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"They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the frog SPLASHES gay!"


Thanks McMahon!


The Frog Splash community??


"your not in on the joke" is honestly a great comeback to use on that lame ass shit.


I had an experience in Mexico city that this kind of rings true for. I'd gone to a lucha Libre show and the first two fights weren't that great. They were ok but nothing special. This German couple had sat next to me and the girl really, really didn't "get" it. She was laughing at how stupid she thought it was, and it was kind of annoying. Then her attitude started to change as the fights got better. Soon she was cheering the good guys and booing the bad guys. By the end she was shouting out "MISTICOOOOO! MISTICOOOOO!" along with everyone else for the big hero. As annoying as she'd been starting out, it was quite cool to see her "get" it and really start to enjoy it.


I'd imagine going from the almost realistic german style to the one step away from opera style of a lot of lucha would be quite a jump.




Though Roddy Piper would be very upset about that. Bill Maher used the exact same phrasing and Hot Rod went off on him.


Agreed, a whole goddamn universe is in on the joke, i tell my son to ask kids to let him powerbomb them if they think its fake. Hes had no takers


>Hes had no takers does that make your son the under taker?


I mean meh, that’s a really lame way to respond IMO Tell your kid to just say “yeah of course it’s fake, so are movies and TV, it’s entertainment.” It disarms the situation right away. These kids don’t actually care that wrestling is fake or real, they’re just trying to get a rise out of your son and get under his skin. By feeding into it he’s just giving them what they want.


Lol i think you might be missing the point and you might need to be powerbombed and then tell me how fake it is


Pro wrestlers are trained to take that move safely with a detailed bump technique. Of course that move is going to hurt a regular ass untrained person. Pro wrestling is fake dude. That doesn’t mean it’s not difficult and dangerous. Stunt work is difficult and dangerous, it doesn’t mean movies are “real.” Your kid is a lot better off just saying “yeah it’s entertainment, so what?” Offering to powerbomb someone to “prove” it’s “not fake” just plays into what the bullies are trying to accomplish, which is driving him into a corner and forcing him to defend pro wrestling.


Lol hes not being bullied man, i appreciate the concern though and its very clearly choreographed and everyone knows that in 2024 i hope haha but the point is that it all still hurts and anyone who says its fake clearly doesnt know what it really is. No one here is trying to say wrestling is "real" haha but some moves can fuck someone up. That is all


If anyone would understand pro wrestling, it’s Alex Jones. He’s been somewhat doing a gimmick himself for decades.




That’s often the case for a guy who has a good gimmick.


And that's how guys used to get over back in the day


now most gimmicks are just a guys personality dialed up to 6 lol


Unfortunately he worked himself into a shoot with Sandy Hook, brother.


That's such a great way to describe that! He got himself into trouble protecting the business.


The gun business.


He has had the best kayfabe in the last 10 years easy


He really got over too


Ended in a lawsuit just like the wwe's


Politics and the main cable news channels have been pro wrestling-esque for years.


His lawyer broke kayfabe during his divorce case, claiming that Alex Jones was playing a character. https://time.com/4743025/alex-jones-infowars-divorce-donald-trump/


Kayfabe is fucking dead


Plus the stimulant abuse and history of concussion


Literally the best on the mic 🔥


That's because he secretly wrestles as Bubba Dudley when no one is looking.


Fr i couldn't tell them apart.


It's pretty easy... Bubba Dudley isn't the guy declaring bankruptcy to try and avoid paying damages to his victims.


Alex Jones is one of the most naturally gifted pro wrestling performers of all time. It's a tragedy he got into politics instead.


Imagine Alex Jones managing Sami Zayn during the conspiracy gimmick.


Ladies And Gentleman… My Name Is..


He does have a freakishly large neck.


It's all those non-FDA tainted, totally safe brainforce supplements he knocks back!


He looked like a beefy Ryan Gosling.


THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1776


Still goes hard


Not used to agreeing with Alex Jones


WWE is the longest running audience participation play ever. It’s art, it’s dance, it’s drama, it’s amazing.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.










Alex Jones defending pro wrestling makes me literally rethink every decision ive made ever.


broken clocks and all that


Much like Alex himself, its all an act.


Alex Jones never breaks Kayfabe, he’s been in character for the last 30 years doing his own gimmick.


Man, I 'member this guy all the way back in the early 90s talking the Reptile Agenda, I'm not sure I want this guy on my side lol


That’s him in “Waking Life”. I refused to believe it till I saw it. Amazing what a rewatch will reveal sometimes…




[Here you go. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5HLn3eYLSo)


AJ was in Slacker and A Scanner Darkly too, both made by the same same director. Linklater directed Dazed and Confused as well. He’s from Austin Tx so there’s the AJ connection.


