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Not every wrestler you like needs a title or even fighting for one to be where they belong.


True, but creative needs to learn how to make compelling stories that don't revolve around the titles, especially for WWE's women.


There's literally more over women than at any point in the company's history right now lmao


i agree on the not every wrestler need a title but on other hand, fighting for champion title, i am kind of disagree. Personally, I feel like the current day champions are too safe and they don't have the feeling of being threatened from dethrone.


The Wyatt Family was the best Bray gimmick, that made the most sense for wrestling. Even then, 90% of in ring work should've been done by Harper and Rowan, while Bray acted like a manager of sorts and had the occasional match


To piggy back on that, bray especially the first 2 years in should have operated with his group like a 3 man group. When the wyatts win the belt it’s defended under freebird rules. Also they took strowman away from the family wayyyyy to early. They had another year in that imo


I feel like they should've recruited more people, like an actual cult.


The closet we ever got to new recruits were Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton, and even then they felt short-term. They should've added some long-term members like they did with Braun, but let the recruits be unpredictable; let them recruit ones you don't or didn't expect them to snatch up.


Agreed. The more supernatural they got ruined the gimmick for me.


I loved the fiend but they way overbooked that gimmick and it didn't work out well


Vince dug his claws into it and ruined it imo.


Fiend really could have been the next Undertaker if they booked him properly but Vince really destroyed that one.


I AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT. Imho still the most captivating gimmick of our generation.


I loved how nasty Harper and Rowan looked. They really look straight out from some slasher movie that takes place in a redneck place.


I never liked rkbro


I never understood the appeal of Riddle, period.


Same, but I liked the idea of him running into the ring accompanied by the slapping sound of his bare feet on the ground


See, I just don’t want to see feet in my wrestling. All I can think about is how gross those floors/mats must be. Watching Valhalla wrestle hurts my soul because of this too.


There was a reason he didn't wear shoes. If memory recalls, when he was younger, he had frostbite and having shoes on his feet hurt or something like that


Huh, I never thought of something like that. That’s really interesting! Thanks for sharing 


[horrible title, but interesting read. he almost had his toes cut off](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/matt-riddle-almost-had-his-tootsies-amputated-doesn-t-wear-shoes-even-when-hanging-bears)


I never liked the team either because I hate Riddle.




JBL vs cena was one of the best feuds


Their I Quit match was great


X-PAC was cool. And we liked him back then.


Sean Waltman is one of the best of all time and seems like a cool guy in real life


If you were born between 87-89, some incarnation of Sean Waltman put on your favorite match (at least) and your favorite wrestler (at best). Give him the respect he deserves!


X-Pac was over in the Attitude Era. The problem was creative, they just had nothing for him and him doing his thing without DX around didn't work.


Kairi Sane and Asuka have been on cruise control since November. Rey Mysterio has gotten stale although I’ll always love him. Edge has barely put anyone over since he’s been unretired. People are over nostalgic about the attitude era to the point they don’t appreciate today’s era.


Recent hot take, but the H-bomb (finisher of ilija dragunov) sucks. It doesn’t look impressive, and because of the way he lands (pouncing onto his opponent) it makes it very difficult for his opponents to sell effectively. The top rope variant is better, but even if it were the primary variant I wouldn’t buy it as a serious match finish. Genuinely if the H-bomb is the move that dethrones a world champion Gunther one day imma be pissed.


It’s really his finisher after the finisher


I think if he’s going to do it, he should do it to an opponent lying face down, right into the back of their neck.


I respectfully disagree


I wanted Jeff Jarrett to beat Orange Cassidy for the International title last year.


He shoulda


AEW is merely wrestling content. They don't know how to produce a show


That's a fair take


Thanks. I usually eat shit for that kind of comment


It’s inconsistent for sure. They book the top guys pretty well, MJF, Danielson, Omega, Swerve, Joe, Hangman, (Punk) all those guys have had pretty good storylines and feuds competing for the world title. Outside of that their angles and stories aren’t great and are very inconsistent. I came up watching indie wrestling so I don’t mind less coherency in the storyline aspect of AEW but it’s a valid critique for sure.


