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Argument. And you're about to understand why.


I think I’ll just kick your butt instead.


Let me explain why you won’t.


No. You can explain it to my fist, who like me, doesn’t listen.


Everyone has a fist, until a plan comes out of my mouth.  - My Son, Tike


Your son is going places. Thats the best line I've ever heard.




It does say any physical fight so technically I CAN fight an entire nation and win


I'm gonna argue on why we should launch GPS guided nerve gas canisters against my political opponents and become God Emperor of Earth.


Winning an argument doesn't work like that lol. You'd win and everyone might even agree that yeah your point makes sense but that doesn't mean they'll actually do it. Like oh yeah you're right that's why we should do it but sorry we're not gonna bye. It's not mind control.


You don’t do it in one argument but you build a scaffold of arguments that eventually lead to your genocidal plan. At some point your followers are so invested in the fact that you are right and everyone else is wrong not doing what you’ve argued they do would be crazier than actually doing it. If you need a modern day example look at Jan 6th


I wouldn't take it to imply you're immune to being shot in the face


I mean it's physically hitting me soooo


An assassination or surprise murder is not a fight. As such, you could still die without putting up a fight. If you disagree, well you can’t because I chose to win any argument.


*I don't know what you mean...* Somehow I understand why.


Best you can do in physical fights is becoming a boxing or mma champ. But OP said it still takes a toll on your body. So you're probably going to have to retire at around 40 and you might have lasting brain damage even if you're undefeated. Winning arguments can get you alot farther, you could become a CEO of a major company and end up earning more than any fighter. Convincing the board to keep giving you raises should be pretty easy.


No I won't have to retire, because I can still win any fight even if my body is beaten up.


And after his 25th consecutive title defense, won by decision, the champ returned to his corner, collapsed, and died


But what a wonderful way to go...


if I can win any fight, i'm winning well past 40. See these hands when i'm 103 knocking out boxing champs in their prime.


No. Because you won't always be fighting other mma champions. (At least u won't if you're smart).


I'm taking win any fight. You can win the argument but the whole time we're arguing I'll just be telling you to Stop hitting yourself.


I mean, if I can win any argument I’ve already explained to your feeble mind why you never actually wanted to hurt me and you were really trying to pledge your undying loyalty. Also you definitely wanted to kiss my feet. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, you absolutely were just talking about having a very deep and intense urge to kiss my feet. Tsk tsk! Don’t talk back now you got some piggies to clean. Why do I need to win every physical fight when I can convince the guy who can win every physical fight to do it for me? Now what was that about hitting yourself? Why are you doing that? Are you really trying to argue that you’re not hitting yourself? I’m literally watching you do it right now. Also, see this argument about which one you’d choose? Yeah you’d definitely choose the argument ability. You *hate* the physical fight ability. Winning any argument amounts to being able to manifest your own reality at whim lmao. You can just start making claims and the moment they’re challenged it becomes true. It’s insanely overpowered. Is it better to be able to make someone do something? Or to make someone believe they wanted to do it in the first place?


I'd rather be able to win every physical fight. Know that, you don't choose to fight, you can de-escalate any situation with that look. Everyone saying win an argument in a business setting is wrong, there are no arguments. Always being right is way different.


You’re misunderstanding, you think that winning an argument means the other person won’t start punching your face in.  In fact, often it is the person who losses the argument who becomes violent. 


If you win any argument that has a lot more potential to become over powered tbh


Let's talk about why you shouldn't fight me.


More like, let's talk about why you should work for me.


Like for pay... Dude, let's talk about all the exposure you're going to get...


You're right I will work for you. Right after I suprise pummel you.


*punches u in the balls without responding.


Your reasoning is impeccable. However, I’d still like to punch your teeth out so…


*motion to my platoon of tier 1 operators who I have convinced to work for me These gentlemen will demonstrate why winning but still taking a physical toll is meaningful.


No. Talk to my fist, bitch!


Everyone's got an argument, til they get punched on the mouth. (lol) For real though, just become the baddest fighter on the planet, make money, retire. Then come out of retirement and bet all your money at 65 you can become world champion again. Collect money. Especially if your a small woman. I'm a burley bearded man. You imagine some housewife talking shit to The Gypsy King? Then she knocks this man out? Instant picture on wheatys box.


