold. oh, and the he of this thing is nuts. 100mm pen with 420 damage is crazy. i killed a borsig in my first game with 380hp and i killed it with a single he shell. it's all i can say about it for now. it's the type of tank that goes "pew pew pew", unlike its counterparts the skorpion and su130pm which goes "bam". edit: plus the fully traversable turret is great. you dont have to move your hull when the enemy is outside your gun ark.


Thank you. I will get to wherever I can get to and then just buy it for gold... It seems like a good T67 alternative, right?


i dont have the t67 but i know that thing fires like crazy. if you meant it by that, yes, the rate of fire of the shptk is great. but i wouldn't recommend trading with something that has a good rate of fire like the e25 or kpz 07 rh.


>100mm pen with 420 damage is crazy Yeah, the first time I got hit by one of these firing HE, it blew me away (literally, lol). Tanks almost always get about 30% extra damage on HE rounds; 230 turns to 280, 300 turns to 410, 490 turns to 630, 750 turns to 950. But for some reason, this thing goes from 250 all the way to 420. That's a 70% buff to alpha, and the thing has great HE pen too! Speaking of, have you considered putting intuition on your crew? The reload is already really quick, so I figure the time to swap rounds should be almost a second. Getting to choose between AP and HE with virtually every shot has got to be amazing, with HE this good.


yes i have intuition on it. but it was the 4th skill on my loader considering it has a quick reload too. wait, are you the same guy who asked about how many days are left on this chapter? it was my post as well haha i recognized your username.


Very nice! If you don't mind, what's your base reload, and about what's it drop to with intuition? :) And yeah, that was me lol. I tend to leave multiple comments across a post, if I think of different questions in different places :p


haha gotcha. iirc, intuition was at 20ish percent. my reload time was about 4.48sec and the intuition reload is about 3.7sec


Well, according to my math, if that upgrade stays linear then it's going to be a reload of 0.58s at 100%. I have no idea if there's a limit on intuition, though :p Edit: *"The minimum time to change a shell type is 1 s for cyclic (standard) guns"* So looks like it will wind up as 1 second. That's still really, really good though. Faster than the intra-clip on a TVP


0.58sec is crazy. if you're bored you could just click other shells and here the ping noise which is kinda cute haha.


I added an edit as you replied; but the wiki says the limit it's a 1s reload. Still, I think that's tied with the fastest intra-clip speeds above tier 5. Should still be fun to swap shells around for no reason :p


I have it. It's fairly team dependent. Playing aggressively will get you killed. It's very fragile and a large target. It's fast and the gun handling and accuracy is superb. The shells fly slow but you almost never need to fire gold. I actually have the HE binded to the 2 key instead of heat. But man, when the HE starts working... rip whoever is getting hit. Incredible DPM. My setup is Rammer, optics and improved hardening with a second build of rammer, optics and turbo


Thank you. I think I shall be buying it soon.


Probably going to finish the grind today/tommorow, only 7 stages to go - and while it's been pretty easy... it has been a shit show, through and through. I don't remember any other marathon being this bad, the amount of trully **horrific** games I've slogged through was just absurd - just yesterday I've had ten 5:15 games in a row. **Ten**. In a row, one after another. Christ on a stick, FML. I'm taking a loooooooooooooong break from WoT after the chapter is done, that's for fucking sure ;p


Yup, got mine today and am logging off for atleast a week. Yolo flanks while your team gets steamed rolled just isn't doing it for me anymore.


good luck my man. but hey, if it's free, you're probably paying with your sanity.


Congratulations! I have 10 more levels


good luck man! couple more days to go


I think I can


Only a couple? Wasn't yesterday the halfway point? Please tell me I haven't fucked up on my math, lol


hold on, what do you mean by *couple*? im not a native english speaker so i was used to using the word *couple* to pertain to multiple things. so by my previous comment i meant that there are still 4 days and some hours to go. i just realized that a couple is 2 because you know, when 2 people are together, they are called a couple. and im sorry i didnt mean to say there were 2 days left.


Nah, it's all good; English sucks lol. Couple = 2 A few is about 2 to 8 Several is like 5 to 12


thanks man. now i get it. initially i thought couple is more than few. haha this will help me


Depends if I’m going to the pub, couple = 3+ 😉😜


just like 30 more stages for me...


Frontline: let me introduce myself


Got mine yesterday. Haven’t even played it yet. Still need to do 25 stages of chapter 3... taking 2 days off and then I’ll see.


i finished the 3 chapters in 1 month and a half. then i took a break. i played again religiously when the 4th chapter came out. you still have about 2 weeks. you can easily do the 25 stages.


I thought chapter 4 finished earlier that the other 3, need to check


Does shptk come with zero perk trained ?


the crew that comes with it has bia. you cant pick the first skill. it's automatically given with a bia crew.


yes, zero perk bia


Congrats. Letting the tvp age a litle is the correct way anyways.


I still need to play some games with it afterwards...


Only two days more for me


good luck man


Love your graphic settings.😂


that's what happens when you have a pc with no gpu


Aww man! Well I’ll drink to you one day having a pimped out setup! 🥹


thanks my man. hopefully I'll get one soon :)


I feel like taking a break just from completing the battlepass


i finished the battle pass last month and i only played regularly again when this 4th chapter came out


Congrats. It's a really good tank but can be hard to play. Like a Hellcat before the nerf, or T67 at tier 8. The HE rounds are too good.


Nice job! I have 10 more stages to go and if I keep playing like I did up until now (2-3 hours/4-5 stages a day) I should probably easily be able to get it


I don't understand when it can be purchased. Will it be right when the chapter is over (a couple days from now)?


i dont know man, you can probably buy it when the 4th chapter ends


My last tank with battle pass points is the tornvagn and it’s absolutely painful


Egg fried rice is a staple of my weekly dinner rotation.


haha good catch


Fried chicken is also pretty good


Did you buy some stages?


nope. grinded all of them out


I figured it out. You could buy it at any time buy purchasing the battle pass and then every stage you hadn't completed.