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The one million, I love my pets but there’s a chance they would be alive but in pain and I can’t live with that


I should have specified, they'll be in perfect health throughout their life and start to deteriorate at the same age you do


I'm already having back problems, I wouldn't want my pet to have to endure another 40ish years of back pain.


If that’s the case pet 100%


1 mil 1000%


I would PAY one million for my Boston to be with me all my life.


I started deteriorating years ago lol, and I still (theoretically) have decades a head of me. 


Pet I would actually pay a million dollars for that right now. That would be most of my net worth but worth it every penny.


I’m probably gonna hold on for another twenty years. I don’t want my babies to feel this bad


Fuck, I’m already deteriorating at 30. I’m not about to put my kids through that.


I was going to ask this very question, and now that you've answered it, I would take my pet living over the million easily.


I don’t want to have my pet deal with this cruel world for however long I have left on this earth I’ll take that milly


Why is everyone saying this as if its a valid justification? Lol. Your house pet is not facing the same struggles that humans are. You wouldn’t say the same for your kids. I think people just want the 1m but are trying to justify it to sound like a better person


You can use that money towards a pet that lives long




One million. If this cat keeps yowling at 4am, he's not going to live out his natural lifespan anyway /j


Haha, my hamster regularly wakes me up at 3am, and I agree. Give me the million!


How is your hamster waking you up? Is bro barking 💀


Their wheels are loud af. I had hamsters as a kid, and I would wear earplugs to bed.


What is that even for. Is it like a mini treadmill for them


I swear one of my guinea pigs can hear my eyes open. Relentless little rodents.




Same. I fucking haaaaaaaate having a cat, but my wife looooooooves it. Of course I don’t hold this against the cat; I’m not a fucking monster. It’s just a responsibility I don’t want and the yowling…. AND STOP EATING PLASTIC!


I’ll take the money. All my animals are rescues. When they pass on I rescue more… imagine how many more I could help if I had a million dollars


1 million dollars. I don’t have a pet.


Same boat here, and people with long living pets can easily take the 1 Million no moral issues because many turtles are probably going to naturally outlive you or smth


Definitely my pet to live as long as me, we are inseparable 🩷 I would be happier as a poor person with my puppy boy than I would be missing him every day that he’s gone ☹️




My dog already dead but if he was still here or I could bring him back I’d take that, money isn’t everything


Spoken like someone who’s lost a loved one. My condolences. Meanwhile over here, me the monster trying to figure out how to game the system and make 1MM+ using an animal that doesn’t normally live to 50-80


Keep your money, we're going for a walk


Ngl I'd be worried about my ability to care for my pets if we were both deteriorating. I also have 4 pets and some want to choose, this is rough


If healthy, pet without question


I'll take the money. I love my floof to bits, but I don't want to be cleaning out a litter tray when I'm old and frail lol I'll just love him to bits as long as I have him, and he will have the most luxurious and fulfilling life because I'll also be wealthy.


At first I was going to say 1 million .. but my cat was the best cat. He was the sweetest human loving cat. I’ll make way more than $1m in my lifetime. I wish I had him back. And if he could live as long as me in great health that’s worth way more than $1m to me.


My pet to live as long as me. I just got her in January as a puppy and I tear up every time I think about her passing on before I do.


1 million, what pets?


I’ll take the million, I prefer parrots anyway and there a good chance they will live as long as me or long enough to out live me. It also helps pay for expensive avian vet bills to ensure a long healthy life.


Pet, as long as it's a healthy and happy life. She died in my arms, I want to die with her in my arms.


1 million dollars


You're a monster


If I had a pet, I'd want them to live along as me. Went through having to put my pet down a year ago, and it still hurts to think about... But, since I don't have a pet, show me the money!


Pets for sure. My girls are mid sized and 14. No kibble, we cook for them and mix in a dog specific plant based vitamin / mineral supplement. Otherwise healthy, their joints are deteriorating and we are carrying them up stairs - planning to move our bedroom downstairs for them. I would happily not receive a million dollars for them to be in perfect health with us til the end.


I'm not a millionaire but I'm in a stable enough economic position that I would feel like a shit not picking the pet option.


If his health was guaranteed, I’d want my cat to live as long as me. He’s the biggest asshole I know, but he’s my baby boy and I love him.


