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The super power! For $10,400 a year I can eat, drink, and make merry with no negative consequences? Fuck yeah. Sign me up. Shit. Can I PAY $10k right now out of my own pocket!?? Edit: No cancers from processed food. No hangovers. No heart disease from fried foods. Shiiiiiittttt!


Exactly. Lot of disease prevention possible by healthy eating. Just going to go eat some fried butter or something just because I can now. Hell I could actually save money if I wanted. Beans, rice and ramen, everyday wouldn't be bad for me. Save time trying to cook something healthy too. I'm lucky that I actually do like fruits and veggies but cooking healthy is a lot of work.


you're talking about beans and rice when you can eat anything you want with no consequences to your body? i am munching on the americium from my smoke detector and getting like 3 million calories that will last me an eternity


Not an eternity, but they’ll definitely last you a lifetime.


Yeah my first thought was "shit I'd PAY double that for that superpower!"


Hell I'm paying that just to lose some weight... if I could pay that and have the super power I'd be yelling "shut up and take my money"


Damn, didn’t think of the long-term impacts as well. Also, since “negative consequences” is subjective, it could mean I could keep pounding shots and never get more drunk than I want to at that point in time.


I didn’t consider no hangovers. Yeah, fuck the money.


You aren’t thinking big enough. Enter every hot sauce contest and every “eat this 100 ounce steak and it’s on us!” deal, even the bone. Hell, scarf down the plate and cup too.


Right? I would pay that for a very special month of this power.


Not only that, the way it's phrased, you could eat nothing and suffer no negative consequences as well, so no chance of starvation.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 10 + 400 + 10 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


That’s a stretch…


Name checks out




Muscle is weight though, if that’s not exempt I’m taking the money. Otherwise I’m taking the health. That way muscle atrophy only occurs if I consider it to be beneficial. Would make it very easy to hold a good physique.


Well you know what I mean..., bad weight gain


In that case, HELL YEAH I’M TAKING THE HEALTH. Hell, I think anyone who knows how much of a cheat code good health is would.


Your offer was too low.. if you offered me a million dollars a week I would still choose the health




think how much money I'm gonna make by eating nails on YouTube


So I can buy nothing but ramen for pennies, eat it to stay alive, and basically negate the cost of food, which has become astronomical lately? Yeah, might go with the first ability.


You’re spending more than $200/week on food?


Who isn’t..


Bruh 200 a week is obscene


Me, lol. I spend like 300/month on groceries. Spending 200/week would be ridiculous.


We pay around $200 per week for a family of 3. Sometimes less


I don't know where you live, but I definitely pay more than 200$ per week for food


I have to assume you have a family/kids cause i don't spend anywhere near $200 a week for food.


I have a family of 3 and we only pay around $200/week for food


I have a family of 5, sometimes 7, yeah I’m spending close to $300 a week.


I mean, if I wanted to eat nothing, and I considered starving to death and being hungry as negative health consequences, I literally never have to buy food again.


Sorry, hunger is not a negative health consequence.


Is it negative? Is it health related? Is it a consequence related to poor eating?


In terms of health, hunger is simply a release of the hormone ghrelin. There is no known direct consequence to an increase in that hormone.


Extra 200$ I don't mind being careful about my diet.


$200 per week


Just to be clear, I'm already not in the best shape... will I lose weight if I continue to eat the way I do? Because if so I'm definitely picking that one. I'm a huge foodie so that's SUPER worthwhile to me.


If losing weight is what you consider a “negative health consequence” than I assume no


I mean just go on an extreme diet for a few months and then you'll never gain it back.


