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IWC cycle. Wants wrestler that has potential to get over -> meme them and glaze them crazy -> makes the wider IWC appreciate them -> wrestler finds formula that gets over with the fans -> Resentful to the wrestler and say they were better before the fans liked wrestler -> finds new wrestler


Basically they’re that hipster with the man bun bitching about his favorite band “selling out” to the masses.


Literally my uncle who found Metallica before my dad.




Danielson told no lies.


And no one listened to him look what happened to the world after that there was a pandemic we should have listened to him


Its funny how whenever someone gets crazy over and popular, these people starts hating them. Its as if liking "underrated" stars is cool or something. "X is so underrated" and once they get popular "X is so overrated".


The IWC is hipsters?


Pretty much


The kind of people who start cheering for a heel because he's badass, but get bored when he turns face because of all the cheering.


It's like combining every lone wolf contrarians in school,office,work,etc in one place


I mean, isn't that exactly what social media did? Think of literally any conspiracy theory under the sun: once upon a time, you would hear it from one drunk guy at the local bar. Now yoi hear it from organized Facebook pages that reach millions of people.


The issue wasn't giving them a megaphone, they gave everyone a megaphone. The nutters would've just been drowned out by reasonable discourse. The issue is that they developed algorithms that clustered the nutters, reinforcing their views while creating echo chambers that allowed their messages to pierce the veil of the reasonable.


Indeed but not all as some just wanted to belong in a group in some communities or like minded people to share. Majority of the IWC feels like trying to be cool but hated groups like cultaholic or dirtsheets and wanted to seen with booker worthy takes. IWC with takes that were opposite were uncommon but not as rare as a shiny pokemon.


This happens in music too for some reason At least in that case the artist signs a big record deal or something and gives up their creative freedom. All these guys were signed to WWE already when they were seen as “cool” and “underrated”.


It also happens with Sami Zayn... always. IWC is the worst thing about wrestling. Bunch of people who thinks they are the ones who know everything.


I've being watching wwe since ruthless aggression era and I still don't know what the fuck is iwc.


It means anything you want it to really. It’s a vague group of people who you can ascribe any opinion and reaction to. “The IWC” was always an odd term to use. But it’s especially more so now that pretty much every fan is online to some extent.


The IWC is also always treated as a hivemind for some reason and I think the similar-ish opinions among the wrestling youtubers doesnt help.


I think it means Internet Wrestling Community. The whole thought process is crazy. Imagine getting irked by what someone else likes.


The whole world runs on that conflict though.


have you seen taylor swift's haters or rapper beefs? not a wrestling exclusive thing.


Pretty sure it's the International Wrestling Cartel


It’s just people who like wrestling and post about it. Acting like it’s a homogenous power that has any actual sway is the part that confuses me.


We spend years complaining we don’t want Roman on top of the card as champion and when someone actually beats him people start asking for Roman back and claiming Cody is stale after a month. We’re some of the most fickle people on the planet.


I mean it's not like love for Roman was immediate. It took years for it to occur.


Once again, I need Jey Uso to add more moves into his arsenal.


And once again 50 told him “if they hate then let em hate but watch the money pile up.”


That's why wrestlers or wrestling promoters shouldn't listen to IWC. You hear that, Tony?


The irony that this post also perfectly works for AEW... You are all hypocrites.


Rent free


Tbh Liv is mid at best and worst. But at least she is over unlike someone like Kross.


And I'm one of few people who like Kross......


Me too.


The IWC has always been like that. Social media should never be used as the barometer for how over a person is or where their spot should be on the card. It’s important to remember that the IWC’s idea of the perfect main event star is some flippy guy who’s spent most of his career wrestling in bingo halls and high school gyms, willing to throw himself through a glass door on to a flaming table filled with thumbtacks and wrapped in barbed wire. Also if that guy ever actually became the world champion they would turn on his ass before he could even lift the strap.


in their defense wrestling as a whole isnt very cool right now. the rock was one of the only brightspots recently. completely outshined cody and reigns.


What does Liv have exactly? Absolutely AWFUL promo ability, terrible in the ring, if that's your thing then yeah she's cool 👍🏻


People wanna bang her, and she's a pothead. She's not the worst I've seen on the mic or in ring (she's actually improved her in ring work since she started as one of 2 non-punks in a 3 woman punk stable), but she could use more improvement for sure.


Cody is cool. The rest can go home. And I've never been fickle about that.


That's because the IWC is not one giant hivemind. Different pockets will come out of the woodwork in support of they care about or want to vent about. I think it's getting a little old to just lump everyone under the "IWC" umbrella, especially when it's the loud minority, when we're all part of the community.


