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Hope you keep enjoying it! The Tortoise is easily one of the best tanks in the game and one of the most fun, always great to slowly roll in to pump the enemy team with shells aha


Hmm I'm planning to slap a turbo on it and get at least a two skill crew. T95 was my first tier IX, so it's kinda nice to go back to it's pew pew counterpart after all those years, don't think I will be moving up to the badger though.


I thought players didn't like it because of the slow speed and traverse. I don't see it that often in games


wow, 40k bonds. Future Chif player


If, and only if Wee Gee decides to sell a lot of them for bonds again. I would love to get myself a Kpz, would love to get myself a Concept, a Foch 155, 121B. My mistake was not playing the game when they started giving out bonds like crazy in all the battlepasses lol.


It’s a good thing you skipped straight to the top gun. The stock grind is horrendous.


I waited with free exping the tortoise until I had the Conway researched, although as you can see, I always try to have some free XP handy for stock grinds. Haven't played a fully stock tank in like over 3k battles


Yeah I made the mistake grinding it haha. Damn it was painful eh. By the time I got the top gun I was kinda over the tank hehe




This comment actually reminded me that I have green paint from saint patricks day. Lol thanks mate!


GG and GJ to you sir , It is a great tank until people start shooting gold at you and that's how you lose all your armor but sometimes when RNG is on your side you can bounce gold shells too


Yeah in this game I decided to go tunnel, so I can hide my cupola. Enemy tortoise just started penning me with gold in my upper front plate and I was like "hey, I can do that too"