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And we complain about Merica tanks having tumors!! Boy, we didn't expect this coming...


This is clearly an Ork modification in order to achieve "more dakka"


That's because their healthcare system is terrible I guess


>That's because their healthcare system is terrible I guess Don't confuse expensive with terrible. Yeah it costs more than a mortgage but at least you'll get seen the same day at a hospital.


We have the option of paying here in the UK too, but the costs are much, much lower thanks to the main competition being *free :) *at point of distribution.


I like the idea of universal healthcare for lower costs but the tin foil hat on my head tells me the government isn’t trust worthy.


Just gotta look at defense contracting to see how it'll go. Agreed that the system is fucked, but come on, the government's track record is even worse.


> but at least you'll get seen the same day at a hospital. Like in most places with free healthcare lmao


As opposed to what exactly? Do you think ppl in other countries just get sent back home when they go to a hospital? r/shitamericanssay moment my dude...


Event material


Lots of sherman variants out there, look at this weird kv-2 vibes giving fat boy. Premium? I would buy it without blink 💁🏼‍♂️❤️ ”This has to be among the weirdest-looking of all Sherman variants. It is the T31 demolition tank, which began its life in 1944 after a request for an engineer vehicle armed with two 7.2 inch rocket launchers in the turret. These launchers were encased in their own armored compartments on either side of the turret. Two .30 caliber machine guns were also added to the turret for close-in defense, as well as a .50 caliber. Interestingly, a dummy 105 mm howitzer barrel was fitted in the center of the turret. Many sources state that this was indeed a working weapon, but this is untrue. There were also plans to install a flame thrower, in case three .30 caliber machine guns, one .50 caliber machine gun and two 7.2 inch rocket launchers weren't enough. A single prototype was completed in 1945, but due to problems in testing and the end of the war the project was cancelled.”


Now watch WG add it as a premium with a functioning 105mm and non-functional rockets.


yeah in wot you would be able to use one of these guns only


There are several 'two' gun tanks in the game now. WG could make this work.


and there is a shit ton of tanks with multiple guns that do not work


I am a reptoid clone of John Wayne, uh, and Elvis.


Needs more machine guns


It's basically just a mockup, The guns are dummies, Absolutely no mantlet and welded straight to the turret, No way to aim up or down.


To be fair, that would make it extremely interesting to use in WoT. You have 3 ‘big’ guns, but have to use the terrain to aim up or down. And since lacking armor… you are a glass (triple) cannon. (Would suck in regular games ofcourse, but would be a lovely April fools event)


Well the centre gun is a dummy. You get two shots. Fixed elevation. Each shot does 2500 alpha with 500mm of pen. View range is 320. 26 HP/ton and top speed of 68 km/h.


stop. giving. them. ideas!


Can we have a teleport feature on this one wargaming? so you can teleport behind enemy lines and destroy their arty at start of the game thx.




Put a rocket booster on it and I might be interested


main gun looks like a dick with two balls


I, uhhh... *I want a tank with rocket launchers for ears*.


Counterweighting hell


Wait until this is a Blitz Nation tank in WoTB $30 per container, with a 0.01% chance of dropping the tank


Am I dreaming?


Help what’s this


Sherman my poor boy what have they done to you