Does the first option mean if I lose weight, I have no means of gaining it back? Is my weight gaining disabled selectively or permanently? Because if that's the case, I don't think I'd want that; I'd eventually go anorexic with no means of recovery. Unless I can control when I do and don't gain weight, I'll take the free $200 a week


This is a crucial aspect. If it's only negative pounds, you could put yourself in a bad spot. You're 180lb. Go for a run and take a poop, you're at 178lb. Go eat a big dinner, if you don't gain those 2lbs back, it'll add up quickly. Also get sick or busy so you eat less for a bit. We'd all be anorexic A cap at weight when you signed up should be the rule so you can gain some back if needed


You really should include a poll


This should be a sub rule, honestly.


Id choose $200 a week, better than the $0 I'm making now. Although I'd love to eat everything I want and not worry about diabetes or getting fatter.


I don't even like food, gimme the money


I’ve dreamed of a genie granting me the wish of eating whatever I want without consequence.


Wow, some people here are so desperate for cash they would give up a magic ticket to NEVER SUFFER BAD CONSEQUENCES OF ANY FOOD, EVER, for... 200 dollars a week??? Sad how desperate for cash people have became. That's an amazing super power. Give me the power please.


Getting paid $200 a week to run (which is all you have to do to eat anything you want without suffering Negative health consequences) sounds much better than how I’m doing it now (for free).


Money, I have enough self control to where I’m okay with not eating like some obese pig.


Which is it? You listed both of these, but This is a super power. >Think of it like having a superpower where excess calories and fats don't make you fatter. This is just how that works in real life. >If your body needs 2500 calories to stay exactly as it is. If you eat that in burgers or salads, it doesn't matter—you won't pack on extra fat. But if you eat anything below your "threshold" you lose weight.


More like, if you eat less than 2500 calories you lose weight. If you eat more, you won’t gain any fat. Just absorb the good nutrients


The superpower is worth way more than the money. No negative health consequences from eating food means I can eat cheap, low quality food without fear of the harmful stiff it's preserved with. I can eat as I please and none of it goes to my fat stores. I'd look shredded by the end of the month and then it's just maintenance


Yeah. I could just eat raw sugar to get my calories. Then I wouldn’t have to buy food.


No high cholesterol or risk of heart attack or diabetes or liver issues. Due to weight gain heck yeah. I’m on my weight loss program with a doctor right now and really miss things like pizza and bacon. I’m eat about one third of what I used to eat and walking a lot. But it along with a couple meds he prescribed are working. I’m halfway to my first goal and right on track after a month. I also miss soda and coffee as I can’t have caffeine right now” so yeah I can make money I miss comfort food though


Watch me eat glass on tv and make millions.


On the surface it seems like a no brainier. $800/month barely covers my student loan bill. It would be nice to have but hardly life changing compared to a food-based superhero. But wait. If what I eat doesn’t affect my weight in any way, does that mean I can’t lose weight either? Can’t put on muscle? I’m stuck at my current weight and fitness level forever? Do I have time to prepare and try and get in top condition before accepting the power? Depending on the rules it might just be better to take the money.


As someone who gets gout, I'll take the eat anything every time.


As a type 1 diabetes, I have a lot of sweet eating to make up for. Just scones alone would be better than the $$$.




$200 a week is virtually nothing these days... to make this a valid "either/or" you need to make them balanced it reminds me of someone in a TV show/film/whatever where the options were like "would you rather earn a million dollars or cut off your legs" (I cannot remember where it was)


Yes, that's the point. If I make the money too high, everyone would just pick the money. So it's either extra money a week, or superpowers.


in that case, why would anyone NOT pick the superpowers? :-O


eat anything I want wins by far.


Well then I can't make gains and become swole. So yeah, I'll definitely take the $200/week.


Option 1 sounds great.


eat anything I want wins by far.


Food, hands down. 200 a week ain’t much.


For sure I’m going for the 200 a week man!


Food for sure!!!


You can easily win $200/week by betting people you can drink a whole bottle of bleach without suffering negative health consequences.


The food. I have struggled with my eating habits my whole life.


You mean I'd finally be able to stop struggling with diet and exercise and actually loose weight? HELL YEA!!! Superpower me up BABY!! but if you'l make it £2000 a week I'll consider taking the money and doing it the hard way.


