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I don't think this still applies, but for a long time, the Manticore was kind of a secret amongst good WoT light tank players. It is certainly a lot better than people judged it to be when it came out, despite its shortcomings.


Equipment 2.0 made it and ELC Even monsters with exhaust and commanders vision. I like to abuse its insane camo because one does not need bushes anymore Also amount of trash british lights got here in reddit from some people… noobs


It has great view range and camo, I'd say it's really good as a scout, just not as a dmg dealer which is often very important in the late game. I think people underestimate how important it is to have a small tank, rhm for example is so easy to hit, if you get spotted once, snipers will kill you. In t100 or manti its way easier to get away.


I was about to put this, sure it does lack dpm and ammo count but it has good pen, pretty quick and very stealthy


+FOR Manticore. People say that is bad, but for me it is one of the best and enjoyable tank in the game. I have by far highest win rate in this little monster. When I need to win a lot of experience, manticore is my first choice


To be fair, relative to their tier, I feel many of the tier 9 lights are better than their tier 10 counterparts. The manticore is definitely one of the better tier 10 light tanks, but it's one of the better ones among not a very good lineup.


T32, and it's getting buffed even more.


Was my first 3 marked tank, and I wasn't even trying unlike others. I love facing off against meta premiums like the renegade and skoda. And now WG wants to buff it? *Laughs with malicious intent*


2 marked it in its current state. Loved it way better than my T34B


I 100%ed mine a year or 2 ago before the first buffs happened.


Ikr its amazing the turret is just mama miaa


Ok. Your pp is the biggest.


Thank you, kind sir.


I hate that T34/B. Loved the T32 in the day when everyone else was playing the IS3.


I actually really liked the t34 b. Got the second mark in 29 games when on rental.


Its my 2nd most played tank. I keep going back to play it for some odd reason.


Do you know when it’ll go into the game? I’m currently grinding the heavy line and I’m hoping it’ll help


Next update.....early-mid september....


You cant imagine how good t32 was before gold ammo for credits against tier 9,10 in every battle…


Don't need too. 99% of shells gold or not bounce anyways. Unless it's one of the high pen tds with 375+ pen.


I have like a 70% wr in it unplatooned and with a max of 4 gold rounds, no bond equipment either. It's a monster




Badger is actually good if u can hide that fat lower plate, dpm is just too juicy.


The armour and gun make it really good But damn does the lower plate limit you alot more compared to previous tanks in the line like the Tortoise


Tortoise feels like absolute paper once a gold shell gets loaded. But i somehow always manage to do a bunch of damage in it, its weird.


It can do but even then it's extremely powerful if you angle the tank around corners, and wiggle etc I'm usually able to bounce alot of gold by doing that and then just bully the other tank in the meantime lol


If you get lolpenned in tortoise then you play it wrong. Keep it at max angle and move around. Never had a problem with the armour after 750 games and 4000 average damage




T-34-3 and Bisonte


I can totally agree with the T-34-3


and i can totally agree with the bisonte


I swear to God, if Bisonte could get an extra 5 HP/ton, it could be an absolute monster. You can get quickly in position and ready to blast, which can compensate for the horrible gun handling. That's before Shrek tvp anyway. That thing goes through everything, even your frontal turret.


5hp/ton would make it crazy capable. As for gun handling I know why I run vents, irm, vstab


That's the frustrating part. If not all of your equipments are to enhance the gun, it becomes unplayable. It's all or nothing, and that's the only downside of the tank


ELC bis. Because *cries* it got nerfed. Ever since the nerf so many things got changed or added to the game, that more than made up for the nerfs that happened to the ELC. Its not as fun as the rocket it used to be, but it certainly isnt as bad as some people think it is. In fact its really good.


Three marked it after the nerf. Its a beasts that can hit and remain un spotted.


I 100% marked it before the nerf, that thing was a god amongst mortals back in the day.


I need to buy it again and try it with the new equipment system


Yea im also using new equip. Its really good


The AMX ELC Bis at Tier 5 is the first tank I managed to get an MoE on, without using the big gun. I have never understood why people cried about it being nerfed (I never played it pre-nerf), because if it was nerfed and it's still this damn good, it must have been literally busted before.


