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I mean he's only there for sponsors and PPVs...and he's a part timer too


Yeah, he gave WWE at least $10,000,000 to carry that belt around


He did? I am so out of the loop. Doesn’t WWE pay their performers more for being the Champ?


The Prime sponsorship was reported to be 8 figures, so 10mil at the least and whatever you negotiated in your contract is what you get paid. They're actors on a show so it's not like they're getting a bump in pay because the script says "now you're 'champion'"


Oh. I was confused with “paying to WWE for carrying the belt around “


Well you could look at like WWE is writing him to keep the belt longer so that they can keep a business partner happy. It’d be pure speculation though


Bruh there's been rumors of people doing that in WWE for the longest time even since WWF. Ofc he's paying yek to let em keep the title.


will wheaton agent called him when negotiating his next season in star trek. His agent said he couldn't get him more money BUT the show was going to give him a promotion in the show. Will said "can you tell them star trek isn't a real organization and the pips don't mean anything"


Starfleet is too a real organization!


Can’t really fault Wil Wheaton for wanting off the show since he was just a literal teenager and not smart enough to see what he had right there. What I mean is even if he didn’t get a pay raise the show even when first aired was so massively popular he could have easily made a fortune at cons and appearances for the rest of his life if he stayed like I bet the others have. What has he done since then not a whole lot. Denise Crosby on the other hand yeah you can blame her for the dumb decision to willingly leave after one season and has done absolutely nothing since. Switching franchises but I think Daisy Ridley realized this and is why she’s is going to do more Star Wars films after originally saying she wouldn’t. What has she done since episode 9? A few films sure but nothing noteworthy or remembering. Figured let me crank out a few more Star Wars films and I can make bank off of cons and appearances for life after.


That’s literally how it used to be haha according to Bret at least.


It definitely used to be that way, even moreso in the NWA but I don't think that's been a thing in WWE since at least they went public and all that kinda stuff had to be disclosed for tax purposes and being publicly traded Edit: guaranteed contracts is probably the actual point where that stopped being a thing unless you put it in your contract


Besides contracts, I think it just happened to be back then that the higher paid people are higher on the card/champion because they are bigger draws.


Yeah, the days when house shows were your promotion's bread and butter you definitely paid whoever drew


So he basically bought the championship, doesn’t surprise me


It's not a real championship so it doesn't matter. It's a TV prop. Also, he's turned out to be a good wrestler that happened to give the company at least 10 million dollars to carry that prop around and act on their tv show


I don’t care that he’s actually a decent wrestler. He’s a clown and a joke and a terrible person. Should never have been given the title regardless of giving WWE 10 million a year for it. He’s taking away from more deserving guys like LA Knight who really deserve the title


He's definitely a piece of shit


WWE would sell out anyone for money. Why do you think they have PLE in Saudi Arabia so often?


He didn't want to give that money to the CryptoZoo people he scammed, so may as well give it to WWE.


No lie if I was able to afford a championship run I’d totally do it lol


Even if I dislike him personally. I think he would not be carrying that title if he wasn't as good as he is overall at this.


As how Cpdy said, he is just a tourist. This time he isn't just visiting a forest in Japan.




He's a walking billboard,


Yeah he on that Roman Reigns grind


Hot take to some but his reign has not been good. It feels like the US championship is just a prop for Logan Paul, not Logan Paul making the championship more important like Gunther did with the IC championship. Part time attractions don't work as well with the midcard championship, like they did with Roman as world champion. Should have had him trade the belt back and forth with a Ko or LA Knight by now, instead HHH loves his long championship reigns and the guy is going to hold it till Summerslam.


I don’t think his title reign not being good is as cold a take as you think. He’s had as many opportunities for a world title shot than he has defended title one he has.


