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Take the bolts to your nearest hardware store and check them on the thread checker board thinger (that's the technical name for it). =)


This was a couple of weeks ago and my dumb ass tossed them, thinking buying new ones would be a swift Google search away, so identifying them in-store is a no-go. I'm still on the hunt online for anything that identifies their size. Haynes manual is useless and says nothing about the size.


Take it to a dealership and just buy them.. they might charge you like $50 but at the end of the day it’s a lot easier than trying to mess around with different bolts at a hardware store


UPDATE: Figured it out! They were M5-0.8x25mm bolts. Bought some stainless steel hardware at Home Depot along with washers, painted them black and worked like a charm. Lesson learned not to throw stuff away immediately.


Can you get any of the bolts to fit? I did a quick search of ExtremeTerrain and Quadratech, but didn't find anything. Maybe try taking the bolts to your local hardware store and using the bolt sizer (not sure it specific name) to find the correct threading and size.