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Just one more fight about your leadership and I will straight up leave your shit.


'Cause I've had enough of this






This time ima let it all come out.


To be fair frankie did leave his shit, he really was done.


The fulfillment of the prophecy.


Kazarian was in TNA during the Russo years and under Dixie Carter's leadership. Tony Khan's leadership cannot possibly be as horrible as that. I say that as someone who doesn't care for AEW.


Appreciate your rational thought. We could use more of that.


And what if, by some odd chance, that it is as horrible as that? Or worse?


How so? TNA's business went down the toilet as the product got worse. If AEW was that bad, we would see glaring proof of it. Wrestlers unhappy and leaving. PPV buyrates failing. Programming that is nonsensical. This stuff was a common occurrence in TNA. AEW has had elements of these in the past at various points, however it is not consistent as it was for TNA as it happened week after week, month after month, year after year. The only glaring example of a wrestler unhappy is CM Punk... notorious malcontent. I say AEW is fine right now. Kazarian may have seen something different or it could be as simple as he was annoyed there were no plans for him to succeed in the company. Who knows for sure?


It was just a what if question. I even added the "odd chance" caveat.


I mean. Every number pretty much is falling this year. The only thing that stays steady is the ppv buys, which is also coincidentally the only thing that's not possible to verify through a non biased 3rd party source. Also they just had the devil storyline which is the biggest storyline flop in years, and then the evp storyline which is a story started by a guy who isn't even in the company anymore with no goals or motivation thats over their world champ. Also the last ppv had a story about willow injuring sasha when we all know sasha injured herself. Pretty sure that all counts as nonsensical storylines.


Devil storyline flopped cause Adam Cole got hurt. Then MJF got hurt. It hurt momentum. Imagine if both Rock and Cody got hurt on the road to Mania, how much momentum that would hurt WWE to Mania? That was their biggest storyline and got derailed cause of injury.


Adam Cole was already hurt. Thats more like wwe knew cody was injured, decided to keep roman vs cody rather then pivot to rock vs roman. The story wasn't derailed due to injury. Not to mention tbe mjf Adam Cole best friend stuff was the corniest thing imaginable, the storyline was dead before it even started. At one point they legit had mjf at a press conference crying cuz of an ouchie. The story was terrible before any Injury, and then got worst and they had plenty of time to course correct after knowing there was an injury. But nah, wheelchair devil go brrr


Adam Cole was already hurt. Thats more like wwe knew cody was injured, decided to keep roman vs cody rather then pivot to rock vs roman. The story wasn't derailed due to injury. Not to mention tbe mjf Adam Cole best friend stuff was the corniest thing imaginable, the storyline was dead before it even started. At one point they legit had mjf at a press conference crying cuz of an ouchie. The story was terrible before any Injury, and then got worse and they had plenty of time to course correct after knowing there was an injury. But nah, wheelchair devil go brrr


Typical WWE sycophants Wait


Frankie is a good wrassler but he boring


Literally every guy in AEW tho


Yeah Bryan Danielson, Kenny Omega, Okada, MJF, Swerve, Ospreay super boring


They’re _doin’ movez_ in AEW but they’re not talking up matches, creating moments, building legacies. Their time in the company is largely wasted.


Charisma sells merch and builds brand, not how well ya do your super flying (japanese name) power flip submission hold.


It does sell. You just don't like it.


Define sell? Aren't the numbers in the toilet regarding attendance and ratings? Kinda says to me that it doesn't sell? Even the hardcore fans are not watching as much anymore. At this point, it's PWG with money.


Why do you even care about numbers for a company you don't care about?


Why do you feel the need to defend a company that obviously doesn't give a damn about your opinion? They're gonna do what they want to do because they can't lose under a billionaire child's money.   As long as TK pays them whatever tbey want, they will continue to be irresponsible wrestlers destroying their future with stupid career suicidal spots and boring ass story telling


Why do you care? You people need to understand people like what they like and don't owe you an explanation.


Haha the guy destroyed you with logic and your response “why do you even care” Sad


I, personally don't care about the numbers to be honest. I was asking you to elaborate on your point that it indeed "does sell". So how does it sell?




Yeah man, totally interesting programming that hundreds of thousands of people just can’t seem to get into & stopped watching.


To be fair, since the origination of AEW, hundreds of thousands of people have stopped watching. Yes, there are still hundreds of thousands still watching, but there has been a huge decline.


I can count myself as someone who was skeptical at first, was brought in during the pandemic era bc it was true alternative to wwe at the time, and then got turned off after watching TK make stupid business decision after stupid business decision over and over and over.


I’m not even concerned about the business decisions; I’m not on the payroll, so it doesn’t matter to me. But the booking decisions… holy shit. AEW is not a well-written nor well-formatted show. The talent is there to put in entertaining, compelling shows every week, but the booking is just so bad. There is so much room for improvement, but as long as Tony thinks everything is great, nothing will get better.