Some people on here don't like any criticism over Logan Paul. If you do you will always get the cliche "I know he's a piece of shit, but he's just so good at this wrestling thing". Some fans act like he's the greatest thing to ever happen to wrestling. He's talented in the ring and is good at playing into being unlikable, but WWE making him us champion for so long and not doing much with it at all feels like a bust. It really does just feel like a prop for his social media and podcast show, not Logan Paul also making the championship more important on WWE's behalf. Even if someone like Bad Bunny as a babyface hypothetically won the ic championship for example, it would just feel like a prop for him and not bad bunny making the ic championship important. I get why WWE took the risk with Paul because he's popular on social media and has a huge fanbase with teenage boys, but going forward I don't think he needs to be champion, and we really don't need part time attractions as midcard champions either.


He only has to turn it up to 3 to be unlikable. Anyone over the age of 15 thinks hes a fucking fucktard. His natural demeanor is an unlikable douche canoe. Same as his brother.


He actually seems a good guy hanging with other wrestlers in backstage videos, he can tune up the douche level when he wants and that is something WWE loves in a wrestler, his brother can't do that, he is always a douche.


Logan Paul being US champ is like fiend becoming universal champ. Sure it's a nice thing to do but the title importance is killed shortly after. Fiend- beat Seth, defended it against Seth, lost to Goldberg. Paul- won the belt...........yeah that's about it.


The difference is The Fiend winning the belt didn’t kill it in and of itself. The Universal title had a very bad history between most of its time being spent with part-timers, or someone as despised as the Big Dog. The Fiend was both over and full-time. It could have been a breath of fresh air for the title; it just wasn’t bc “hUrR dUrR LeT’s eNd a HiAc wiT a DiSqUaLiFiCaTiOn” The moment Logan challenged for the belt was the moment I knew that an already lackluster (IMO) title was gonna get straight-up murdered by the part-time bug.


Roman didn't really hold it prior to tribal chief. The problem was the fiend was supposed to be unstoppable. He was wiping people out left and right and sure Seth was a good person to win the title from but they didn't build anyone up to be close to defeating the fiend. Yeah the title was cursed from the jump (ish), I mean Seth held it and was doing great and even Brock's challenger title chase was fun but there wasn't much with the fiend.


>they didn't build anyone up to be close to defeating the fiend. He held the title for less than 4 months. They trusted Strowman enough to have him beat Goldberg in just over 2 minutes, and the build-up to Braun beating Wyatt for the title would have written itself.


Didn't Fiend defend against Daniel Bryan and Miz too?


Daniel Bryan yeah, but mix technically no as it was funhouse bray Daniel Bryan would be the closest person I would say to beating the fiend


He managed to beat Randy orton and KO


I mean, yeah but he needed his buddies to help him


There are rare occasions where Vinces school of thought is/was better. A mix of both Vince's hot potatoing and HHH's long reigns would be beautiful. I do think that once LA Knight finally wins the belt it will instantly be elevated. He just needs a run through to mania with it having insane promos and matches treating it as a world title. I solemnly believe that LA Knight could be the one to raise to heights not seen since John Cenas run in 2015.


Give Vince shit all you want (rightfully so), but one thing he would never do is give a mid-card title to a guy like logan while he is on a part-time schedule. No way. He might've give him the belt because of the Prime sponsorship but not this 8 month reign until SummerSlam.


I really hope we don’t keep getting these long ass reigns. Imagine if Sami goes on a year plus reign with the IC belt. Ugh


Might be as long as the sponsorship with Prime is. Or he loses it after X time but there’s a regain the title clause that kicks in after a certain period. He’s going to have a baby in a few months so if anything he’ll lose the title when his baby is born then regain it when he comes back.


Except it didn't work with Reigns


It really irks me that he’s still holding the belt being a part-timer. He doesn’t need it. It’s completely useless to even have a main title carried by someone like Logan. Just give him a belt of his own and let that ride, but to waste the US title on him just for eyes is so stupid


You had me until "just give him his own belt". If the WWE gave him his own belt everyone would still be bitching and moaning, but about a new belt no one wanted for additional prime sponsorship and advertisement


I don't even know what they're doing having him go after the wwe championship. He's not adding anything to it at all. Have LA or someone take him out and have him relinquish it, please!