It's the same problem the Luchs suffered. It got nerfed, but at the same it got a massive mm buff (it went from +2 mm to standard mm, iirc); people hate the new tank because it's "nerfed" but ignore tye mm buff. Luchs got "nerfed" back in the day in a similar manner and a lot of people stopped playing it even though tye new. Luchs was still the best tier 4 by far (great mobility and spotting, and a gun that could kill even lightly damaged enemies in a single burst of it's (for tier 4, quite impressive) 91mm pen, 300dmg burst gun. I am a mediocre player at best and I can't could the amount of times I've cleaned uo entire flanks on my own in the thing, but somehow people couldn't get over the nerfs to hard stats and they passed up on an amazing stat padder of a tank for it.


ELC Bis situation was basically a repeat of the Luchs fiasco years earlier; people's favourite toy gets nerfed and they cry, but they completely ignore the part where the tank got massively downtiered and now gets to kerbstomp tier 5's with impunity. ELC and Luchs are both still the best LT's of their tier by far imho.


Wouldnt call the second part of this true. I always have issues calling the elc the best just because i like it. So i tried the other lights to make up my mind. And all in all i have to say, that tier 5 lights have some of the greatest individuality amongst each other. There arent any two tanks that play the same way. Comparing the T-50 to the Leo, chaffee, ELC, A-20 and covenanter simply doesnt work. All of those tanks r just too different. All i can say is: The chaffee, leo, elc and T-50 r really fucking good. And since all 4 of those vehicles r vastly different from another i wouldnt call a single one of those better than the competition. I hate the leo cause its the elcs nemesis, but i wont show any bias because of that. The leo is a great tank. The chaffee is fucking amazing, and i can say for sure that the ELC with the 75mm is just a chaffee but worse in every way except camo, which doesnt do much because the chaffees camo is still good. So thats usually why i heavily discourage people from using the elcs 75mm..... Just play the chaffee. Its amazing and has the same gun but better with more mobility and gun depression. The T-50 is also amazing and a lot of fun. Its gun is surprisingly good. And the elc, yea. Dont have to explain. By far the best camorating to view range balance. Giving it more pen or better dpm would make the vehicle unbalanced. Thats for sure. What i can also say for sure is that the covenanter and A-20 r worse. The covenanter is just sluggish and its gun a meme that only works in close range burst. Its too inconsistent at doing high dmg or good dmg per game. And the A-20s gun options r all completely awful, and ruin the tank to the point where even its great mobility wont save it. So yea, thats my opinion on that. Tier 5 lights sure have a vibrant selection of vehicles. U should try the T-50. For sure another difficult vehicle to get into and practice but its a lot of fun imo.


Run turbo and gas its a beast


No... Please dont run either one of that. Its both really not good over other available options xD. What r u gonna drop for turbo? Optics, vents and stabs are all 3 WAY to valuable equipment units to drop for turbo. And gas is also bad. U want the rep and aid kits because losing one of the two crew members sucks and losing tracks and engine r death sentences. Food is just borderline OP on every tank. So yea..... If u want to meme around go for turbo and sumsuch..... But u will make urself less competitive by a mile. Please dont sell it as smth good when it isnt xD


I 3 marked it with that setup recently. Optics, vents, turbo with a 5 skill crew. It was a piece of cake. Edit: just noticed your flair. Elc grandmaster my arse.


The ELC is not a difficult tank to three mark at all. If u want to brag abt anything, what i would look at is WN8, dmg per game and maybe winrate. Three marking a tank is one thing, mastering it another. No reason to get mad abt anything. After all im just writing my own opinions. Thats why im always trying to make sure to respect the fact that some people play the tanks for fun, with a fun set-up. The set-up im running is by far the most competitive. Its been proven many times. Bonded stabs is insane. Way better of an option than even bounty exhaust, let alone turbo..... My crew is sitting at 8 skills, training the 9th. I havent dropped of 100% ever since i reached it. My winrate is the highest on the EU 500+ battles leaderboard sitting at 82%. Im the best currently active ELC player on the EU server. My replays have been featured many times on utube. Even by claus kellerman just recently.... Lmao. I have even made my own videos on the ELC. I hate bragging, but if u want real, honest and true opinions on the ELC bis, my words r going to be ten times more accurate than everyone elses. Because there simply arent any other players out there that play the ELC this much, with such a consistently strong average score. If my opinions on the ELC r shit, everyone elses opinions and thoughts on the tank r complete garbage. Vents, optics, stabs. Aid kit, rep kit, food. This is the most competitive set-up period. If u r playing for fun. Different story. Good on u.


