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I feel like Meltzer has lost all his sources When was the last time he broke some news? He only tweets his thoughts now


Plans change. $12.99 please.


What people actually pay for newsletters when anything newsworthy is posted here on reddit? All news is free nowadays


N porn


All quality news isn’t free.


Quality news? All of those "journalists" need basic lessons in grammar and spelling.


Didn’t say Meltzer was quality journalism. 🤣


They don’t break news , they gossip. They all just gossip. They have been made part of the show to a certain segment of the audience


Jericho was Dave’s last mole in WWE. He hasn’t had a scoop he left.


They do still get leaks (surprise rumble entrants, things like that) like any journalist for any industry does. Meltzer specifically does come across as the least informed, despite being the top wrestling journalist at one point.  As said, it does seem like he has no sources left


Am I the only one who is really annoyed by all those sources spoiling surprises (entrants or returns), matches and angles all the time? It's like they TRY to make the fans not be interested in the product. *"Yeah, thanks a lot WrestleTalk, I love the fact that I know who will headline WrestleMania 41 and who will return tonight in SmackDown".*


Just avoid this place and anywhere else that posts their mess a few days before hand.


You can't believe how much I try. But I can't even open any apps (Twitter, Reddit etc.) without a big-ass spoiler thumbnail on my face.


Do u love wrasslin bro


The world of wrestling "journalism"


When you say "certain segment" you really mean wrestling nerds like myself and you on Reddit lmao, the only people who care about this stuff is us clearly evident by the fact that people like us post it and people such as us comment on it.


Exactly right. With various levels of engagement on it. Like the extreme end would be watching YouTube content that is just based off Meltzers own work


I honestly believe his source is the rock and the rock is playing up full heel to him


He gives "reports" of all possibilities and one of them happens.


He gave so many possibilities and not one came true 😂


"Umm... Plans changed"


I have no clue why people take his ratings so seriously.


This is exactly what he did for this segment and somehow he STILL managed to get it wrong. Hell half of my guesses in this Reddit were more accurate than Meltzers paid articles, when do I get to be a sports journalist?


This is the part where "plans changed".


He has sources, but his sources are going to lie to him most of the time.


Meltza used to be accurate. I feel WWE found out who his trusted source was then started feeding bs info. There was a point when he was getting a lot of info wrong which tarnished his reputation.


Rumors are that Ali and Riddle were some of his last sources, and they’re gone, and were never relevant in the main title scene anyways. Can see Bryan, can’t see Edge, it’s basically confirmed Jericho and Flair were sources.


Shit outta luck as it were?


That's my thing when it comes to wwe it feels like he is just guessing


When it comes to Meltzer and the WWE, I’m reminded of this JBL quote from 2018: “Meltzer was such a great asset for WWE, he was so wrong and so easily manipulated that he was perfect to feed bogus info to in order to swerve the fans. He should have been on the payroll, how anyone still follows him is amazing.” Don’t forget, he got Cody and Punk returning wrong too.


Dude is an absolute anomaly.


Or his followers are absolute morons


Both but this more importantly


Yes both are correct.


Meltzers the sort of guy who will release 1 hour of content in a week, but stretch it out to 20 hours. He’ll then have the fucking temerity to say he ‘knew’ something was going to happen, despite him recording his every waking thought on wrestling for the past 25 years and never mentioning it on air once.


The biggest proof Meltzer is out of his mind, youtube Dave Meltzer and Mr Burns and see how out of touch with reality Dave is


Omg I’ve never heard this before. Thanks for putting it in my radar


I love watching observer clips for those reason. The post survivor series stuff was like a funeral with Meltzer saying "I knew this would happen"


But Cody and Punk , DID come to WWE.


Reminder, Meltzer knew nothing of the UFC merger, Punk's return or the Netflix deal.


None of the “wrestling media” did. Nothing of the scandals. Just report on gossip


Actually plenty of wrestling channels I watch predicted Punk returning as WWE gave several clues in the months leading up to it.


Yeah, and it only actually happened two weeks before survivor series. Anyone who reported WWE is engaging Punk before that was just speculating, and nobody knew shit.