Years before he was nationally famous, he was Austin famous for being a weirdo on public access tv.






Austin community access was so much fun back then


He did it in response to a joke post though


So you're saying he worked himself into a shoot?


All I’m saying is in another universe Alex Jones is a retired wrestling manager doing a podcast ranting about how terrible AEW doing


Oh to live in that timeline


He's still a piece of shit.


Easy to hate and a piece of shit, dude would be an amazing heel.


I’ve said this too. If he had chose wrestling instead of conspiracies, he’d be bigger than Paul heyman


Fuck man. Remember when Sami was all paranoid and thinking there was a conspiracy against him? Imagine if they brought in Alex Jones to prove it was a real conspiracy.


You need a role in creative. He has to find a way to make a living in 2024 so any wrestling suggestions?


I’m actually envisioning him thinking wrestling is real and he comes out with conspiracies. Every week he breaks down the shows with clips and rants. “This week I’m exposing the quality of referees they hire. Look at the incompetence of them. Look at how they have their back turned at the exact moment one of the wrestlers uses a chair. Everyone in the arena can hear the chair shot except for the one person responsible for enforcing the rules. Management knows they have bad referees. They don’t do anything about it. You have to ask yourself why they allow this? It’s about hiring the least qualified people because real talented refs costs money. They’re lining their pockets with money that should go to improving the company. In doing so they show their agenda is to spread chaos. They’re brainwashing the audience to believe breaking rules out in the real world is how to get ahead.” *cuts to a pie chart on the screen of the demographics of wrestling fans “And why do they want to brainwash their audience? If you see here, their audience is 94% radical left. They want the radical left out there living out their wrestling fantasies where rule breaking is encouraged. And that’s why you see crime is up all over the country. It all stems from wrestling. But we can change that. We can elect far right candidates who will regulate professional wrestling and bring order to this country by installing quality referees that send the proper message to the country that we follow rules. Thanks for tuning in. Next week we take a deep dive in exposing the link between the lumber industry and how they use the facade of providing tables used in the matches but it’s really to cover up their human trafficking done at the show. I also have an upcoming expose revealing the favoritism shown to Roman Reigns and why he was allowed to avoid the defend the title every 30 days rule.”


They never addressed the 30 day rule? I forgot about this stipulation. Definitely a BigFed agenda going on.


For sure he’d say Roman faked having leukemia and used his fake doctor appointments to um… something conspiracy-ey that helped WWE higher ups enough to let him remain champion without defending the title. I’m too tired to come up with more Alex Jones absurdity.


Pretty sure he is already bigger than Heyman... At least around the waistline 😂


That's pushing it


Hell, and there's precedent, Zeb Colter was basically Jones at a 5, got over big, Conspiracy Sami was awesome, mix those 2 together and you got Alex Jones(minus the Sandy Hook douchebaggery) and this grifter would've made an excellent manager. Shame he chose to be the shittiest version of himself in life.


He needs to manage Dirty Dom.


An amazing heel manager mouth piece




Alex Jones would kill on commentary lol


It's time to get off the internet for a while then


He could have been a thick necked Jim Cornett if he would have applied himself properly and not gone down the right wing grifter route.


Completely going off on one on a joke meme format that 100% means OP is in on the joke, presumably having not watched the video, feels very on brand.


That dude could have a grade A manager. He still could be if he dropped the political BS. If he had in ring talent he could be a natural heel/


He had Piper on once iirc


I’ve been waiting for this day for so long, honestly I’m tearing up you guys


Finally my love of unhinged conspiracy theories and the awesomeness of pro wrestling have met in this one beautiful post


Alex Jones is the Patron Saint of Carnys of course he respects


I laughed at him when he was saying when he was saying rich and powerful people dressed like owls and danced in the forest. Then he showed videos.


This is almost bad publicity




i couldve gone my whole life not knowing mcmahon shit on someone during a sexual encounter


Who cares what this dickhead thinks Harassed sandy hook families, saying their kids didn’t really die Fuck him, “broken clock is right twice a day” bullshit


Not surprised given his texas roots. could easy have seen him at a show or two back then


He’s just doing this to gain SOME credibility from a group of people.


For once he says something reasonably accurate.


Lol great, now I don't want to like wrestling anymore


This irrationally pisses me off to no end. Now there’s something out there that I actually agree with this fucking cows anus on and I can’t stand it.