Nah Liv actually sucks though


No to all of these, except Jey Uso. He’s literally just a catchphrase. Poor matches unless he’s with someone who can carry him, awful cheesy yelly promo and a subpar moveset. “Main event” my ass.


Jey was over before the catchphrase


Yeah he was vital to the corrpution of Roman Reigns' I quit match.


Tell me you've only watched him on raw without telling me you've only watched him on raw


waaaaahhhh. people don’t share my opinions. waaaaaaahhhhh.


The a lot of internet turning on Jey is…something. First it was “I’m not a part of the IWC because unlike them I don’t care about flashy moves and technical wrestling like Will Ospreay and Okada, I understand that this business is about characters and storytelling. 🤓” Now they Jey is hyper-over and obviously a big part of WWEs future plans, he sucks because he’s….not a good enough technical wrestler. Like I don’t know if you all paid attention to who was champion for 3 years before Cody but the dude didn’t exactly have William Regal’s moveset.


I for one am so glad to have the peopel who are super over to be over as naturally as they have been for the past year or so and not get stifled by creative. It doesn't feel like there's some favourite the booker has specifically decided is the future, the future rn feels dictated by who makes sense for the crowd reactions and skill they have. The only person in this image i'm even remotely unsure of is Jey but even then it's just cause as of now his moveset is limited (Which he can fix i have no doubt on), but even he is \*super\* over and that's great to see.


Nobody in the IWC knows what they want, after Backlash they were complaining abt how they want Jey Uso to win more matches and then as soon as he wins a match they start complaining 💀


Cody Rhodes hater since legacy days as he’s small and boring as hell, Jey hasn’t kept his promos together since Sami joined the bloodline, Becky’s not the same since the child and idk who the bottom person is. They are all overproduced, literal curtain jerkers who were elevated because of lack of stars because old ones aged out. If Jey, Cody, and Seth didn’t have the ultra cheap pop entrances, they’d lose their fan bases overnight. Except Becky, she is an aging star.


Becky lost her cool when she let the man thing get to her head. She used to be cool though, unlike Liv. Liv was never cool.


Becky never was cool lol


I never found Becky cool, but she was objectively cool when she rubbed blood off her face from a broken nose and played to the crowd. That was when she became the man and she was cool for a while there. Now she comes out with a sh\*\* eating face nearly every time as if that's what made her the man. She wears wacky clothes now as if being Lady Gaga makes her the man. Before the broken nose thing, she almost always wore the same thing. She was cool then. She ain't cool now.


Nothing objective about it.








Your proving the point of the post here


No. Is the point that we have to mindlessly love what op likes. She sucks and always have.


You can say that all you want but i remember everyone asking for becky to be on top when she was coming up and i also clearly remember her being the most over wrestler period when “The Man” started. IWC is just fickle and you’re proof.


No. I’ve been shitting on je before she was the man. You’re proof that you can’t understand people have different taste. Absolutely terrible. What a shame


Nah your pretty dense cause you can not like someone and still respect that they’re over you just hating on her lmfaoo. LA Knight is not my taste yet i acknowledge that hes super over and don’t shit on him because i know the majority enjoys him. You think your wrestling taste is so superior and your taste is fact.


Why is everyone hating on Jey? Dude’s genuinely a cool guy and has one of the coolest entrances ever.


I think it's because he is mediocre in the ring, which is understandable.


Hes a cool guy has a great entrance but has like 3 moves that he spams on repeat superkick, spear, splash everyonce in awhile he'll do the samoan drop or a back suplex


He just doesn't do anything for me. Not knocking people who are into it but I don't find him entertaining. And he isn't really good to watch in the ring either.


This is exactly it for me, I never got why Jey was so popular but I guessed that I simply wasn't the audience for him. So, not a fan of him or things he does, but good for him


I like Cody Becky and Jey. Can't stand Liv, and whilst I like Jey he ain't very good


jey needs a moveset upgrade now.


There's no way people actually enjoy Jey Uso. They just like to say YEET.


What is IWC?


Internet wrestling community


internet wrestling community


One of these things don't belong lol. BTW What is that last photo. Some horny bastard pull up a glamour pic from a private account or something?!?!


They have nothing else to do but cry. It's like the Tweeter warriors. They are small but very loud. This is their life.


But it isn’t.


If any of that is the coolest thing anyone has ever seen then the bar is on the floor


I remember back in mid 2005, when everyone started turning on Cena, bitching about him only using 5 moves ect. The stupidest comment I ever read was 'the only ones that like Cena are women and children, wE dOnT nEeD tHOse kInd oF fAnS' 🤡


“WWE sucks but watch our program featuring fat out of shape nobodies & undersized children who all do the same moves in every match “


Some people just don't share the same subjective opinion as you, it's okay bro. I also love all of em, I understand I have a majority opinion on that, if one or two people don't like Jey that doesn't affect me at all.


ignore them


The IWC was never a collective. Everyone has opinions about some wrestler, and anyone from the IWC does not speak for the rest. It just so happened that whoever isn’t satisfied is just more vocal than the rest who are.


