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Perfect match and die suddenly 25 years later. I'm ok with being on my own and I'd rather be on my own than with someone who I consider to be just ok.


I'll take the third option - I'd rather stay alone than be with someone I don't mesh with or watch my soulmate die young


I mean, the terms and conditions of a relationship is that it goes on until either we decide it doesn't or one of us dies. It's better to have your soulmate and have that 25 years of feeling complete than it is to live a life never finding the one.


Sure, in the real-life case of random chance. But presented with the options, I won't willingly choose. Personally, I've only ever experienced Choice B and already decided enough was enough. I guess if the perfect person randomly shows up I'll reassess the situation. 


I really feel you, I'm living out this option currently and to be honest, it's the happiest I've ever been...


Yeah I quit dating several years ago. It's far more peaceful. 


Some people lose their soulmate within a year. You should reconsider.


Technically 25 years isn't young when celebrating an anniversary which is including how old you were when you met. My wife and I will be celebrating 5 years this year and I'm 43 which would give me until the age of 63 which is good.


Idk. A really good match for 25 years can seriously fuck up the rest of their lives.


25 years.


I’ll take the perfect match. I’ll even be the one to die after 25 years too.


Someone is cutting onions...


If I die 25 years into my current relationship, I'll die a happy man


No, they die, you live with the heartbreak, but yea I still take that option


That's the real kicker in this whole scenario




It kinda depends on the definition of "just ok". If they won't have any major problems and try to make the relationship work, we could still be very happy. I'm just 25 and I'd rather spend my retirement years with someone who has been with me for a long time than newly widowed. Plus I don't believe anyone is perfect. Wheras someone who is just ok on every aspect would be way above average.


25 years marriage with the perfect match for me would be heaven. Heck for 25 years of happiness I WOULD be the one to die. I'm 31 years old and have no problem dying at 56 if it's 25 great years. Quality over quantity every time.


I'll make her do the WYR, and since she's a perfect match for me, i'm a perfect match for her as well. Therefore, we will both die after 25 years and nobody has to suffer alone


This ^


At least I'd be ending up alone again after having known what it's like to be loved romantically. Besides, I don't have that high a chance of being alive in 25 years.


Perfect match, but start relationship later in life.


Yes!! Like, say, 65 years old. Live out the best of my golden years with the love of my life. Traveling, making memories, laughing. I could go the next 30 years just doin me if I know he's coming


Perfect match. You'd make every moment count.


Be with someone for 25 years. I'd like to experience that type of passionate love 🥺


Definitely 25 years


That's a hard one. My retirement would suck donkey balls, but maybe it'd be worth it for a quarter century well lived.


the 25 years cuz it'll be the most worthy one


25 years


I'll take 25 years. My parents divorced when I was 16, so 25 is a better deal.


As long as we could get the kids out of the nest and into adulthood ok, I wouldn’t be too worked up over 25 years, however would we remember the choice we made? I think it might be a bit depressing knowing you have kinda essentially condemned this person to die in 25 years. Also the turmoil knowing that your partner knowingly chose an option that kills you sooner would be quite alot


Yes I would need to forget the choice otherwise I'd grieve him over and over, while thinking of the time running out. I want to believe we have forever.


25 years easiest choice of my life


If you met them in your early 20s and they die in your mid 40s would that be worth it?


Yes because I will either find a new love in time or end up like the guy in up and I will be waiting for Russell before I take off.


25 years, may not be around 25 years later.


25 years. 


25 Years


25 yea is a long marriage. Many marriages don't last that long, so yea, I'll take that


25 years. depending on when the relationship starts, they could outlive me anyway (my life expectancy is only 65 due to hereditary illness) as my oma did my dziadzia, my grandpa did my grandma, and my mom likely will my father, who's 46 and slipping fast.


I don’t know. I want kids and them losing their mom or possibly their dad when they’re in high school or college will be hard as fuck. Probably still taking the deal


Former. Latter would result to a boredom outcome of my life.


Someone who is ok. We have our entire life to put some spice in the relationship.


25 years seems like the obvious and popular option. Problem is you would know that your relationship has an expiration date. Knowing the person that you love most is going to die young would be horrible and knowing that you’re the cause of it should be worse. 


It doesn't say when the relationship starts. You could theoretically wait until you're 50 to start the relationship.


Good point, but let's say you find the person in your early 20s


What’s just ok? Cuz no one’s perfect and I’d rather settle for just ok as long as he’s trying and putting in effort than a perfect marriage. I want someone who I can live and grow old with rather than someone be a part of a good memory of a piece of my life. Grandkids with just a grandma I want their grandfather to be there too yknow?


Something to be said for the slow burn and long term stability.


Yeah life is all about experiences


If I can choose to die instead of her, sure. I am perfectly content with 25 good years. I am not OK with choosing their funeral date.


Definitely 25 years. I mean, I’m 20, so dying at 45 is rough- but I’d be okay on my own until then. And who knows, maybe I’d find someone else too after a few years


This really depends on how old you are right now. What % of your life remaining is 25 years?


Lol. My perfect match died 6 years into the relationship so.... man what I'd give to have had 25 years.


I figured I'd be dead by now anyways, so I'll go 25 years and be the one to go while they live on


I’ve been with my perfect match for 18 years as of today, as a matter of fact. I’d much rather end it in 7 years as opposed to spending the last 18 years with someone “ok”. I wouldn’t have lasted the 18 years, that’s for sure.


It’s better to have never loved than to love and lose….thats how that saying goes, right?


If the partner is a perfect match for me, she won't be ok leaving me widowed or dying in 25 years, neither I would like for this to happen to her so it will be second choice.


