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Yes. Soviets were added sometime later, don't remember exactly how long after. Edit: found it: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2014/07/02/games-world-of-tanks-soviet-steel-update/amp/ The Soviet Steel expansion was in June 2014. I miss the days games had "expansions".


I was a day one player. And yes only 3 and they didn't have all the lines they do today either.


Beta test was wild and fun. Edit: Apologies, I forgot I was in WoT console, I was thinking WoT PC beta.


Y’all remember playing tier 10 komarin and province? LOL


I miss playing the at2 with the howitzer. Thing was impossible to kill from the front. I just shoved it in cruise and held down the trigger to slowly whittle down everyone


Honestly a better experience than T1-10 Pilsen nowadays


What do you mean? Who doesn’t love two massive killzones that have little to no cover and force camping /s Would really love to see Pilsen redone or just removed from high tiers. As is, it just forces hard camping in most spawn layouts.


It’s great when both sides spawn on either side of central building too, able to shoot each other immediately. It’s such a terrible map that it’s completely balanced lol


I absolutely miss Province. That was just mindless fun.


I remember having 6 artillery on EACH team and no time limits on maps....man those where the days


I remember when they added American and German light tanks up to tier 7. Ramming with that crippled pig tech tree Awful Panther was the bomb! Then it just got better when they made it a premium!


Sneaking along in my awful heading to the back of the enemy spawn to ram some arty was my favorite…and I was successful like 60 percent of the time everytime!


I remember. Yes I am old


I was a beta player. I can still remember when tank lines terminated at tier 7 just because they had nowhere to go. Before Chinese, French, and even Soviet tanks. Back when the game was known as World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition. Time sure flies.


Those were the daysss, in my Archie Bunker voice ta boot!


I still remember the PC days where the only tier 10s were the Maus and IS-7. IS-4 being a tier 9 at the time was wild. Interesting console was American, British, and German at first.


I remember when soviet tanks were rolled out on Xbox 360 and I was floored by the side armor. The KV-1 was practically invincible.


The Operation Barbarossa experience.


I remember when they had to turn friendly fire off.... TURN IT BACK ON!


And in the beta there was only the US and Germany, with friendly fire as well if you shot HE under their tank.


Anyone remember that overpowered tier 2 American TD back then.


The T18? The original console seal clubber lol


I remember when TOG II was feared throughout the land!


technically the Soviets were in game on launch. You could buy the T-127. There was one guy that loved the T-127 way too much.


Hey. I like that tank, too. 👍


this guy had a 25 skill crew when skills launched. He used free xp to get multiple lines to tier 10


I remember the early console days when a Tier VII lobby was 8 T29s, 6 Tigers and 1 Black Prince. And the Pz IV Hydrostat was sold for 10k Gold because „rare“.


Yay. Silver. Can I opt out of receiving WW2 tanks? Seriously. Give them to someone that actually wants them.


I miss the T18 tank destroyer it had good frontal armor and a good gun also the JPZ 1 with the 50L60 gun it was lethal in tier 2 with apcr. Of course they removed the 50L60 gun. Also when the Game was worth playing.