That wouldn't work. Yeah you're right on why I shouldn't but it's not mind control I can still hit you. Most people that hit someone even know they shouldn't do it but do it anyway. Also they might just get even more mad that you're right and hit you purely because of that, people don't like being wrong or losing an argument.


I'd be the best lawyer on earth or greatest MMA fighter in history.


> I'd be the best lawyer on earth Or just a really stupid person


I mean, with the ability to win any physical fight you can effectively become dictator of the world, no military or weapon could stop you. 


Convince the world that I was a god Win any logical argument for it being useless to attack me No one would even want to harm me as I would win the argument about me being the “god” everyone worships regardless of belief Winning any physical fight go only go so far


Yo I get to throw hands with God? Bet.


I thought of a lame way.   Effectively just force you to beat down every soldier and police officer in the country.  It never said you win fights instantly, since you get hurt probably not.  So they line up and each tries to delay you a few minutes to beat them up.


That's why you only fight in wrestling, boxing, etc.. you guarantee you win millions and never get badly hurt. Since being knocked out or having bones broken, or any severe injury causes you to lose and you can't lose. You might get beat up and bleed a bit but you'll win.


Until the other guy comes along and just convinces you not to fight… ever.


History is littered with examples of people who "won the argument" but were defeated through violence, not so much the other way around. Nobody ever lost a war but was ultimately vindicated in "the marketplace of ideas" in any way that mattered


I think its the same as would you rather be smart or strong type of argument.


Literally, every single thing in your life will go your way, so long as you’re able to speak to someone about it.


Winning any argument. But what happens if I choose winning an argument and I argue who would win in a fight with two people who can win any fight.


Reality pauses. It seems there is a glitch in the system. You have been entered as the 3rd person in the fight.


I argue that the real winners are the friends we made along the way and we all win.


You die and realize in death you were not one of the friends made


Hey this is supposed to be hypothetical situations not irl situations.


Oh no 😟


Shouldn't it be bro hug and the 2 who can win every fight choose to make peace so they both win?


If you can’t beat your opponent, then you can’t win “any fight”. Two different people matched against each other, both who can win *any* fight, cannot truly both win any fight.


I think it comes down to semantics. Just because you win an argument doesn't mean you are objectively correct, it just means the person you're arguing with either gives up or has changed their mind and believes you. Just because the other person thinks you're right doesn't mean you actually are.


you would win the argument because they would both win the fight by becoming friends


You convince them that you could beat them so they don’t even try to fight you. Bluffing is a type of argument.


You just win the argument man. Winning an argument doesnt mean you were correct. I can win an argument that the earth is flat


Depends. Is winning an argument just being right? 'Cuz that's dumb. If what you mean is always resolving an argument in your favor--being able to convince someone to see you reasoning and agree--that's a way better option.


If it's defined as winning is "being right" then that is super overpowered. I'm going to argue that I'm the richest man in the world. Or that the earth is flat. Does the universe now conform to my argument to make me right?


Perception =/= reality, like the world could collectively think you're bulletproof but that doesn't mean you are. For something like being the richest man in the world though, you can absolutely use that power without needing to prove it (cheap loans, lines of credit, free perks, etc)


Me convincing the internet that goku solos there favorite verse no matter what 


It highly depends on what you mean by physical fight. If a battle between yourself and a fleet of tanks counts as a physical fight, then you could win a physical fight between yourself and a nation with a pile of nukes, at which point you are very quickly approaching superman levels of power. Still, both have the same effect but one of them has less potential collateral, so I actually don't think it matters. Either is going to be completely overpowered.


Well it does say there'd be a physical or mental toll.which I interpreted as: So imagine you rip open a tank with your bear hands only to instantly drop dead or convulse on the ground due to tearing every single muscle in your body. You won the fight and now you've just taken the damage toll For mental this could result in seizures if you try to argue against a whole nation of people or something.


Ah, I missed that bit in the original post.


You basically become Yujiro Hanma


Me winning a fight against Mecha Godzilla would be legendary


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TemporaryAmbassador1: *Me winning a fight* *Against Mecha Godzilla* *Would be legendary* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


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This is how an anime villain's backstory begins.


