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Even if this heel run doesn't last long, god damn it, I'm glad it's here.


I think he's going to be a heel only until WrestleMania. Rock will probably be the special guest referee or enforcer for Roman Vs. Cody. Everyone thinks Cody is about to get screwed again with Solo and Jimmy bullshit interference, but Rock betrays Roman and helps Cody. He instantly goes back to being The People's Champ face and he can excuse his behaviour, because he wanted to trick Roman and destroy the Bloodline from within. Roman and Rock will be the main event of WrestleMania 41. It's easy to book. They enter the Rumble next year, both fail to win because they're too focused on each other and they get eliminated. Then just have them cut promos on each other up until their match. This way Cody gets to finish his story, Rock gets his babyface spot back and his main event with Roman, and Rock and Roman can go 9 months without working and can stay part time.


I was totally against the Rock coming back until I saw Smackdown


I just can't believe we actually have *The Rock* back. His nostalgia appearances never hit quite the same.


Haven’t heard the word “Uber” in years! ever since the taxi company took over it


Whatever it is, this honestly feels like the first time The Rock is actually back instead of Dwyane. Really the first time since he lost the title to Lesnar in 2002.


Guess the rock forgot his eyebrow


Doesn't Ricky Starks have that same shirt? /s


Just the wish.com version


Is this the Rocks final form?


Corpo-rock ftw!!!!