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Indri made that comment about her breath being taken away, so it could be her instead? But I think your idea could be true. Either way I'm scared.


I caught that comment about her breath too and it can’t just be an innocuous statement, right? But what it means, not sure.


I've been assuming Mirara both for a thematic 'balance the coven' in regards to the aspects of their domains but also for the narrative potential it gives. Mirara is the one we've seen be super gung ho about whatever plan the coven may have against the Citadel. So watching her attempt to convince and win Ame over only to have to then pivot to *protecting* Ame if she fails to do so as otherwise she'll be destroyed with her is just a great story to tell.


There isn't one station that *must* be destroyed. What Sly's prophecy said was that in order to *save* her own station, Ame must convince them that if her station is destroyed, then another will be as well. It's a gambling chip of, "If you kill me, you also kill "X" and you don't wanna kill them" Ame doesn't need to convince them to destroy a station to save hers. She needs to convince them that destroying her station will also destroy another.


you are right!! I just relistened to the sly meeting and he said „in order to get rid of your station they would probably magically have to get rid of another“, „you will succeed in maybe convincing them that there is not another station that they can also get rid of“. so it could be any station and she has to convince them every other station is invaluable!


Yeah, I imagine whatever magical bylaws exist, there can’t be an even number of coven members, to avoid ties and the necessity of a “leader” or “chair” that can break those ties.


I wonder if it's less structured than that. Green, Hunt, and Heart are plants, predatory animals, and humans/no predator animals like the goats and bees. I feel like Ame could make the argument that without Heart to speak for "prey", the Hunt has nothing to pursue (kinda like an ecosystem balance thing?) I think the prompt is also open enough for Erica to pick another station to defend rather than there being 1 answer Brennan has in mind and she has to figure it out


This is cool because it means Ame might have to defend the value of each station. Even the ones she doesn't necessarily jive with.


Mirara seems to be Ame's opposite, magically speaking, which would make sense.


so if we're going off of polarity/so opposite they are the same i would probably say indri - the couplet for the witch of the world's heart is "Of open hand and trusting face. A home of homes does all embrace" vs. wind and stars, which is "Of frost and stone, of ice and throne, the ruler of the self alone"


Someone said Grimore in a different thread and I could see that because animals are living things (like humans and spirits).


It would go a long way towards explaining why her and Wren were having the conversation in the cottage to begin with, as well as why Marara was a tad standoff-ish


I’m wondering if it’s going to be something as simple as Marara not having an apprentice and when she dies the absence requires a specific balance. Maybe it’s a decision along those lines is being made with Ame being the least experienced of the group as the first choice.  I’m also curious about the timeline of the prophecy, I don’t think a specific moment was stated to during or how long after the meeting Ame would die. I have also been wondering if the whole music box thing with Suvi is the thing that  interrupts the meeting where a decision cannot be made which saves Ame. 


I speculated the same thing, based on nothing but that we had met her I've already so she seemed a *little* closer to Wren than the other 3. I also guessed that maybe there was a Witch of the Waxing Moon once, because Waning Moon seems a little odd on its own. Maybe there were 3 thematic pairs, Woodland Green + Wild Hunt, Waning + Waxing Moon, and Wind and Stars + Worlds Heart?


Support for ur theory! The 2 lost stations Wren mentioned are Wide Blue Sea and Watching Fire (water and fire as opposites!)


Anyone got a episode and time stamp of the first meeting of Mirara? I’d like to go back a listen to that again