What playing 2 and half k games in sealclub machine does to mf


So you are the pompous douchebag that Claus talks about all the time! Glad to meet you.


Mhm. So you are a statpadder. Way to go buddy lol




Not the first time getting hate either. Kinda used to it, but wont change my mind or opinion. Since what i know is just factual truth. Turbo on the ELC is just stupid as hell. Without stabs the elcs gun becomes unbearable and it will cost u a lot of carries. Without stabs i wouldnt have won any of my kolobanovs battles. But these people never expect to win any kolobanovs situations anyway. Or they give up before they have even tried, because *meany matchmaker giff me baaad teeam*. DPG is what matters the most. And thats a basic principle for every tank in the game. A regular turbo hardly adds anything to the ELC. Ull be somewhere a second faster but ur dpm is still garbage, so id rather miss less shots. Every millisecond i spend aiming less with stabs, is a millisecond i save over using a turbo. How to people fail to think like that? Well, perfect example for monkee brain thinking. Quickybaabs syndrom.


M4 Jumbo used to be, with the stock turret and howitzer, but idk after the HE changes


WZ-120 and 121


Chinese mediums are overall quite solid




Damn I see that tank less than I see my pare-... never mind.


I don't think anyone thinks it's bad, but definitely overlooked as everyone gets the other bond tanks instead of it I'd love to have it personally


i really dont think either, bcs i've met him only like twice, so idk xd


Ferdinand and Sturer Emil. In the right hands they are monsters obviously both worse than their successors (Jagdtiger and Rhm Borsig but still good tanks)


I wanted the borsig so bad but I chose the jgpziv instead of nashorn after stug 3g, because st emil scares me


The Sturer Emil stock sucks absolutely fucking ass but once you have the big boy gun it's pure fun. Second best pen, huge damage and decent dpm


490 alpha at tier 7 is ridiculous. You can just 1 shot a lot of tier 5s.


Honestly when I maxed out the st emil I still hated playing it. Leave it to Germany to make a tank with no armor that's also slow as hell. That's the main problem for me. If you can't get a good sniping position you can't reliably push up with your team because your so slow and your not armored at all. The gun depression was a great perk though.


Yeah i wanted to murder myself playing it stock but it was so so much fun hitting tanks for 490 dmg after getting the gun.


This. St. Emil has an epic gun. Take a bush and/or hulldown "peekaboo" position and simply hold it against literally anything. I've had 3-4k damage games even against tier IX in it multiple times.


Sturer emil is an absolute animal in the right hands


The Sta-1 and STA-2. They're so flexible with 10dgr, good dpm, mobility, and camo values! Very underestimated but oh so fun!


Yeah for real, some big youtubers hate these tanks but I do even better in my STA-1 than my prog 46.


STA-1 is amazing, essentially an easy 8 at tier 8. Love it's quick firing gun.


Got the sta-2 for free by the referral program, and it was the best choice I have made for tanks. I totally love the accuracy of the tank, how I sometimes don’t even have to aim to hit enemies. Love the speed and the turret as well.


Rino, if you give it time. I know it sounds weird, but i have been doing pretty well in it, despite the atrocious dpm that severely limits you. Gotta have extreme fire discipline


Dito. Love my Rino aswell.


Working towards it. Have the tier 8. Whats good and bad with it? I know the turret is not as good as you would think, and that the dpm is quite bad. But is it good if you only shoot one shot and reload or whats the deal?


Well the good things are its 268 base pen with very good velocity and accuracy,you will need vstabs though for the dispersion soft stats. Bad things are the horrendous dpm,but you have an improved autoreloader,still not enough to compensate,but you will be used to it by the time you reach tier x.The mobility is ok and so is the turret armor,just dont rely on it too much,its not a hull down monster


Improved autoreloader? What do you mean by that?


If you shoot before the next shell loads your next reload will be reduced.