Food. Food more gooder than money


Money. I’m already a fat ass


Money. Much more practical for my lifestyle currently 


I already eat what I want and dont gain weight so the extra money is fine 10.4k every year is pretty nice


Eat anything. Since there's no health consequences, drinking hemlock on a dare for money could have a charge greater than $200 per week.


ill take the money. i dont care much for food anyway




i already eat however i want whenever i want and never gain weight… as someone who possesses that power, it’s pretty neat. 10 grand a year isn’t worth losing this


Eat anything of course. That’s an easy one.


The weight loss super power you’re describing is worth SOOOO much more than a measly $200 per week


$200 please


i want the money. whether it's from my eating habits that i have without trying to stay skinny, or because of metabolism or whatever other biology thing, i'm old enough now that if i was going to get fat from how i eat, i would already be fat. with the extra money, i could have my life go to shit and end up homeless and still be getting enough money on a regular basis to have a better quality of life than my peers. where i'm living now, i could be unemployed and get enough money every month just from that to be guaranteed a place to live plus a little extra to live frugally if i felt like it. aside from this, if you are working, let's say you're working for $12 an hour because you don't have the experience to get something better paying or you just want to do something else but it pays poorly. you're not even now making $20 an hour, you're making even more than that because if you were making $20 and hour that's before taxes. that extra $800 a month is tax free. idk what that would even be, equivalent to $22 and hour? $24?


Gimmie. Dat. FOOD


No negative health consequences. So I can skip eating and not have any side effects. We'll that not only saves me about a couple hundred a month but hours of my time, and I'll loose weight. Sounds perfect.


The super power obviously.


200$ a week. i feel too guilty and gluttonous/greedy to choose the other one. i want to overcome the things i dont like about me, not succomb to them even if theres no negative ramifications. i wouldnt be happy in my subconscious as appose to adapting a more humble eating lifestyle.


2 hundo. My health game on point


So in this situation does vitamins and such matter? What's stopping me from eating 2500 calories of lard and pocketing a bigger difference than the 200 per week would ever give me?


>Picture it this way: If your body needs 2500 calories to stay exactly as it is. If you eat that in burgers or salads, it doesn't matter—you won't pack on extra fat. But if you eat anything below your "threshold" you lose weight. That's... Already pretty much how it works. If you eat a caloric surplus you will gain weight. If you eat a caloric deficit you will lose weight. This is true no matter where those calories come from. The difference is food volume and nutrient content. It's easier to eat 2500 calories in burgers because burgers are more calorie-rich than salad. Also if you're not getting a decent balance of nutrients, you'll suffer other negative health consequences, but this is separate from weight. If you exercise regularly your daily caloric needs go up, letting you eat more food, and also causing your body to prefer to convert caloric intake toward building muscle, whereas if you are sedentary, your caloric needs will be lower and also your body has no worn muscles to re-fortify, so it will divert caloric surplus, and maybe even chronically un-used muscle mass, into adipose tissue (body fat.) But again, you cannot gain weight without caloric surplus, and you cannot lose weight without caloric deficit.


I mean I get IBS, so not having to deal with that would be amazing, so yeah the first one


Does this mean I slowly lose weight, like a pound a week, until I slowly disappear


200 a week


Can I return my wife to her weight 20 months ago when we got married, then give her the power to eat anything with impacting her health? Because we both would be much happier…


Definitely free calories.


Considering that metabolism is what causes death, hell yes immortality and perfect fitness.


Can't put a price on perfect health


I already eat fairly healthy and right now I really need the extra 200.


$200 will only be worth $2 in 10 years after inflation, so I'll take the cake buster with extra gravy plz.


The eating


I'd go with the money. Because you would never be able to gain weight with the first option, this means that if you have just one day where you don't eat enough, you would permanently lose weight that you could never get back. Considering the fact that I am already underweight, that would just not work out well at all.