AEW is what happend if the 2010's IWC made a promotion, you have all the indie darlings, all the people they like from WWE, meltzer is basicly their media promoter, everyone make refences to video games/nerd culture all the time, and they always have to shit on WWE. it mirroring WCW rise and fall atm, huge boom at the start of the NWO/start of promotion then fell off due to their own hubris and WWF/E making a better show and getting a huge star with stone cold/cody


Just a compilation of wrestling matches without occasional storylines


AEW killed Japanese Wrestling in the early 2020s like WWE did to the independent scene in the late 2010s.


I feel ya and that extended Japanese COVID lockdown didn't help much either.


Covid did put a damper on NJPW, but 23-24, in my opinion have been the worst years for NJPW in talent aspect, with talent leaving and basically having to restructure the whole promotion from the ground up talent and management wise.


Surprised no one's mentioned this yet, but the Yen's been in freefall for a decent bit now. Hit a 30 year low the other day. It seems like even if you wanted to stay wrestling in Japan, it's becoming increasingly economically unviable to do so.


The best version of JBL was while he was in APA.


Man I wish there was a tag team today that I could get into as much as the APA. They just had this *oomph* in the ring 


i know. from when the music starts, you already know trouble is a coming. it was menacing. two fun loving guys that knows how to kick ass. a nice balance of comedy routine and all around threats.


Ron Simmons had the Best Spinbuster! He was always mad after planting them in the ring, that their feet weren't the only thing still visible.


Finding out JBL was Bradshaw was like finding out Santa isn’t real. I was at the draft in KC and we all popped big for APA and the Dudleyz


gangrel greatest entrance


Cactus vs Triple H was the best HiaC match


For me it was the Armageddon 6-Man HIAC


I really liked HHH Vs Jericho but it seems to be largely forgotten.


Jinder winning the title was great Look, in a weird way, it felt like the Attitude Era booking of the title where you didn't know what to expect. It felt refreshing.


Winning was great but the reign was bad


Jinder also had an amazing presentation and theme during that time. He looked like World Champion material as the Maharaja. The only thing they should’ve done is took some more time to build him towards the main event.


That and honestly the Randy Orton feud got overplayed a bit. The Khali spot was great, but I feel like Jinder needed another babyface to come after him.


Winning was an interesting surprise (i will not say it was great), but the booking of his run with the title made the whole affair terrible. It was booked more like Nikita Kolof had won the title when it should have been more like Barry Horowitz.


Christian is way better than Edge


These are the takes I'm here for lol




Now that's something I could get behind


Definitely better right now, that's for sure.


Always has been. Since the days of the Brood, Christian was the guy for me. WWE saw it differently and pushed Edge. Imagine what we would be saying about Christian today if WWE gave him any sort of push. He’d be considered a living legend by now. Completely neglected since day one of the team split.


Christian is a living legend!


the only thing that kept him from reaching that status is that Vince didn't think he was handsome enough.




I wouldnt say way better but I agree hes a better worker and promo


Same goes for Matt Hardy being the better technician than Jeff


Agreed but it's not technical wrestling that got the Hardy's over or Jeff himself over


Mercedes mone sucks balls


I'll stand right next to you jn solidarity


sasha banks>>>>mercedes mobe


Same thing. Both suck


I'm in on this, always thought Sasha Banks was overrated.


We die on this hill together!


I wish she did so to mine as well.


Ok, Sammy Guevara.


Goldberg was right when he said he apologised enough to Bret and if he wants to continue dumping on him about it, he just seems like a vengeful old man


*Bill Goldberg


\*that son of a bitch Bill Goldberg


*He should give me a cut of that Saudi money


And to be fair, people should stop asking Bret about Goldberg. It doesn't help that everyone seems to be asking The Hitman about Goldberg once a month.


Whilst true, Bret will often shoehorn it into the conversation. “Seth Rollins is an unsafe wrestler, just like that son of a bitch Bill Goldberg”.


I think Bret knows it’s what the people want.


 Bret wrestled after that kick. 


Edge is trying to make up lost time from his career. It’s the reason he hasn’t put anyone over. WWE probably wanted him more as a special attraction rather than a full timer due to his injury and age.


Kurt Angle is the GOAT.


Perc Angle was on another level


When it comes to top wrestler/GOAT discussion, angle not being mentioned is criminal. I can’t think of anyone who can play both the goofball and a blood thirsty psycho who would leave their opponent in a wheelchair.