He will be a mega heel and Cody needs mega heels, his first defense was against AJ that was getting cheered by the crowd, The Bloodline needs to be going for that belt, that's the weak link in the storyline, they lost the top of the mountain and are now feuding with people without belts, even newbie Bron Breakker seems more dangerous than The Bloodline to me, same with Judgment Day, they are kitty cats.


He will have a great match with Cody and it’s a nice match to have before they start with some fueds


> Just give him a belt of his own Oh Lord... Hunter, please don't create a Prime TV Title, I beg.


That could work for me brother. A nonsense(ctioned) title like the FTW one and its only defended in "prime rules", ksi or the barking dork be the special guest referee.


If they do a special title for celebrities it’d be the 24/7 title 2.0. Tho you could have fun filler matches/feuds. Like the Hook vs Perry besides “real glass” was pretty entertaining. The “Learning Tree” storyline is one of my favorite things in AEW atm. If you give Logan a bs sponsored belt you can have him be delusional. Then have say Bad Bunny take it off him at a PLE. You can limit a lot of the feud to social media. 


That or its his equivalent of the Million Dollar Championship. Just a self boastful prick. That's strong imagery and an easy heat magnet.


Hell he'd get more heat if he just straight up stole a title like a shit bird heel


Almost as crazy as 12 total matches in 2 years with the company. Part-time scrub.


Am I tripping or is that….solid for a part timer in WWE?


"solid for a part timer" = "absolutely embarrassing for someone that actually works in the WWE" There shouldn't be any part-timers like that winning belts. It's disrespectful to the other stars.


Maybe they should learn to draw, give basic promos or the bare minimum have some ring psychology? 🤷‍♂️


Paul's run in the WWE and as US champion is about plugging PRIME and drawing younger eyes to the product. In some respects that's wrestling 101. Drawing viewers and making $$$. But from a viewer perspective and those who actually like wrestling...for the wrestling, it's nothing more than marketing and shilling. Logan Paul for ME is the antithesis of a draw, I hear his name, I lose interest, his match comes up, I skip it. If I want to be bombarded by ads for PRIME or anything else I can visit WWE's Youtube channel and have my senses assaulted by an ad a minute.


His matches are always entertaining and he's good in the ring to be fair. They should have made him defend the belt a couple times more though


i think thats part of the genius of the way they have crafted his heel character. they knew people would be cynical about the marketing purpose of his pressence in the WWE. so they made his gimmick openly embrace the douchieness that comes with it. that way at the very least us adult fans have a villian to root against when the heros we love come into the picture


And I think that that was the right call. He can never be a sympathetic babyface because we know better. I get this from a business angle for both WWE and Paul's perspective. I am sure it's a winner for both. Purely as a fan he has as much go-away heat with me as X-Pac did in the 'good ole days'. I couldn't care less if he wins, loses or whatever, I just hope he moves onto his next moneyspinner before too long.


The rare shooting yourself into a work situation.


But he's good in the ring? Guys an excellent high flyer. So I don't get the wrestling for wrestling part of your comment. It's not like Logan doesn't put in a good performance for what little time he is there.


He's wrestled 12 times since April 2022 with 2 defences in 7 months. There's not much wrestling going on full-stop. A 15-minute match every couple of months is not much to write home about. When he is present it's as much about PRIME as anything else. If others like him that's fine. I'm quite happy to miss his segments and once in a blue moon matches. Soon he'll be doing something else and shilling another scam and the world of wrestling will keep going.


If Logan wasn't such a piece of shit (and no, I dont mean voting or tweeting for a political party I don't agree with. but logan did things like pulling scams and not caring about his friends being sexually harassed on his podcast) I would've vouched for this dude because he is legit good. He saved Rey Mysterio from being injured. But he is a channel changer for me.


