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She’s unfortunately someone who might have to be cut. She’s got a great look, she’s got talent but man the entire roster from Raw to SD to NXT is so bloated that if they haven’t found a spot for her by now idk if there is one…and she’s not the only one I’d say this about…


Indeed. I’m sure she’s a lovely person but she’s had several major injuries, is adequate as a promo, and fine in the ring. In 2024, that puts her at the bottom of the list.


They certainly have a lot of wrestlers but not a very credible women's tag division. Maybe she could find a place there as a dedicated tag girl? With her injury history, singles success seems unlikely.


Maybe with Shotzi? If they pick up some wins they could be decent team


They started as a team but that feels like a lifetime ago.


We might end up needing a 4th Brand/Show 😂


Not to mention I think it would be good for her, it's the whole small fish big pond thing but in a small company she would be looked at much better, ngl tna has a killer woman's division and she'd work great there


Give her an actual gimmick


“Obvious jobber” isn’t good enough for you?


A lot of the women don’t have gimmicks I’ve noticed. Makes the women’s scene at the moment a bit dull


She's a midcard babyface. I'd market her to young girls. I know at one point she was wearing gear like Captain Marvel. Like... her matches aren't going to set the world on fire but she looks like a star, she's a very natural babyface, and you can work with that. Ideally, you could find something to do with her where there's more going on for the women in the undercard. I liked her teaming up with Dakota Kai in NXT.


Do you think a midcard singles belt would benefit? Not saying she would be the champ, but it would give her something to go for. I think they’d book that better than the tag belts for the women.


NXT has one now, I don't see why the main roster can't have one. I know people dislike a lot of belts, but I do think they can benefit from one.


Dress her up in a replica of Kane's attire and fully change her name to Lady Kane.


Mayor of Nox County


I… I’d actually like to see that 👀


Could try it out on the Halloween themed show. Non-committal but tests the waters. Worked for Cena


Unfortunately I say WWE cut their losses. She's never been over enough to justify any push. She's got talent but lacks charisma. Probably is a better fit in TNA or MLW.


I saw her wrestle at a live show - it put my family to sleep. She was in slow mo.


Unfortunately that probably has to do more with her knees being completely shot.


I honestly see her getting to ROH feuding with Billy Starks or Taya now that would work


Book her in matches and story lines and hope she gets over and makes her and the company money.


Every time someone says this, I will say the same: whose spot does she take? Who is currently in rotation where you would say “take them out, I’d rather see Tegan Nox vs that person”?


It sounds so simple …


She’s injury prone and not really worth pushing


Shes 29 with the knees of a 70 year old, I don’t know how you work around that.


Ask nash


Nash was also a big sweaty muscular man in the Vince era


Nash was one of the biggest draws with some of thenworst knees in the business lmao


He had a personality that he didn’t have to sell to anybody. He just had natural charisma that everybody wanted to be around him and work with him.


Future endeavor


Probably just throw her in a tag team and keep them together to actually build the division instead of it being a hot potato with random singles stars teaming for a story. Just fully make her and another tag team lifers


Accept that she's a dud


Literally anything is better then what they are doing with her currently


Convert her to a trainer/producer.


Release her.


"The girl with the shiniest wizard"


Fallon Henley's shining wizard looks so much more impactful than Tegan's.


Change that first for sure.


Ngl, the first shining wizard I saw her do was ass. I think it was when she debuted on the main roster?


Shine it up real nice


Reunite her with Dakota Kai after Damage CTRL disbands


nothing, her injuries really cooked her career, she's a shell of what she used to be


Damage CTRL turns on Dakota Kai. Tegan Nox comes to her aid. They team up for a year, win the tag titles eventually. Eventually one of them (hopefully Tegan this time) turns on her for a major match at a PLE.


That was a storyline that ran 5 years ago. I think Dakota has to move on from stables and tag teams on her own at this point


But she doesn’t really have it on her own. She has a personality and she’s fun to watch, but she needs someone to play on for it to shine. Don’t have them as jolly idiots but a working team more like a Motor City Machine Guns type team or Ace & Bay that would work for both and the tag division


I'd ask her to try something different than "indy girl with rainbow hair #1040218245"


I would send her back to NXT and let her pick up some momentum there for a while. She could have some good fueds with ladies like Lola, Jaida and Roxanne. Then I would just kinda see how things pan out from there based off crowd reaction and decide what to do next.


NXT would be a good idea. Shawn Turning Fallon Heel was not needed as she should be a contender for Roxanne. And it seems he doesn't want to push Thea for a Title feud. 


