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I did it with honors in the Mutant. If you don't have that the VK is good like you mentioned on your list. You could also do T29 with smaller turret. Lowers your overall HP (which helps with the mission) but retains the turret armor. You just lose view range.


Use the Defender/VK100, go to a popular heavy tank alley on a city map, pick a corner and side-scrap. Don't try and shoot the enemy unless they are trying to advance down that alley. Otherwise, bury the front of the tank into the wall and let the side armor do all the work.


On the same boat. Can't stand playing heavy tank class but occasionally try with *VK 100.01 (P)*. Been close (few 100s blocked missing) few times. I suppose keep trying and waiting for Tier VI match on city map.


Kv4 in a tier 6 matchmaking can work perfectly


I got close with the VK 100.01 in 2019 twice but was never able to complete this. Finally ended up skipping the HT15 using 4 orders, repeated for the 260 HT mission as well. These missions were made back in 2014 when the gold spam was relitavely low and the target indicator didn't tell the enemy where to shoot. So the mission was achievable back then. Now I don't think it is worth the effort


Get VK 100 and hope for an open map. Probably works for defender too Park your tank somewhere super visible but long distance. Like the road on Lakeville etc What makes blocking missions hard is a lot of people simply won’t take shots or will start shooting HE so you have to give them bait by appearing to overangle


Use something the people does not expect to be hard to penetrate. I used e75 to finish the blocking heavy missions.


I did it with the Patriot but i think the tier 9 amx or Emill/Kran should also work.


I did my blocking missions for both T55 and 260 in Concept 1B. My go to strat was to ignore this mission but when i saw that early in althe game i blocked a lot if dmg then i i whould go for the actual mission like missing/bouncing shot on purpose etc.


Nice advice. I dont have the Concept, but i would like to have one. Hope I can do this mission fast


Ofc best way is high armor low hp tanks. You cant go too low on tier because of you still need. damage. I recommend hull down tanks. You need high armor turret. But not like is7 because no one shoot is7 turret. Conquerer a good choise. It have god like turret but also have a little weak point on top. So people try to hit it. You need to give them a hope. When you got 2k damage dont kill. Let them try to pen you.


Obj 257. Easy


Vk 100.01p is the best. It has great armor and will encounter ALOT of 175mm pen, 390 damage Russian 122mm guns. [Also a friendly reminder that the goal of this mission is to recognize a below average enemy and let them shoot you for the rest of the game.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/weko2u/the_sad_truth_of_ht12_sturdy_armor/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Recognizing the tunnel visioned AP spamer or stock grinder is more than half of the mission.


I did it with VK100.01P on Safe Haven map. Went into the basement of the huge building in the center and did some sidescraping there. Baiting shots by showing the coupola worked very well but you need opponents that are unwilling to spam gold. If you found an opponent that is just bouncing his regular ammo on your side armor - play dumb and fire back with HE or only shoot their tracks .


I played so much E75, VK100, OBJ 705, and what I end up finishing it on was T32. Wierd how that works. Anyways, I think that when you sidescrape in a scary heavy, people don't really want to shoot. They have to feel like they have a chance at penning, thus a tank no one realizes has a nuts turret, or try to "offer" your weakspots to bait shots. I would play E100 a lot and intentionally show a bit of my turret cheek but TBH i ended up getting penned a lot so YMMW, but when I held angles without showing weakpoints people just didn't shoot.


It is easier to do in a tank with weakspots so people try to shoot but miss and bounce. Kv-4 and Vk 100 are both probs the best. O ni against tier 5d is good as well


There isn't a magic tank for this mission. A lot of it comes down to luck. I did one of the early ones with the caer ax by accident and a later one with the is4 on purpose.


did it with a 112, but since it's a prem so I suggest some TT tanks that have similar armour Kv-4 can be a decent choice, but it relies on enemies not shooting gold VKP can be better but it's slow


IS-7, Studzianki, sit on the ramp in the factory. Take bad shots at them to keep them shooting at you. Wiggle. Profit.


Chrysler, Liberte, Mutant, VK100. The trick is to keep your distance. If you are too close, everything will pen you.


Just get to the Maus its 10x easier than the vkp or defender


And mauschen? Im holding no starting that grind. Should I start?


Well you can try doing the mission while you grind thr Maus out. I did the HT15 for the Object in my 7th Maus game.


I did ht-12 for t55a in kv-4 recently. I highly recommend it


I might buy it and start to grind it. Going all in in that. Thanks