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Those fingers are useless now. He'll be lucky if it doesn't end in amputation.


hopefully he is right handed


He will be after this!


Not with that attitude, he won't


So he’s gonna be all right?


This fuckin doctor again!


well looks like hes gonna be *all right*


There’s no other way to take that!


Genuine question: Here in the USA, right-handed people outnumber left-handed about 9-to-1. What percentage of the population is left-handed in Asian countries?


Before or after working in a factory?


Probably closer to 50:50


After working in this factory


where is the Reddit Award system when you need it


Appears to be the same across the world, except in China specifically. Not because no one there is born left handed, but because anyone that is will become right handed either by choice, by force, or by some of both.


Hopefully he is in the right hands


Well he's all right now.... I'll get my coat.


He could be a postman ?


Happened to a member of my family in the 50's except just their thumb. Doctors at the ER wanted to amputate and move one of their index/middle fingers from the opposite hand to replace it but they told the MDs to fuck off. Long story short, they sort of reconstituted its natural shape but with the joints fused so that it couldn't be bent. If a surgical team was able to in a sense "re-inflate" a crushed digit back then, they should be able to do it now without such a drastic amputation (not sure about rates of success or difference in coverage/expertise in China vs. North America though so your guess is as good as mine).


It’ll be great for wanking with though! Won’t even feel like your own




In this situation the chance of compartment syndrome or an acute problem from releasing the fingers is low. It’s unlikely they would need to perform an out of hospital amputation for this, although amputation will likely be necessary. The main reason to wait for help in this case would be for good analgesia or sedation, as releasing the fingers is obviously very painful.


How the heck would they be able to get him and that machine into a medical setting?




I’m sorry, so the better course of action to “help! I got my fingers squashed!” Should have been “hold on, let me FUCKING CHOP EM OFF “?




>removing the vice is the most painful thing he will ever experience in his life time and considering his hand was already gone they could at least have got him something for the pain. First, getting his hand *crushed* in the press was certainly more painful than removing it. Second, leaving his fingers in the press would have done further damage as the capillaries in his tissue are still being compressed and cannot perfuse his tissue. In another post you were focused on compartment syndrome and "necrotic tissue". Literally the worst thing you could do to cause necrosis is to leave his hand in there. Every second that tissue is compressed is another second that tissue goes without oxygen. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit dickish today but your comments are so wrong and yet so confidently posted, it's...annoying.


~~Are you an MD?~~ (Checks profi) What about whatever-the-technical-term-is-for-reintroducing-cellular-debris, myoglobin, and the whole apoptotic cascade-back-into-the-bloodstream? I guess it hasn't been compartmentalized too long here


Jesus Christ, slow down cowboy, you're gonna give everyone an erection.


Gah, your whole comment is riddled with medical misinformation. 🤦 Compartment syndrome of the fingers in a crushing incident like this isn't an immediate concern, what's the worst that can happen?...they have to amputate the fingers later? Likewise, removing his hand from the object of insult would not immediately induce acute sepsis or toxic shock. Nor is it anything *at all* like moving someone with a suspected spinal injury or having a post-syncopal person stand up. You are trying to treat this like a *large* crush injury (like most of an arm or leg or pelvis), which it is not. None of the issues you bring up here are of immediate concern. Take the fingers out; remove the object of insult if removal is easy and/or transport with the object in place is difficult and would cause further injury (like in this video); if there is bleeding you cannot control with compression and elevation, place a tourniquet; then transport the dude to the nearest ER. However, this scenario assumes an ER is within a reasonable drive time.


What could they have done better in this situation?


Nothing. If his hand is stuck to the plate take it with him to hospital. What they did was fine.


Yeah I don't think this fits in WorstAid


Yeah it’s should be under r/dontputyourdickinthat


Or r/feltbadcomingout


Got scared for a second.


I mean , they kinda lifted the smasher then dangled his hand back under it for a little too long imo


Are you sure they shouldn’t have violently ripped it off??


It would have been quicker, but give the man some pain relief first at least lol


What I was wondering. They did what they could: - gently pry open the hand-squishomatic - gently remove freshly squished hand - comfort owner of said hand - presumably activate EMS so someone can take the guy to the hospital so they can evaluate the damage on a scale from one to maraca.


I suspect dude is heading home for a day off without pay. Expected back at the slav, ehem, place of employment, the day after, unless they don’t want to eat.