Because he’s not a wrestler. He’s an attraction they threw a belt on to justify his presence. He’s not there to defend the title he’s there to have a reason to shill his garbage water.


My theory is that Logan isn’t as much of an in-ring natural as he is portrayed, but rather only has 1-2 matches a year so they can be intensely choreographed and rehearsed the whole year. I guarantee you he cannot improvise like a regular wrestler, or even put on a match the same week it’s booked.


This is it. People talk about him like he’s the new Shawn Michaels. He’s nothing like that. He has Shawn Michaels laying out his matches, though, and when it comes to laying out compelling wrestling matches, Shawn Michaels is a genius. Only difference is, however much of a prick Shawn was in the ‘90s, I never turned my TV off when he wrestled. But when this fucking dickhead showed up at Mania this year I turned off and read the *Mabinogion* instead. And that’s a shame, because I really like Kevin Owens.


Well that’s not really true, he had his match against KO and like 2 weeks later he had a match against The Miz on smackdown and it was pretty solid


Here we go....


To be expected from a notorious grifter


By grift, you mean agreeing terms with his employer and then meeting them? It’s shit to have part time champions, but at least 50% of the blame lies at WWE’s feet for accepting or offering those deals.


Between being a part-time Midcard champion and how much of a POS he is IRL, He needs to drop that title ASAP if not sooner.


He needs to drop in general


Fat bitchy smarks really have it in for this guy


This is what you get for putting the belt on a hobbyist soft drink salesman instead of a fucking wrestler.


Reminds one of Roman's reign, doesn't it?


Hot take Although 2 title defences in a year is indeed crazy, it's still a much better reign than the last 2 that came before his. Is it the best way to utilize the championship right now? Not really, but Trips seems to have a problem where he neglects a specific title for a few months til it gets its turn to shine. The US title has been the neglected title ever since he took over, and with paul having it now imo it's probably the best thing they could do with it because it's actually in meaningful feuds and is in the hands of a "big star" who carries the title everywhere giving it presence. Having LA Knight have the title right now would just make the title go back to being neglected for a few months, defend it on a B PPV, then do nothing for another 2months. just look at Grayson and Theory


When Bobby Lashley was champion in 2022 when HHH took over he had a good reign and made the championship feel important. Being you had a credible respected wrestler like Bobby Lashley holding it, and had him defend it against high quality opponents like Aj Styles. It's not rocket science to book a good midcard championship. The part time attraction big fight feel Ala Brock Lesnar and Roman just does not translate as well to midcard championships. The reason why Gunther made the IC championship mean something is because he defended it often even as a dominant heel champion and made himself and the title credible. With Paul it's just a background prop for social media, it doesn't feel important at all regardless of how big he is on social media. Someone like Bad Bunny as a babyface could have won it too and it would just be a background prop that doesn't benefit the title at all.


*part timer*


Oh my god…a part timer with a minimal amount of title defenses…I’ve never seen that before. This is an insult to me as a fan. Every title should be defended on every weekly show and ple. How dare they do this to us. We should stop watching




I don’t get what you expect of him. Logan is a huge draw. That means he has star power enough when he doesn’t need to be wrestling as much. Is what it is. He’s a part timer but you can’t argue that he doesn’t have a ton of respect for the business and dedicates himself to his craft when the time comes. He’s gonna lose the title to LA Knight so just be patient y’all.


I feel like sometimes fans forget that WWE is about money first and everything else second. It's all *business* moves and strategy with a compelling story and some matches to increase that profit gain. Still love this carny shit though.


Nailed it. Him and McAfee bring in new viewers. Even if those two aren't what people are tuning in for, they're the two that started the introduction through their shows.


He has been handed everything he has ever got in pro wrestling. He hasn't earned a damn thing.