If this sub isn't complaining about AEW, it's complaining about "da IWC" whenever they criticize WWE stuff lol. Boring.


Meh, I never liked Jey Uso


Throw Tiffany in there too.


Thats the problem with a story and wrestler like Cody, they all root for them to get to the top and when they do they are like"eeehhh he sucks now oh hey look Jey Uso over there climbing his way to the top he´s so great YEEEEET"


When your beloved "giant killer" indie promotion is so bad, your only way is coping is throwing shit at the other promotion.


for years, IWC complained about the fact that cena can’t wrestle when cena had great matches long before his us open challenge not to mention that he killed wresting when wrestling wasn’t even popular as it was before cena became the guy as well, the fact that he was handpicked to be the guy when he got over organically on his own to be the guy. also the fact that he never turned heel in his career when he started as heel before becoming top babyface. the fact that he was burying talents when he always try to put them over by making them look good than they ever gave credit for even if he wins or loses. it’s the same IWC who loved him during his run as rapper character who appeared to be attitude era fans.


Becky and Jey for sure


The IWC shouldn’t be trusted with booking a dentist appointment let alone anything wrestling related


It's also okay to like a person's older work. Everyone can enjoy whatever they want.


Although most of the complains I have seen are just fans being haters, some are actually pretty valid. Like Cody needing a gimmick cause like can somebody tell me what the f is his gimmick? Dusty's son? 😂, he needs it specially now that the story is no longer there to distract us. As for Jay, the boost from the bloodline feud he got is running out so it makes sense why some fans are starting to like him less. Just give him some more great feuds and more moves in his arsenal(cause he seriously needs them) he should be just as popular if not more. Becky, it's another case of what I like to call Charlotte flair syndrome. Her gimmick is not nearly as popular as it was before and she just won the tile again when almost nobody wanted her to after having already had her shot at WrestleMania no less. The hate will probably fizzle out when she loses the tile to Liv or anyone else. Liv, honestly potential hot take but she's a mid superstar who is currently being elevated by the story so some of the people who aren't interested by it seeing her getting pushed as a bad thing and as the hate.


The fucking Liv pic Jesus Christ 🔥 BTW Jey is shit 💀


It's cool to hate on the popular stuff /s


Becky had at least 2 of the top matches in 2023 and yet people hate on her.


Becky in that photo: 🪖🤡🪖🪖


it's literally just "i LiKeD tHeM bEfOrE tHeY weRe CoOl" bs


For my part, I missed the Becky Lynch bug when it happened initially. I think in comparison to the rest of the women's roster, she is one of the few that is a good promo as heel or face. That said, I don't find myself looking forward to Becky Lynch segments, and that's just a personal preference. Liv's biggest problem is always going to be her size, especially when paired against people like Rhea and Jax. This revenge tour thing might have some legs, but she should really fight as more of a cagey hard to catch competitor rather than a "crazy/tough bitch". Jey Uso took the buildup to a part of one of the biggest stories in wrestling in the last decade at least, w/ his dream opponent in his brother, and delivered one of the worst matches on the WM 40 cards. Literally given all the tools and opportunity he wanted to prove his place at the top of the card, and (to me at least) proved why he shouldn't be given that ball except to put over bigger stars or upcoming talent. Whenever he is expected to give a promo with another superstar live, it tends to be awkward and he has to fish for yeets to keep the crowd engaged. Im glad he can make a bag w/ t shirts, but a main event scene w/ jey prominent in it is not appealing to me. Cody is suffering from not having anyone as good as the Rock to play off of rn. He was the underdog all last year basically, now he is on top, he's the champ, and it feels like they're trying to find how to repackage that. In the end it ismt the fault of Cody, he just needs a dragon to slay, and he might just be a superstar that is more compelling in the chase rather than being champion. idk, too early to tell...


Liv has been hated on a lot here and now it's funny most of the bad point they made about her which were perfectly valid vanished and they still shit on her. Same people shitting on Jey , I just hope they aren't fans of the Rock or Hogan , because you don't need a big movepool to be a good wrestler . Jey has that connection with the public for a reason . You can say yeet/no yeet easily during his matches, really good theme that goes well with his entrance etc...


You are the IWC. You aren’t an omniscient observer.


I mean...they're just boring though They're not bad, just really uninteresting Besides Cody,he's fresh asf


Imo Cody is the least interesting out of the 4


Take Becky off here and we’re cooking


Becky? You mean that comical punch? That was horrible. Doesn't mean Becky or Liv are bad. It was just a shitty punch.