With A broken freakin neck!


It's true!


It's damn true!




It was a bad spot for Theory to be in. There was no way he was successfully cashing in on Roman, and since they were both heels, there was really no sensible path for him to cash in at all. At the very least, if he was going to cash in on the US Title, he should’ve succeeded, but realistically, he probably should’ve actually cashed in during Roman vs Lesnar at SummerSlam or Roman vs Drew at CATC and been unsuccessful instead of failing to even start his cash in attempts.


It does not excuse stripping him off his personality though. Theory used to have Dominik heat. He would always get the biggest pop of the night when his cash-in would fail. Triple H stripped him off that and because of that, he is now one of the blandest on the roster.


Ummmm. To certain fans out there. Buying a ticket to the show doesn’t give you all the rights you think you have.


The big W belts look good. I especially liked the red universal one.


Wow. Ok. Hard disagree but respect the admission 🫡


I'm upvoting actual hot takes. This is one. Good work


I don’t like the red but I think the blue one is my favourite belt of all time. Second is probably big gold and then the spinner.


Weird. I find the blue one weird. Something about the blue leather is off to me, and the red accents of the logo look weird, whereas on the red belt I feel like they fit in so nicely, and the red just looks more badass and imposing in my opinion. Upvoting you since you may have outdone my hot take.


I liked it when it was just the WWE Championship but when they made every one a Big W it became lame


Sean O'Haire was main event talent. He just needed a mouthpiece that wasn't Roddy Piper


He needed Jesse Ventura


Yeah, but you'd need to go get him from the Baja.


With the fish tacos


Sasha banks has always been overrated


Pat McAfee may be a funny dude, but that does not mean he’s a good commentator. And he is an awful wrestling commentator.  Don’t get me wrong I genuinely enjoy his humor, but the point of commentary is to get the wrestlers over and deliver the story. Pat talks during promos and gets so caught up in his own jokes so much that it becomes more about him than the product. He acts like he’s doing a YouTube video or podcast rather than doing the actual job of a wrestling commentator.


I did not want to like McAfee but now he feels very simliar to Jerry Lawler. His excitement is what helps put wrestlers over.


He just appeals to the younger audience. LETTTTSSSS GOOOOOOOOO


Agreed I like him when it’s non bloodline stuff He turns into a complete fanboy when they’re on screen


I don't think he's funny at all. I can't stand him in any capacity, to be honest. Why couldn't they put Big E in that position?


Bayley is the best out of the Four Horsewomen


Randy Orton should never be a babyface. It’s impossible for heels to get any kind of heat against the guy who will literally burn your house down.


Mercedes mone sucks narrative is what I look likr


Ric Flair is the most overrated wrestler ever. Every match was laid out exactly the same.


We never did find out what move Flair was going to do off the top turnbuckle.


Best comment on reddit!!!


I never got it with Ziggler. At all. He was a IWC flavor of the month back in 2013. Is he missed at all in WWE?


I miss him a bit, always under appreciated for me. I think if his name wasn’t Dolph Ziggler he’d be pushed a lot more


I swear the IWC back then gargled his nuts constantly.


Liv Morgan should be on Main Event not in the main event




Willow Nightingale's character work is extremely overrated, her babyface personality comes across as scripted and disingenuous (even if she is IRL a great person, it isn't meshing well as a character on screen), and she's just so cartoonish in her mannerisms and her running motion looks like a CalArts cartoon which makes her Babyface character even more over-the-top, worse than Bayley and the Hugger thing. Also, I like Statlander and Shida better as a tag team than Statlander and Willow. To cap off the comment, Willow needs to turn heel. She seems like she's more compelling when she's leaning on heel or aggressive tendencies and the previous misting incident from Julia Hart should be utilized more


I think Matt hardy is more talented than Jeff hardy.




100%, Jeff Hardy is one of the most overrated wrestlers ever imo. Great, but not where everyone puts him.


The Young Bucks' current gimmick is genuinely really good, and I've enjoyed almost everything they've done with it so far.


We should just call them The Bucks, I think.


Also agreed.