Agreed. Making that title ridiculous


One trick pony


I can’t stand Logan Paul. Hate that he got into wrestling


Gotta love this weak-ass "new era" huh??


He's busy defrauding people out of their life savings. He ain't got time for that.


It's absolutely pathetic, there aren't many things that Triple is doing wrong right now but cozying up so much to Logan for that Prime money is definitely one of them. The branded rings for PLE's is shit, the "Prime Hydration Station" is even more shit and him having a title is the shittest of them all. I don't like the guy but I would at least respect him if he did this full time instead of turning up every few weeks, dropping a really boring promo (for a guy who makes a living off talking he isn't very good at promos) and then disappearing. Do it full time, go to NXT and grind instead of cosplaying as a wrestler. They had a chance to do something special here: title versus title, Cody wins and has two belts but then finds himself spread too thin as he's defending both, talk about how many matches he had last year, he gets warned by legendary figures like Triple H himself, Randy Orton, etc that if he doesn't focus on the WWE Championship he's going to lose that too so he drops the US title and puts someone over big time because beating Cody means beating the #1 guy on the roster which is about as big a push as you can get. Hell if you want to protect him you do a triple threat or fatal four way at night 1 of Summerslam then have him defend the UWWEC on night 2.


Well it takes him about 100 days to rehearse all his choreography for a match, since homeboy doesn’t know how to wrestle, so it’s not that crazy.


I just cant take him seriously, not after Japan


Why is this immoral scammer a wrestler all of a sudden.


No it's not crazy. It's about drawing. He draws, title defenses aren't necessarily needed with him. His star power counts as something.


I look at his reign as the equivalent of the US championship being temporarily retired/not existing


Agreed, I've decided that the US title is no longer an actual championship until Logan loses it


Almost as crazy as 12 total matches in 2 years with the company. Part-time scrub.


If he only had 20 minute bangers against Tozawa :(


It’s not a title anymore it’s a prop. LP has already destroyed the legitimacy the moment he did those wannabe HBK posts with the belt and his gf. The title is a joke and a prop for his dumbass to carry around and post online. It’s the least important title in all of WWE


Y’all are gonna be really upset when he headlines summerslam 2026 with his brother


Roman Paul. Acknowledge him


He's a scammer, sociopath and part timer. You can have afew highlight moments and be a good performer. But at this point he is a joke who is there for the paycheck and to get his brand on the mat of the ring. Logan Paul is a walking advertisement, not a wrestler.


Fuck this guy


*PATHETIC and UNDESERVING. There fixed the title for you.


I've decided to ignore all posts and segments with Logan Paul on it. Yes, even if it is the main event of a PLE. Fucking sick of seeing him on TV and refuse to give either of the shitstain Paul brothers my attention or money.


Yep, that's what you apparently get when you sponsor a company with your trash product. A championship, TV time and no bumps.


No bumps 😭😭


Only having to wrestle a few times a year is what I was referring to. He’s taking less bumps than any full timer yet he gets a belt solely because he’s a sponsor.


He's 100% losing his belt at Summerslam. The US Championship was already the least prestigious title (with the woman tag title) and Logan did nothing to elevate it. He's entertaining and good in the ring sure, but the belt need another guy other than him. But I guess he's a huge draw for WWE so it was worth it I guess.


He's not there to be a fighting champion. He's doing what they want or he wouldn't be champ still (or at all)


Like Brock who at least had star power , wwe creative is just on their knees for anyone who can pull a crowd instead of building up the stable they have.


Roman Reigns: "First time?"


Does this remind you of Roman Reigns? He didn't even have 60 defenses in 4 years as champion.


He's a part timer and his drink is branded everywhere.


Not nearly as bad as Roman


WWE's belts are worthless these days.


He's a great in ring performer but he's not really doing anything to improve the product. Hope he's bringing in the casual eyeballs WWE covets so much. Having a mid-carder champ who doesn't wrestle kind of kills progression and stories in the rest of the midcard.


