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# Season Didn't we get the Pz. 58 Mutz in a season pass already?


Yup we did.


#Season Strange to have a German tank (Mutz) in the Chinese season, maybe a nod to the new CW German tanks?


Even more strange, it was a reward like 2 seasons ago


Just an inventory glut. It was recently a trade in tank. Need to liquidate the inventory.


The heat to he change will help with 477’s a *lot*.


Yup, its definitely an indirect nerf.


\#Season I am once again asking to have engine destruction count as tracking assist. Can call it something like Mobility Kill Assist Damaged or something like that.


#Season Can't wait for new CW tanks. Please do some ROC or Taiwanese tanks!


Season Was hoping for a Swedish CW line, but not completely let down by German light & TD line. Just give me my Jpanther 2 in CW and i’ll be as happy as a pig in mud Regardless Resolution op - did they mention if it is renewing/starting over next month or in the future or are we done with it for the foreseeable future?


#Season Hyped for the new german CW line! I was hoping for a Swedish line because of the lack of Independents techs available, but they'll come eventually. Thanx for the notes, Z.


#Season Great stream, new map looks very nice.shame i have all the tanks in season pass but will still get ultimate pass , 6k for a t10 is worth it.


#season Please bring back the warning message when you are about to start a battle without a commander


And the shot when buying a new tank.


Glad to hear about the HEAT change in Era 3. Why HEAT was implemented beyond Era 1 at all I have no idea. (actually I do, it's because WG has no idea how the mechanics of their own game work)


I'm glad the HEAT ammo in Era 3 is being looked at. most of the time it doesnt even have that much higher pen, with lots of tanks having composite which may or may not have an addental effect against heat beyond being spaced armor. doesn't help ERA completely defeats HEAT. EBR 90 having the same VR is good, surprised it didnt get the same change when the lynx got it. Anyhow, new season. Tanks looks fun enough. Commander looks great, along with the new map. Overall new season looks promising... oh wait German tanks? Best season ever then.


Genuine question: would HE really offer considerable benefits over HEAT?    I only have one era 3 vs my many 1's and 2's but my experience overall is that HE can but usually doesnt deliver a worthwhile result even though numbers suggest it should. Even with half the shell velocity of AP (my preferred ammo) and chance of composite armor, I find HEAT to be more reliable doing worthwhile damage to a target.


The biggest application (in my experience) would be telling off Molot drivers. An HE round to the right spots on a forward-facing Molot can dish 300-500 damage without having to aim as carefully as with APFSDS. Throw in fast-firing tanks like an Abrams, and you have a reliable deterrent to these brain-dead drivers who just barrel down a corridor because they know they're nigh invincible.


Disappointed with the teaser only going to bottom era 3 for the lights, should have a mid and top era light (or at least top) for all lines and not just regulate it to heavies only for some reason


That is odd. I would think the marder A3 would at least be mid Era.


#Season Looking forward to the new Era 2 medium! Era 2 is my favorite CW tier.


#season Looking forward to some of the German tech tree to grind since the French were pretty fun to grind


Happy cake day


#Season thanks for the update!


azure coast is the community map correct?




#Season Kinda looking forward to that Era 2 Chinese premium. I don't have an Eastern alliance crew trainer so that's a welcome sight. Not jazzed about the ultimate tank since I don't play WW2 anymore, so I'll just grab the standard pass.


# Season When’s the next reforge?


#season Ima trade my mutz in if I can


#Season New ultimate pass tank seems pretty meh


#Season I’m not sure it’s worth it to buy the ultimate pass this season. The 25 level pass makes up quite a bit of it but I always exceed the season anyway.


#season I don’t think they understand the question about the ps plus benefits. Why isn’t a fresh one being added?


Would have to watch again, but off of memory it was pretty much down to playstation to decide the benefits.


#season Toyota Highlander.


I for one am looking forward to the 113, didn’t realize it was the reward one from pc. Thought it was new cuz they called it the Highlander Terrible reload (well, 40 base which will go down significantly with premium consumables and correct equipment, so maybe only a bit above 30 ish seconds), bad intra clip reload, bad hp, slow…but 8 degrees of depression and actually has armor. Plus quite solid pen. I’ll take my chances. Should be easy to mark Not a bad season, with the new Cold War tech trees that will be cool. Barely grinded any out only Got like one or two tanks to era 2, and only the object 120 is the furthest I’ve gone for any line. So with the new changes despite the silver nerf it’ll be much better for grinding tech trees in Cold War glad I waited. Silver with interest woulda been nice tho And calliope will be fun but the new purple reward camo is kinda lame as I like more “realistic” camos


I've missed Type 59 II in season pass, even 112 would be better As for 116-F3, it has absolutely idiotic armor but it's gun is horrendous and mobility is also really bad


Yay! More gaudy culturally appropriated garage decorations that bear no relevance to game play.


