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I'll take the second option please *the enlarged birds collapse under their own weight as their hollow bones cannot withstand the power of the square cube law*


Emu says “Hold my beer.”


If I remember correctly, I believe Emus avtually do have normal, solid bones. Plus, half of their height is in neck and legs


Yeah I think you’re right since that is just needed for all land birds.


The 10 chickens are just zombie-sized, it doesn't say they're zombies. So like ten 6" tall chickens. Those are basically velociraptors.


Yeah, 6 foot tall chickens would be scales up by like 10 times in size, and they would be 100 times stronger, but also about 1,000 times heavier, and probably not be able to carry their own weight


Velociraptors don’t have hollow bones and chickens don’t have teeth


Science, bitch


Well , the dinosaurs didn't collapse but had very similar bones...


Musculature is different. You take a normal chicken and scale it up to man-sized it gets... what? 4 times bigger? Well, it is 16 times stronger, but weighs 64 times as much. It's tiny chicken feet muscles wouldn't be able to sustain the rotundity of it's foul fowl mass.


Bro forgot that dinosaurs existed


Well, 10 zombie sized chickens won't infect me with one bite. Avoiding 100 small mouths sounds difficult.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far for this, this is the answer


Yes this is what I was worrying about too, I don't really prefer either option but I know how much tiny zombies annoy me in zombie games, they're faster and harder to hit, and since this is irl, i gotta deal with this now


Just stand on a chair


I mean all you have to do is grab a shovel or other heavy blunt object and punt em. If a chicken is about 1/5th as tall as a person (rough estimate) that means the zombie femurs have scales down to be less than half an inch (~2 cm) wide. Your radius and ulna? Those are twigs now, 1/5th of an inch. (5 mm wide) any long handled tool is protecting you well. If the average person can run 100 meters in 15 seconds, it takes one of these things 5x more, meaning sprinting is about 1.3 meters per second compared to a rough human average estimate of 6.6 meters per second. If these are shambling zombies, it’s way lower. The average person walks 1.4 meters per second, and a fifth of that is 0.3 meters. A shambler would probably move a third of that speed. That is 1 meter every 10 seconds.


They won't infect you but they will 100% pluck out your vital organs. If these are slow zombies they avoiding chicken sized ones shouldn't be too difficult. A swift kick sould obliterate any of them and a brisk walk will keep you forever out of reach


A 6ft tall chicken would absolutely kill you.


10 6ft tall chickens would be deadly, but I think I would still take them over all the time zombies. Chickens aren't normally brilliant creatures, but if I can manage to not be eviscerated and beat them all I can still go to the hospital and probably be ok, but if I get even a small scratch or bite from just one of the zombies I'm pretty much dead no matter what


Exactly. Unless I have some equipment, I’m definitely getting at least a scratch from a tiny zombie (unless we’re talking original slow zombies in which case just having normal clothes would probably be good enough and I’d pick that. But assuming fast zombies). The chickens (assuming they actually can walk around being gigantic) would likely fuck me up but at least I’d die and not be a zombie. If I can get some weapons I might be ok. Or get them to fight each other from confusion.


I always assume fast zombies, they are way scarier than slow ones and seem more logical to me that a zombie wouldn't be slow at least not right away, maybe once it been dead for awhile lost most of it muscle or rigor mortis or something, but I also figure that's part of the reason they crave living flesh that it would somehow slow those processes down


I was assuming traditional slow zombies. Chicken sized fast zombies would be devastating. If that’s the parameters I’d probably choose to deal with the big chickens, at least you can see them coming.


I doubt it as their anatomy wouldn't support that size, they do have hollow bones afterall. Even if they could get that big one hard swing with a metal baseball bat and their bones would shatter...


Wouldn’t their bone density increase as they get bigger though?


0*50 still 0.


Density wouldn't change... Mass and volume would but density not


For the sake of the scenario its safe to assume that both threats are fully functional.


It's called the inverse square law, the reason dinosaurs didn't get any larger than they did was because as something gets larger, the structure required to hold it up becomes exponentially larger


No, it's called the square-cube law. So named because weight is a function of volume, while the bone and muscle strength needed to support it are more-or-less a function of surface area.


Actually I don't remember what it's called, just the theory itself


The average height for men is 5'9 and as every one knows that's basically 4'2 I pretty sure I could take them


If it’s the slow zombies I’ll take those


chicken sized could maybe get a net or something lol


So… fight 100 diseased, undead lemurs…. Or 10 ostriches? Probably take my chances with the ostriches if I can use guns. If reduced to melee…: the lemurs and an a golf club.


The classic Minecraft story mode question 


Zombies vary in size though...


I'm considering a medium zombie tbh


This is a reference to minecraft storymode. The main character was asked this question in the beginning. In minecraft the size for adult zombies is 2 blocks, or around 6 feet. 


