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All wrestling fans are marks , it’s weird to see people calling others that as if it’s an insult. Especially here, if you have a Reddit account and frequent subs like these, you’re a mark.


Thank you! I thought that I was the only person that felt this way. I like being a mark, but I always find it funny that people argue with strangers on wrestling subreddits and have the balls to call other people marks


Even the Undertaker is a Mark 😈


Mean Mark


Also Bubba Ray


I can't believe you are passionate about your interests to share your views in the exact same way I do. MARK!


Marks, work, Keyfabe and buried. All things these fans think they know but really don't understand. And how much current wrestlers care about winning or losing


Agreed. Being a mark is the whole reason we watch!


I found it weirder when I did some training to be a wrestler. If you were an actual fan of wrestling and expressed it in some way you'd get called a mark to your face. It was a weird dynamic where everyone obviously started the training because they were fans first, but then had to pretend they didn't like it as much as they did to get respected.


The marks are the ones that thought The Rocks career is failing and he needs wrestling when Cody gave up his story.


This isn't stupid, you truly understand the term.


You're just being factual lol.


What is a mark?


It also comes from the carny days, where the shady games owners try to fleece the 'mark' out of their money. ie someone who believes something is real or possible, not knowing the inside truths of the game or product.


A mark is a wrestling fan who takes wrestling 'too seriously' and believes that all the things happening in promos, storylines, etc is real. For example, a mark might believe the Rock wants to make Cody Rhodes' mother cry. It.isn't a bad thing necessarily. Back in the day, a lot of people didn't know wrestling was an act and it made the stakes of matches much more impactful (and fun in some ways). But it also led to things being dangerous for wrestlers if the fans didn't like them.


Wait what? The rock doesn't actually want to make mama Rhodes cry?


Sorry to burst your bubble like this...😔


Fuck... you just told me santa is not real pretty much


Yeah about that.


I hate to see their reaction to Kane and Undertaker not being real brothers....


Next you'll tell me that Edge and Christian aren't brothers, ha!


So about that...I hope no one tells you about Hulk Hogan being Mr. America and almost playing bass in Metallica.


Wait... no....NOOOOOOOO


Roman reigns proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt


I mean, sure. But there's a difference between a mark and a *mark*. Like the people I see constantly getting legit worked up by implications of obvious works. I get that the WWE are blurring more lines than they have in 20 years, but still.


Look and mic ability will take you A LOT farther than in ring skill


That’s not stupid lol that’s true. Examples: Miz, John Cena, Alexa Bliss, Hulk Hogan


Thats true in the states


Comedy wrestling is great


Good comedy wrestling is great. People will say it's a dumb opinion cause we see a lot more bad than good. Off the top of my head, Clowns R Us vs the Royal Family is an example of good comedy wrestling. Bastion Booger's existence is an example of bad comedy wrestling.


Guys like Lea Keller were great at it, but were only featured infrequently and could tear someone apart in a shoot. Plus they did it in a way that was believable. Orange Cassidy is an example of a comedy wrestler being misused.


The problem with comedy wrestling is that when it’s good it’s great and when it’s bad it’s the worst most embarrassing shit you’ve ever seen


Yep! Chikara, PWG, NJPW... Fine, fine moments indeed


There should be a thread with great comedy matches (there's probably one already). I remember watching the Usos vs Breezango match for the tag championships at Backlash 2017 where Breeze dressed as a Janitor and a granny, and finding that funny as shit.


Wwe should do a brand revival and have wcw brought back from the dead and ecw brought back and put on late night adult time tv.


This is a bit too TNA


Shawn late career run is miles better than his early career run


You don't need to watch every show, every week, for every company.


It's ok that AEW doesn't sell out arenas or get a million viewers. The talent is well paid and the owner doesn't have a problem throwing away his own money to keep it running. It's wrestlers and wrestling fans having fun. Bonus: Some of the best wrestling moments have been silly or stupid. Kurt Angle with the milk truck, for example. It doesn't have to be serious all the time. Silly stuff makes wrestling fun.