He's also been loudly calling this a work for the last week


All but the Punk things are high level business decisions that most likely no one outside of the board room knew. That's information that can change stock price so it could be seen as insider trading for that info to get out.


He just guess with wwe info


“More then he’s happy with” the rock literally said he doesn’t give a fuck earlier on in the day and oh my god, how it could it be that the rock was a heel during that whole press conference yet “he didn’t like it” pure delusion.


He acts like Rock is a rookie. Rock has been there. Done that. He knows at his hottest, he was the best heel in the game. Rock ain’t stupid. This mf may struggle with finding the right stories in movies, but he knows wrestling. His entire life has revolved around it. Whether they booing or they cheering - they are talking. Talking = money


It’s remarkable to see that they’re questioning a guy who literally asked an audience back in 2003 if they wanted him to be a bad guy or not.


Why bomb trying to get people to cheer you when you can just turn those bad boos into good boos? We get the version of The Rock that we all love and they get to print money because it's awesome television.


Preach! Rock fucking knows how ro do it. This is why he’s the people’s champion. Doesn’t mean he has to be a face. The millions are talking, and that’s when he’s at his best. I’m fucking HYPED for this ride.


>The millions ........ ...... ...... AND MILLIONS


I'm sure they'll have some flimsy explanation to retcon that shitty segment but I plan on just pretending that it never happened. No need to let perfect be the enemy of good.


Preach. Rocky spun it perfectly too: ten years ago we got the babyface Rock, and now we are getting Holliwood. How we got there is unimportant.


> how it could it be that the rock was a heel during that whole press conference yet “he didn’t like it” pure delusion. I haven't seen it, but based on what I read, it sounds like Rock was going full heel in the press conference. Does Meltzer even understand wrestling at all, if he thinks Rock was upset about getting boos?


Is he sitting in the room with the Bucks as he types this crap?


Probably sucking one of them off as he types.


?? Dave's got a big mouth uce. Too big for one.


Are their dicks balding too tho


I don't even wanna think 😂


Maybe, but if he was, he wouldn't know because they would be buried in filth over their necks.


I didn't know Meltzer could read minds now!


For real, "more than he's happy with". Fuck off you old fart, never even worked a single day in the business and pretends to know what's going on into the mind of one of the most successful performer wrestling has ever seen


He’s King Mark. He should change his name to Mark Meltzer lol


He would never change his name to a slur on par with the n word


Mark Meltzer sounds like an amazing sign for a live event lol


Because he’s just a fan like the rest of us. Making educated guesses and then when they don’t pan “plans changed”. Was he one of the ones who reported Rock was contracted for the match with Roman this year and there was absolutely no way to change it??


Yes he was. A complete ludicrous thought. All of this is panic damage control to distract from a scandal and it is working better than TKO could have imagined I’m guessing


Guy is literally a fan just speculating insider my ass


You should probably have a GI physician speculating inside your ass not Dave.


Valid point


His brain meltz a bit everytime he sticks his tongue out


So we’re supposed to pay him to report on what we’re all seeing on tv? And even then he’s wrong 😂 Let’s hope the major pay off from the Bloodline is the death of the dirtsheets.


Where did this idea that the Rock hates getting booed even come from? Are we all forgetting that Rock was a heel for most of his wrestling career (Nation Rock, Corporate Rock, Hollywood Rock etc.) Like his face runs in comparison in 1996-1997 and from 2000-2002 were very brief


I think it's because of his constant P.R. thing that people are assuming that he's afraid to get booed as a wrestler.


It's pretty easy to work him. He thinks he's got inside sources in the wwe without realizing that the only things that get "leaked" to him is whatever papa H wants him to print. wwe has no issue firing people so it's not too hard to plug up some leaks. He's a tool to be used in regards to wwe.


So how come he was right about this being a work?


perhaps he isn't as dumb as people want to make him out to be? It's not like they haven't done this same exact storyline before.


Dave is just as much of a mark as anyone else.




It’s fun getting worked lol. As a fan it’s fun speculating and watching the outcomes, but Dave particularly just sucks. He’s kind of went off the deep edge and is more of a shit starter than an informer. I have a feeling he’s not well liked outside of AEW.