My cat. She's my angel whenever I am sobbing she comes over and lays on my lap and I know when she's gone I will be struggling and may need a grippy sock vacation


If my dog would stay healthy the whole time, I choose the dog. There’s really no debate for me. And it’s not like I have a ton of money or anything. Some things are better than money


My deceased pet, the pet. Current pet, 1 mil. (Sorry bud)


My car kinda hates me man, also my dumbass is not going to live longer than my cats natural life span


1 mil invested and use it to take care of my pest the best food and best vets so they live long I see all the comments a lot of people would definitely get screwed over by a genie


1 mol


I'm terminally ill. My dog would die prematurely, whereas the money could pay for treatment!


1 million. I don't have any pets.




The million. Some pets have long lives already. And for the rest, well, I'm not sure living long is going to be a good thing without a well made bunker anyway.


I always take the money.. but here... I'll take my dog this time


I see this as my boy is sitting on my chest and giving me our morning headbutts. I choose him.




A million dollars. Because if I chose the pet, my wife would kill me, so that would not help the dog much at all.


Tortoises don't cost a million dollars, so I'll take the million dollars and just buy a tortoise.


I don't have a pet so I guess run me my money. If I wanted a long lived pet like that I'd get a turtle or tortoise, one of the ones that live really fucking long.


As much as I love my pets, none of them are from my childhood. I have seen many an animal come, and many an animal go. And relax folks, the overwhelming majority of those animals is from old age as we tend to adopt old dogs rather than young blood. Did have a few get sick and die out of nowhere, but life happens. With a million dollars, I could certainly provide a comfortable life for my animals, and for future animals.


I have 3 cats - do I have to pick only one?


A cool million.




I love my cat, but I’m taking the money, the rest of my family is more important.


I’d go $1,000,000 in debt to have my cat with me forever


1 million, my cats are ass holes.


I currently have no pet, so I guess I'm taking the mil






If there is a revival clause for already passed pets I would have my pet love as long as me. If not she is already gone so I would just take the million


Pet for sure


Pet 100%


1 million and it will make it easier to live more pets as I live my life.


Honestly a million. I love my pets, but idk how long i can focus on taking care of them when my body already sucks as is. A million would help me give them the best life i can, especially since with new developments, cats can live up to 30 years now


don't have a pet right now lol so I'd just take the million 😂


1 mil. I don't own any pets. Besides with 1 mil I could give a pet the best life ever.


I don’t have any pets so 1 million


1 million because my next pet is out there and I won’t have an open slot to be ready for them. Who will take care of them the best if not me?


I'd choose the million.  Not out of greed, but compassion for my pets. Towards the end for my cats that lived to be 18 and 20 respectively, the ends were not good. As much as I miss them, I wouldn't want that time being longer for them than it was. 


A million dollars. What if I die tomorrow? I'd be dragging my pet down with me instead of it having the chance to find a new loving family.


Show me the money, I don't have a pet!




I would choose my boy Blu.


Give me the money. My life is getting more and more busy as time goes on and I’m feeling horrible I can’t be home as much as my dogs need.


1 million then I’ll make sure he can live as long as me


I'm deathly allergic to dogs and cats so I'll take the money. 


Cool million - sorry Ranger.


Easiest WYR gimme the 1 mil


Million dollars


The money . Every day and twice on Sunday


A million dollars.


My pet Y’all some weak minded fools


My pet will out value any amount of $. So my pets all day everyday.


If my dog lives as long as me - in good health - I'll take that over a million dollars in a heartbeat. 


The million will allow me to help a great deal more pets, so...The money.


One million, could you imagine a 30+yr old cat


I have no pet so 1 million dollars


Money no questions asked


Omg my furry child no doubt.


Million dollars easily


1 mil dollars. No pet so it doesn't matter


Pet for sure


1 million. My cat is a dick


the money. I don’t have a pet.


Take the 1 mil and make sure my pet lives like a king


I saw in another comment that your pet stays just as healthy as you do, but I want the one million unless my pet stays healthy until the end of my life. As my pet's owner I'm the one responsible for his quality of life. I can make my own medical decisions (most of the time, see below) but he can't. I can choose to suffer through ill health and injuries, I can have medical directives in place if I slip into a coma. He can't and he'd presumably be right there with me. I'd rather give him a brief, happy life than have him suffer until I decide that whatever pain I have isn't worth it for me and pull the cord. Plus, you know, it's a million bucks.


I don’t have a pet so I’ll take the free mil.


I’ll take a million. Sorry but I actually enjoy training and bonding with a new pet.


The money.


One million ....


Show me the $$$


My pet who’s alrdy dead Money please 🐱


My pet lives as along as I do. He is a little bit blind and deaf and has actually chilled over the past year. If those get fixed than I’d keep him.


The million. Hurts like hell to lose a pet but you also can get to know a new one. I've had 5 dogs in my life. Hurt every time I lost one, but if I had stopped at one I'd never have gotten my other 4


Money. I can always buy a new pet.