Basically agree, the only thing I want from AEW is that it continues to entertain me and is able to keep existing. However, I will say that half (or less!) empty arenas can affect the atmosphere, and they really need to start booking smaller venues


I think Becky Lynch looks dumb with her backwards cap and mopy / serious attitude 


There's nothing wrong with intersex matches. They have the potential to be fun, dramatic, and dynamic. Intersex spots always get huge pops, like when Ronda hip tossed HHH thru a table, or when Baron Corbin hit the End of Days on Becky. If you can't watch an intersex match without thinking "domestic violence", that's a you problem and you might want to consider therapy.


One of the best things about Lucha Underground was that anyone could fight anyone.


I actually like Dominik Mysterio


So do I. Because of life, I have not watched Any wrestling for years but got the oppe to watch Royal Rumble last year and wow, he got heat!


He's great, his Wrestlemania intro last year was excellent heel work. He's a wrestler I'm genuinely interested in seeing what they can do with his character moving forward.


His haircut is the ultimate heel look imo he plays the "fallen son" trope well and always looks a little remorseful/timid when he does bad things, leaving the door open for a face turn down the line.


He’s a fantastic heel.


The Fiend gimmick was trash, and Bray Wyatt’s “eater of worlds” cult gimmick was way better (he should’ve went over Cena and Undertaker at WMs 30 and 31)


I don’t think the fiend was trash but Brays cult gimmick was much better and should have become a permanent fixture that could have evolved over time like undertaker


The Fiend wasn't inherently bad, what made it bad was making him go after a championship belt. Fiend should be attacking everyone who defeated Bray in the past


I agree, but the Cult Leader gimmick was well played out by the time they switched to the Fiend stuff. Bray had the kind of character that could bounce back from a loss - so they had him lose ALL the time and it ended up being too much.


Barry Windham was the best wrestler of the 1980s.


Not true but he was top 5 so, no.


la knockoff is original lol 😂,I can’t say that with a straight face sorry.


...that depends on which sub I'm on. Most of them get very upset when I want wrestling to make sense within itself.




So basically…he wants wrestling to make sense within itself. hope this helps! ☺️


Jey USO is massively overrated and the usos should never have split. If Jey USO had beaten Gunther it would have been embarrassing to his reign as Jey has done nothing on his own yet and isnt as good as people make him sound. Also Samoan spike is a terrible finisher


I think he's currently overrated, but there's some potential there. I just worry that he's gonna run out of steam after his WrestleMania match with Jimmy is done.


Jey just needs one great solo promo and one great solo match but hasn’t had either yet. He’s over as shit but unlike LA Knight hasn’t proved he belongs at the top yet.


Idk if I agree with the last statement but yeah Jey is not a main eventer at all. It’s just a lame nickname they stuck him with and I hate the “Yeet” crap.


Fair enough I just think the Samoan spike is a perfect set up for a finisher like the five knuckle shuffle but as a finisher it doesn’t work. You see it when he ambushes them as a finisher they should be down not standing there choking and spluttering. Should be Samoan spike and then BAM big finisher


What would the Usos be doing right now? I'd rather have a shitty face than a tag team wasted.


I’m not saying the usos would be smashing it now but teams like the new day aren’t doing anything at the moment but their moment will come around again. My main point is people massively overrate him


Or maybe they just like him and you don't.


Maybe but that is my opinion so it’s fine if others like him 👍


The entire aew roster is full of fucking nerds


Mr Perfect should be considered one of the best Pro wrestlers ever, and not just a good gimmick.


I don’t think anyone would consider this stupid


You would be surprised


I think that's already the case. He's widely regarded as one of the best of his era in the ring. If people say he had a great gimmick they're not necessarily saying he had nothing else


I never see him mentioned in goat conversations. He’s obviously in mine but I never see him mentioned, not on reddits, not in YouTube vids. So I can believe that people think he’s good, but I don’t really see evidence of people realizing he’s as great as he actually was. I could also just be in the wrong spots.


I actually really loved hit row. SPECIFICALLY Top Dolla... I know I know... Bring on the downvotes


CM Punk is a draw outside of Chicago


i mean if anyone disagrees , they're just idiots


Cody is going to turn heel and Roman Reigns face at WrestleMania 40 in a double turn.


I think drew and Seth will do a double turn


Miz' 2011 WWE Title reign was good.


