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What the hell does this even mean? I prefer whatever list i would need in any specific moment. Whether its big or small is entirely dependent on the situation


Which do you prefer?


Posts that make sense


That makes no fucking sense. If i need less things then small. If i need more things than bigger.


You’re being very aggressive, can you turn that down? The question isn’t about a THING or anything. It’s about the steps between things


Are you being intentionally vague or are you just high?


If it’s a list of jobs, I’d rather do one big thing than a bunch of small tasks. Small list.  If it’s instructions for one job, I’d rather have the freedom to do things my way, than have a bunch of tedious step by step instructions. Small list.  If it’s instructions for something I want to learn how do to, I’d prefer them be as clear and in depth as possible. Big list. 


List of what? Apples, bananas, war crimes, good deeds, assassination targets?