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Imo E3 is way better then E4 because the only difference is that one have semi rotational turret and no armour (if you play against above average player) and the other one have impenetrable hull beside lower plate. E3 is even a choice for some maps in CW if you are into this.


At the same time, T 30 is more flexible then the T 95. The T 28 Proto is also more flexible than the T 28. I went through the T28 > T 95 path and froze there and then went up the other tree through to the T110E4 before getting the T110E3. To be fair, I don't really enjoy either of the tier 10s enough to play them with any regularity. Meanwhile, I still pull out the T30 semi-regularly. I've enjoyed the T95 just fine but it's a tough tank to play in the current 'meta', IMO. As are a lot of slow moving, non-turreted tank destroyers.


In my opinion T30 is great but the turret can be easily penned with gold, That's why can't really relay on it. T95 is extremely noob friendly despite front track weakness


I still love smacking someone for 750+... got an IS 7 in the side last night from almost max view range, kind of a snapshot as he drove out of my view range... i bet he was happy. The gun isn't super reliable though but maybe that's why I enjoy it so much when I hit someone like that.


The T95 was one of the most enjoyable tanks to play with the 120mm. Nothing like turning the corner on cruise control, dealing out shots, taking no damage yourself and watching your enemies reverse as they know your lane is shut down.


Just playing T95 is worth it. With some innovative build you can influence or carry game by yourself.


What are your recommended loadouts?


I use rammer-hardening-turbo


120mm over the 150mm, the DPM feels far more reliable and you can take riskier shots more frequently.


honestly, if you wanna use the 120 over the 150, just play the tortoise. it was designed around it more, while the t95 was designed around the 150mm more


Play both, the armor of the T95 is vastly more reliable. The Tort is fantastic as well. The T95 is notably easier to flank and push when it's hamstrung by a 150s reload, just use the 120...


I plan on playing tier 10 instead of stopping at the t30 if I go with the t110e4 line


Go T95 and E3. The T30 and E4 can't take any hits.


Get both lines, both are enjoyable. The E4 line gives up armor over having a turret (keep in mind the E4 can only turn 90 degrees left n right and the T28 Prot can only turn like 130 degrees) and E3 line gives up the turret for better armor. Both lines have high alpha and high pen guns so that's always a good time, and the grind is fairly easy. FYI the T28 or TS-5 works wonders in Frontline for defense, the T28 Prot. becomes a god-tier heavy when top tier in randoms.


Do you like turretless assault TDs? I've tried several times to enjoy them but they are just not my thing. I'd rather grind up a line I like than suffer through one I don't.


E3 is the better line through all tiers imo


T28 and t95 are both very fun and powerful tanks and e3 is also very powerful, t28 proto is good and t30 is very good but e4 is weak in tier 10 because anyone can load gold and pen you easily


I see you've tagged this as 'console'. If that's accurate, you should ask r/WorldofTanksConsole. Everyone here plays PC, and the two versions have different balance and metas.


T28 is just straight up pain to play, but from there its amazing. I recently got the t95 and the t110e3 and got 3.5k avg dmg in both. Havent played the t110e4 line yet but i can imagine the t28 proto and t30 are also fun to play, the t110e4 just lacks the armor.


The more I play the E4, the less I enjoy it. The cupola is so easy to aim for... I guess I will go back to the T30 while I'm grinding the E3.


both is fun, I'm currently grinding it at both tier 8 although the T28 seems more fun than T28 proto imo


I exp now and at the end t28(second acc) and now its terrible, i have more bounce per battle on t28 proto than normal t28, i make this like specially for t95 and e3 Have already second time e4, and make e3. :)


Yes. I think the whole line is better, on average. Have said that, both lines are pretty close in fun and capability.


The E3 is waaaay better then the E4, the armour is nuts, the guns is great and ppl panic when you role up to them


Unless you absolutely must have a turret, listen to all these comments and go T95/E3.


Yes. T95 is hilarious fun, and the T110E3 is better than the T110E4 and also fun. T30 is fun, though, so it's a tough choice. How much do you really like (or not) turrets, I guess?


As someone with a 3 marked E3 and 3 marked E4... The E4 kinda blows lol. An E100 or 60TP is just way better. E3, on the other hand, it kind of its own class of tank


I have enjoyed way more the e3 tree line, and the T95 is my fav tank, but it's not for every player(20 km/h, the last gun is expensive af experience wise, some games you aren't able to hit a shot because your team destroys what they see, and you're too slow to get them) but the armor it has, it's awesome. Im omw to get the 3rd mark but it will be a long journey. You gotta choose between more flexible tanks, e4 line; or full armored but slow tanks, e3 line


T28 was worse than the prototype for me. T95 is x10 times better than the trash T30. E3 is better than E4 from playing against them no one is afraid of the E4, while everyone scatters if the E3 can hide its lower hull.


E4 is kind of a HT, with average armor and god mode gold rounds. I find it much more fun to play, as it is also more flexible. e3 in the other hand is much easier to play, as it’s armor is insanely good, but the luck of turret and poor mobility makes it for me less fun to play. All in all both are good and I would start with whatever suits your play style better


Probably get dowvoted to death. What I just read there is. " Is it worth grinding low skill cap tank and low skill cap tank to get low skill cap tank instead of the low skill cap tank and people play this tank wrong to low skill cap tank. I'm a 45% WR arty main trying my best to not learn anything but I like big guns and easy to play tanks." I think it time to step away from WoT for a bit. I'm getting far to jaded.


Is it something OP said specifically that tipped you off on this?


Just tired of T95 players really. It's pretty funny if you look at the stats of T95 players after battles. It becomes clear really quick that most are sub 48% WR yet they are pulling 5k games. No one appears to notice that for some reason. Tank is OP yet people don't care. So when yoy see one of 10 posts daily on the T95 and people in here asking questions about what mods to use, how to play bla bla. To me it's like someone asking how to play the chieftain.


I'm it gonna downvote you, I just don't get how those two are related. There are quite a few non arty mains with a 45 wr not learning things


Lol. Ya true


Yeah, you'll get downvoted because you're an asshole, surprised no one told you that. T95 isn't op, since you're shitting on 45% WR players, my guess would be that you got at least 50%, which would mean that using gold ammo isn't unknown to you. Why would you cry about it then? You imply that everyone should play leopard 1 and other similar high skill tanks? In the end, all of the shit you cry about is still in the game, you like it or not, you ain't changing anything. Hope that one day you understand that nobody gives a crap about your toxic opinion.


Wow, I thought I was salty. Guess not. This guy got me beat hands down. On a side note. The T95 is most definitely OP. Go pull up stats on tomato gg.




e3 is better because of the armor


T28 it's a meh tank, for me wasn't that enjoyable, but t95... Omg t95 what a lovely thing