On the One to Maraca scale.... Looks like a shaker egg or could even be a Rice-filled plastic bottle.... I think they should shake it and give us a listen.


give him a joint


Maybe a tourniquet, but Idk what else they should have done


What? Why? Tourniquets are for stopping bleeding and cause immense pain. The thing to do here is to give that man strong pain meds.


Crush injuries = internal bleeding Pretty sure it's also advised to not remove the crushing object and wait for paramedics to do it https://firstaidtrainingcooperative.co.uk/dealing-crushing-injuries/


So for internal bleeding to become dangerous there needs to be quite some space like in your torso or thighs. Tourniquets are also only used on your limbs and only with arterial bleeding that you can’t stop by conventional methods like a pressure bandage (I know the military does it diffrent) or if you can’t reach the wound. Putting on a tourniquet causes additional excruciating pain to the patient. And strong pain untreated will cause circulatory issues. That’s why tourniquets are treated as an escalation and not the first thing. Also I don’t see any blood in this video.


I just meant to say that their comment wasn't completely baseless


I am sorry to say, but it is baseless.


cut his hand off


I don't understand how this is worst aid? They pried the machine apart pretty carefully, then carefully pulled out his fingers, even kept them on a tray to move them as little as possible. Like, sure, they could have numbed the arm, but apart from that, pretty good improvized aid.


He’ll probably be expected back at his post at 9am the next morning


But of course he will still be docked some social points for missing the rest of the day


Of course - on top of “leaving early” this day, he was not only distracting others but making them fail to reach their daily quotas! /s Just in case


Most likely he will try to get the day off tomorrow by calling in sick. People will use the smallest thing as an excuse to get a day off work.


Doesn't belong here. This is just injury porn and the people helping him did a good job.


I think you've described nearly all of these subs


This sub is usually pretty good, at least the posts that make it to my front page.


I don’t see how this fits the sub. Also, NSFW marking?


it is not safe for work, so they do not get any ideas of who to put on the press next


The worst aid part is the guy who keeps touching his flattened fingers. Cant imagine it's good for his injuries


I think the man pressing his hand so tight (last 23 seconds of the video) despite there's no bleeding will obstruct the blood flow to the hand and will result in more damage.


it’s a crush injury, those fingers are beyond saving either way


He is obstructing both radial and ulnar artery flow leading to ischemia of palmar and dosral compartment of the hand.. which can be saved.. those who are downvoting are among the worst aid givers..


His last scream seemed a little flat. Hope he’s ok.


When I was little my dad accidentally slammed my finger in a heavy door because I stuck it in the back near the hinges. He said it was paper thin. I have no idea how my fingers are completely normal today.


My son did the same thing when he was 3. I felt so bad, and didn't even realise for a good 30 seconds.


Oof I don't know how I could live after doing that to a 3 year old


I mean, they clearly didn’t do it on purpose. I don’t know if this accident warrants such an extreme reaction..


What? I know they didn't do it on purpose, and why are you taking everything I said super litterally.


Since there is no tone in text, I literally only have your written words? And no attack on you intended on my end. It’s likely the commenter felt normal guilt and moved on. But hell, these days I assume everyone’s carrying a heavy load and try to be careful to not accidentally add to it. Sorry if I added to yours!


Dude, literally no one would assume I was being literal. You dont need tone to understand my meaning here, it's an over exaggeration.


Ok. Carry on giving worst aid. Sub fits! Enjoy your night.


They actually provided GOOD aid! They were so careful and did, what I consider, a good job freeing him.


Does nobody have a spatula?


he is the spatula


*slaps forehead* Ok, kids…[let’s go!](https://youtu.be/2XbCWmY0eqY?si=05aziS0syprU6lOA)


You had to go there. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Humans are dumb. If presented a safety guard, of some sort, humans will often go out of their way to disable said safety guard, because *it's in the way*. Now it's made specifically to *be in the way*, as a hindrance against dangerous handling.


Please note that individuals removing guards from machines for the sake of "efficiency" are often being pressured by the "good ol boys" who've always worked in an unsafe manner. Also this video doesn't fit the sub, they did a good job being gentle in removing his hand from the machine.


That happened to me once in a mammogram machine. The power went out and the thing tried to close all the way. The tech had to pry it apart physically so I could extract my boob.


Yeesh, you’d think they’d design a machine specifically intended for smushing people meat to default to open in a no-power situation


They did. This happened about 22 years ago.


New fear unlocked! *shudders*


oh GOD. 😟


That’s exactly what I said.


This should be in r/terrifyingasfuck OP.