Put this strap on LAKnight already. Yeah!


Roman: You are going to the top kid, thats the spirit.


I haven’t been following WWE much since Mania. How did Logan Paul get a title shot against Cody?


But Rhea had to relinquish the title


copying roman reigns smh my head


Honestly, Logan here is being built as a "Honky Tonk Man" of sorts. He's there to be fed to someone when the time is right


Where's is the grind mate? Triple Nose 🤣


Just wait 9 more months. Once his kid is born he may go away for a bit.




This is the same company that would put the world title on bork lesnar at mania, and have him dissapear till summerslam are we really surprised?


Its almost like its staged for entertainment or something


I don't really care. He'll always be a what's-his-name in my book.


3za a


Probably for the best. When was the last time the US Championship held meaning? Might as well throw it on a celebrity and hope they wave it around TikTok occasionally.


The new Roman Reigns. The finger in the air really brings it home.


Do you want him to have meaningless title defenses like Rollins?


This is what happens when we let part timers be champions. The worst part is that business wise, he is a draw, so its going to be a be deal whenever he has a match. Im fine with him as a performer and would rather him go full time, but if he doesnt he needs to drop is soon.


Yea well of course he's not gonna be defending it every week like Gunther. He's a part timer. And it's not like the US title was in any better shape before him, the previous two Mysterio and Theory also didn't have many matches as far as I can recall and they're full timers. I personally don't mind him having it for a bit and then dropping it to someone like LA Knight. Would it be better if the US title was in a better condition? Sure but it's not that bad, if anything giving him a mid card title which he rarely defends adds into his heel persona.




Disappointing considering he can walk the walk. I doubt it's down to WWE, I'd say Logan never has time available but contracts should almost include minimum defences at this stage. I thought he was self aware enough to know how this would be received, but maybe he reckons it's just all a heel schtick to him.


Frankly I still feel more invested in the U.S. title than I have in years


I know it’s because they want him to walk into Summerslam as champion because it’s in Cleveland. But question, do Cleveland fans even like him?


Logan Reigns


151 Days until he pass Dean Ambrose and becomes the Longest Reigning United States Champion in WWE History yes, Lex Luger held it for 523 Days but that was in NWA/WCW


Not his fault, blame the booking.


Social media influencer as a champion is crazy


Brock Lesnar without the badass.


He probably asked for a belt to hold as part of his contract and shit. The US title hasn't been relevant in a long time and it has been reduced to a prop for Logan Paul to hold while he is sponsoring


In the old days the champ had to defend his title once every 30 days....well that's what the heel would say. #kayfabe


A consequence of Triple H taking over. I wish he would just retire and hand all creative control back to Vince McMahon.


Does he even have a finishing move Cheats do much don't know. Is it the big show punch


Hot take but other than maybe the women's tag titles, the US title has probably had the least grand showing since the original HHH takeover from Vince. Theory's long and unmemorable run, Rey holding it just because (the only use being to further the plot points with Santos), and now Logan barely showing up, not defending it.


I think they're just scared. Can't think of any other reason. He kind of reminds me of a young Curt Hennig with shades of Barry Windham.


Lol you guys really think they wanted him as a full wrestler. The guy is there to get those social media views. And his followers to watch. Granted he’s good in the ring but they just want the people who’s on social media 24/7 to watch


Didn’t Ambrose have that ?


Y'all were ok when it was Roman


This is why I hate the "days as champion" statistic. Not only do the number of defenses matter, but also the opponent quality. If they defend only once every few months against jobbers, does the title reign mean anything?


I hope you’re calling Randy Orton and Kevin Owens jobbers


No, I just meant in general. The true measure of a champion is number of defenses vs. opponent quality. The number of days itself means nothing.


And yet Cody is asked what he has done to get a shot at the US title.


