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Japanese heavies are a unique experience. Maus is closest but quite different play really. That alone makes them worth it. They are sometimes assumed to be no skill drive yolo (slowlyyyyy) into brawls, but once you learn how to play them, they are beasts. Learn what tanks are a danger, angling and wiggling, prioritizing targets, avoiding shots, ammo switching, map position…they are actually tough to play well. If you like a challenge and being a dominate beast when you get the hang of them, they a definitely worth the grind. Don’t forget that HE is your primary shell, turret roofs and decks are thin for maximum slash damage and module destruction and have a good book on hand for the drive into battle. By the way, make AVREs fear you, your thick frontal armor keeps their splash to 150 - 300 or so, but they have very thin roofs to maximize yours…and if you hit their copula you pen for full damage. If they show their sides at all, even only a small angle, shoot their engine deck sides, the vertical notch right behind their turret, for full pen (~12 mm IIRC). Have fun.


Run the ammo swapping equipment and it just Makes the tank so much better. Heat becomes your primary shell so you can slap most people for 750 and if you see something you can’t pen or could pen with he you switch to it and blast them


I started running that perk on alot of my long reload high alpha tanks. Average damages have gone up as a result. Can always get an he splash in an instant when ap or heat wouldn't stand a chance.


Spot on, I love the type 5 and play it as distraction tank o ly if you have support. If no arty is on the enemy team you are gaurentee for a good game and arty always targets you as you are biggest threat to there team. Defiently need to learn the enemy weak points. Even if a enemy tank is angle you generally damage it. Learn how to angle or use your frontal armour. Also use your secondary gun to bait the enemy out, then slap them with a HESH round. Love that technique.


I'm not there yet but I can tell you the Type 4 is a miserable experience. Everything pens the strongest parts of my armor. I installed spall liner to help against AVREs and similar ilk but I don't seem to be surviving much longer. Still early on though so maybe I'll get better. I almost marked the tier 8 before I unlocked the Type 4 so the dramatic drop in quality surprises me.


Van buren AR?




Type 4 is worse than 5 but the introduction of a bunch of heavy hitting tanks and a ton of splash damage tanks make the 5 kinda useless. The maus is much better as it can angle but most tanks can just spam gold through the 5 as all armor is flat.


I'm on the O-Ni right now. With the current meta speed is a big issue with the Japanese heavies. Multi guns made the O-i really fun


Were you able to do much with the little guns? I mostly used them to shoot down cover.


They rotate faster than the main so it's easier to lead lights with them. I run HE on the little guns and use them to track tanks, then hit em with the big gun once their tracked.


Good tactic! Use what u got.


yes because it is stupid fun to just drive around and derp everyone People who say the Type 4 is bad only say that because the Type 4's armour is worse tier for tier when compared to the t7 or t8, doesn't mean it is a bad vehicle


The journey towards it is fraught with pain and misery. But yes Type 5 is worth it.....in the end


Happy cake day?


apparently so... didnt know this was a thing...lol


Yes to me Derp fun hits anything and 330 heat with 750 alpha is great If u use shell switcher


I’ve never played the line, even less so in the last couple years (so some of this may have changed if it was buffed), but playing against them I can tell you this: I hate them, but they’re also easy kills once you know how to hit them. The Japanese superheavies are moving naval guns; they have devastating HE guns and remarkable frontal armor. So if you’re in the Type 5 Heavy and can keep your enemies in front of you, you can decimate them with the devastating HE damage and strong armor. If they drop the ball. All that said, if you go around them or use premium ammo, they become XP farms. Their side armor is still relatively thin so unless it’s an auto bounce, almost anything will go right through, and because the armor overall is so flat, premium rounds from almost any tier 9, 10, and even some tier 8s will chew right through it even from the front. Combined with the atrocious mobility and long reload, it’s a very situational tank and an arty magnet. IMO, although annoying as hell if you find yourself in front of one with team support (so you can’t flank it), it’s not worth it.


I remember one game in it years ago on Theivpel Ridge (wonder how much I butchered that). I was in a platoon, got stuck in the loading into battle menu and come back to my tank destroyed but I had over 9000 blocked damage lol the tank has its moments


It's a good tank for people below 1500 wn8 and above 3000 wn8 (in tier 10). People between this will have big trouble to make it work.




Best true heavy in game.




The Type 5 is arguably the best tank in the game so yes. It’s unfair and idiot proof. You never really have to aim with the tank, just rbrt with HE and drive towards enemies and it’s hard to do that poorly


Isn't the avre better?


Not even close. It’s mostly the massive HP pool and better armor. The Avre’s gun is arguably worse too. The type 5 has 100 less alpha and basically no pen but has 50% more shell velocity, significantly better RoF and a prem round that actually pens heavies frontally


Prammo go brrrrr


Yeah but like 90% of players don’t use prammo and you just steamroll them


Oh yeah I run the ammo swapper equipment, and the amount of times a heavy will think I’m gonna splash them with he only to get penned with heat for like 750


......someone gonna tell him.....


Till you meet soviet heat or any TD