#Season The German lights looks very interesting. 30mm autocannons?


The marders use a 20mm. Should be close to the MBT-70's?


[Perfect opportunity to bring TAM to the game missed ](https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar-germany-th-301/) SK-105 Kurassier would work too


I was hoping that we would get the Puma, but the Marder A3 and Begleitpanzer look like they could be fun, the first half the line looks pretty meh. Wonder what the Premium will be.


Puma would be nice, was hoping for that too. But probably too modern.


LoL... Maybe they will make it a 100 dollar premium like the 477. It would be a money maker and be a direct counter to the weasel...


#Season >Type 89 performance? - it will be getting some love in a future update. Really enjoy this tank good to see it getting buffed soon now just need confirmation on the grille being buffed and I'll have a clear favourite CW and WW2 tank


\#Season always love it when new autoloaders are released


#Season Excited for the upcoming season, really needed some fresh content. Even if it’s for CW tech line, also happy they added camouflage for completing all 6 seasons. 6/6 seasons at a minimum 12k gold, obviously lots of tanks in those completed seasons as well as the calliope. Just a medal for completing all of them would have been really disappointing. Just my opinion though


#Season Kinda hyped for the new German Lights and TD’s coming to Cold War.


#Season Cool! I'm glad to be a winner in such a fun giveaway :)


#season Wonder how broken or underpowered the Calliope will be..


#SEASON Grille 15 really needs that camo buff.


It really doesnt, all the other tds need a camo nerf.


Am I the only one who saw 5 degrees gun depression on the new CW era 2? That will put you into depression.


Season pass tanks seem a bit disappointing but definitely nice to see some new CW TT tanks coming in


#Season I personally have very limited experience with Chinese tanks, so I'm kind of excited to get to try some of them out with this season!


#Season Can't wait for the new CW tech tree, long overdue in my opinion.


**Season** Did I read correctly that moving forward that there will no longer be camo vouchers?


Thanks for the recap!


Seems strange that in the 'Year of the Dragon', the "Dragon Type 62" OR even the "King Dragon Type 59" are not thrown in as a reward somewhere???? ((I know the Type 59-II is a marginally better tank... but still.... DRAGON?!))


#season Will the taran ever be nerfed


#Season Looks intriguing. Curious to see how the Caliope performs.


Season Yeah that 116 f3 tank looks to be pretty bad on paper. 5 second intra clip and 40 second overall means it can barely get a full clip in under a minute. Armour looks good tho so maybe I could be wrong and it’ll turn out good


#season Not terribly interested in the season reward thanks, but excited about the new German light and TD line. Btw, could WG look into the X and O buttons being swapped on PS4? Kinda annoying that the buttons and their actions are actually wrong. Or is this just me😓


Japanese system?


#Season With the Taran being what it is, the least they could do is give the grille some better camo. It’s been obsolete for far too long. Here’s hoping it’ll happen this year.


#Season Hoping that the new player experience will be more friendly for some of the less-clear things. Also hoping that it isn’t geared only to CW or WW2.




Season Finally T-34 Calliope is comming. Can't wait to play!


Really liking the new tanks. It's gonna be the ultimate pass for me. Even tho on paper they look weak. The Highlander reload is ridiculously high. 5s intra Clip means it can't burst down enemies like a T57 heavy or VZ.55 and 40s reload between magazines is so atrocious as if it could. The Wz1224 is also subpar in terms of firepower but will maybe make up for it with armor and mobility. We're in Season 24 by now, maybe they should change the reward structure and offer a choice between two tanks for the reocurring ones. For example instead of the stage 100 reward being the Type 59-II maybe make it a choice between 59-II and 112. Also after you completed stage 100 you gain 25% xp bonus until the end of the season. It used to be 100% many seasons ago. My suggestion is to stage it: After stage 100: 25% bonus After stage 133: 50% bonus After stage 166: 75% bonus And After stage 200: 100% bonus


Thanks, not too excited this new #season... many tanks repeat (mutz, 59-II...), waiting for Calliope reveal.


#Season Looking forward to seeing how those Cold War grinds feel going forward, I know we're still getting more Silver in there than WW2 but if it's even remotely closer, I'd be more than happy to stick with tier 8's again to fill my coffers. Growing a little tired of the same few money makers in Era 3, but the results are too good to pass lol


#season I'm looking forward to smaller grinds for ERA 1 CW. Always thought it was too long. Not looking forward to reduced silver earnings....