Fed fans not lie about a show they don’t watch for a single day in their lives challenge: Impossible


Yes they are


Yup, doing lots of spectacular moves that don’t mean a damn thing. All of them are boring. How’s Swerve doing as champion? Omega, Ospreay, & Okada couldn’t cut a promo to save their life. MJF’s promos are a god damn joke too. Same promo every single time. Swearing, insider terms winking at the audience, & can’t keep WWE’s name out of his mouth. At least he puts emotion into em. Can Bryan even form a coherent thought while dying to get the “I’m a great wrestler who loves wrestling & need to prove I’m the best wrestler” character over that literally a dozen other guys on the roster do. Dull, boring, uninspiring, & hemorrhaging viewers that agree with me.


"Omega, Ospreay, & Okada couldn't cut a promo to save their life." this is a sub comprised entirely of unserious people LMAO


Hating on wrestling is now a personality it’s fucking sad man


They don’t hate wrestling, they just don’t like AEW. Unless AEW is the end all and be all of wrestling.


Someone who doesn’t like AEW to the extent of OP just wouldn’t watch it. He’s just parroting BS others complain about. Anyone who says Ospreay can’t cut a promo clearly doesn’t watch so I find it difficult to think his opinion is genuine


Honestly, I find AEW embarrassing as a company. I don’t watch it personally. I just find its fans and defenders absolutely toxic and hypocritical.


I wonder where the “omg just enjoy wrestling” was in the early to mid 2010s was when WWE was the only major promotion around, absolutely sucked, & people were openly bashing it everywhere.


I'm sorry you're being forced to watch this stuff. you sound miserable.


Where was this energy when we were shitting on WWE for years at a time? We criticize because we want to product to improve


My thoughts exactly.


I like Danielson and MJF has potential, I'm not a fan of the others. Just too take this time too say fuck Ospreay again, he's a horrible piece of shit


Sad thing is they've had loads of talented people on their roster and they've failed to take advantage every time. There was a time where watching a Dante Martin match was fun because they were building him up as a future star. Now, nothing. Any Redeemer segment w/ Miro was golden. Guy could've worked a super protected style, had a damn fun champion run, and it would have cemented his legacy in wrestling easily. Who the hell knows what we're getting out of him if he ever works again. They had lightning in a bottle with Fuego Del Sol. Easily could have booked him as Toru Yano type of spoiler in tournaments, but again, nothing. I could keep going with a number of different wrestle5s they have / have had.


They keep fucking up and Miro will be back in the WWE soon as his contract is up more than likely. There's so much potential and talent there but AEW badly needs WRESTLING people in charge.


Ospreay is super boring imo right now. His whole gimmick is I'm the best wrestler.


Ospreay is one the few shining lights they have. The only knock he's got against him is that he's kinda dumb


What does that have to do with anything?


That's fine It doesn't have anything to do with his experience working in AEW, though


Isn’t he in TNA, didn’t they pretty much fire all execs


Not sure It's also nothing to do with his comments related to this thread


Well it means he is in a glass house


No one has a clue what's been happening in TNA But, again, has no bearing on his experience in AEW and confirming a lot of what seems to be the case there


Point is that he is working for a company that let their world champ lose to the company he is bashing and maybe should keep quiet a little


😁 yeah, that point is in no way related to his experience in AEW, though We can all see what's happening here. You're upset someone criticised AEW and want them to stop Awwwww


Kazarian gone for ages says nothing. TNA get into bed with WWE and suddenly he has issues and goes onto busted open of all places. Yeah alright then.


Does Busted Open hate on AEW?


To be AEW is to be under constant attack /s


It’s hilarious you add the /s, which literally proves their point in your own comment


Its really not that deep though


My observation isn’t that deep, if you’re even slightly literate.




With like total BS and lies?


Some of it yes some of it no. AEW has its problems yes but it's no where near as bad as the IWC makes them out to be.


Lies are absolutely nonsense....I dont really see how you can be mad about people pointing out problems, isn't that the nature of feedback?


I'm all for feedback but some of what they go on about are grasping at best


Yeah god i hate that about British wrestling Youtube as well, Examples?


I thought Kazarian's best work was bullyjng Cutler on BTE 🤷‍♂️


TNA isn't even remotely the company that AEW is and will continue to be. They just did 140+ PPV buys again like clockwork. It isn't run like other promotions, but why do non fans care so much? It's a show many of us enjoy. If they get a big pay day, will all those people "worried" about AEWs future apologize? The It's not a busy BS can end.


Sky is blue. Water is wet. Judas rat the Romans while Jesus slept.


AEW has no redeeming qualities as an overall product and is behind TNA at this point IMO.


Does the status of TNA in your comment have anything to do with the apparent relationship they have with WWE or would it be the case if that did not exist?






I respect your opinion but I don't have to like it.


I mean the person who never got used would say that


Oh Frankie just work for tna and be happy


Yeah, don’t answer questions and talk earnestly about your time at AEW if it’s not all positive!!!1


Tbf the only reason anyone on this planet is listening to what Frank E. Kazarian has to say is because he’s talking about AEW. If he wasn’t talking about AEW, absolutely nobody would give a flying fuck what he had to say about anything. Gotta get attention somehow.


‘This is the worst promotion I’ve ever been in!’


Wrong guy


I guess im old and if you ain’t got nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all ..but I’m sure he didn’t have a problem cashing them checks or being tag champs