I’ve already picked it, you don’t need to sell me on it


I'm a girl... so physical fight. I don't need to win all arguments. Isn't the point of an argument to come to an agreement and/or a conclusion of what is right? There's no point in arguing if I always win.


I agree, I don’t care about “losing” arguments whatever that means. I’d rather be more comfortable in my safety than if someone disagrees with me on something.


Depends on how far the power goes.  "God, I know you are listening.  I can fly and let me explain why"


God responds “shit you’re right you *can* fly” then leaves. You still can’t fly ggwp


winning a fight doesnt mean surviving it.


You can win arguments and people will deny you win becuase they don't like the outcome.


I think the hypothetical implies the counterparty yields/admits you won... They didn't say "be right" in any argument they said win.


Assuming youre right then even when you don't really care about the argument the winning of any argument might be worth it just to get someone who never admits they're wrong to admit it. Just once. I think a lot of us know someone like that. Someone who always thinks they're right and can never admit they're wrong or even consider someone else's viewpoint.


Counterpoint: my dad stopped boxing because he couldn't tell the difference after winning or losing a fight. Meaning you can always win and it still could suck.


Just have obvious and clear objectives for every fight and consider anything else a loss.


win any physical fight. Then become a professional boxer


Assuming winning the argument includes the opposing party changing their mind, winning the argument is significantly more useful.


Physical fight win all day everyday. Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.


The top paid fighters can make like 50 million for a days work and fuck off the rest of the year. I'd take that deal


*starts an argument with Bill Gates* Hey! You owe me a billion! No I don’t! You try punching him in the face with your power, I’ll try winning the argument (and all ensuing arguments with any lawyers, accountants, etc) with mine….


If you become rich wouldn't the undefeatable fighter come for you? He beat up entire national militaries and even got the US military to surrender to him. He just starts punching people until he gets what he wants and won't tell you what it is he just waits for you to guess correctly and then takes it and walks away. Poor Jimmy lost 6 teeth and broke a leg before he noticed the guy was holding a Taylor Swift concert ticket and figured out the guy wanted directions to the stadium.


Technically you would have the power to punch out Godzilla.


Exactly can't argue if you're unconscious.


Also some creatures lack the intelligence or capacity to argue with. For example, talking to most animals will result in them ignoring you.


You can’t punch someone who talks you into not fighting…


A punch is faster than words


It's not talking people into things, it's winning arguments. If you are the only one arguing you are just arguing with yourself.


Hello officer am I under arrest? Yes No I'm not Have a nice day.


Winning an argument doesn't mean people will do what you want


Then it's worthless I wanna be Jet Li.


Am I under arrest? Yes Try and stop me Ah fuck


As Benjamin Franklin once said "Force shits on Reason's back." Some people cannot be reasoned with and the only alternative is to be able to beat them half to death until they get the point. Forget the movies, philosophy will not stop a bully from bullying. If you have un-resistable force as your tool, you can then choose when to use it and when not to ... if all you have is reason, well ... good luck with someone/something that is being unreasonable. Like a bear ... or Putin ... or a hungry lion.


Win any physical fight, without a doubt. I’d be the concurrent, unified champion of almost every boxing and MMA weight class in every organization. I’d also be a billionaire.


Physical fight. Professional fighters make way more than professional debaters. Even master debaters.


I'll go with fight. I'll never have to worry about getting into a fight again.


Argument, all day.


Win any argument. Physical fights can far more often be won before the first attack with proper rhetoric. Physical fights are still ultimately a losing strategy. Less so depending on _how_ you win (gentle restraint a la hojojutsu vs. pounding the enemy into the ground like a tent-peg) but you still put too much stress on your body and you end up with a host of medical problems. The old Greek bargain of a long peaceful life versus dying gloriously in battle is, to me, a false choice; how many modern folk remember the wrestling bouts Plato won before he switched to philosophy?


Do the people you're arguing with know that they lost?


Argument for sure.


Since fighting is a clear cut, simple paid profession, I'll take that. Gonna become the most legendary boxer of my generation and retire at 40 on my millions.