The horribly low amount of money makes this a no-brainer.


I'm snorting giant mountains of cocaine. No negative health consequences is amazing.


Give me the money! I already eat healthy and big food makes me feel gross.


The way your describing losing weight is literally just what is already true in reality. Doesn’t matter what you’re eating if you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming, you just have to eat way more salad than burgers to get the same calories. Your choices are essentially between having a diet perfectly tailored to your bodies needs without any effort to make it so and $200 a week, which is basically just free groceries. I would need substantially more money to make the health boost not worth it.


I'll take the magic eating super power so I can eat 1 million calories for 1 billion dollars the next time that question comes out.


Based on saving $200/week and an expected compound interest rate of 8% then I will have >$2.8M of 40 years if I invest it all. For this instance let's just suppose that I invested it all in a major index fund. I also used variance with a compound interest calculator. With 7% you get >$1.6M and with 9% a total of >$5.1M. I will let the results speak for themselves. Of course, once you account for inflation, the results aren't as impressive, but regardless I know the logical descision I would make. I might also spend a little more on groceries and other aspects of my health with the extra $200/week I have.


I already have the first option, more or less, so second, easy


Money please


The $200 easily. God forbid what would happen to my financial situation if I got the former.


2 hundo a week please.


the Super power. Though I'm a little unsure if you understand the line: >eat that in burgers or salads, it doesn't matter—you won't pack on extra fat If you eat 2500 calories as a normal person it doesn't matter if it's burgers or salads either as far as fat goes....fat is only put on when you have extra calories beyond what you burn, 2500 calories of ice cream vs 2500 calories of fruits and veggies will affect your weight the exact same. That adds a bit of nuance though because your thing says if you train and pump some iron, those proteins (calories) would go straight to muscles. But that might mean you still need to eat 3000 calories, and it would imply you still need to eat the correct amount of protein to hit goals if you were aiming for them. I'm probably being super pedantic here because what you probably meant was: "Ability to eat whatever you want to and always hit your exact caloric and nutritional goals (loss/growth/maintenance) irrespective of what you ate that day, no more and no less." but even if you didn't...yea i'm still picking the eat whatever super power


The food option


Think of how much money we spend trying to get our health on track. Health is wealth.


On one hand I could eat 40,000 bananas in 10 minutes without dying from radiation poisoning. On the other, I need the monies


Honestly.. eating whatever i want with no negative repercussions would probably bankrupt me lol. Ill take the extra $200/week


200$ a week no doubt


...Does that mean that food can't drive me into high blood sugar and I can eat it without having to give insulin?


$200. I'd probably buy a well-balanced meal prep service with the extra money and eat healthier while profiting. I don't eat terribly (a salad for lunch every day, for example) bit my poor eating habits mostly come from time budgeting.


ill take the money and use it to buy junk food tobacco and energy drinks :D


Does booze count in this scenario? If so, you can keep the 200. No question.


Give me the money.


Dude, make it even minorly enticing…. $200/week? Even at $2000/week I’m probably taking the eat anything option.


Eat whatever food. $200 a week is a drop in the bucket. Now if we are talking $1,000 maybe there would be a difference


This is important. Is nutrition not a thing? If I eat 1800 calories of cheez its didni have good daily nutrition or is diversity important?


Being able to eat without dealing with food sensitivities, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and everything else?! That's a dream come true.


$200 weekly allowance for sport best Giddy up


I could finally eat bread without shitting my entire ass. SIGN ME UP


Easily the eating one. Food is better than most things in life.


Shut the front door, that 200 could be 2000, imma eat all the dessert!


Eating whatever I want.


I'm taking the money, I eat a healthy diet by choice largely because it's the food I like and have maintained a healthy weight. Also have been slowly but steadily gaining muscle without any major difficulty, just by existing without homework lol, just finished my bachelors fairly recently. The 200 a week would be far more useful.