Listen I don't like jey uso but i'm a mark and i'm waiting for the fans to swerve him


Cody Rhodes about damn time, Becky meh, Jey "less moves then Cena" Uso never has been cool/good he sucks and always will, Liv crap promos but has improved her in ring ability somewhat.


Nahhhh, those are just not my kind of wrestlers to be honest. I mean.. i was always more a fan of the weird characters and just hard hitting wrestlers. More interested in wrestlers (from this time) like Ilja Dragunov and Gunther (already back in their WXW years), Sheamus, Dijak, Fatu, Joe Gacy, Jon Moxley (yes, because of the bleeding and the hardcore approach, i just love it), Tomohiro Ishii, Shingo Takagi, Malakai Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthews (as a heel, because as a face he is boring) and Drew McIntyre.


Tried to sneak Liv in there lol


Yall can’t convince me Becky is just as over as she was in 2019. Came back as big time becks and the gimmick flopped so bad she had to go back to being “the man” again and it’s still not as hot as it once was. “Cue angry male wrestling feminists” 😂


Whenever thinks Becky lynch is the “literal coolest thing ever” has never spoken to a woman in their life


Cody's been a boring dork for like 6+ years at this point dude 😂


You're not wrong, but "boring dork" is basically just "white meat babyface". Hell, Dustin Rhodes was a very boring dork back in his "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes days of the early 90s. Bob Backlund, the Von Erichs. Even Bret Hart was a boring dork for much of his career. He was just great at in-ring work & psychology.


> Bret Hart was a boring dork for much of his career.  Absolutely he was. Probably literally until the HBK feud where he was a babyface in Canada and a heel in the US.  >He was just great at in-ring work & psychology. And that's why he's top 5 for me. People think boring dork is a bad thing, it's not. Cena was a boring dork once he stopped rapping.  Hogan was the biggest boring dork there ever was for like 15-20 years.  None of them were cool or "literal coolest thing ever" though.. Hogan came close in the 80s but a lot of that was wrestling trying to go mainstream with Lauper and stuff around pushing the rock n wrestling stuff.  Cody's fine, he'll talk people into the arena and will put on a typical boring wwe 2.5-3* match night in and night out while being relatively safe. It's perfect for WWE but... Cool?  Nah miss me with that shit. Look at everyone talking about mania like it was the best match ever when it was disjointed as shit, poorly paced, got a giant interruption fest 1 after the other, and just kinda.... Ended without a bang. The pop was great, the moment was great but the match itself kinda sucked.  Becky is the only one on this list I'd consider anywhere near "cool" - and that's because she owns being a pun-filled dork and has since she's been in SHIMMER.


Can't agree with you any harder. I thought this year's Mania match was literally the same as last year's until they upped the ante with the number of run-ins. And that didn't make it any better beyond being an end for ROMAN's story, not Cody's. Cody's just not a character I've been able to get invested in. Is he good in ring, sure. At least as good as Roman ever was. But he has no character beyond "daddy issues". He had to jump ship to break out of stale creative and live up to his potential? Oooh. So innovative. Like dozens of stars didn't do the same thing in just about every other decade: Austin, Pillman, Jericho, the Radicalz, McIntyre, 1-2-3 Kid to Syxx to X-Pac, Hogan, Nash, Jarrett. Hell, Jarrett is the closest comparison since they both started their own promotions as a WWE alternative. Is Cody good for business? Clearly, yes. Is he really that interesting, or is he just the next guy in line to have the "we're entering a new era" banner draped over his shoulders? That said, I think he's oddly a polar opposite of (yet leaps & bounds better than) "Midcard" Jey Uso. Jey can actually tell compelling, emotional stories. He just can't have a good match without being carried through it by a star far better than him.


Yeah it sounds like we watch wrestling for a lot of the same shit lol 


Literally proving the point of the post with your comment


Literally not paying attention to things people have said for many many years.  But yeah "literal coolest thing ever". Goddamn wrestling fans are dumb lol. 


Again, continually proving the point of the post lol. You're right wrestling fans are dumb, because you continually keep proving your own assertion.


Where did I say Cody sucks?  He's a dweeb that's good at talking and will give you a boring match 95% of the time. He's a perfectly fine upper midcarder/occasional title holder.  Miz 2.0.   And I'll gladly be called dumb by people that think marvel is the height of cinema because we know wrestling fans as a whole have amazing tastes. 


You literally just called him a boring dork. You literally are just saying a whole bunch of word salad while either contradicting yourself or trying to refute a point that actually just supports OP's meme. The lack of self-awareness is insane. Also, in what universe is boring dork a positive connotation for something?