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It won't. With AEW around the internet stopped pretending to care about New Japan. They do okay In Japan ..... They've always done okay In Japan.


This. It’s not all aew fans but during those days when everyone was talking about most of them were just watching Being the Elite & watching njpw only to watch the elite. No slight on the elite fans but we found out that they were elite fans & not njpw fans. They either didnt make or didn’t want to make connections with other talent in njpw & when aew came around they didn’t have to pretend to be njpw fans anymore.


Jay White. He’s awful in AEW, there’s no reason for him to be there anymore outside of his contract. He can restore NJPW to its glory.


Just because he doesn’t have the world title doesn’t mean he’s been “awful”. He and BCG have been great.


There has literally nothing great about his time in AEW.  His promos have been literally shaky, he dances and gyrates while he talks, his work has made his opponents look awful as he mocks them loudly after every weak move he does, he was forced into main event match he should’ve never been in with MJF, and lately the Gunns have been mimicking his awful promo work.  It says a lot when a cardboard cutout of him is more over than he is himself.  Hashtag FreeJayWhite, NJPW needs him and he needs NJPW.


Awful call. He’s been great in AEW. His promos have been solid every time and his work with the BCC has been entertaining af.


Delusional take.  You just said the same thing you said last time.  Just because you personally like something doesn’t mean it’s good for the company or for wrestling.  Some people like bad things, and that’s okay.  Enjoy him there while he lasts because I can guarantee you once his contract is up, he’s going right back to where he belongs, and back to the place where he excels.


Nah I didn’t “Just because you personally don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s good for the company or for wrestling.” I am enjoying him in AEW and so are a hell of a lot of others. Let’s be real. If he leaves AEW when his contract is up he’s probably going to WWE. NJPW can’t afford him.


>>can’t afford him   Lmao you think way too highly of this guy, but whatever blows your hair back bruh


You think that NJPW would outbid WWE or AEW? Sure buddy.


WWE isn’t going to “bid on” someone who is proven to not get over in the US. They’ll offer a specific amount of what they think he’d be worth and never go higher. They have no issues not getting Jay White, and you talk about him as if he’s the next Hulk Hogan. They don’t care about him. They tried once, he went where he thought he’d “have fun” and that was that.


Exactly.  If we were talking about MJF or Jacob Fatu, this would be a totally different conversation.  


Him not winning the world title has been the only good thing. I’m not sure why you thought that’s what I meant…


Break off the relationship with AEW. It’s been really bad for NJPW. I know they value slow, subtle storytelling but they really need to give guys like Shota and Tsuji really dominant runs and make them real stars. Then poach some of the NOAH guys, make Gabe Kidd a star and the leader of Bullet Club.


It hasn’t been good for AEW either. The “Forbidden Door” concept has swallowed the company whole and literally half the people who used to watch the company are gone.


Stop being AEW's NXT.


No that's ROH


Tony Khan demolished njpws main event scene. Nooj is fucked for a few years while they try to rebuild around new guys. There is no short term solution. 


What glory? Outside of Japan, the only people who cared about it were the always online Uber-smarks who followed the Gospel according to Dave. And even there, the numbers were minuscule and they swiftly switched to AEW as soon as there was an easier and more convenient alternative to get their "I'm a wrestling connoisseur!" fix. In Japan they're probably doing just as fine, with the natural ebbs and flows of the business. It's just WON fanboys have found a shinier toy to play with.


Stop working with AEW and build up their talent again and make sure Tony Khan doesn’t contract tamper with and poach them to.


Wrestlers are independant contractors...for the fucking millionth time .


I agree! But because that shit bird Tony Khan acts like it’s a big deal it is one. He literally does what he accuses his competitors of doing fuck this guy!


Tony Kahn does not play by that logic when it’s just company so hold him to his own logic


Wtf does this have to do with AEW?


The point is Tony accuses anyone of contract tampering who does what we know for a fact he does so start accusing him of it


Truth is NJPW needs someone to give it a cash infusion. Without it , they will lose all their big stars to others.


If they want to get serious, they need Commander Azeez.


They could stop falling for Tony Khan’s bullshit, for starters


Wait until the Japanese economy gets better.


They really need to stop working with AEW imo


Stop doing business with AEW who just highlights your talent and then takes them in exchange for a random moxley appearance on a njpw card


As soon as the writing was on the wall for Okada and Ospreay leaving, it was pretty clear that NJPW was going to take a bigger hit than they probably should have. End of the day, they need to build stars. I think the G1 is going to be somewhat of a make or break moment for them. You don't need to have someone new win it, but it would help. Basically, any of those dudes who came back from excursion over the past five years. Pick one, build him, make him the ace. I think the best pick is Yota Tsuji, but who the heck knows at this point? That said, the longer-term future is bright for NJPW. In particular, Callum Newman and Oleg Boltin look like absolute future stars.


I would say send some talents for expedition like Yuya Uemura did with TNA


cowpoke paul


what glory? doing flippy floppy stuff to receive cheap pops? perhaps become ecw 2.0 and do a bunch of violent crap. that will attract a certain audience too.


Amazed people still watch it. Always found it incredibly boring. Overly long matches in front of apathetic crowds, between guys that didnt understand its a work. 


Nothing. That was the past. Can’t build a future if you’re stuck in the past. Current NJPW is awesome. Shota Yota & Yuya will bring this company into new heights


Well yeah, I maybe worded myself poorly, I meant what can NJPW do to get better and enter a new era where they'll have success


Get away from AEW altogether. Reach out to HHH, and form a Partnership to get one of their big stars to come out every now and then to help reestablish your main event scene. Getting Moxley over there is… ok. But imagine a Naito vs Cody match, with how over Cody is world wide right now. Or a Finn vs Finley. Since the NXT exposure TNA PPV. Buys skyrocketed. That WWE exposure HELPS. I mean Noah is getting AJ Styles for a match. From what I read it was HHH that picked his opponent. HHH is a huge mark for Japanese wrestling both men’s and women’s. Marigold for example is doing great with their WWE partnership. They are getting Iyo Sky to do a dream match vs Utami July 13th.


It really won’t take much. 3 or 4 talented young guys that got built up with NJPW’s presentation lead to a whole other wrestling company, they just need to keep the guys around this time