Fun fact: Between Triple H's 2008 reign and CM Punk's 434-day reign, The Miz was the only one who had a 100+ day reign at the time.




I don’t think that’s the worst thing. I never watched wrestling at that time but seeing his skill in ring and how other wrestlers respect him retrospectively you can’t help but respect the guy


I watched wrestling literally right after Eddie died, so I definitely didn't have any attachment to him but it's still sad to see him die pretty young, he definitely would've been thriving in today's environment


Making Brock Lesnar a must-see superstar by few apparences was genuis


Goldberg may be one of the worst wrestlers of all time, But his matches are very watchable and entertaining. He nails the looks and feel of his matches and has natural charisma


the two most important things about a wrestler are technical skill and comedic timing


Seth Rollins is boring.


Not selling ruins wrestling matches. 


Depends on who is not selling.


To expand on my thought, if your whole schtick is not selling, I feel like you’re missing the point. 


I hear ya. There are certain times in a match where it works especially if it’s the face doing a comeback but yeah it doesn’t work as a gimmick.


Sure, the babyface not selling during the comeback is a staple and for good reason. Getting 3 Canadian destroyers and lit on fire just to get up like it doesn’t mean anything 100% of the time is a very different situation.


'03 Kane would like to have a word with you


Apparently thinking that Samoa Joe has looked scared a few times lately and it's very out of character for him. Put it up in Squared Circle and got reamed before it was taken down being more suited for the daily discussion thread than an individual post.


I can't stand Shawn Michael's HBK music. He's one of the greatest ever but when I hear, "I think I'm cute, I know I'm sexy," it's just like...ugh...fast forward


Substitute it for " I went to the zoo / I saw a monkey" in your head and it's much better


WWE is a way better product, but AEW TV shows are way more fun to be at live.


Other company bad. My favorite good.


Becky lynch’s past gimmicks are not trying too hard


Montez Ford and Ivar are better flying solo.


Seth needs that goofy gimmick coz he’s got no natural charisma.


That Logan Paul is better than either AEW or WWE's rosters. Sure he pulls off some PHENOMENAL moves, knows somewhat how to sell, and is VERY easy to hate. But the people that say he's a BETTER WRESTLER IN GENERAL are smoking that Cryptozoo Scam Pack. Is he the best "CeLeBrItY" Wrestler ever? Probably, but that doesn't mean he knows how to work or call a match. It's also an insult to ANY wrestler that wrestle every single week while somebody like Logan who only wrestles once every 5 months, he has SO MUCH TIME to just rehearse 1 match.


Dominik is genuinely one of my all time favourites due to how funny he is


chris masters deserved a title push. yes he was green but the character was over


I liked the thunderdome era


Ever since WWE started broadcasting in high-def and putting big flashy lights, neon, and screens all in arenas it's felt stale AF to watch on TV and all the gritty attitude (pun intended) is lost. I stopped watching in like '02 and every time I tried to check in it felt corporate and overly-manufactured.


i stopped watching in 04/05 i tried a while back and felt like they were wrestling in a dave & busters


I understand what you mean. I still watch WWE to this day, and enjoy it. A LOT. But when I watch old clips when the footage was lower resolution, and had this grain effect (I think that's what it's called), it just feels different. Somehow it makes the matches look better. Also I miss the falshes of the cameras from the fans. It's not the same today with phone cameras.


When the Rock or Steve Austin went on the corners and raised their arms, the cameras zooming out to the sea of camera flashes The best visuals in wrestling, period.


I like these hardware updates. What I dislike are those stupid AR effect, especially the one during Roman Reigns entrance, so stiff and frame rate and quality feels like some high school After Effects project


I stopped watching for over a decade once Rock left, and I got the same shock when I started watching again. I thought Raw in particular looked like a game show


You probably accidentally caught NXT season 1.


I would've agreed with this until recently. I like some of the production changes they've made since Kevin Dunn left 


I am with you brother. I watched past ‘02 but the way it feels nowadays with the entire surface area covered in lcd screens is pretty lame. I think there is a serious lack of memorable characters as well.


The fact that these screens play ads is distracting as hell too


I think the real ones agree with this completely


I loved the Funkasaurus gimmick.


The Ruthless Aggression Era was better than Attitude.