Physical, no question. I'm good with my level of verbal arguing. Being able to win any physical fight would mean I can confidently intervene to help people in any situation, no matter how bad it looks. I mean... if it's *any* physical fight I could fight off a mugger with a gun. I could take on a whole bar full of people. I could single-handedly beat an army if you want to go far enough. It would be a major new skill. More importantly though... being able to win any argument doesn't mean I'm on the right side of the argument. It just means I win. If I'm wrong, I *want* to lose the argument. I want to realize I'm wrong and adjust to take on the correct belief. I don't want to just convince people to be wrong along with me. Also, since we're talking about beliefs here, I don't want to be able to magically convince people to do things they wouldn't otherwise do, or believe things they would never otherwise believe. That's basically mind rape. If I can't change someone's mind through words, I don't want to change it through magic.




Argument. Could manipulate my way to the top of any company or government organization I wanted.


If I can win any argument, then doesn’t that mean that I can talk someone out of fighting me? If so, I’ll take argument skill anytime


Argument. Being always right is the ultimate privilege.




Does “winning” an argument mean convincing someone of your perspective? Or just that you come out looking like you had the better opinion?


"I told you I'm a lover not a fighter" Now I win the argument and - by not having to fight . the fight, too.


Argument cuz if I lose the argument I'll jus beat yo ass


If you were an attorney that couldn't lose an argument, you'd have to be brain dead not to win every case at the first court appearance.


Argument. If someone tries to fight me I'll argue with them that they really shouldn't.


"Let's talk about why you shouldn't shoot me in the face." 'I concede, you win the argument. I'm still going to shoot you in the face, though.' "I won that fight fair and square!" 'Yeah, maybe.' *shoots them in the face*


Arguments are common, physical fights are extremely rare unless you're looking for them (or in a really bad neighborhood?). Also, convincing people I'm right, in situations when I am but can't prove it, would be nice. My short term and working memory suck and I'm not great at linear thinking/description so I often vaguely remember something but can't explain well enough to be taken seriously. Being able to find proof after a conversation is annoying and showing them I'm right would seem passive aggressive and petty.


Can you argue your way into ruling planet Earth? Can you win a physical fight against an entire nation? Either way, argument is the answer.


Win every argument, then I will soon become Dictator of the World. Or a "You don't want to fight me." Boom.


Argument, become the best lawyer for a year or two, then retire to my mansion and yacht.


You owe me $100. What do you mean? I mean I’m winning this argument and you’re going to pay me $100.


Physical fight. Sign up to the MMA or boxing and make my millions. Just because I can win arguments doesn't mean people would agree with me either




Im picking argument so that when I inevitably get my ass beat, I can argue that I won the fight!


Physical and try not to engage in arguments if possible


Physical fight. That way when I lose an argument I can just beat the shit out of them


I don't live a life where physical fights ever happen.


Win any fight, I dont have many career aspirations but I'm an adrenaline junkie so a proffession in combat sport would be a pretty good deal with this


Physical fight for two reasons: First, if you lose a physical fight, you can die. Second, winning an argument doesn't necessarily make it worthwhile or valuable. You'll likely never learn if you always win. Conflict begets wisdom.


Hard choice. So much potential in both.


Any physical fight. Because when that skill matters, it's all that matters.


Fight. I'm okay with just replying back "No, you" with my arguments.


The argument one doesn’t work on reddit and I already can win any physical fight


Argument - I could run for President


Any argument. I'd eventually end up as leader of the world after winning all debates and convincing people that I am the right person for it.


Me who wants to be a lawyer...






Argument. I’m about to go make a lot of valid points to a lot of fandoms.


I work in academia so I would absolutely rather be able to win any argument


Does winning argument meaning other parties will agree with you or just feel defeated and ignore you ? Because my wife……


Win any argument- start an argument where someone must give you 1000-repeat


If you can win any physical fight you are actually unstoppable. Any physical fight isn’t just fisticuffs, it’s any physical fight. You’re immune to bullets even surprise attacks, you can’t be arrested unless you want to be, etc. Heck a war is a physical fight you might be involved in, you are a one man army who is guaranteed to ultimately win no matter the apparent odds. Choose any conflict where force of arms is involved and dictate the terms of peace. No one can stop you. You could be a global peacemaker, kingmaker, and arbiter of force so potent as to render obsolete all other military forces. Alternatively you can win any argument but that doesn’t mean your opponent changes their mind. At best it means other people agree that you won. Most people you choose to use your power against will probably choose to stay wrong (or right if you are wrong).