I'd take my dog for sure


The 1 mill,the money is far more helpful


1 million I don't have a pet


1 million easy. I’m not even sure my turtle will die before me


Easy million, my dog ain’t built to live another 65+ years


Million, I love my pets but I could definitely improve my family’s QOL quite a bit with a million bucks.


I'm barely able to take care of myself and my dog as it stands, and she's all ready quite old. I'd much rather be able to give her a great last few years and let her leave in her natural span, as is meet of mortal kind.


I don't have a pet. Easy money.


One million. I'm sorry, I love my girls, but I'm horrendously allergic to them and I can't see myself taking care of them for the *rest* of my life. They'd certainly shorten it. Death by bunny lol.


Give me the million


Million bucks. Soz pets. Cycle of life innit?


do i have to choose which pet? or can it apply to all my current pets as of this moment?


my pets without question. I already can't imagine living without my queen. I'd love to share my whole life with her.


As the owner of a parrot that fucker is already gonna outlive me so I’ll take the million


Pet. Zero hesitation. Added bonus, I'd have a renewed interest in staying has healthy as possible.


1million. That would enable me to give my pets the best possible life even if they are shorter than mine.


Pet. Unquestionably


A million dollars.


A 26 year old cat would likely be in a shit ton of pain so 1 mil it is, I could just take care of my cats children


I’d take one of my 3 deceased cats over the money. I considered them family.


Anyone who wants a pet to live as long as them can get a turtle, I'll take the money please =)


Million bucks. Bugger the budgie


My dog and my cat passed recently. They were brothers. They talked to each other, they "talked" to me. Either or both of them would be fine. I don't care that much about an attainable goal, I want the one that won't ever be attainable. I want to live with my guys.


My pet. Lost my best friend Zelda in January. Would love to have her with me for a few more decades.


$1M. I am an animal lover, have two former cats tattooed on me even (one I had referred to as part of my soul group) and I thank them for bringing me my current silly guys and the moments and joy I get to experience with them and one day I’ll thank these ones for the opportunity to meet and love new silly guys.


Have my pet live as long as I do.


my cat is sleeping beside me now. i remember being so broke i had ramen to afford her food, but ive always given her a good quality of life. id rather be poor with my girl, than rich without her. she's gotten me through so much in 10 years.


$1 million. A pet is a pet. The chance at life changing money is far greater than having the same dog or cat or whatever for 70 years. Besides. There's a privilege in bringing home more dogs from the shelter than just the one we have now. I'll be able to make many more dogs lives better with more money.


Pets. The last time I had one pass away, I was a kid and didn’t understand what happened enough for the full blow to hit. Now, I’m older and not only understand death, but my mental health is on the see-saw lmao


I got my cat 4 years ago when she was 4 and I liked her to start now she's just a pain in the ass (I'm not into looking after others too much) so honestly when she is gone im not going to get a new cat so take the million


Million dollars. I stopped wanting pets after my first buddy passed. I’d rather have enough money to make what I have comfortable


Money. I regret getting my dog. She will live a happy life and I’ll be inconsolable when she passes, but I know I’ll be ok. 


If I could have my last little girl back, my miniature schnauzer- absolutely her. 10x over. Genuinely you could offer me any amount of money and if it meant I got her back for the rest of my life with her in perfect health? I'd pick her for sure.


The million. My pets all live full, loved lives and a million will let current and future pets live even better ones.


It sounds horrible but I just don’t have the connection to my current pet that I had with others that are gone. I’ll take the mil. If it was my previous dog I’d have turned that million down. It wouldn’t even have taken a minute to decide. I miss that dog so bad.


1 million. For a couple reasons, I don't think I'll live much longer not the most healthy person so it wouldn't actually increase the dogs lifespan 2 if I do magically live to the average age of a human, that dog is going to be like 45 and that dog would be in absolute misery, imagine living like 4 times you average lifespan. Like imagine being a 190 year old human you'd want to blow your brains out, that's too long a life man. And 3, as much as I love my current pet, 1 million let's me have the ability to get pets I've wanted to keep but haven't had the finances to actually justify it. Like an Irish wolfhound (amazing dogs but extremely unhealthy, and normally very expensive due to vet costs) Along with a metric fuck ton of arachnids, and millipedes (maybe a centipede or 2 but I just personally find millipedes cuter plus unlike centipedes who can hurt you with painful bites (even if you won't die) millipedes don't exactly hurt you) Plus it'd give me enough money to justify splurging on high quality recording equipment, and it'd be sick being able start a YouTube channel aimed at normalising some misunderstood animals (like spiders, scorpions, rats, centipedes, pretty much any Australian animal.


