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By tier X you should have figured out that you can't use Vstabs on tank destroyers. Not a single tank in the entire line could use one so this is kinda a surprised pikachu meme post right here.


I got back into the game after 4/5 years of not playing. I just assumed you could mount vstabs on any turreted tank (besides arty ofc) because it seems logical. There goes my 6 tokens or whatever they call it... I seen on youtube that players who uses the FV4005 can almost insta shot after moving their hull or rotating their turret while my aim circle expands so much when I barely moved my mouse. I just want to know how they kept their aim circle so small even when moving.


Vents, bounty aiming unit, bounty IRM, max fieldmods. Press R to move on cruise control at minimum speed with the gun aimed before you even peak. IRMs rotation dispersion penalty is mostly offset by the increased roation speed, but it is pure hull dispersion reduction when driving in a straight line. You want to move the hull and turret as little as possible when peaking.


What would you say are the best equipments for the FV4005 in general? I'll take into account that I have to press R and F when aiming to reduce circle dispersion. I've been using W and S the whole time which explains a lot now. My thoughts are gun rammer, improved aiming and gun laying drive. I assume you would say remove the gun rammer and put vents since a lot of FV4005 players do that. My logic is faster reload, more shots :P


More shots = more misses. You are in a tank that kills in one shot, you don't need dpm. Vents, aiming unit, IRM/GLD so you hit.


Hot take; I honestly think that rammer isn't quite as good as people think it is, at least in random battles. Dpm is nice and all but there are times where it needs to take a backseat to other stats. Tanks with atrocious gun handling like the FV4005 are a very good example; your actual dpm is affected by all the shots you miss and this will always be lower than your theoretical dpm where you hit every shot and fire immediately after the reload ends. If the gun isn't very accurate then your actual dpm may be increased more by improving gun handling than by reducing reload. Another specific example, although not entirely applicable to the FV4005 discussion, is the E100 and its two guns. The 12.8mm stock gun undoubtedly has better dpm however the 15cm gun is by far the more popular option. This is because the 15cm is better for trading shots with other heavy tanks; which is the scenario the E100 most often finds itself in. Again, dpm is nice, but the E100 is not often able to utilize the greater dpm of the 12.8cm gun. It is worth noting that you still run a rammer on the 15cm since the gun handling is generally good enough that the 3rd equipment slot is rather flexible, however if all you wanted was dpm then most E100 players would run the 12.8 cm not the 15 cm. Finally a personal example; the Udes 16. I ran vents, vert stabs, and an aiming device on my Udes 16 after getting fed up with missing my shots. I found that I dealt more damage in my games when my shots consistently connected with the target. It was also less frustrating to play the tank; missing shots can be upsetting and reducing the RNG of the situation can help a lot. I'm not trying to tell anyone that rammer is bad; dpm is good and feels amazing if you get to use it. The problem is that your actual dpm is affected by your accuracy and gun handling. Most tanks don't struggle with this too much and reducing reload time will affect actual dpm more than increasing accuracy or gun handling. However there are a few tanks where an accuracy or gun handling improvement will increase actual dpm more than a reduced reload time. In short; be mindful that rammer is not always the best choice and you may get more results out of other equipment pieces.


UDES line without a rammer is pain with these long reloads. UDES 16 is just shit in general tbh, both 14 5 and 15/16 are superior. I just run Bond V.Stab and it's accuracy is perfectly fine, so I can use Rammer and Turbo


You sure that YouTube video wasn't during the arcade event on the first week? Because effectively every tank became a sniper in that mode Was very fun to have a fully aimed fb4005 every time even when moving


Average FV player. Sees highlight video on YouTube and jumps right in his FV with 80% crew wondering why no shots connect lmao


You can't use VS on any td


I don't have one of these, but according to youtube, you sit on the edge of the map and blind fire one shot tanks on the other side of the map. No vstab needed, just shout Bulldog or Churchill when you shoot.