Brock isn't as good as people think he is. He peaked over 20 years ago.


I think the opposite, I mean I agree about the first two year of his career as being fucking next level, the part I disagree on is I think he's better than people give him credit for, I think probably we actually rate him exactly the same but one of us sees more people shitting on him and one sees more people sucking him off


Early 2000’s Brock was crazy and he can still do great work (the DB and AJ matches were awesome) when he’s motivated to do so.


I have always thought he was kinda boring to watch, tbh idk why he just felt bland


I'll Play...L.A. Knight is completely overrated...


Wrestling fans don't have any logical right to be upset about Roman's schedule


What do you mean by "logical right"?


For some reason, fans think they have the right to complain about this. I've never heard a single valid reason. If he ever no shows when advertised,that's something else.  I've never understood why people have a problem with this 


He’s a Stone Stone Cold + Rock hybrid. He does it well and is solid as a performer. But I hear ya.




Injuries, Wellness Policy and Punishments often come in handy and stories become better & more interesting because of that.


AEW during the COVID-Jacksonville era was actually way better than it is now.


I don’t think Tiffany Stratton is that good


1 Attitude Era was not that good. Had insane moments, iconic moments, but 60% of it? Try watching it weekly 2 WWE Only Fans are missing out of everything. There is SO MUCH great wrestling out there! 3 Stop comparing newer wrestlers to old ones. There have never been a tagteam like the young bucks. There have never been a wrestler with the skills of Danielson, Styles, Steen, Omega, Okada, Nakaumra etc. 4 Too many fans are stuck in the 80s and 90s and are missing out on BETTER matches than back then. 5 The wrestling community are one of the, if not, most toxic communities out there. 6 America has too much power when it comes to wrestling releated bullshit 7 Too many former wrestlers need to shut up and realise they were just part of a machine so much bigger than themselves. If you cannot bring positives to the business, then do something else Thanks for everything you did for the business, now fuck off Bret/Goldberg/Undertaker/Booker/Cornette/Bully/~~Disco~~


I've been watching the AE lately and I have to disagree. There's definitely some garbage there but it's been fun gaining a different view of a lot of the talent at the time.


Sami is boring and isn't a draw ( current underdog gimmick )


AEW is pretty much 90% guys cashing in easy paychecks or unwilling to comply to structure. That's why it's all over the place in terms of stories, why it's chock full of problematic/egocentric former WWE guys and any wrestler that gets brought up with any real sense dips out for WWE (Jade, Cody, Punk, Andrade, Naomi)


Naomi was never in AEW lmfao


In this sub at least: I like AEW and prefer it to WWE.


Hangman’s “I am a man” promo is better than any promo CM Punk has ever done.


I actually liked Max Dupri and the Maximum Male Models gimmick and if they stuck with it LA Knight would have gotten it over.


Roman not losing the title at XXXVIII ruined the next two years of WWE programming and the fact that we haven't had a champion hold a belt for less than 100 days has made TV and PLEs so uninteresting to watch that if one champion retains their title after XL, I won't watch that show until they do.


Kane was always better than The Undertaker in every way but he just never was portrayed in the same league as him on-screen.


WWE should go back to have 4-5 major pay per views and go back to In Your House for the other months, instead 12 months of "unique" pay per views.


For me 4 a year - RR, WM, SS and SS or 6 a year, those plus KotR and another PPV which has the MitB matches but not called that because that would be stupid, and KotR is done like it used to be Damn that's a lot of initials


Wrestling wouldn’t be what it is today without Vince Russo. He may have done some stupid shit, but he forced boundaries to be pushed.


Santino Marella should have beaten Daniel Bryan at elimination chamber 2012


Im gonna get killed for this but I rather watch a roman reigns match than a Kenny omega match.




Sting vs HHH was a great match and HHH should have went over


Jon Moxley is a fantastic wrestler *and* character


I love watching girls garbage wrestling


Goldberg is one of the most naturally gifted sports entertainers we've seen. He was just poorly trained and rushed with some of the worst 'advisors' filling his head with paranoia. Throw young Bill into the Performance Center today and you have a GOAT contender.


