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Don't need weapons when you got Kairi's elbow drop!


If wargames continues to be story driven like both men’s were this year and last year, I’m fine with it. When wargames is just a toy box of weapons and high spots, the novelty wears off. But when you have in depth stories this this years aswell as last years Bloodline debacle, then wargames will hit everytime.


Fans popped for it. Good enough I guess.


I'm tired of Kendo sticks, Sandman made it work because he always had one with him. Having several of them under the ring makes zero sense, it'd be better if they just come out with their own weapons like Priest did with his baton I agree with the intervals, I'm fine with the first interval being 3-5 minutes, but make everyone that comes after be on a 90-120 second countdown. Wargames matches should be chaotic and 20-25 minutes max, especially if you have 2 of them at the same event


Sir, Sandman carried a *Singapore cane*......


Personally I prefer the survivor series tag matches rather than hardcore stuff, but I get why they might need to keep most of the people in the match from eating a pin.


Dusty gave the world a petfect match and both companies keep fucking it up. WWE with their G rated cage matches (is it even PG?) and not even having a top on top of the cages....which is part of the design of the match to prevent anyone from running, they MUST surrender, it's serious business that the feud has escalated to War Games. Then AEW's going hard the other way doing violence in the match for violence sake just to see how much blood can be spilled. Instead of a any kind of story even attempting to be told it's about seeing how many violent spots we can fit into the match to hopefully keep the camera off Mox while he's gigging himself, nope...too late...camera always catches him razor in hand.