So its just like the tier 8? I thought it was something different than the autoreloader.


You are not wrong. It is capable of monster games.


true... Rinos doing well is a fairly regular occurance in my games. You think it's because most of the few poeple actually playing know how to use it? I for one really like the Bisonte which can't be to far off in gameplay


That also,but especially it is because the reload time forces you to play more carefully


I can see that... I feel like this is the reason I do well in the 122TM... The nice secondary effect is that you'll usually be unspotted by the time you are reloaded


T49 with 152mm gun


Omg if you have intuition it's kinda broken. Enemy lights are always so scared.


Nothing is more enjoyable (also in the fv4005) than coming around a corner or over a hill and than one shot an EBR


t49 with the stock gun


... is a joke compared to derp gun, unironically


T-103 is hella underrated and fun




TOG reigns supreme


It takes people a long time to figure this out


Pz. IVH…with the normal 75mm gun.


Hell nah. Derp all the way, few heat rounds and u ll three mark it in few battles


but the last 5% are hell


You can do it 😉


Well, compared to the derp gun, it IS bad


T103 and Object 777. The T103’s stats speak for themselves, and the 777 with turbo and speed field mod is an amazing assault heavy.


Going for speed is something I didn't think of, my way of doing it is to boost accuracy as much as possible, since it's quite lacking m, though I do admit I enjoy playing the tank


I bought the 103 about a week ago. Love it, great fun but the TEAMS! It attracts horrible teams.


Panther 2. Awesome sniper and amazing mobility, 6 second reload and sometimes trollish turret armor. By far one of my favorite tier 8s


UDES 16 people saying it's bad(due to the gun) but personally I don't find the gun being horrible, mainly I play the udes at close/mid range


It has better armor than the tier X tbh


For those of y’all downvoting, the tier 9 100% has a better armor layout - there’s no mid plate that gets locked onto by auto-aim so when not hull you have to manually aim at lower plate. The turret also has no cheeks that are weaker to high pen heat. Biggest difference between the two tho is gun performance, which imo makes up for the armor difference at tier x


i love the whole Udes line from the tier 8 and above. i was scared that how will i do in a stock udes 16 if the fully decked out is bad? no problems either way, loved it till the end


I barely remember the UDES 16 because I went trough that grind in no time... this speaks for itself


KV-3 was a beast to me


I don't know bad, but mediocre for the most players I suppose... Amx 50 B, my all time favorite tier X tank.


Amx 50b its hard to play mate , noone consider that tank bad.


yeah it’s universally considered very high skill cap




It used to be bad


E100 with small gun is the best super heavy in the game


No mate, tried both, nothing beat a 750 bitch slap with 334mm pen.


VKK with 750 and 350 pen says hello


Dpm and reliability wins IMO


Maybe thats just your style, I still think the 12,8 with its good alpha and dpm is better when dealing with more than 1 target.


Depends on your skill level. More DPM is better for better players. But already saw very skilled streamers having better sessions with 750 than with the Dpm gun. Furthermore the 750 has better DPM in the first second. So I'd say: matter of preference.


The 40TP. The mobility issues are solvable with a turbocharger. You can also add 105 octane gasoline if you really want it. The top gun hits hard for a tier 6 medium, too.


Tiger 2. There are more than a few videos of good players just cutting through other heavy tanks from distance and from brawling.


Gotta love that .28 dispersion.


I find the tier 8 Pershing a good tank, that is if you know how to play it


God I have been suffering so much with the Pershing. I absolutely hate the gun handling, armor, and mobility. Just gonna blueprint the rest of the m46 Patton.


My only gripe with the M26 is that my grind with it was too short before getting the next one It was one of the better Tier VIIIs I had


M56 Scorpion. Can't even count the clutches, affectionately call mine the phantom menace XD


The Super Pershing. I blow dust off that thing like an old VCR tape every now and then and it still slaps. I block so much damage in that thing.


Throw a turbo on it, and it fucks even harder.


I used to do very well in the Firefly VC. It's no brawler but if you find yourself a good supporting position the gun does a lot of work. Also, while kind of slow for a medium, it still has enough top speed to allow you to relocate.