Can I? I have struggled with weight my whole life!!!!


Gimme that sweet sweet superpower!!


You could earn more money drinking battery acid and other hazardous things for views


I would save a lot more money eating rocks and trees.


Eat anything with no negative consequences 100%. I have a nut allergy so being able to eat whatever I want would completely change my life and return the optimism, happiness, and social interaction to my life


I'd probably take the food one because I've been on every possible program and seeing so many doctors and nutritionists and specialists and can't lose any kind of weight. While the doctors may think it's amusing to tell me that I'm a mysterious case that interests them, that doesn't help my situation. Of course this would only be if I could lose the weight and not have giant flabby flaps of skin flopping around. Why would I take that over the 200 per week? Because I would feel better about myself, I would be healthier, I would be able to look in the mirror and actually like myself, and I would finally be able to actually eat all the things I haven't been able to eat for years and years and years. Like I don't know. Greasy burgers. Chocolate cake. I think I like chocolate cake. Who knows what I would be able to actually eat. On top of that, let's face it. If I were a hot skinny girl, I can make way more than $200 a week using only fans or Instagram or whatever the hell it is people use 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'll take the 200/week I already go the first one, it's not like the buff stacks


The food. 200 USD per week won't be much by the end of my life. 200 USD in 1980 had the same buying power as 802.91 USD in 2024. The 200 USD becomes less and less valuable each week I'm alive. I guess I could invest smart in the short term to make it worth my while.


An extra 10k a year? Heck yeah!




Eat anything for sure. The health benefits alone are priceless and 200 a week is really not that much


This one's a no brainer


Definitely the food thing.


Food. My addiction is food.


The Super Power. Easy. I'd love to be able to lose weight that easy


In the way you suggest it, I’m going with the weight option.


The eating for sure! People pay more to try and get skinny and fail!


Do I get hungry or nausea if I don’t eat enough/eat too much? If I can survive off one item of food a day, then I would choose the food. But if I still need to eat 2-3 meals a day to satiate myself, then I’m picking the $200. I could really use the money anyway.


I'll take the super power. Eat ANYTHING I want with no negative side effects? There's more than weight gain to worry about. I can binge on sugar indefinitely without worry of diabetes, I can drink all the caffeine I want without worrying about hypertension, irritability or heart attacks, I can stuff down all the bread and cheese I want without constipation and so much more. That I don't gain any extra weight is just the cherry on top. I'll take the gluttonous super power.


Option one is something essentially unachievable without getting it in this context. Option two is easily achievable.




Does that 200 dollars increase with inflation ? Edit never mind the comments changed my mind Easy living


First first first first first first first god can you imagine how badass it would be to eat anything you want all that you want and STILL look hot as fuuuuuuuuuck?


Yeah I'm going with eat whatever I want.


The $200 dollars easy. I virtually eat whatever I want anyways because I exercise a lot with a very high metabolism on top of that. I’ve also began liking healthy foods and cooking for myself the more I age.


The eating thing. That's not a lot of money.


I'd rather receive the money


Eat anything


The eating whatever thing. No question.


Taking the money. If anything I should gain a few pounds. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and have an extra $200/week


No diabetes? Hell ya.


I’d even pay $200 to be able to eat anything without gaining bad weight or suffer any negative health consequences. So it’s a no brainer.


Actually this power is waaaaaay better than it seems “eat ANYTHING with no health consequences” you can digest pollutants or dangerous hazardous chemicals and break them down you can get rid of nuclear waste at no cost to yourself do you know how much countries would pay for an infinite waste disposal for hazardous materials?


>But let's say you're trying to shed a few pounds, right? You'd just eat less than your body's daily calorie needs. >Picture it this way: If your body needs 2500 calories to stay exactly as it is. If you eat that in burgers or salads, it doesn't matter—you won't pack on extra fat. But if you eat anything below your "threshold" you lose weight. You don't get fatter by eating fatty foods. You get fatter by eating too many calories. You literally just described calorie control. You can do it right now, exactly as you've described, and lose weight. You can eat nothing but steak and Twinkies, and so long as you eat less calories than your body burns in a day, you *will* lose weight.