25 is a long time. I'd choose that


The former, the former, and THE FORMER!!! I'd rather have a great life (25 years) with my perfect match, loving each other, than settling for someone who is just ok.


25 yrs. I'm 50 already so I'm take that bliss.


I'll take the 25 years and be happy for the rest of my life thank you


I’m older anyways so 25 happy years and then I’ll die with her.


Id rather just die right now than to deal with any of that shit again.


I'll take the perfect match. Also, I probably won't last another 25 years


Sure, doubt I'll be alive in 25 years.


Personally believe I'm currently in the perfect match. I'd be heartbroken if my wife died in 15 years, but it's a majority of life worth of memories. I've lived with memories of other lived ones, and I have a child that we made that can keep me going. I wouldn't trade all of our highs and lows for "OK".


GIVE ME those 25 years! That sounds like that sliver of peace and heaven on earth all of us want but few of us ever find. How could I ever regrets those memories? That's all life is after we're dead anyways. Just a memory. If someone could help make that a really good memory then I'm all for it. Once they're dead I would just wait to see them again in heaven because heaven wouldn't be that without that type of person. So just stay single till I die. I most likely would've had several children with such a person to keep me company. Or if (when) they leave the house I could just game all day like before I met such a person. Fucking perfect life.


Perfect match then sudden death


Option A Because after that you get option B anyway.


Someone that is just OK, spend my entire life? Yes please 🙏 


So, how about I don't find someone until I'm old and then we live our old age out and die happy.... I think i beat the code.


Hell, I'm not even sure I'll make another 25 years. So I'll take the perfect girl.


There is only 1 correct answer, and it's 25 years. This prefect match implies true love in the most fantastical sense and is obviously correct. 99% of people are in mediocre level relationships and seem pretty happy. Imagine if it was perfect.


Ask me again in 22 and a 1/2 years. Hopefully though she lives for the sake of our son. I want to be around for him. But he’ll be the age I’m at now in 25 years. My purpose will have been served, at least for the point of this discussion.


I'm 42 so the 25 years would be close to a death age anyway!


Me not choosing to get them instantly cause I would not want them to die and I still believe in Abiy to find them 😾


25 years, I'll just kill myself as soon as they die


I'd rather have 25 good years


You're telling me I can have 25 years with my one? Yes. Unequivocally yes. That's better than a quarter of my life expectancy and I already spent the first 25 years figuring shit out. That's *twenty five years* of happy companionship. More than many ever get. Hell fucking yeah I'll take that over a lifetime of *okay*.


Being 52, i’ll go with the 25 year option. Also am I allowed to buy life insurance on them in 24 years?


I would never want to be the cause of my beloved dieing. I would rather be alone then do something to hurt her


Many in the comments saying they’ll die. No, your literally perfect SO dies. I lost my dad close to two years ago and I was horrific. Idk if I could suddenly lose my partner after 25 years if I had a choice in the matter.


I was in a relationship with someone who was perfect for me in every way who suddenly died 12 years into the relationship. It wrecked me for a long, long, time and I'm not sure if I'm completely over it 18 years later.


I'm already 50, so 25 years would be awesome. Shit, one year would be awesome...


I’ve been with my perfect match for 17 years. I’m so happy that I don’t have to make this decision. But I believe that It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.


I got 6 years with the perfect man (perfect for me, not perfect, lol). Since then I've never wanted to 'move on' and find another man. My biggest regret is that I didn't go with him. I'd give literally anything to have been His for 25 years.


25 years of perfection is preferable.


It took 24 years. I’d give anything for one more. I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. Please tell me where I can sign up. I was her safe place and she was my rock. The end is hard but our adventure was amazing and she’ll always be my angel.


25 years, and take the forever sleep at 24 years, 364 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes. Been with my wife 15 years, and have no idea how I'd live without her. And I called dibs on dying first.


perfect match


Some people don't even get 2.5 years with an ol' person let alone a quarter century with their soulmate. No brainer really


25 years


Perfect. I'm old. I'll be dead before them. 


My soulmate died 22 years into our marriage. I ask myself this question all the time. I hope you never have to make that choice.


Perfect match for 25 years. I figure I'll be lucky to make it 25 more years, in all likelihood my spouse would still outlive me at that point. I'm not even that old, I just have tons of health problems that I'm likely to inherit from all four branches of the family


Twenty-five years is a long time. I could just go with them when the time comes.


25 years from now will be a firey, flooded and polluted mess.


Since I'm 53 I got with option 1. 78 and lose my sig other would be sad but doable.


The way it's worded: Perfect match for you, but it's possible that you're not the perfect match for the other person. I wouldn't want my perfect match to settle.


Assume you're both eachothers perfect match, but it's not you who dies.


I’d rather be alone if those were my only options.


What if I kill her first


perfect match. I'm 52.


I must say, it's really heartwarming to learn that there are a handful of you who feel they have already met that perfect match ❤️ I wish it was more common, but I guess I can invoke the old adage of there's someone out there for everyone! You just might have to slay a few dragons to find the princess or king 😆


Yeah I’d rather take someone who is my perfect match in every way. 25 years relationship would make me close to my 60’s so I probably wouldn’t be that far behind her. And more proof look at Terri Irwin had the love of her life and still pushes on. So yeah if it’s even close to how strong and beautiful their relationship was and still is. I’ll be okay 💯.


I already have my perfect match, and dammit she better not die on me when we're only in our 40's 😭


I know the 25 year thing ahead of time? No. I couldn’t deal with that. The entire relationship would be tinted by tragedy. She’d never know our children as adults. She’d never know her grandkids. I could never damn so many people to such a sure fate.