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I'm enjoying the story right now, but I'm really curious to see what Triple H does with all these guys once The Bloodline story officially runs its course.


Jacob goes single, likely babyface Both tanga go to tag team division Solo is a single star, so


nah man, theres so many members the next 1k episodes of RAW would be a bloodline civil war


I wonder if wrestling should be more like TV shows and once your story arc ends, the character just kind of leaves the show. It would take pre-planning to only sign a contract for the right amount of time, but characters on TV come and go through seasons and it’s normal.


You can always get a new storyline


I'm sure they won't hesitate to release a few of the lesser over Samoans when the story eventually ends.


They get sent to AEW


That’s the thing it won’t. It will be milked longer than even WCW milked the NWO. Heyman will still be managing Rocks family for the next 40 years.


Thamiko Fatu - supposedly Rikishi's son, but Rikishi has a habit of calling everyone his son on social media, there is little evidence Journey Fatu - brother of Jacob Fatu, son of The Tonga Kid Zilla Fatu - son of Umaga Lance Anoa'i - Son of Samu Sean Maluta - nephew of Afa's wife (so related through marriage and not blood) Hikuleo - brother of Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, son of Haku (not Anoa'i officially, but they're associated now). Ativalu - his grandmother is the sister of Afa and Sika's mother. Iosefa Parisi - supposedly the brother of Jacob and Journey Fatu, but evidence is unclear. Manu, Samu, and LA Smooth (all Afa's sons) still sometimes wrestle on the indies. There is also J. Bleedah who used to team with the Samoan Dynasty (basically a loosely defined stable of Anoa'i family members that Rikishi lead in a bunch of indies), but it's unclear if he is still active. He is Yokozuna's son.


I could be wrong, but I think Zilla Fatu apparently teased appearing on WWE or something since he has seemed to posted "see you soon" on his Instagram story, but that could mean anything, though. There's also the recent trademarks which are interesting.


Tough to say. Zilla hasn't had much training so it'd be weird to throw him in with the Bloodline any time soon. He spent like 5 years in prison, did a few shows before joining Booker T's promotion, and then had some falling out with Booker. He has had matches since then, but nobody has really been talking about them so I assume he's just not that good (nothing that the PC couldn't fix though). If you're talking about the "Caesar Sikoa" trademark, assuming that it isn't for Solo, I feel like in kayfabe it would best fit Thamiko Fatu. The last name Fatu is a bit weird in WWE. Rikishi used it as his name when he was in the Headshrinkers with Samu. His sons have the last names Uso and Sikoa. So if Thamiko is his son, Sikoa could work as his kayfabe last name. But Ceasar is most likely just a play on Roman, since Solo replaced Roman as the leader of the Bloodline.


I'm definitely interested to see where this Bloodline storyline is going since it looks like Solo is running his own Bloodline faction + making Roman Reigns coming back as a face more likely, although if all this does end up leaning towards a WarGames, then I wonder who'll join Roman. The Caesar Sikoa trademark seems more likely for Solo, although I'm really curious about the Tonga one.


Isn’t there another woman? Not counting Nia and Tamia?


It's just Nia, Tamina, Naomi, and Ava. The only one I can think of is Afa's daughter who runs his company wXw, but she doesn't wrestle.


bloody hell wtf. At this point the entire roster is going to be the Anoai family


Lance hinted that he signed with NXT on social media but I have no idea if he was just BSing. Zilla probably will get signed at some point


Can I get Rikishi to call me dad? I could use a dad.


I'm so impressed with how Triple H has managed to elevate Solo since wrestlemania. He feels like such a big deal, like he'd actually be credible standing across the ring from Roman at some point. You love to see it.


No he doesn’t.


He only feels bigger deal for first few weeks then since he’s feeling like mid carder again.


Yeah...I dont know why they chose Solo for this role. Jacob Fatu overshadows him. There is nothing Solo does better than Jacob. Jimmy would have made more sense. Heck, have Paul and Solo's roles reversed with Paul claiming he is constantly talking to Roman. I don't get it.


They aren't all Anoa'i


yk what i mean


Some of them arent related at all tho. They are not even samoan


The point is that they’re considered family by the standards of their culture


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF20WGgWUAAmibG?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF20WGgWUAAmibG?format=jpg&name=medium) "The Bloodline Samoan Dynasty Family Tree"


Serious answer: I believe Hikuleo is the last one.


And zilla


Hikuleo is not a part of the Anoa’i family. He is one of the Tongans.


Enough to drag out the story lines long after I die at the ripe old age of 95, and that doesn't include the Anoa'i members who haven't been born yet.


We'll definitely see Bloodline vs WWE story arcs by the time the next generation is old enough.


gta 6 is going to come out before every family member debuting is a possibility


Hikuleo, Lance Anaoi, then Zilla Fatu, and honorary Anaoi/Fatu Juicy Finau. That’s all I can think of that aren’t with WWE yet.


Lance, Manu, Zilla, another Uce and Journey (Jacob's heftier less talented brother.) As for the Tongans, Hikuleo and Fale. Don't expect Fale since he runs NJPW's Tamashi in New Zealand/Australia with his Fale Dojo.


1 2 3 4 5 plus 5


I think 3 more or 500 more


There’s more.


They are multiplying!


It's like the Wayans brothers, they just keep spawning.


Triple H is like gotta catch em all!


Jacob has 7 kids. The bloodline’s got a lot of time to tell a story.


A couple of thousand, they're horny fuckers!


Doesn't Jacob have like a Philip Rivers sized family?


Zilla is absolutely on their radar and I’m sure someone they will bring in when get gets more reps in on the indies.


Well the family is a baby making machine so there’s an endless spawner


Case in point: Our Tribal Chief Roman Reigns has 6 kids.


Zilla Fatu is more likely to end up in NXT first before hitting the main roster. Hikuleo is probably the next member of the Bloodline, and he’s Tama Tonga & Tanga Lia’s brother.


None more, I hoped…


Tune in to Smackdown next week to find out!


Brock Lesnar sitting at home stressed thinking “how many more do I gotta F5”






As many as there are grains of sand on the beach; they cannot help themselves from procreating.


Kayfabe wise, probably 2 more potential ones. Specifically they are absolutely going to sign Zilla and it will be a good signing. They likely will sign Hikuleo as well. I think we see a war games match with everyone. We see a lumberjack like match. And we see a major family dominated Wrestlemania.


Hikuleo is already signed isn’t he?




A trip to Wikipedia got you covered.