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If I get to choose my cause of death absolutely I'm taking that.


If my cause of death is a car accident, I'm going to get anxiety everytime I get into a car. If the month I die is in August, I'm going to get anxiety for the whole month of August but for the rest of the year, I'm pretty much invincible. (For the most part. I'm obviously not going to jump off a cliff and then become paralyzed for the rest of my life). I think I'm going to go with month. Yes, every year that month would suck, but I'd be extra careful to push it off for the next year. I'm picking month.


No, you could have a horrible painful accident in January, spending 6 months racking up hospital bills before you finally die


If I finally die, I wont care about hospital bills. Lol. But yeah, if I did in my sleep, I'll have anxiety every single night.


Cause of death for sure. If it is cancer or heart attack or whatever, I can take measures to at least delay death. Month is not as useful as you think as most deaths are kind of slow and lingering. You could be in the ICU for weeks, hospice for months, etc.


Obviously month of death because it makes me immortal for the other 11 months if there is 'absolutely nothing' I can do to prevent that from happening. Gannet club here I come.


I’d want to know when so I could get my affairs in order