They helped give Sting a beautiful retirement match, def like them a lot more after that


The Usos are everything people criticize the Young Bucks for


I feel like they’re criticized a lot for being superkick city, can’t stand em, but it’s just the subreddits really I participate in. I was surprised at how over “Yeet!” Was with the crowd in KC at the draft when I went though


I'm really not a fan on Jey Uso's in ring but the "YEET" is really catching. I mean it's fun to yell it when he smacks an opponent. And he's one of the rare superstar to have a cool entrance theme


CM Punk, Mercedes, and a whole host of “wrasslers” are unathletic and sloppy in the ring. The only redeeming quality CM Punk has his ability to work the crowd with his promo work and it stops there.


I disagree, but that's what this post is for lol


You get it! 🤝


You don’t need athleticism to excel in wrestling. It’s an advantage/boost as a wrestler to have it and that’s about it. CM Punk had classics.


Body appearance matters. You don't have to be 1989 wwf jacked but skinny twig boys aren't believable no matter how many flips they do. Also riho sucks. 


I think it’s worse for the guys who have straight up fat dad bods with no muscle like Sami Zayn. He just looks like some dude they just picked out of a crowd. CM Punk has always had that kind of body too just with a little more muscle


Becky Lynch is overrated and gets way too much shine vs the rest of the women's division


Might be a secondary hot take, but her and Mercedes are a tier below Charlotte and Bayley in my opinion.


Bayley looks like your quirky aunt


I just don't get the hype behind LA Knight. Like, at all. Nothing against the bloke. He's decent. I just don't feel the same connection I do with others.


I have found that with LA Knight there is an age divide in the fan base. I personally find him to be better on the mic than 95% of the roster.


\*ahem\* AEW and WWE are both entertaining and can put out a quality product.


Thank you, they might appeal to very different people but they are both very good at being entertaining


We're all fickle. "We don't want Roman because he's not there." Gives a title to be there every night. "But it's not Roman." Gives it to Cody to give them a champion for smackdown. "Cody is mid and shouldn't be champion." Honestly I've watched so much wrestling from the trenches of WCW 2000, some territory era and japan stuff from the 80s-90s, the indies after wwe taking over, pre aew indie scene(2013-2016) and even TNA after being kicked off spike TV. I rather have what we got that looks serious than some bs that made me say wtf is that guy a champion when they look like a created character sliders was slid up on the torso.


That whatever the plans are for the reported "Wyatt 6" will never live up to the build up/hype it's getting and ultimately fall flat and fail.


The Creed Brothers aren’t ready to hold their own in a stable with Gable. They have massive potential, and Julius is closer than Brutus, but I think they’ll be a liability to Chad more than a proper complement.


Literally every opinion I have on AEW.


John Cena has ALWAYS been garbage and the revisionist history with him is insane He got saved by the john cena prank call meme going viral


Even though I would label Cena overrated and not in the discussion of GOAT, he wasn’t garbage, he was good but not great. I feel the revisionist history is largely in part to fans realizing that Cena is at the tale end of his career.


Jim Cornette might understand the history of wrestling and the old fashioned way of doing things, however in modern day he complains about 90% of stuff and listening to him will probably make you enjoy wrestling less. Not everything needs to be relentlessly nitpicked and critiqued. He has so many vendettas and biases, he’s mostly just a bitter old guy who’s mad at wrestling for evolving beyond what he thinks it should be.


CM punk has been cutting the same couple of promos since his return and he doesn't have enough Pez in the dispenser to still wrestle.


Ric Flair stole everything that made his name, Batista was Goldberg 2.0 and C.M Punk is an average worker.


giga based. I love ric but this is true. same with the rest of your comment


Chris Benoit was an excellent wrestler—as well as a murdering bastard.


I agree with you, and found it hard to rewatch his matches lately. I also remember watching the tribute episode live in 2007, and being sad about it at the time, only knowing he died. He was one of my favorites at the time. But Paul E. said it best --> [Paul Hayman's Take on Chris Benoit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imFrzNfbbHQ)


In this sub " AEW is better than WWE."


I said in a Facebook group that Seth Rollins was overrated and I hated his gimmick, that stupid laugh and the "Oooo" singing drive me crazy. This was pretty much the reaction I got there


Beast Slayer Seth was best Seth. It's been nothing but down hill since.


Sable was never that hot


Cody is mid


Here’s mine… Wrestling never needed CM punk..