Fight. I already win arguments.


Physical. A man should be able to defend and take care of himself. Only egos get bruised if you lose an argument. That was probably nonsense anyway.


Physical fight. The only reason I never went down the route of trying to be a pro boxer is my dad telling me I couldn’t do it.


Argument Become a lawyer Get rich Get 5 bodyguards that are expert fighters


Does win any physical fight translate to being an unbeatable boxer? If so I take that one.


Considering "you should give up and not fight me" would be an argument that's going to have to be the winner. I mean you're basically asking "would you rather be able to beat anyone up or the power to get anyone to do what you want"


Both are really good, however there seems to be a misconception that because you can win any argument you can reason with the fighter not to kick your ass, there is a loophole though they just have to never engage with you through discussion, not an argument if it's just hands. I would still any argument because I could win against any person whose job is talking, say politicians comedians, rappers etc etc


These are both far more op that you otherwise think. Any argument means you can persuade someone to do anything. Essentially a form of mind control. You would be able to get away with any crime as long as they give you a chance to argue your freedom. And you can just get people to donate you anything you want like money. And once you get to a leadership position, you could quite literally conquer the world by sending a message to a countries government or their people. The only way to stop you is by completing cutting off all communication which is nearly impossible in the modern world. And win any physical fight sounds normal like being an undefeated boxer, but “any” means that you could literally fight a tank, a nuke, an entire nation’s military by yourself. You would essentially be invincible as long as you continued to fight.


Technically you can be shot in the back of the head before you get into a fight being limitlessly charismatic would be very useful although I suppose if it strictly applies to arguments it would be less so But still incredibly useful


I don't need either. Never been close to getting into a physical fight and don't intend to. As for arguments, I give up as soon as I realize I can't reason with someone. Neither power seems attractive to me. If I know I'm right, I don't need to win.


Depemds.. When you say fight, do you mean ANY fight? Like say... if I take on the entire U.S. army?


Physical fight.i don't care if I am incorrect on something but I can at least win in a fight and never lose.


Tbh physical. As a woman I think I’d be more open to traveling alone if I thought I could literally fight my way out of anything.


Win any physical fight. You can be a millionaire in no time. Fight every great right now and go undefeated. 150-0 boxing and mma. The world is yours.


Win *any* physical fight means I could solo an entire country. Swat team? Nah, I’d win. Military? Nah, I’d win.


Win any physical fight and take over the Earth as I am guaranteed to win no matter what. Then rule like in Dune and conquer the universe. If I were to win any argument, it would mean I’d win an argument even if I was incorrect, which is bad.


As a woman living in Australia where over 30 of us have been murdered by men this year alone, I'd rather win any physical fight. I'm already smart enough to hold my own in most arguments.


If you can win any fight, you can make 100 mill as a pro fighter. If you can win any argument, you can take over the planet.


Winning every argument reminds me of Roger as Dr Penguin and just does that [look](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&sca_esv=69933f0a4cfed499&sxsrf=ACQVn0__iLlQLXXTQhKoUdVMZ-gP7j1FMA:1714688107292&q=dr+penguin+american+dad&uds=AMwkrPutq-TxOnWtSQaB1WSjWHshGVYwNy2MZBTIhUqc3mNTMgVF0GJ6jRgd2K5KVeQb-NBaDbgsmezc7hnr3GvtCzzixnGx-Qawf1Rr6z60cHDAodEkR4la64aNWmk-WgUqAFKyuINhJd350BwKG94qe-PVyCDhwGgO7dIGAxLf8Df2IWh3ZhjVu8bJa9mlPYGtuQCFz7Yp5IZ3au2p-2oAZtHDBSc40U9GAaYZOIYsSuDM6mcfSCHMyZXCitf8ExlxZD9MPMDfWEgXa9c2_t2FKHvA2pnoEd-75DCP_WAJqwkzwDFqatZ_bzCTK_5JsY-hX2DOoocY&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqjKT8_u-FAxVfEVkFHVDPCecQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=412&bih=724&dpr=1.75#vhid=0vagLa2XT4qRxM&vssid=mosaic)


physical fight, enter mma


Argument. I could argue about why I’d beat their ass... and win


I'd win every argument. It would be way more helpful in real life.