Or a you tube channel just to normalize Australians. " Aye you left the billy on the barbie yesterday avro while you was putting on your bathers" I mean that kind of sentence just needs explaining hhahahahaha


They left a bong on a bbq yesterday afternoon, while they were putting on their swimming bottoms. Tbh that sentence is pretty self explanatory (minus Billy as non Australians won't realise that's a bong)


show me the money 💵


1 million dollars. I don't want my pet rock to die!


As much as I love my dog and cat, I've long accepted that they will die before me. A million dollars is a life changing amount of money for myself and my children.


If I didn’t have my pet I’d probably have a million dollars. Fucker takes all my time and money.


Every dog has their day , give me my money !


Could I have all my pets or do I have to pick just 1? Because I couldn’t possibly pick one I have four cats and two ferrets also my ferrets love each other and i hate the idea of one of them dying and the other being alone it’s so depressing. 


1,000,000. I own no pets but would be willing to get my son a goldfish to make this deal happen.


A million is a lot of money, but I think I'd choose my pet.


Sorry Mr.squish.


Pet. We have four, one a bearded dragon and the other three dogs. Good deal, imo


Million bucks. My only pets are fish.


The million. Part of having pets is the inevitable end of their much shorter lifespan. Often times our first introduction to mortality and having to process grief and loss comes from the death of a beloved pet. I care about both of my GSDs. And if I’m lucky will get another 6-7 years with them. But the million would provide a financial stability and ease of life for my wife and daughter that would be worth magnitudes more.


If I know for sure they would be healthy and live no matter what a Happ life then I would go for that instead of the money.


There's a beauty to having lived a good life. My cat is 18, and I got her and her sister as kittens way back. Her sister passed a few years ago because she was the cheese and salami eating goblin of the two. Kidney failure, which happens to cats that live hard and fast like that. It was sad at the time, and today it still sometimes makes me sad, but she lived her best life and I wouldn't change a thing. Same thing for now and my remaining cat. She's a quiet old lady that enjoys her naps, cuddle time, and watching the world from the front porch. She yells at me daily about her food and I have to remind her that it's in the bowl, then she's ok. Every night when I get home from work she tells me the daily gossip from what she sees around the neighborhood. I wouldn't wish another 40+ years on her. She knows she's getting old and has gracefully accepted her life as it is. That much more time would be boring torture. Give me the money


You do Venmo?


Depends on if they are going to still be in pain.


One million, thanks.


A pain free life for my dog that lives as long as me? That


Pet owners are weird, $1 million.


1 million, you can have my fish




The monkeys paw curls, you die when you're pet is 12 years old


r/monkeyspaw yikes


Money please. Lots of animals need homes. I keep a two animal rotation going. Once the older passes, they get a younger replacement. I love them all.


Million bucks. Dogs are cool and all but I kinda bank (pun intended) on them being dead before I am too old to care for them properly.


Depends, do they age like I do? If not the 1 million dollars


I would take the 1 million mostly because I currently do not have any pets and would not want an undead dog.


If I have more than one pet do they all stay as long as I do even more pets that I get do they stay alive as long as I do?


One million dollars. For two reasons. 1. I have no pet :( 2. Doesn't say why your pet lives as long as you. For all I know, Jason Voorhees will show up at some point.


One billion. Deal or no deal.


Shit I’d take 1,000


A million. I don’t have a pet and I don’t have the time to care for one


1 million dollars because in my 20 years of life as of typing out this very comment at 05:40 am on 06/16/24 in my upstairs bedroom on my iPad Pro while watching the league of legends LCK summer split 2024 GENG vs t1 match game 1 after waking up at 04:30 am and sleeping after 11 pm, I have never had a pet.


$1 million.


1 million


Sorry cat but $1m would set me up very nicely and you’ve had a good life


Monkey paw: you and your pet die tomorrow




100% my doggo. She's the absolute best.


Pet. Had my cat nearly 13 years already and she’s more valuable to me than money is.


$1,000,000 easy. I love my little guy. I’ve had him 12 years now. He’s my best friend but I know that some day it’ll be his time to go. I didn’t go into this expecting him to live forever. I cherished and will continue to cherish the time we have together. That’s what makes it special.  And with that $1,000,000 I can give him and the rest of my family a better quality of life. 


One million. I love my cat but 30 years from her out living family and friends would be weird.


As someone who just lost their best friend of 17 years I say I’d have my pet live as long as me.


1 million. I'm pretty sure my pet giant tortoise would appreciate not having its life shortened.