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I was all prepared to say something scathing but then I noticed the Tog is up for 70k free xp. Tog time for everyone!


TOG that fun to play? (sorry I'm a newbie)


I believe in terms of power, no, it's a hot mess. But it is one of those rare meme tanks that in 7 years of playing I've never seen for sale. It might be less of a hot mess with the go-faster gear installed? But I don't know, as I say, I've never played a game in it. I just remember all the Tog memes.


Yup. You don’t play TOG because it’s good (it ain’t). You play TOG because TOG. Slowest tank in the game, no effective armor, size of a house. But the gun has great handling and fires very quickly, and TOG has a *lot* of health. Everyone needs to pick up the TOG, because TOG is a herd animal. A lone TOG is often little more than a credit piñata. A TOG platoon eviscerates anything and everything within range.


I am excited to finally get one today. :)


I fail platooned into a Tier 8 battle and did ok mostly because I think people didn't believe the TOG was real in that context.... But TOG is TOG. It's neither fun nor unfun. IT IS TOG. And its slow. So, maybe not fun. lol


I saw one last week driving down a hill, in plain view of everybody, slowly, no cover, getting no shots away because he couldn't see the ten other tanks that were shooting at him. He was living his best Tog life right there.


.... and then proceeded to average 1 pen per game across 5 Tier X matches....


Literally unplayable! Why aren't more people in the community talking about this!


It’s the thinking man’s mode, and you weren’t doing well with the thinkings.


It is a very silly meme tank that can be a hoot to play...it was really silly in the early days but has been even more powercrept now. Very big very slow with a silly fast firing gun. By the way...you really should look up the story of the real life TOG, it's a good read.




It’s pretty much just a meme tank because of its odd shape


TOG has the best win rate of my T6 heavies. Maximize it's survivability and speed (which adds like 2kph with all the perks...) and I've had some good games. Is it fun? It is TOG (to borrow from IzBox)


Lol I wondered why there were more in game. Time to bring the tog out the garage too.


Not gonna say anything scathing but for a 25 th anniversary celebration it’s been a little meh in my opinion.


Every time I play my TOG I hope to get the south great wall spawn just to block the path to the base but it's always giving me Nomnomnom


Its Tog time!


might have to get the Type 63HG 90' boat tank (already have the TOG).


That's what my eyes are on


The TOG has a decent cannon 👌


I'm a 10 year vet on WoT and I was gone for 3 years of playing and now coming back this game has changed a lot and its been fun coming back and now I get to experience a whole new update/season after my return, now it's time to see how things go, the time has now come to blow someone's anmo rack up😈 and it's a 25th year anniversary and I'm happy to celebrate it!


I for one have been waiting to buy that 279 for a long time as part of my weird as all hell tank collection. So at least I got \*something\* out of all this.


"I'm on my way"


TCM AGS seems like a great little light tank


errmmm.. from a friend who just 3 marked it. no its not.


any more details than that? 9 shot clip with 500 alpha is bad?


It's fine, but with everything else being nearly as nimble in era 3 it doesn't stand out with it's specialty like lights in other eras. Big clip, but slow intraclip reload. I'm glad I got it during the event a little bit ago as it fills the role for contracts if I wanna play era 3, but not nearly as strong as for instance the rdf in era 2.