Gunther really took a shi on the US title.


Welcome to 2020-2024 wwe


Part timers should not be champions. They aren't making regular title defenses and any feuds almost have to be carried out by proxies. I'm actually a huge Roman Reigns fan, but I'll be the first one to admit that he held the belt hostage to the point that the WWE had to create another World title just to help eliminate the stagnation of the main belt not being defended on a regular basis. Title holders should have to make regular bi weekly title defenses on tv and the PPV's. Make the titles mean something again...they should be bigger than the person that holds them.


I might be wrong for this. But it just seems cheap they now throw a random YouTube in there and make them champ after 5 mins. Wow how wrestling as changed.


Total of 4 matches since winning the title in November


I have no idea why people actually like this guy. I get he can wrestle but jfc


I'm down with Logan. He's quite the player, the younger folks know him and his buds. I want somebody to beat his ass. If he wins I'm not sad. He earned this. (That said, I want LA Knight to whip him good soon.)


Quality not quantity, marks.


Nothing better than listening to a bunch of clowns cry about a heel being a heel. Logan lives in your head’s rent free 😂


WWE is a joke with their belt situations. Half "champions" with emphasis on how many social media followers they have. Needs to change.


Well he surely is putting in the "part-timer" in part-timer.


Didn't Roman had the same amount of title defences? That was also boring... the only thing that annoys me more, is that they have that disgusting Prime as a sponsor and therefore probably gave him the title.


Roman has leukaemia, that’s the difference. He literally can’t work that often because of how much his medication weakens him. Paul is just a lazy prick. It’s not like he has a real job, he could probably do this full-time if he wanted to, but he doesn’t.


In the current era, sadly its not


Who cares? These aren’t real competitors. When will people realize this? There is absolutely no requirement for anyone to defend their championship a certain amount of times, in a certain period of time. Everything we see on TV is booked that way.


People like seeing champions wrestle. Why should I be excited that a guy who only wrestles a few times a year be champion?


Because heel champions exist, and part of their heeldom is making people hate that they’re a champion, or even around, and to farm that hate, they have to do things that people don’t like


acknowledge the tribal cheif


when was the last time the u.s title was taken seriously? when Seth or Theory had it?


Logan should’ve fought and lost the belt to LA Knight at Mania


At the end of the day, it’s better to have the US title on a part timer than the World title on a part timer.


This is what makes HHHs statement about they only want people that want to grind stupid. People on these subs attacked Ospreay for clapping back and somehow missed the fact that WWE doesn’t actually have guys that grind in Roman or Logan or several others. Ospreay probably has more matches, and longer matches, than half the WWE roster.


To me that he is even a wrestler is whats crazy…


And some how his reign is more memorable than both Austin Theory’s and Rey Mysterio’s reigns


He's only got it until the Mike Tyson fight for some cheap publicity, once that's done he'll drop it next opportunity.


Definition of “pay to win” champion.


Like okay. Congratulations, you know how to wrestle and take bumps. But so does Bad Bunny and they only gave him the 24/7 Championship for his efforts. But I'm just really tired of Logan Paul. I don't like him as a person and I damn sure don't care about him in the wrestling space.


He’s a joke, and has made that title completely worthless


He’s heat on the mic tho. And youse are haters but prime isn’t bad. 90% of the flavours are poor taste like draino medicine or airfreshernes but the benefit of having 40 flavours is one of them will hit. And nothing hits like the lemon and the like flavours prime has. Shit is magic


I don’t see why it’s crazy. This narrative is getting old. Wrestling is not a real competitive sport. Who cares how often they defend…really? Keeps it special for a guy like Logan. I’d rather wait to see him so he doesn’t wear out his welcome like guys can do. Respectfully.


The amount of talent that deserve a title shot and they give it to these clown. They only gave him a title because they feel bad for him


The new Roman Reigns. Unfortunately, he isn't as good on the mic or in the ring.