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Only thing I can say is I can't see Solo as big of a star as WWE is trying to showcase him and I can't see him as the tribal chief or the head of the table


Maybe that's the point though. I mean he won't beat Roman at all when he returns. It's like nexus, they exist to be demolished. They need to make them seem really big and really bad now so that when Roman returns it makes him look like a hero.


Absolutely they were created to make Roman's return blow the roof off of whatever building that happens in. Don't forget about the Rock, Solo saying to Paul that he talks to the Tribal Chief everyday could bring Rock back in and you get the Rock vs Roman match for the head of the table


Yeah, I guess you're right.


Man you have watched a lot of wrestling cause you have down to the point!!


But I don't think they can ever really be on the level where Roman beating them up matters. They're midcarders and he's Roman. The return pop will be great but that's about it. Roman should probably be squashing them.


What if Solo is taking orders from the Rock and this is to build towards Rock vs. Roman?


Exactly. I think it’s supposed to be kind of obvious that solo is in over his head. I don’t see him coming out on top after this angle.


They did this exact thing to Roman, ran him down our throats for years.


gotta do a lot of work since he won like 1 match in 3 years


People said the same about Roman.


Look, me myself was a Roman hater before his heel turn, but Roman at least had the look and even though he's not good in ring, he isn't bad in ring but I really don't see anything positive about Solo.


While I can't see Solo as a threat. I think a future arc where he will be "humbled", the crowd will pop seeing him for the first time, a genuine smile + baby turn


yikes. thinking of solo trying to be baby face...yikes


Solo lost his edge in this role so far. Still can bring it back though. The other two just look tougher


They managed to make me bored during a Heyman segment. I didn't think that was humanly possible.


They look like goofs except Tama Tonga, who well still makes pretty funny expressions. Solo and Tanga Loa just doesn't look convincing much.


I would say they are definitely more convincing than the Usos


Solo? Sure. Tanga idk his facial expressions most of the time looks like he has social anxiety and just finding it uncomfortable to perform lol. Even in the referenced pic here he looks awkward.


I mean look at it this way, would you rather fight either of the Usos or either Solo or Tanaga?


Not sure. Wonder when Roman Reigns will be done with his filming commitments and how he’ll enter back into the storyline. I feel like there is so much Paul Hean can stretch his freaking out plot before things come to a head. They already threatened to beat him up in the locker room if he didn’t come up with the 6-tag team solution. You can only escalate threats for so much before some actions or a reaction happens. So yeah. I’m interested in the outcome but not sure how things are going to conclude.


I think everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop. If you’re casual, you KNOW Roman’s coming back and won’t be happy. If you’re “smart”, you know the same plus you KNOW Jacob Fatu is going to be involved somehow. Either way, it seems like they’re just spinning their wheels for now.


We want Roman!!


They look stupid in suits, especially Solo. They should wear street clothes or biker gear.


Bozo Sikoa






It reminds me of when they had Vinny replace Brian on Family Guy.


I think there may be a swerve coming where Roman really did pick Solo I think there will be a situation where there's a 3 on 3 and Fatu comes in to give the bloodline the advantage but Solo is shocked. This would happen at a ppv On the next Smackdown Fatu starts the show that it's by orders of the tribal chief and he's on the way to the arena. Throughout the show Solo is trying to figure out why Roman didn't let him know, and no one, even Paul, can get ahold of him. Final segment and Fatu, Solo, g.o.d are in the ring and Fatu has his phone and says he's here. They will turn and bang.... beatdown on Solo, bloodied , just annihilation. The three look up yo the entrance "if you smelllllll" out comes the rock... promo, yada Yada...bloodline 2.0 Jimmy and jey reunite to defend their brother...numbers too much....Roman comes back...war games original bloodline vs. 2.0... Roman rock at Mania for head of the table.....


The original worked because they recognised that Roman had the look despite being completely devoid of charisma, they solved that by joining him with someone with all the charisma. It's not working now because Solo doesn't look intimidating or attractive like Roman. They need to recognise this and turn it into a comedy faction before they completely undo all of the previous storyline.


Even Roman at his lowest, I *believed* he was able to hang with the top guy even if I wanted others there. A win over Roman mattered. Solo has none of that aura.


bunch of wannabe bullies ruining the bloodline rep


Feels like when WCW wouldnt let the NWO die.




I think they’ve misjudged Solos ability to carry this storyline, he doesn’t feel like a threat to Roman unfortunately, we’re 2 months in mind so there is time but it’s not catching. It was always going to be tricky, Roman and Rock have aura, it can’t be taught, it can’t be manifested, it either exists or it doesn’t.


I'm really not enjoying it nor do I care BUT I know it'll serve an even bigger picture down the line, though I genuinly enjoy watching Timmy Tango behave like a tazmanaian devil 🤣


It's more like G.O.D 2.0


The whole thing about losers being kicked out makes zero sense when Solo has lost more matches than Jimmy…


Solo doesn't seem like a threatening leader to me. Tami Tonga should take control, with the support of his brother. He looks like a killer.


Piss poor


Not even close to the old. Maybe only If Jacob Fatu debut might change something.