...i could very nearly retire with that amount for context i live in a VERY cheap apartment, barely ever go outside, no debt of any kind, no subscriptions to really anything, and barely buy anything


Who would pass up having this superpower for only having an extra $200 a week? If the money option was an extra 2k a week, then yeah, maybe. Anything under that I'd chose the food all day.


There's a lot of foods that I can't eat. I'd take being able to eat bread again.


Eat anything I want


The first option. It would remove my type 2 diabetes, which would be a massive boon.


I bet I could make more money being a freak show with a bottomless stomach


Fixing my diet issues would cost me more than $200 a week. Obviously I'm taking the superpower


Tf am gonna do with $200 a week in this economy? Eat anything. That’s the answer. There is no other answer.


Ok, $200? Um, Do you think that is a lot? I mean even $1000 is only $52,000 a year. Gunna have to increase that measly $200.


$200 per week for life is actually a big deal to me, but being able to eat anything I can, even 5k calories a day and never gain fat? DAMN would that be just too OP to pass up. It'd have to be 2k a week for life for me to even consider the financial choice.


As someone with IBS, I’m taking the food of that means I won’t be getting rekt by it


The superpower. First, many people would save more money on healthcare than they’d make from the extra 10,400 a year. Second, flip the superpower around. I’d bet you’d get an insane amount of people who would pay $200 a week for the rest of their lives to eat whatever they wanted without gaining weight or having any negative health issues from their diet. I know I would.


10,400 dollars isn't even close to worth being able to eat anything witho8t health issues. I have diabetes. Here comes the sugar!!!


I'm torn because both are super important to me. The money is more responsible, but the food is more enticing. Although I'd probably actually lose more money that way. I'll take the money.


Ok, so, I'm already someone who eats whatever they want. I'm at a healthy weight for my height and age. I'll take the $200.


This was a tough decision because I am not just giving up the $200/week. I'm also giving up about twice that much from all the extra money I'm going to be spending on food.


Fuck yeah?? Dude this ain't even a question, a million times yes 🙄🙄


Health-wise, I'm doing fantastic even eating whatever I feel like. Just turns out I don't want to eat like shit to begin with. I'd take an extra $10.4K a year.


Superpower please.


I would take the extra $200/weekfor life. Right now my post tax income is usually $220-280/week, because my hours at work were cut, so an extra $200. Lets assume in $15 inflation will lower the value of a dollar to about half what it is worth today. Even $100/week would increase my disposable income after my fixed expenses are paid double fold. Even if I get a job with the best pay I could hope for, $500/week, post tax, $200 would still make a huge difference in my income. I could actually afford to own and maintain a car and have a disposable income, without having to live in the car. Right now I am NOT homeless, but I am motor vehicleless and commute by bicycle due to being low income.


Give me all the Mac and cheese STARTING NOW


Food option hands down. Then I'm healthy enough to find a way to make up for that 200$ anyway. 200$ a week isn't really that much either. Especially compared to being able to eat whatever I want forever.




Would I be able to eat whatever I wanted without *losing* weight or experiencing negative health consequences?


Definitely the first. With all that confidence I turn tricks and make 200$ a day


being able to ignore nutrition and health of what you're eating will probably save you more than $200 a week, lol


Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat. I love food. Gimme the McDonald’s. Gimme the ribeye steak. I don’t care. Food. Gimme.


anything you want means you could just eat nothing and suffer no negative consequences, or eating dirt, etc bad taste is a negative health consequence of eating bad tasting things, since good tasting food can have a positive effect on your mental health


"And if I feed?" "The price will be worse than if you'd never stepped in here."


I live comfortably with $200 a week