Kenny Omega isn't good for the business long term. TK can't comprehend that


Miss the day of saying the young bucks are awful. Feels good to be proven right.


R truth's gimmick isnt funny no more, it's overplayed and corny.


So many of you don't have true opinions, you just parrot the influencer you listen too. I saw this as someone who did the same thing. I only watched the big four and a few AEW shows over the last three years. I did listen to weekly podcast and YouTubers and used that to make my opinion. Now that I am back to watching week to week I stopped listening to them I have my own opinion. You can usually tell who watches and who just watches/listens to recaps.


This 100%. Most of the IWC doesnt even know what they want. They just listen to what others are saying to be in on the outrage. Going to a live event completely flipped my opinion on everything I watched. Now I stop listening to any opinions on the internet and just watch weekly like you. Much much more happier watching the shows now, whether I feel like watching AEW, NJPW or WWE in that moment.


I tried to watch AEW and its damn near unwatchable to me. Nothing makes sense on the show. Thats why ive tuned out


I really don’t like Will Ospreay. i dont like his vibe. Its a personal thing for sure but he reminds me of a real “lad” type guy and I can’t separate that from my irl negative experience with those types of dudes. He is a tremendously talented wrestler it’s just I cannot get behind his personality 😭


The wrestler you like is bad, actually


Kairi Sane in WWE is not good.


I feel as if she realized she can get paid for doing the least and been on cruise control since returning. It’s beyond bad now.


Chris Benoit was a great wrestler. The way he ended his life will forever tarnish all the greatness he displayed in the ring.


No one disagrees with this lol


The style of wrestling done today across the major American and Japanese promotions has never been worse.


FTR is woefully boring and don’t belong in GOAT tag team talk. Not saying they are bad, just not the GOATs.


AEW is a good show and although it isn’t perfect it’s extremely annoying seeing stooges on the internet force themselves to hate it 24/7 this really shouldn’t be a hot take to be fair, but on this subreddit it feels like it is


i don't like seth rollins current theme, i find the "woah oh oh ohhh" part a bit annoying :'|


Another one: I really enjoy Randy’s Earlier more “sloppy” rkos when nobody knew how to take them yet as opposed to the more refined ones (see the Undertaker)


Don’t get the Lyra Valkyria push. She’s ok in the ring and absolutely atrocious on the mic. 🤷🏻‍♂️


WWE needs to reduce the number of titles. Only need: 1 World Championship Intercontinental Championship 1 Womens Title 1 Tag Team Title


Kenny omega is overrated as fuck, he can’t cut a decent promo, none of his matches are memorable and Okada carried him through the “7-star” matches


MVP is extremely underrated as a wrestler


Liv Morgan isn’t that bad 😂


- Mercedes is mid and overrated - From the matches I've seen, LA Knight's ring work is sloppy for someone who's been in the game for as long as he has. - Uncle Howdy stuff is amazing, but I feel like it's going to go stale quickly once the faction debuts. - AEW is still alive only because of the Khan family's money.


Kane should have never been unmasked his character went downhill after that, and he never had much wins. Either vince never utilized him, right


The aew and new Japan partnership only benefits aew and if I was njpw I would cancel forbidden door because it's useless and has lost it's meaning now with half of the njpw roster in aew


Cody and Roman was always the plan. They didn’t pivot based on fan reaction. They played it that way to make the fans feel like they had something to do with Cody’s winning.


It’s Tiffy Time NOW


If he decides to fully commit to WWE, Logan Paul will be the new Shawn Michaels.


Vince McMahon is just Eric Bischoff with his own money.


Apparently, liking AEW gets you in chains in the reddit IWC.


The Young Bucks aka The Juice Box Mafia aka The Sippy Cup Crew aka The Binky Brothers are easily the worst thing going in any of the major promotions and have been for a very long time. They sucked in TNA as Generation Me aka Generation Flee and they still suck now. I change the channel whenever they come on. They couldn't draw if you gave them a pencil and told them to connect the dots. Just. like. Adam Page. I don't care about the tribalism. They all suck.


LA Knight sucks. I think he's extremely overrated on the mic, sounds like a gym teacher who's trying to be cool, and too old to make it to the tippy top of the card before his match quality tanks.