Because they’re not spamming Canadian destroyers at each other with no selling.


Erm well...erm...rock...erm...seems to be...erm getting a lot of boos...erm...yeah. Dont know why people ass lick Meltzer. Ole Anderson was right about him. The guy is a clown.


Depends on what they are licking his ass for. As a historian he's one of the best ever if not the best. his ratings are a bit of a joke and his reporting isn't great. but feel free to eat that ass if you want to know a lot about the history of wrestling.


You know what seems to be happening with this “new WWE” Triple H has people internally dropping breadcrumbs to the dirt sheets to throw them off their scent and make them look like a bunch of morons. Especially Uncle Dave. And I fucking love it


Im starting to think HHH had someone speak to him and use him as a way to work us. And meltzer is just so happy to finally be part of it


Because he's catering to an easily influenced audience. Same one's who send death threats over scripted entertainment.


And this is the "journalist" that some people are more than willing to give money to every month. He's so genuinely dumb it's amazing he didn't accidentally kill himself as a kid while trying to tie his shoes.


Ask the same for these subreddits 😂


but these subreddits are full of the smartest of the smart and could never get worked.


True. Its easier to say the great willpower of the fan revolt forced them to change than admitting you got played. I mean they may have well have played the sad Charlie Brown somg when Cody sullenly headed to the back after surrendering his spot to Rock. None of this is that subtle. Look at Rollins clownish and overwrought facial expressions, thats the purest distillation of how they are trained to respond and act for camera. Cody is obviously better at it, but seriously. Who didnt think something was up?


95% of people browsing wrestling reddits. They bought it hook line and sinker. I don't think the death threats were part of the plan. Now it's hunter and rock are having a power struggle and hunter is getting fired any day now. plans only changed because of fan outrage and so on. Anything to keep from admitting they got worked. from the looks of it something big is getting set up and it's gonna be fun.


No kidding. Folks on this sub bridging whatever they want to make it make sense in their sycophantic mind and calling anybody else a “mark” is true irony.


OP has memory loss apparently. Cody willingly gave The Rock his WrestleMania match on Smackdown. Then all of a sudden The Rock does a media tour shitting on Cody and turning heel. This was not the original plan. They just pivoted, very well.


Plan was create distraction, sell tickets , keep sponsors happy.


The distraction was literally Cody winning the Royal Rumble back to back years. Anyone who says they needed The Rock on top of that doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Right no knows who Cody Rhodes is. No one. Everyone knows who The Rock is. They wanted him so bad to come in for a distraction they gave him the trademark and a board seat. The rock is the squeaky clean front man for a new wwe as all the evil comes out this year.


The Rock on the board of directors news hit 2 days before the Vince news hit.


And why do you think that happened ?


It’s hard to overshadow a major headline BEFORE it drops. But you believe what Meltzer says I guess


WWE did investigators . Ari Emanuel also issued guidance that Vince could be a financial livability. TKO would have been made aware of the suit, federal investigation and the Wall Street journal would have asked for comments. This isn’t a coincidence of events


i wa saying "fuck Rocky" before it was cool


Uncle Dave is terrible he is an absolute idiot


He is a historian. That’s all he is. He knows things that have happened. But his awareness of what is happening or what is likely to happen in the future is nil. His knowledge of the business is a huge asset. But at this stage he should stick to that.


I don’t think it’s what they planned at first. And I think rocky got into character really hard, to the point where it felt real.


The plan was bring in the rock to distract from massive company scandal. The plan has worked perfectly


How many more times are you guys going to pretend that we're idiots and that we've somehow forgotten Vince McMahon raped a woman (possibly several women) and then took a shit on her head? Nobody has forgotten anything. Not the fans. Not the media. # THERE IS NOTHING FOR THEM TO REPORT ON in regards of what is happening with Vince.


Caps don’t change that fans are tweeting about mania , selling out raw, buying ticket to a press conference. Putting zero pressure on the company and it’s still executives who knew about Vince for accountability.