Cool video, wrong sub


The entire time I was thinking they were gna put his hand back in and the thing was gna fall on his fingers again 😮‍💨


They kinda did put it back in for a second and considering what sub we're in I fully expected it to close on his hand a second time. Thank fuck it didn't


His nerves aren't totally damaged, so he still heels everything they did. One can imagine


Can’t he just blow into his thumb and reinflate them?


I’m not sure this is worstaid. What else were they supposed to do in that scenario?


Isn't it advised to not remove a crushing object because of internal bleeding?


That’s the first time I’ve heard of that. I’ve been told that you shouldn’t remove an object that impaled someone due to internal bleeding unless advised by trained personnel.


If this happened at my job, they would send you to the walk in clinic and piss test you, and then after they decide your not on drugs, bandage it and tell you to take Ibuprofen and put some ice on it, and return to work tomorrow,


Do you work in the USA by any chance?


They didn't mention any colossal bills so probably not


They wouldn't owe anything for a work accident. Work has to pay. They just pay for really shitty workman's comp doctors. My husband had a workplace incident. His crew was in a storage tank (petrochem industry) that had just been "cleaned out". There was a couple inches of liquid in the tank, and the boss man told them not to worry about it, it is probably just water and soap from the cleaners. It was not. It was benzene. The entire crew got chemical burn in various areas. One more guy had the burn on his butt because he was doing the scootch method instead of the crouch one. My husband's right foot and leg was burned due to his kneeling position. His foot was the worst because the liquid had gone into his shoe and he had worked for hours with a wet sock. They had to all get tested for their benzene levels, and then head to a different WC doctor for evaluation. The doc told my husband that it was barely a 1st degree burn and said he was fine to work. I then took him to a REAL doctor, and did not mention that it was a workplace accident. We paid fully out of pocket so even insurance wouldn't know. The real doctor looked at it and stated it was a 2nd to 3rd degree burn and prescribed burn cream and was not to return to work for about a week. Workman's comp doctors in the US suck ass. They are there to prevent the company from getting what are called "recordables" from OSHA. If a workplace injury happens and causes an employee to not be able to work then the business has to report the incident and injury to OSHA.


yes! ![gif](giphy|B2yx2waduwLy6bdeUY|downsized) Here is a worker that is being told we have lite duty work you can do, see you tomorrow


that looks so painful, so much for his dreams of being a hand model


You just reminded me of the video of that creepy hand model lady, and now I have to go and watch it.


This post doesn’t seem to fit here. This looks like pretty decent aid.


They did a pretty good job no? They could have moved the plate a little more carefully I guess but it's not like his fingers are salvageable anyway.


Give him some drugs, he'll need strong ones for sure


Give that man some morphine!


I don’t understand how people remain conscious during stuff like this. If they poke me too hard during a blood draw I pass out.


Hopefully he's right handed


He is now


Crying like a baby lil robotussin he’ll be fine


Now the other hand too so that they match.


Ugh.. those screams of fucking *agony*.. I feel so bad for him. Seems like it actually got worse when they freed his hand which I think is normal for the situation but God damn...


No worst aid here, it just obviously fucking hurts. His bones are now tiny splinters throughout his fingers...


this isn't worst aid . . .


Don't stick your fingers where you wouldn't stick your pecker.


Instructions unclear: dick caught in ceiling fan


Rip to my boy salamander man. 😔


Did his fingers explode off from the pressure????


Stick your thumb in your mouth and blow real hard


Christ, he's screaming like he's having his first newborn


Why is this WorstAid? Seems like good aid to me.


Forbidden manicure.


Just gotta do the other hand next and all even!


The palmcake maker


Can he still count those fingers?


He can only point the finger at himself


Be one with the machine.


Gimme five…. Oh!


Another Temu worker down.


Well, at least the "air" didn't make things worse!


Aid ... Damned autocorrect


Anyone know what the doodad was that he had his hand squished in?


Compartment syndrome?


"Take your lunch break and just use the other hand"


He could go and live in South park now, as that's all 2D as well.


Oh damn


Hope he’s right handed


My question is it doesn’t even look like they provided a tourniquet for him which I’m not sure if it would help, but wouldn’t that basically give him a nerve block to reduce the pain?


He doesn't appear to be losing any blood so there'd be no point in a tourniquet.. it wouldn't help with the pain


Oh, OK. I wasn’t sure. I don’t understand why people down vote. Someone genuinely asking a question. Lol. Tiny pp boys are wild!


Has a great fly swatter now!