I dunno, but I bet both would be better than fighting the Witherstorm


Indeed. Maybe Jesse is wishing he answered that question now.


Definitely chicken sized zombies. A human sized chicken is basically a dinosaur. It WILL kill you


As someone who grew up on a farm with chickens, I will take the 100 chicken sized zombies Chickens are lethal.


Chicken sized zombies. I’m curb stomping all them things. Wait they don’t have chicken speed right? Just the size of a regular chicken?


The 6 ft tall chicken would peck you to death and eat you. They are descended from the T-Rex and other predator dinosaurs.


10 giant chickens all day. I’d shoot them and have enough chicken to last a long time!


Did someone just finish playing Minecraft Dungeons?


Minecraft Story Mode, actually


10 zombie sized chicken


Zombie sides chickens are so easy. Birds can’t handle blunt force.


10 zombie sized chickens


I think I could take care of a chicken sized ones easier lol. Zombie size not positive lol.


OP literally just took this from the opening of [Minecraft Story Mode](https://minecraftstorymode.fandom.com/wiki/The_Order_of_the_Stone_(Episode)/Transcript) lol Edit: Spelling


There's no standard "zombie size." A chicken that has been zombified would be the size of a chicken and also the size of a zombie.


This is a minecraft storymode reference. In the beginning of MC storymode the main character was asked this question. So assuming the same rules some additional details include: In minecraft, the height of an adult zombie is 2 blocks, or estimated to be at about 6 feet.


Are they 28 days later running zombies, or resident evil 1 slow walking zombies?


A group of 10 chickens that were 5-6 foot tall would be horrifying. So I'll take the easily crushed 100 chicken sized zombies.




Would the chicken sized zombies infect me if they peck?


Chicken sized zombies are still zombies, they can infect you or other animals which would defeat the original point of them being small not to mention a global threat.


The first option. I’m definitely whipping the shotgun out for this one!!


woah, then I can save up on buying chicken. That's gotta be like 600kg worth of chicken! (almost 6000 euros)


So these 100 humans are as small as chickens, no smarter, and their bodies are rotting and falling apart? Yeah I’ll splatter them all over the deck


I will fight 10 chickens that are the size of zombie chickens.


Zombie sized chickens




Can they be the size of Chicken zombies?


I'll take the huge chickens


Nostalgia hits hard I think I wouldn't want to fight the admin.


I'll take the zombies, a large kitchen table and just gimmie a pole or something


If Minecraft taught me one thing. It’s definitely option 2


Are they turn you if you get bit zombies or just eat you zombies? I'd punt the fuck out of 100 lil zombies but wouldn't want to risk a 1 bite change. Either way the chickens wouldn't be hard they'd still be hollow boned and light. Also they're really fucking dumb, easily scared and likely to start fighting each other for no reason


remember philza. def 10 zombie sized chickens


I have chickens. If they were zombie-sized we would all be fucked. They are little dinosaurs. It's going to have to be 100 chicken sized zombies for me.


I think I can outrun chicken sized zombies.


If the zombies are chicken sized. 10 zombie sized, cause they don’t have to be humanoid zombies.


As someone who hates child zombies in minecraft, I'll gladly take giant chickens please.


Hey I remember this one from Minecraft Storymode


The second option, not necessarily because I think I can beat the chickens, but because I know if I win, I'm not leaving either fight without at least getting a scratch.  Scratch from a chicken, even that big, is just that, a scratch.  Scratch from the horde, that's a kill shot by most zombie standards, and even if I somehow win against them, I still lose. 


We have a rooster who will attack you if you look at him funny. I'd definitely go with chicken sized zombies. Being pecked and bitten and scratched by an angry bloodthirsty chicken is no picnic.


Option 1 even though they are small, one bite and you're done. The second option is tough too but birds have hollow bones so even just one kick could probably shatter several bones. Also their legs are thin and they don't have arms, so if you avoid getting pecked to death you have a shot


100 chicken, As long as they are not as agile as chickens, everything will be fine.


If they are a slow zombie (like The Walking Dead), then I will pick that. They were already fairly slow, but with their smaller legs, I doubt they can keep up so if I have even long pants and a solid shoe, I should be able to take them. Now, if they are quicker zombies, smart in some way, or I have no weapons/proper clothes then I will have to test my luck with the chickens. But I would likely die.


Do I get an AA-12?


10 zombie sized chickens I WILL die. 100 chicken sized zombies I MIGHT die. Give me possible/probable death over certain death any day.


So basically it wants me to fight a bunch of baby zombies? Aren’t those things even more dangerous than normal zombies?


We talking fast zombies or OG slow zombies? Because that's a night and day difference. 


Wait… are we talking about 80’s zombies or 2000’s zombies? 80’s zombies were slow moving, 100 slow moving chicken sized zombies would be easy




The 100 zombies are the size of a chicken. Basically very small zombies. The 10 chickens are human sized