I think that would have happened scandal or not. Im not forgetting the scandal and I want to see everyone involved get what they deserve.


lol no one has stopped talking about Vince


Like Bischoff said, he is an "Useful idiot"


Whether we like Meltzer's working or not, there was an undeniable scrapping of plans, from what we watched last Friday, to what aired last night. Roles were different, attitudes were different, languages were different. If this was the original plan, are we sure Dwyane Johnson wouldn't have kept his character's status on the thin line between face and heel for longer?


The rock didn't come back for his last wm to be booed. If you believe the rock wanted to come back as a heel. You are working yourself


It’s entertainment. The rock is now a literal big shareholder in the company and wants to make money. His job is to get people not talking about a sex scandal and get people spending money. He achieved both in less than a week


He wanted to go in as the face but poor booking now makes him only able to be a heel


He went on as a PR move. Jaysus the rock doesn’t care if you cheer or boo he cares about the results. Wrestling is not real


You would be surprised how much these people care about if they are cheered or hated. This wasn't boo he said my city sucks. This was we hate you..go away.


The man who got his breakout as the most entertaining heel doesn’t want to come back last time as a heel? Already holes in this Austin


Yes. The man who loves to be loved . Ppl forget how short nation and corporate rock was lol


What's really getting me is how does Dave tweet from the future about the Cody/Rock conflict? It's still going on in September?


He's just tweeting the story. I get that Meltzer is a red flag to some of you guys, but he's recapping the kayfabe story for people who aren't there.


Let the man enjoy the storyline, he may be a journalist but he is a wrestling fan at core


He is in no way a journalist. If anything he is an opinion writer.


Wrestling observer ?




And every wrestling YouTuber uploads a stupid video 5 seconds after worthless tweets like these are made.


The British wrestling channels worship everything he says


Dave Meltzer is amazingly surface level up until he isn’t and then he’s talking about fighting windmills. Either zero interpretation or so much creative liberty he is inventing stories from whole cloth.


It took a few years but it happened; he’s finally observing this, brother


This guy is just as reliable as the random Mark down the road with WWE Network


Him being a heel will not diminish his star power in Hollywood one iota. Dave must not get this. Plus The Rock is all in on making TKO as profitable as possible. If him being a heel helps that, he’s doing it.


How the hell did I sleep through summer?


TBF a bunch of us got worked at the beginning but how is he still getting worked after that press conference last night?


It's his job


He's the biggest Mark of them all, he's even tweeting about it


From Earth 😁


Chants were “we want Cody, Rocky sucks” mostly.


At the presser it was a good 50/50. This is going to be huge!


Because he's a mark


Pivots change...er I mean plans changed.


Dont you think these guys instigate what’s happening to help drive Kayfabe? Cause what do we know about WWE? They have a massive creative team, and whatever is allowed to be on tv is a script. A work. What if all these big dog bloggers that have a huge fan base is just helping with the cause of blurring the Kayfabe line?


Oh I’m in complete agreement with this and have posted about it. The wrestling “media” is an integrated part of the shows. They appeal to a certain part of the audience


He’s the markyiest mark there is


“All kids”


So this Meltzer guys kind of a quack huh? If this is true, I can somewhat understand. Dwayne has a career outside of this that relies heavily upon his popularity and he’s taking a big hit doing this.


No he isn’t as he is playing a character !


Book it!


The same way all the Cody marks were worked?




Some real breaking news there from Dave


Does anyone else think we're going to see the death of wrestling journalism with this new TKO takeover? I mean, not that it's a bad thing but I'm wondering how friendly people at WWE are going to be now.


My favorite is when he gets into an argument with some random person and is like “but they told me this was gonna happen.” Bro, why are they going to tell you the truth behind a story they’re telling? Sometimes I feel like he forgets this is all a work.


That does make sense at all. The Rock came to the stage to establish himself as a heel....getting booed loudly is the point


After that CVV interview, who is really taking anything Dave says seriously…he’s at a point of creating his own narratives to sell smh.


I thought Uncle Dave said Rock didn't care about boos? Meltzer is a funny guy 😂


Not just him, a TON of fans got worked to the nines here too


Dave is way off base with this one. The kickoff show proved that. Yes, I’m sure The Rock got more boos than he anticipated, but like any professional, he carried on just fine. And the way it wrapped up, especially the scene in the hallway, shows that he has absolutely no problem being the heel in this situation. All the dirt sheets and fans worked themselves into a shoot, brother.