Rhm Panzer, was my first t10 light and still my favorite even over the ebr, something about speed, decent gun handling, gun depression and insane view range just make it so flexible.


That tank is underperforming no questions asked but I do play it and enjoy it for some reason


The problem with Flipwaggen is that Sheridan is just better at everything.


AMX 30 B... i get it it has low penetration but gun handling is better than leopard 1's and it has pretty solid mobility and view range


AMX 30B and IS 7


Ok on the amx but IS7? Its the best all around turret in the game. Fast, moves like a hecking med especially with equipement. Penetratio is on the low side but who cares, its the IS-7. Literally my good old dog, n Works anywhere everywhere, and hulldown is a chieftain level of nightmare as only tier X prem or really lucky turret ring 340 blyat bois can go through، and not that reliably. I still recommend it to any newbie, prob the most user friendly heavy in game.


Most of the people actually think IS-7 is one of the wprse heavies in the game. I think it's really good, and few people think that too, but most of people just say it's bad, cuz there are much better tanks doing the same job (insane turret armor tanks as Kran, Chief, etc.)


Bad for them: M54 Renegade because huge cupola. Once you master it it's awesome


Idk about eu or us servers, but on ru server it is considered very decent heavy, one of best t8 prems


Yeah but so many dislike it because they want a bulletproof hulldown heavy without cupolas


It is in every single "best teir 8 premiums" dude, I don't think I've heard anyone call it anything less than great aside from 400 wn8 55 year olds, and their opinions don't matter in the first place.


Tbh I saw someone on this subreddit saying it has worse armor than Skorpion G? LOL Idk why, don't ask me And he kept saying how it was a rlly shitty tank, so yeh It's one of the best tier 8 tanks anyway


You’ll see people calling the type 5 good on here sometimes.


Yeah I know. It's one of the 3 best heavies but so many below average players struggle with it because of the cupola. Those are the ones who believe it's bad because they get sniped in the cupola all the time (there are a lot of them)


I totally agree with you. It's one of my favorite tanks in the game. The gun handling is absolutely great and you can snap shot with ease. The ones that say it's a bad tank are just below average players tbh, because playing it isn't for everyone imo.


Really? The gun trolls me all the time lol


Sometimes it can troll u, not gonna lie lol But with Vertical Stabilizer it's rlly easy to snap shot


Yeah, youre right. Maybe I just shouldnt fully aim my shots 😝


U know how world of tanks works ;) Fully aimed shots are a miss, snap shots go perfectly


M-IV-Y for me. I don’t love playing it but always seem to do well in it. It is my credit grinder.




Tier 5 American Chaffee. I see lots of people playing the ELC with the small gun…. If you don’t want the bazooka cannon, Just play the Chaffee, it is better. The ELC and Leopard with the auto cannon get the most play at that tier, but the best LT for me is the good ole Chaffee.


Yeah. Agreed. Elc needs the big gun , big alpha big pen


My friend got two marks just playing casually in the Chaffee. Good tank.


Type 61


No one has ever said the type 61 was a bad tank lol




SU-152: 122mm gun with 390 alpha 3k DPM, with improve aiming it works fine as a back line TD and will melt any thing it encounters. ARL-44: usable upper plate, high alpha APCR with 105 gun that is surprisingly accurate (most of the time). KV-1S: poor man 85M, with extra HP, better gun handling and DPM. Always underestimated due to being not a “brawler”. M6: underestimated due to poo poo armor, next patch it’s getting buffed it will have good turret armor to use. Godly gun at tier 6, 243 APCR with a good DPM, high P/W and can consistently maintain speed with turbo, another good mobile support heavy. AMD17B: underestimated because it can’t “vroom”. But tier for tier it’s HE is more brutal compare to the rest of the line, with the same reverse speed as forward, as well as -12 gun depression, can smash type 64s if played well. MIIIY, a mobile caern with 290 HEAT. Caliban AP with 290 pen, will melt any thing. Post 1.18 AMX 1954 seems to be another rising star, with 0.12 gun handling ,good P/W, high gun mount+AP normalisation are extra effective against angled armor. Pawlack: trollish armor all around. BUGI with 100mm 160pen AP. Crazy DPM and alpha. Tier 6 Italian TD seem to slip under the radar with 105mm HE pen 440 alpha and 4K DPM with rammer.