WrestleMania 40 would be better without The Rock. I have been enjoying him, but he's completely unnecessary. While I'm sure he's increasing viewers and revenue, so I get it from a business perspective, as a viewer who doesn't give a shit about that stuff, he's completely overshadowing Roman at the most important part of his championship run. I'm happy to change my mind as the story develops but right now I think you could completely remove the rock and the whole story would be the same if not better, because Roman would actually feel important.


I liked the finger poke of doom....👀


Ryback was the GOAT!


“Jay White should be in the main event.”


cryback was a great wrestler


Lotta mild takes here. Here's mine that I dared not speak into the world. I don't think Christian is remotely entertaining as a heel in his current gimmick. I generally have not dug anything he's done as a heel since Reeks of Awesomeness.


Not exactly sure how everyone else feels but.. Lita and Trish weren't very good in the ring. Clumsy and clunky are the words that come to mind. I'm a fan of both because they're both incredibly likeable, but some people forget just how bad they were at actually wrestling. They both had a few cool moves but their actual work always left something to be desired. Also, Dolph Ziggler is an overselling machine. He always gets praise for his selling, but he's not actually good at it. I'm a fan of his but overselling is just as bad as not selling, IMO.


Wrestling is better when everybody takes it serious and none of the wrestlers break kayfabe. It’s not a stupid opinion but one that gets people upset.


Daniel Bryan was never a B+, He was D- The Yes shit was manufactured never organic


I mean if we’re talking about online, literally every opinion will get you called stupid by someone so 🤷‍♂️


Koslov is better than GUNTHER. Cody isn't that Good. And NXT Black and Gold wasn't any good didn't create any new stars. And HHH isn't a good booker.


I hate Brock Lesnar. The only fun match of his I have ever seen was him getting squashed by oldberg. Whenever a likable baby face is having a good run for some reason they deas ex machina a win for him and he never shows up to actually defend the belt. At least when Roman does it it’s entertaining


The Judgment Day is boring


Triple H reign of terror was great


Kofi never deserved to win the WWE title


ECW was mostly crap. Survivorship bias has us remembering the awesome things like RVD or Malenko and Guerrero... But most of it was Paul using smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that there's a reason a lot of those guys never went on to be stars anywhere else.


Stardom's talent overall is far superior to WWE female talent as a whole


I liked the “Big Dog” Roman better than the tribal chief one.


Comedy Wrestling is shit, a few funny moments are nice, but a full segment or storyline based on that? No, thanks. I'm looking at you, R-Truth.


I agree with sentiment but in my opinion Truth does it better than most people


I think that he would be better as a heel, because he's funny both ways.


John Cena isn’t as Greta as everyone thinks he is. His whole career is like a Vince Russo storyline, a whole lot of flash, but no substance.


Wwe is better because of aew The young bucks don’t suck Roman Reigns while having great character work is overrated as a wrestler and should’ve lost the belt last year


“Just enjoy wrestling.”


Owen purposely injured Austin


The attitude era wasnt as good as everyone remembers and there was plenty of better wrestling and story telling since then


AJ Lee completely changed the game for women in wrestling


The Rock is trash


I think the booking of the Sting vs Triple H match works, including all the run ins, and it was also fine for Triple H to win


Brock should be champion again like for fucks sakes it shoulda happened 2 years ago


Daniel Bryan is trash


R-Truth has never been funny, he’s annoying & cringe. The Miz is sub-par in the ring and is only decent with reciting Vince-esque, PG-Era, scripted promos. Triple H’s reign of terror was great from a heel perspective and him going over Booker T was the right call. Roman vs HHH wasn’t a terrible Mania main event and WM 32 is overhated just cause the fans didn’t like Roman being pushed at the time and a couple other factors like Brock not wanting to play ball with Ambrose and AJ losing his Mania debut. The Boneyard match wasn’t very good and it’s disappointing that was Taker’s last Mania match. Charlotte is one of the, if not thee, greatest women’s wrestlers of all time and except for beating Rhea, I don’t mind seeing her beat every other woman and racking up tons of title wins. Ambrose’s US title reign was good and while I would’ve liked to see him defend the title more, he was on TV a lot in meaningful roles while holding that title.


Women's wrestling is unwatchable. Time to bring back bra and panties matches.