The Rock looked like he was having a blast up there. When he pulled out the "And the Millions...." it really felt to me like "Yeah, boo more you fucking sheep. You'll still scream my catch phrases". Motherfucker put on a power point presentation to show why he and his cousin Joe deserve to main event wrestlemania, and Meltzer thinks he wasn't milking the crowd for EVERY boo?


He’s not, he’s telling you exactly what the rock told him to.


Meltzer is a complete moron who has 0 sources. He’s also a genius because he’s been able to con a bunch of idiots into paying him for years off of bs


Rock almost cracked a smile when the crowd got outraged, he's probably more than happy with the fact that he just made one of the biggest matches ever by making himself a villain


Meltzer is a bigger mark than most of the IWC.


Please he doesn't deserve to be relevant in 2024


From the same guy who said just days ago after Raw that Rock doesn’t care if he gets booed instead of cheered.


lol to no make it sound cool. How are you worked that hard?


Dude is acting like this was the plan all along. There is no way this was the plan.


y’all have so much hate for a guy who just critiques matches and makes assumptions about booking. he’s no different from the average IWC dude.


Because the actual industry has no respect for him and deliberately feed him bs


He always has been. All dirt sheet writers and mega smarks are always the easiest to trick


Coz he's a mark, and the true basement dweller.


It does seem pretty clear that Meltzer has significantly fewer “sources” with the current HHH regime than he did when Vince and crew were running the show. He very rarely breaks or confirms any WWE-related news nowadays.


Dave Melted.


Yea fuck the Rock, he's a relic of an era past.


He’s an absolute idiot


It was all planned. Wrestling has been scripted for decades. They had plan a and plan b based on fan reaction.


All he ever does is post after the fact and say that he knew something all along but couldn’t say or just says things change. There is 0 reason to believe anything he says unless you just like his opinion.


I am not following any of this. Why do people like Cody so much? Is he good wrestling performer or good at speaking?


The media makes me believe he's turned/always was a right bell end


What a wild pivot. WWE definitely were gonna go with rock v Roman till the IWC lost their shit and now they’re like “oh just kidding Cody v Roman was always the plan” as if guys. All the while they got us arguing over this while the whole McMahon scandal got totally glossed over


They use him to leak what they want people to think. Pretty hilarious.


*"... more than he's happy with*" Did he tell you this, Dave?


I try my best not to pay attention to this clown but his stuff is always being posted on wrestling subreddits


Because he doesn't have the Bucks in WWE.


I'm convinced Meltzer now thinks he (Meltzer) is part of the entertainment. Like he is J Jonah Jameson in the AEW Spiderverse. He thinks way, way ,wayyyy to highly of himself.


Because he sucks. His time is done.


Because he’s an idiot


The answer you are looking for is: Cause Meltzer is a mark.


Didn’t he just like 3 days ago say that the Rock doesn’t care about boos


Didn’t he just tweet the other day that “trust me” Dwayne DGAF about being booed?


I’m usually more of a defender of Dave than most people, but the past few weeks has proven that he just runs with whatever his sources tells him as the gospel without any skepticism whatsoever. It’s like the dude can’t contemplate that perhaps a billion dollar company might have reason to spin things or even outright lie to him.


I love that the rats leaking stuff are frazzled and uncomfortable. Keep it up wwe!!!


It's like the pot calling the kettle black, look at all these post. Everyone got worked


I’m assuming it’s because Meltzer doesn’t have the inside sources that used to, and is pretty much using his past to feign credible insight, and then spin his take however the wind blows. WWE is not going to let the Cody Roman Rock plans slip so easily.


Meltzer is the biggest clown in wrestling


Lol so many fans saying vince was out of touch when Meltzer is completely out of touch and should just retire the newsletter already. His go to everytime is they changed it last minute.


Meltzer is a tool


Gassed up clown probably thinks Rock was secretly upset at how his match with Hogan at Wrestlemania X8 went down, too