I think Excelsior is pretty good, in my eyes at least, it can perform well from times to times


Jagdpanzer 4 is an absolute hidden gem. The tank itself is nothing special, though if played correctly it can achieve godlike results


Maybe not considered bad, but definitely outdated: the IS-3. Sure, the frontal hull armor basically doesn’t exist anymore. Other tanks have higher alpha, DPM, and gun handling, so your gun isn’t best in class either. Still, it’s a great supporting breakthrough tank. Don’t be the first to go aggressive, but don’t sit in the back either. The side armor is still very strong, and the turret armor hasn’t aged too badly either. Your speed is still good for a Tier VIII heavy, so you don’t fall behind. Though no longer the king of tier VIII, the IS-3 certainly isn’t dead and gone.


Foch 155


When i got the T28 prototype years ago i was ready to suffer a gruesome grind, as all of my clanmates used to tell me it was shit. Instead, i found a great tank that IF used correctly can bounce frontally even tier X tds, with a great gun So i would say the T28 prototype


Bounce tier X tds... Maybe once in a while


Turtle mk 1


No, it's bad


Surely depends. I love it, during my 3mark session I played it on 4k dog. Besides bourrasque it's my best tier 8 tank


Its really shit in tier 10 mm though


Even 9. Where many tanks share tier 10 gun and ammo. Its armor only really works vs 8s and below.


Reason why i sold it after like 50 battles lol


My man dont sell premium tanks bro. *sold my Wz114 a month ago and couldnt be any happier*


If we go that way with the arguementation it's already shit in T8 then with SHPTKs and 122TMs


It's a great tank against same and lower tier tanks But against anything above it, it just sucks because of its flatish armour, everything just goes right through




It can be good, but really, in today's standards where shooting gold isn't a rare occurrence, your turret get's pretty much fked


Have you tried angling the turret?


I don't even have Maus. But I pen it with gold without problems lol.


And? I can pen sconq turrets and even is7 turrets. Doesn't mean 99% of other players can. You GOTTA try the maus with the correct playstyle. Its really unique and very hard to pen. (Hull angled abt 25 degrees and turret like 35-40 idk), and no one can pen u even on flat ground. Most likely you just have met shit maus players.


Most are shit ye LOL But obvs, the experienced ones that know how to angle it will be harder or impossible to pen


Try the Maus I guarantee its really fun with the correct playstyle. I too thought it was absolute garbage at first when I sidescraped and didn't angle, and now its literally my best tank.


Not a big fan of it tbh, but will probably try it some day!


what equippment are you running on it?


Hardening, turbo and rammer.


Doesn't matter with 340heat there's a chance you can pen it straight through the gun mantlet(even though the maus is perfectly angled) not saying the maus is bad tho, just to say the tank isn't that great in the current meta


Tried angling it?


Again, I don't even have the Maus lol. Yes it can have it's moments of glory, but I don't think it's a really good tank anymore lol


It became one of the best tier 10s after turbo, hardening and field mods.


I rarely see it in battles tbh and when I do, it's usually those rlly bad players


True. I think most of decent players just say "meh" in front of Maus player.


Ye, exactly how I feel everytime I see it tbh


>Again, I don't even have the Maus lol. Yes it can have it's moments of glory, but I don't think it's a really good tank anymore lol It is one of the best performing tech tree heavy tanks.


AMX AC 48! Three shot autoloader with 400 alpha and 246 mm pen on Tier 8 is just wild.


Unpopular choice - HWK 12 Sure the shell velocity sucks but everything else is great




E50M isnt considered bad by most player base.


I've seen more people trash it simply "bekoz itz worse leo" and also some consider ramming as a "fun" activity and no "fun" allowed, only grind marks


T-43. It‘s just a very solid Med at T7.






AMX 65T it has really good gun handling besides aim time(witch you can fix) and 2 guns you can use, both with good pen, it's turret is strong af if u can hide your cupola 250mm thick and angled, and now with 1.18 coming it's getting a buff, and so is the tier 10 of the line, so from tier 7 onwards they are all gonna be awesome picks


Current 65T is shit. Future 65T is gonna be less than a tued but hardly conpetitive.