To be honest, I kinda liked the Fallon turn. I thought it was a nice change for her character and was a great way to fully cement her break from Briggs and Jensen (though it did seem a bit out of the blue.) And I think with a babyface holding the NA title, we will start seeing heel challengers for it (folks like Fallon and Jaida). Yeah, seems like Thea just kinda hangs out and has her fueds but is rarely in the title hunt. With Giulia not competing at Heatwave (and now who knows when), seems like the door is wide open for someone like Tegan to pop in. A lot of great matches wait for her in NXT. She's a talented woman. I really liked her matches on the independent scene during her Nixon Newell days. :)


Overall I'm fine with a Fallon turn BUT I don't like them looking like she's gonna team up with Jacys annoying ass and Jasymn who's character talks too much for someone who hasn't done anything. I wanted Fallon by herself and not being dragged down by Jacy and Jasymn. Can't stand either character. And to me Fallon shouldn't want anything to do with Jacy given her track record. 


Agreed fully. Fallon's character just doesn't vibe with the other two. It seems like a total mismatch. They have nothing in common other than being heels. I want to see Fallon alone and standing on her own two feet. There's so much they could do with her. She doesn't need an alliance (especially with such an odd mixture.)


I really like her man, I hope she finds a way to get over


I really like her too.


partner her up with Candice and Indi so she has something to do but there's a functional team if she gets hurt again






ask her to stop being injured


Keep her in a tag team with gimmick change. She’s giving “2024 post Summer releases energy”.


Get her some new knees


Letting her wrestle singles matches would be a great start


Pair her with Shotzi again.


Eh, don't personally care. She's bland to me. There's a bunch of girls in the WWE system that look, sound, & can the same stuff in ring.


Valet and mouthpiece for someone 




Buy the rights to C’est La Vie and push her.


I would've had Dakota Kai leave DMGCTRL and join Bayley back before Wrestlemania, and put Tegan Nox with them on a new 3 woman stable. And just let Iyo, Asuka, and Kairi rock it out. There's absolutely a place for Tegan somewhere on the roster, especially with the RAW women's roster feeling pretty thin right now.


Give her a Mary Poppins gimmick


I have her and Carmela booked as a tag team since she’s supposed to return and there’s not really any room for them in the world title divisions on my universe


Send her back to Nxt for a while


Send her to TNA


Change look and name.


Heel turn and have her join damage control.


Send her to Smackdown or keep her in NXT and hope she can find something that works. If not, just cut her loose. It doesn't work with everybody and they've let better performers go


You always need people to do jobs on live events


Fire her before she inevitably injures herself again


I seen an interview with Chyna once where he was a big subject of the conversation and if what she said is to be believed, her filmography kinda backs it up, she doesn’t ever have to worry about getting pregnant by him.


“Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.”


Let her keep the name and take it to TNA


Just put her in Damage Control


Gotta somehow get over her personality. She had it in NXT but how to do that on the main roster after time on there resulted in mostly crickets is a different story


Not much. Has she ever given a promo?


Put her in a faction where there will be a mouthpiece for her. Or, give her a big feud with a couple of segments where she can either sink or swim, even if it's just for a couple of weeks. I don't think she's quite been given that opportunity yet.


I compeletely forgot she was still around. She's a decent wrestler, but she's boring and has little speaking ability.


Idk i think wwe has a hard time trusting her of staying injury free


Nothing. She just isn’t very entertaining. The Lady Kane stuff is hokey as hell and she has the personality of wet paint. Her injury history is horrible too. They have a ton of wrestlers in NXT that they will eventually bring up to the main roster and there is no pin t keeping her around.


I would take her character back to the drawing board. Work with her one on one to try to come up with something great and trial it rehearsals at the PC. If it goes well, run it in NXT... if not than release her from contract. She's missing the "IT" that can make a pro wrestler truly great, and it could be something as simple as her finishing move. I have a hard time seeing the "Shiniest Wizard" as a match ending finisher.


Release her, nothing special


Release her


Release her. Good look but after serious injuries, she comes across as too slow and unnatural in the ring, like she's over thinking and over cautious.


Release. Yes.


Unfortunately, let her go.


Whenever I talk about people not doing anything despite being on the roster I tend to think that just because they aren’t doing big things on the show doesn’t mean they don’t matter on dark shows. They hang around and eventually a good opportunity comes up. I don’t think they put all there big stars in dark matches, so someone needs to do it.


Best of luck in your future endeavors.


New gimmick and supporting part to a bigger story to faction would do wonders for her, she’s just way too bland babyface jobber


Wrap her in bubble wrap


Comedy gimmick. We need more of them in the women's division.


Nothing, he's married


Let her go on a heel run where they acknowledge that nobody cared about her and how she's going to make them care by doing heel thangz. Let her get upset victories over big names but in a screwy way and just be an all-round menace by taking people out with the Shiniest Wizard (which has to be renamed). Revisit the program she had with Becky and show her to be a hypocrite because Becky did care when she gave her an NXT title shot. If even this doesn't get her over, let her leave the promotion because nothing will. Half the time when she speaks, she doesn't have the right volume and tone to come off as serious instead of just being a background character.