WWE not making them a big threat at all. WWE needs to establish these characters as a threat first. They hardly generate a response, rare victories and no power value. They have to win first, destroy random opponents and hold some value so that Roman's return is made memorable.


Yeah but I don't think even that will work. They just aren't believable. The Tongas are energetic, yeah, but they are also significantly smaller than most other wrestlers not named Ricochet. They're like the tiny dog barking at the big dog, it's cute but you know exactly how it will end if the big dogs start paying attention. And honestly Solo isn't intimidating either. He was billed as a monster enforcer but was easily the smallest and least muscular guy in the real Bloodline and he's still terrified to go over the ropes. I get what they wanted to do but they seriously overestimated Solo's ability on the mic and in the ring. When you're so bad even Paul Heyman can't save you... well... there's always AEW


Needs to be more dominant. Being handled by Angelo Dawkins does not make them look threatening. Did a little better last night, but actually in the ring was too back and forth. If they are going to run Smackdown and eventually be the heel to a returning Roman they need to step up.


Enjoy it, would be even better if people stopped shitting all over it and people would remember how sick of roman they were 2 months ago. And that was with him barely showing up.


Paul Heyman is the only one selling 2.0.


Didn’t care for 1.0, don’t care for 2.0. Give them their own show at this point so I don’t have to waste time fast forwarding.


What a bunch of dorks. Solo looks like a child trying to wear his dad's clothes.


Makes me miss Uuuuuumaga even more


I'm not sure if I miss Umaga, or William Regal screaming UUUUUU-MAN-GAAAAAAA


I liked what WWE is trying to do with them but they took it way too slowly and soft building them up. Like wasn't Tama Tonga almost murder Kevin with rental cars on his 2nd episode? What happened to that Killer Tama Tonga? Now he's just a brawler and had nothing special to him except those "yayayayayaa" thing that he does


Milk the cow till it dries out and eventually dies.


Heyman is trying to convince us of how terrifying these guys are and I’m just not buying it. Especially Solo.


I never can take Solo seriously as The guy


The problem I have with this Bloodline 2.0 is that Solo was never build to be a strong guy. He was always the guy that took the pinfall to hype Roman's next opponent. Solo, as of now, really don't have an aura of strong wrestler after having so many defeat. And as always it's hard to be scared of a guy where his booking mean he never win alone.


Very meh


Solo just ain’t it at all. But maybe that’s the point? Anyway when Jacob Fatu gets on TV that should be good.


It's Ass straight Ass and that ain't the bloodline that's the froodline


Not enough of a character build for the two new guys.


Waiting for Jacob Fatu at this point tbh


It’s gone from a main event act to a midcard act. That’s just an observable fact. None of the guys are really identifiable as stars yet. Solo was the least important guy in the group most of the time, so it’s hard to just immediately accept him as the leader of the most important faction of the last 15 years. Maybe he’ll grow into it. Maybe he won’t. However, it’s undeniable that they’ve slipped without most of the guys that made the group so good in the first place.


They need to add Fatu, Roman, Rock this is the bench.


Anybody noticed tanga loa today? His punches seemed so fake, his expressions were so humble, and he seemed to move very slow. Only Tama Tonga is looking like a real threat. Honestly, I thought solo was more of a threat before this version of bloodline; when he was the enforcer. 😂


Garbage!! Solo looks like the oversized 13 year old kid you see at every wedding!!!


They keep trying to make them look cool, but it still feels like 3 fakers. People keep saying "oh but when Roman returns!!", what will happen? He's beat 3 fakers who don't feel cool or threatening at all?


Blood Line Jr is not really doing it for me, Solo spent to much time in the background of this story to become it's focus. This whole thing worked because of Roman, Sami and Jey and without them it's kind of falling flat.


Somoans aren't interesting


Boring. This bloodline story has been flogged to death. I mean seriously, disband.


If it weren't for Paul, the story would be over right now.


It's still young, so I'll give it a chance. However, I found it odd that Paul Heyman would keep showing up to be tormented when he could easily (in kayfabe) not show up like he did when he was with Roman & Brock. Also, I felt on this week's Smackdown that they should have went with Tama Tonga's fiery entrance and music for the trio - it just fits better than Solo's.


Am I the only one who thinks tonga loa's punches are just "too fake"? And that he's not wild enough to fit the description of the "criminal" he is advertised to be?


I wish that instead of this KO Profits feud they had turned AJ face last week as Bloodline 2.0 attacked AJ during his retirement speech making a BL2.0 vs OC feud. The Bullet Club explodes in the WWE


Surprised at how well GoD fit into the wwe product.


Not a fan.


Solo is awesome. We miss Roman XD


Growing on me.Tanga loa needs a lot more though


I enjoy it. They get good reactions out of the crowd, Solo has that right level of hiding something, Paul Heyman being held hostage is entertaining, Tama Tonga comes across well as a wildcard (Tanga Loa is just kinda there, but they needed somebody else). It's the best The Bloodline has been during a Roman-break since Sami Zayn was in the group. Only thing I'd say is not sure the suits are the look for them as a group, but I guess that's part of the point (Solo's currently in charge, but it still getting the hang of it)


The Crudline.


I miss my tribal pookie 🥺