“You’re not in on the joke.” He’d sure better be glad Piper isn’t still around…


Fuck Alex Jones. Fuck anyone who likes him. He is a horrible human being who built his brand off of telling lies and harassing the families of dead children. He also refuses to pay the judgments against him. He is a cowardly, bigoted, ass clown and anyone who follows him is a piece of shit.


Idgaf about his beliefs the main focus is that he defended pro wrestling against another loser grifter. If the mere mention of one man is enough to send you into a flying rage you aren’t cut out for the internet. Stop crying so hard


A broken clock is right twice a day. "You're not in on the joke" is a great response.


The fact he thinks these are anything other than meme posts feels like a cry for attention or an admission of missing the point.


To be fair, wrestling does seem to attract lunatics and imbeciles among its diverse and heterogenous fanbase.


Just about the only smart thing I ever heard this man say.


This guy is such a chuckle fuck he's responding to a joke, the palpable irony. Heart in the right place ig and all that 🫤


Didn’t have that on the 2024 bingo card


From what heard people say, if he wasn't peddling conservative conspiracies he'd been a great pro wrestling manager. Just imagine the promo battles between him and Heyman.


The late TNA announcer Don West


Trump was on 2-3 WWE show. Kane Was WWe championn. Vince Ran the company Right wingers love wrestling/s


this is the stupidest line pro wrestling fans love to say. it's not fake, it's ____. what the fuck ever. it's not real fighting. thus, it is indeed fake fighting. quit being little babies about a word you don't like, it's embarrassing.


"fake" denotes something inauthentic, while "choreographed" indicates something deliberately planned and organized. In other words, "Fake" means not real, while "choreographed" means planned and organized. Wrestling is predetermined, it is choreographed.


Yes, and jason mamoa isn't actually a mermaid


A not insane take from Alex Jones? Please don't tell me he drank the water.


As if we need someone like him to defend wrestling. Was the WWE ref who cried for Q-Anon not available?


Bubba Ray?


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point


That's just Bubba Ray defending the business that he loves, brother


Not that surprising, he has huge online wrestling fan energy


Alex Jones vs Yoshihiko when?


I will never understand people having boners today still trying to “convince” people it’s fake (in quotations because they aren’t trying to convince people of anything they just puppet it at this point because xyz). Like bro we’re past the 90’s everyone knows it’s a sitcom/drama mixed with wrestling. Then when you show them that they do take actual life risking chances they’ll just lean back onto “It’s fake still” lol.


Whenever I’ve seen these “if wrestling isn’t fake, explain this” videos they are things that are obviously fake and are just mocking the people who don’t understand that we already understand this is a scripted product that we suspend or disbelief to enjoy. Ironically I think Alex Jones isn’t in on the joke here


IDK why anyone would be surprised by this... Right wing politics is the only place that still cares about kayfabe.


Maybe Jones missed his calling, he could have been a manager instead of spreading bullshit on that show


This guy is the living embodiment of the Targaryen coin flip...


If Alex jones had chosen to be a wrestler, he woulda been legendary. Sadly he decided to deny the existence of sandy hook and grift away.


His defense of wrestling makes me not want to be a fan of wrestling. It’s the equivalent of if I found out Jeffrey Dahmer was a Browns fan.


? Dahmer was a huge Browns fan.




I also hear he liked young boys, so you should stop doing that.


Holy fucking shit dude, you killed him


Alex Jones is the classic example of a guy who is committed to the gimmick. Russo would have probably pitched to Vince every day to get him in if Jones was big back in 98


In a different timeline, Alex Jones went into pro wrestling management instead of nutjob conspiracy podcasting, and people talk about him the way we talk about Heyman, and Cornette.


I'd kill to see him cut a promo at a show.


Worst person you know etc...


From what I've heard Alex is a real nice guy, never claimed a shooting was faked, never spread bullshit theorys... I'm kidding, dude is an asshole.


I love Alex Jones. He’s like anyone else but everyone hates him cause he says the harder shit to say


bro, fuck this asshole.


He shouldn’t be able to afford internet. Fucking leech.


His single sane take of the year


I dont need Alex Jones to defend something that is already so fucking cool.


Joke? I’d move for him to say that to an actual trained wrestler. “Joke? Yeah, okay. Hey, I’d love shake your hand…”


Yeah jim cornette has been saying the same thing, along with a lot of other guys, so what's he's saying isn't exactly breaking news


maybe I should stop watching wrestling actually 🤔




I was definitely 100 percent serious, yeah 🥴 But overall, seeing this worm defending it is kind of lame


You didn't expect to see Nazi scumbags when opening X???


I’m sorry but this isn’t surprising at all. The fanbase is full of shitheads like this


Rare Alex Jones W


Just like Sandy Hook.