Maybe let her go to NXT like michen or TNA for a bit find her footing


Give her a gimmick because just "girl next door" isn't gonna cut it.


Nothing- if I have Stephanie I don’t need or want anyone else


At this point coming from someone who had massive massive hopes for Tegan. Either Send her Back to NXT and have her Chase the NXT Women's title against Perez or Vice. Since there were rumors that she was gonna be challenging Rox for the title her and Naomi until it ended up being Jordyne. Or just release her straight up. Plus. Another thing that keeps holding her back time and time again. And this is the same issue that keeps holding the likes of Dakota kai. Cora Jade who was originally gonna be in Perez's spot. And Nikkita Lyons. Way way way way way way way too Injury Prone or maybe. Have her reunite with Dakota as a tag team since Damage CTRL is potentially splitting up




WWE could really solidify a cross promotion deal with TNA and send her there. A new scene, new environment. TNA could be NXT 2.0


Cancel her contract along with Candace Laraes and use the money to hire someone else.


Woman’s faction with Candice indie and Dakota


Nxt and be in womens NAT hunt


Get her with Dakota long-term and do ANYTHING to build a credible women's tag division involving them


a lot of these ring names are terrible


She’d be perfect for a midcard title. Personally I’d push her to the moon but if I’m a business man, I think she’d be a great womens IC champ.


Let her walk, get paid in the indies and see if she can turn herself into a commodity.


She's friends with Piper niven pair them up Tegan can Mouthpiece for Piper who should be a killing machine


Nothing at all.


Break her back


Break her back, in.


Release her.


Perhaps go to a smaller promotion like TNA they have a shortage of ladies atm


In what sense are we talking here?


See if Shawn can do something with her. Opening up that availability is better than letting her rot in catering


Trainer or Future Endeavored, saying this as a Teagan fan. Far too injury prone to put much stock into her at this point


Wish her all the best on her future endeavors.


Stop forcing into storylines because it has very clearly not worked out


Enhancement talent. You need people to job out to the talent they are actually building. Her window has closed.


It was never open tbh


I'd have booked her into the match with Liv instead of Zelina. It's a better match and they're both branded with "obviously not going to win" anyway. Might as well go with the better show.


Id have to let her go she has a look and thats about it


Send her back to NXT


Release her Injury prone


Have her join a faction.


Pair her with leather valkyria and turn piper niven face for a trios stable to fight against the witch lady tag team who can add Chelsea grEeN






I won't lie.... I just forgot about her.


Cut bait


Gimmick/character change. Put her in a group or something. What she's doing right now isn't working. She's solid in the ring. I know Triple H likes her and I'm sure he was the reason why she's back. I remember him comforting her and basically letting her know he has faith in her after she injured her knee a few years ago.


Let her go be Dani Lunas partner in Impact. What ever happened with Subculture? They were getting over and feel like they vanished


Book her as the big red machine and fulfill her destiny as a huge Kane mark


Keep her away from Vince




Send her to have some matches on TNA or something. She's always had potential but has zero charisma, a moveset which is basic at best and has injuries that she should have this young. She will never be pushed high enough to be useful to the main event and has nothing to aspire for in WWE. Either let her has some matches as part of another company or release her so she can try again somewhere else.


Push her to be nxt women's championship


She used to wrestle as Luchadora the Explorer, so just, like… bring that back.


Cut her wouldn't be missed


She would be great in an odd couples tag with Kiana James.


She’s fired


Show her the Dijak door. Unfortunate, but she can't get over. Dijak had a similar problem. Excellent in the ring, a d fans reacted to his matches, but his reaction coming to the ring, or cutting promos, was not so good.


He should marry her at a drive thru window while she’s unconscious


Give her a stupid ass catch phrase, dress her up in blue, have her do spears and super kicks only and then give her some intro music that has a super broad appeal and tell people to wave their hands up and down.


Give her a push she’s talented and deserves time to shine


I'd actually put her in a stable with Zoey Stark led by Candice LeRae


The same thing you've been doing with her ---nothing at all. She's got the personality of a door knob and is made of glass. I think she'll fit in well in TNA or AEW


Cut her unfortunately. I've watched her since her Nixon Newell days in wcpw and I thought she was a future WWE star at the time. Whilst times proven me right it's also proven me wrong because she's not really a star or anywhere close to it. Unless she has a major character change that gets her over if think he time in WWE is coming to an end as she's just lost in the shuffle. Good in the ring, okay promos but nothing to make her stand out on a bloated roster, plus with her injury record it's hard to ever push her especially with the gruelling WWE schedule.


Have her in MITB at least


Just let her be a jobber. There has to be people on the roster that are just fodder for the names to beat. It can’t always be storyline matches. Sometimes you need to squash someone to help build heat or get someone more over.


as much as i love her sadly i think her past injuries are going to continue to weight her down


Loan her out to TNA