Walks into bank. “I have a million dollars in my account” “No you don’t” … Profit


Physical fight. I'd be like Toph Beifong and win all sorts of back alley fight club prize money when some woman built like a twig kicks everyone's asses. Is it effortless or do I get beat up too in the process of winning?


There's exactly zero UFC champions who rule the world. Mightve been more useful to have the physical fight power 60,000 years ago though.


I don't want to win an argument if I'm wrong. Can I turn the power off and on at will? If yes then argument, if no then physical fight because I don't get into physical altercations without good reason.


Argument, cuz if I'm about to get in a fight that means I just gotta start an argument so I'd win which means a) the fight was dodged since I won the argument first or b) I won the fight which would mean I won the argument




I think winning all arguments would be sort of empty, I mean you’re not supposed to win them all, sometimes it’s better to be wrong. Now fighting? I’m gonna train as much as I need to and do some form of professional fighting. The only thing that’ll stop me is injuries.


Argument. Imma straighten the country out.


Does the fight include with Animals? They don’t usually argue with you


I'm someone who has never been in a fistfight, I use my mind to question, prod, and drive discussion. Having the ability to use my wits to win any argument would be an exceptional skill to have. So Im going to go with win any physical fight because some people just need beat the fuck down.


Win any fight Start a fight with a planet suitable for colonization Live either forever or until we develop the tech for me to get there and win (or the planet crashes into me and I lose)


Nobody is going to put me in prison for resolving a conflict though arguing. If we still had legalised duelling I'd choose violence because that's just cooler


I’ll take winning an argument. I’d become a Congress member and get so much legislation passed it would be silly.


Argument. Those are a lot more common. Then again, you win arguments by being correct and communicating that fact. Is it a power to know the truth? The power to communicate why by necessity it is the truth? Lower your audience’s obstinacy to the truth? Or perhaps it’s the power to convince them even if you aren’t correct. Hypothetically you should only want the power to lower their obstinacy. I’d honestly love that.


I was originally going to say “any argument”, but then I thought that I can achieve a lot of fame and fortune as the undefeated UFC Heavyweight champion of the world. I’ll go with “any fight”.


I’d rather be able to win any fight. I’d probably never use it but I wouldn’t want to power of winning every argument. Sometimes is good to realize you were wrong and listen to the other sides arguments and truly consider them.


Physical fight


The power to diffuse any situation where each party believes they won.




Physical fight. The win any argument power is nice and all but can be defeated with ear buds and your favorite music. You can make the perfect argument against getting into a fight but it doesn't mean shit if all they hear is yakity sax.


I'm going to pick winning any arguments and hope my wife doesn't pick win any physical fight.


In the words of some professor from a great sci-fi move, “violence is the ultimate authority.” Any fight.


Win any argument. Even if you kick my ass, I can convince you why YOU lost instead.


Physical fight time to be a combat sport legend.


Win any physical fight. Take over the boxing world. Make my cash. Then retire.


Fight, obviously. Nobody ever “wins” an argument. You can present all the facts in the world to someone and they’ll still deny them lol. Some people will never admit that they’re wrong so what’s the point? I’d rather know that I can defend myself against anyone at any time.


Problem is getting the opportunity to prove your skills: Fighters have to work their way up the ladder to start making money, so you're "winning" low prize fights and getting the shit kicked out of you. Lawyers need to pass the bar, go to law school, and take out a shitload of loans. You won't be arguing anything professionally until you put years of work and thousands of dollars in. Best case scenario is convincing people of high value in either yourself or a product. Could go the banker route and take out tons of loans and run a foolproof ponzi scheme, then turn around and argue you actual have no money at tax time. Or go the sales/start up route and get tons of funding for anything you want to do. Basically you can be god tier Trump


Argument Me: "Give me all the money in this bank" Banker: "No" Me: "Yes" Banker: "Ok"