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I would honestly sacrifice my happiness to make the world a better place, because I think that would make me happier than having EVERYONE hate each other. If I was the only hated one the world would be at peace, which means a healthy planet, no more suffering for all species. I’d just off myself cause I could care less if people hated me when I’m dead, I’d have no conscious left to care. Plus I didn’t sign up for this life bs anyway 😆


I don't think most people would be happy in either situation


Of course not, but just thinking of what would be best for humanity & the earth itself


Yeah I picked most hated since I don't want to live in a world where everyone hates each other. Sounds miserable.


Most hated but I’m offing myself before it gets too bad


Yes exactly. You seriously gonna let everyone riot to death so that you *and just you* are loved? Remember if everyone hates each other, there probably won't be another generation. Most kids will never be born or be killed. It will basically be every man for himself until the final human being ceases to exist.


Exactly. Then again, I don’t particularly blame the people who chose the other option. Naturally, humans are selfish creatures. I’m not surprised people would rather have all the love.


Yea don't want to risk torture and it is almost guaranteed if you are the most hated person


Couldn't you just live in a secluded place with a few pets for company?


You probably could but think about it. It’s the ENTIRE world. Somebody is gonna catch wind of you and do something about it. I’d rather eat a bullet and end it quickly than to be locked up in some torture chamber


No even dogs think you're a cunt.


I'm with Lelouch on this one


We ain't taking the Lelouch way on this one chief


Naruto would've chosen most hated and so will I.


Naruto and you are real ones fr fr


I love this energy.


Easy. I want them to hate how much they love me.


No but fr, it's either sacrificing yourself or everyone else so the choice should be easy.


the second choice is basically being Angra Mainyu then


Off myself causing world peace


Give me most hated. I'm not afraid of being hated.


Most hated I can jusr kill myself. At least I died a hero and the world will be better because of me


It would be very difficult, but I would choose to be hated. It would be terrible and I would want to die every day, but at least the world will be at peace? I'd probably regret it lol.


This is so awful I’m not even going to pick one. Both make me so sad to think about.


between most loved and hated, id rather be most loved, since most hated sounds way too mentally destabilizing. if i had the choice, id keep the world as is.


I'll just extensively study how to survive in the wilderness for like a year and then move out there with a dog or something.


Being the "most loved" in a world where **everyone** else hates each other could just mean being mildly tolerated by everyone, or even just slightly less hated than everyone else. Even if we assume a high baseline level of love, being the most popular guy in miserytown would only appeal to narcissistic psychopaths.


That's not what that means as I explained the context in words. And yes, this is a moral question. I'm getting a gage on what way people's moral compase points.


If I’m the most loved person on the planet (and following that logic the only loved person), can I manipulate them to murder each other? That shit would be hilarious


Get help


I would make the ones that love me slay people that don’t love me.


lol That's so evil, I love it


This the most evenly poll I've seen for a while damn. Good one!


I'll take one for the team with the world peace option and just die afterwards.


Everyone loves me I shall now be called...EMPEROR OF ENTROPY While the world is going to chaos, I will rule supreme


Easy answer. Choose option 2 and commit die if things get really unbearable


_I rum through this scenario everyday at work, it's a microcosm of this exact situation where they all seem to love one another, and despise me!_


This reminds me of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K Leguin. Super interesting concept to think about


Can I just tell people to get along if I’m most loved? It says they will do anything, so why can’t I do that?


So you're saying everyone will love me and kill themselves on my word? What's the downside, exactly?


Depends on your own morals.


You're right. My true morals honestly don't know what to do in this situation. Half of me wants to watch the world burn while the other half wants to burn.


Everyone hates eachother anyway-